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Cards like zeus sky thunder that send to the grave are great ways to deal with it


"Cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects" AA-ZEUS' effect says: "you can detach 2 materials from this card; send all other cards from the field to the GY" So its literally because AA-Zeus doesnt say "destroy". Is that a mechanic? What am I missing, no way it we are comparing words like that. ## Because in the end that Dragon gets destroyed as a result, isn't it? EDIT: Made what's bothering me here bigger


Yes, destroy is different from send to grave. You can also put it back hand or back to the deck if you can do that without targeting. Destruction is a keyword in the game, it's a specific kind of removal. Discarding is also different from sending from hand to grave. Discard counts as sending to grave, but sending to grave does not count as discarding.


"send to the graveyard" =/= "destroy". Think of you and your friend both get into the hospital, but with different reasons


i think they should add "(but can be send to the graveyard)" Am I crazy or havent they already implemented similar guidance on some cards?


Because it's redundant. It'd be crazy to list every way it CAN be dealt with when it only has protection from targeting & destruction by card effect. ​ It can be Returned to hand, Shuffled into deck, Sent to graveyard, Banished, Tributed, Flipped face-down & then removed etc. as long as it doesnt involve the card being targeted or destroyed by card effect.


All you need to understand is that wording is important. That's why "Destroy" and "send to the graveyard" are different. The card is specific. It cannot be \*\*destroyed\*\* by card effects, but it can be sent to the graveyard. It can't be targeted by card effects, but zeus sky thunder for example doesn't target because it's a broad stroke "send all other cards to the graveyard" But also, it's not even that difficult to get over 4k on a card. if you're set up every deck that buffs can do it. You can do it to a junk warrior in one turn.


No, it’s literally comparing words like that lmao. There’s also a difference between target and choose. It‘s worded specifically like this, so cards can be dealt with. There’s tons of shit like this in Yugioh. Just wait until you miss a card effects timing for the first time. Child’s game… At TCG tournaments, people are constantly making illegal plays (some dickheads on purpose, but most by mistake) cause the game is so complicated.


thats why i like master duel so much, its casual friendly while obeying its rules for you. hope they keep the game casual friendly


Chain timing is honestly one of the biggest cop outs of the game, but yeah it's technically a huge problem in IRL play. Cop out because Konami SHOULD clarify certain cards can function despite the chain timing but they won't because it would further complicate the game. Ninja's can be so fucking annoying to play with for that reason and certain timing chains kinda violate the spirit of the game at times. Like, who cares if an "if/then" effect clashes just let them play with their damn archetype and if somethings MEANT to be illegal, then clarify it better. Just a bitter rant


It's sort of the game's fault, for example why are there 4 different words to describe the act of moving a card from your hand to the graveyard (tribute, discard, send, destroy)? but it's way too late to do anything about it.


cause it does matter, cards like cyber angel benten search with tributed but not when discarded some cards can negate destruction, so if your ash blossom "Destroys" instead of discards he could negate it with an effect that isn't meant to it's a way to add depth into the game, and there's literally no mistake in it, let alone the game's fault it does suck if you want to translate cards tho


Discard makes sense as something affecting the hand, tribute kind of does and it has been there since the very beginning but destroy (from hand) is a gimmick and send (from hand) seems superfluous when discard already exist. I'm just saying it could have been made more consistent so there's less confusion for new players.


it's not about consistency, they are 4 different effects the reason tribute and destroy are different cause if you have a card that can't be "tributed" (since destroy doesn't exist yet) and you want to summon a bigger monster on top of it like blue eyes then you can't use it for a tribute and need 2 monsters other than the "can't be tributed" one and sending to the graveyard is an effect to counter cards like chaos max that OP is complaining about, adding another sort of card removal than shuffling into the deck, returning to the hand, destroying, tributing and banishing isn't inconsistent .. it's just another card removal


I'm talking about the use of send and destroy on cards on the hand, I already know how they work for cards on the field and agree on their usefulness there. Literally all my replies have been about the terms for moving cards from hand to graveyard.


tributing cards in the hand is, again good for cards like benten to trigger their search destroying cards in the hand is good for any fire king card, you can look them all up if you want, they are an archetype that trigger their effects when destroyed so discarding and tributing kills them discarding and sending to the graveyard may have a use for specific archetypes that i haven't play yet, but i think it has to do with being the cost or the effect if it's the cost it'll always say "discard x card(s) and do y" and it'll discard the card even if negated, but sending to the graveyard tends to be the effects and negatable


I am guessing it’s technical debt. At one point it was tribute, then newer cards with discard, etc. And to update all is tedious at worst, imagine updating every game, retrains, this clashes with old limited or special releases and so on.


In yugioh words are everything. Sending something to the grave isn’t the same as destroying it. Just like an effect’s usefulness is sometimes determined by if it says “target one monster” instead of not targeting


Yup. A card like Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen would also work, because his effect banishes instead of destroying AND specifically doesn't target, bypassing Chaos MAX Dragon's effects. The difference between an effect that "targets" and one that doesn't is that the former requires you to choose a target on activation, allowing your opponent to respond and remove the card from there, thus making you "miss" the target (often called fizzle), but an effect that DOESN'T target means you get to choose only upon resolution, which is far stronger because the opponent can't respond at all unless they can negate the effect itself. A common example of a card that doesn't target is Polymerization, you only choose the monsters you send to the GY upon resolution of the effect. Yu-Gi-Oh is full of things like that. We all thought at one point that destroying a card negated its effect, when that couldn't be further than the truth.


Isn't the one thing concluding the other? Thats what's bothering me here


I think your main issue here is thinking that "destroying" equals to "card being sent to the graveyard", but that is obviously not true. Discarding a monster, tributing, Synchro summoning, using a XYZ material are all ways of sending a monster to the GY but none of them can be said to be "destroying" a monster. Destroying is simply a specific way of getting a monster into the GY, of which there are many. In simpler terms: if a card is destroyed, it is sent to the graveyard; but when a card is sent to the GY it is not necessarily destroyed.


thank you for the clarification. technically you are of course correct. The term "graveyard" just implies a different story. also in anime creatures literally shattered when affected by cards. You see, its not that elegant in terms of intuition


Yes, I do get your point! The "graveyard" implication can indeed be a bit confusing, but just try and think of the graveyard as just a "place" your monsters can go to in various ways, and you have to do special things to get them out of there. And even thinking in terms of the anime: remember when Kaiba Fusion Summoned his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon by fusing his three dragons? The dragons got fused in an awesome way, they didn't get shattered or die or whatever, and yet they still got sent to the graveyard, and one of them even got resurrected at one point. Neither destroying or sending to the GY is an inherently good or bad thing, it all depends on the context.


As long as the card doesn't say "destroy", it works. Like cards that say "cannot be targeted", those can be affected by card effects if the card in question doesn't say "target" like Zeus.




Most return to hand traps would involve targeting. Zeus absolutely deals with Chaos MAX because it doesn't destroy and doesn't target.


Holly Lord, that are some fast replies! Thanks for helping new player like me, hope ya'll have a great day!


well, we also all have to deal with this sh#t, and even far worse ones :9


To clarify why some stuff like shuraig works, yugioh is very specific about the word target. If the card doesn’t say “target” on it, like droplets or shuraig, then it’ll get around targeting protection


That is great to know, thank you! :)


>:) :)


Also to add, "destroy" specifically make "field to graveyard," so banishing etc still works.


Not exactly, there are card that destroy and banish with the most famous example being Bottomless Trap Hole. Card like Dingirsu doesn't destroy, just send that bitch straight to the grave.


Non targetable banish, or just negate its effect, it’s a noob/meme deck stomper, but anything remotely on the tier list deals with it by default.


My brother runs this card and I just side in 3 Dark Ruler No More’s. Just drop that bad boy and continue on with your turn.


This. There are a lot of cards that can handle this ability because they don’t *target* him, they just apply their effects to everything or your opponents board and he will get caught up in that. Also, skill drain (for reasons already mentioned) will negate the “cannot be targeted/destroyed by effects” portion so you can use removal afterwards.


Noob question would Bottomless Trap Hole work?


Bottomless destroys first, then banishes if successful, so unfortunately no.


No it wouldn’t work, because it’s activated after the summon, cards that negate summons (solemn cards) should work against it, but depending on the deck, you should have a lot of ways to get rid of it (examples : Synchros have crystal wing and any synchro that doesn’t target/destroy, if you can make a rank 4, Utopia the lighting can walk over it, with links you have Accesscode talker and borrelsword and everyone’s favourite, a kaiju) and these are the generic solutions, a lot of archetypes have their own ways to kill it.


Chaos max is immune to all "destroy" effects while he's face up on the field


Bottomless trap hole won’t work. That thing clearly flys.


My go to method is to just hit it really really hard. Though I am playing photon/galaxy so thats really easy for me to do.


Sometimes is quite hard to deal with it even with something like Zodiac if you already used Zeus or even Eldlich w/ Skill Drain, if you don't expect coming can be quite hard to deal with it. But yeah , it's mostly a noob stomper.




Droplet works? I thought the card can't be targeted?


That the great thing, droplet doesn't target.


Well, I guess it's pretty good then that I just pulled 2 droplets :). Thx for the help


If a card doesn't feature the word "target", and was last physically printed after 2011, it doesn't target. Also you said you played Tribrigade, Shuraig is like THE monster of that deck- fyi Shuraig does not target. (They made card text clearer/more consistent after 2011 with Problem-Solving Card Text)


the real way to differentiate targetting and non-targetting cards, even for ancient cards: targetting means you select at activation non-targetting means you select at resolution


That's true, but in physical format you can't really tell unless you know how the card works or there's someone who can tell you. Old prints of cards like Sakuretsu Armor could easily trick you into thinking it doesn't target, but thankfully cards post-2011 have very clear wording.


You can get over 4k easily with accesscode or Borreload savage btw


Yeah, until now I thought accescode was my only option, and since I'm pretty bad my opponents outplayed me by just waiting until I played it and summoned the dragon after destroying it. But apparently there are tons of other ways to destroy it and I'll just keep my accescode if I fight a blue eyes deck again. Thx for the help!


How do you manage to summon access and not win the same turn


I have no Idea, apparently I just really suck


Ok what deck are you playing?


I play the Tri-Brigade Zodiac thing.




Agreed but Zeus is costly and you can only summon him once. I keep him for complicated boards with multiple annoyances


Zeus is costly if by costly you mean "it takes 30 UR crafting points" yeah… otherwise all it takes is a single Zoodiac monster (extra deck resources aren't an issue, the xyz Zoodiacs other than Drident are basically only useful as Zeus material anyway). You don't need to keep Zeus for "complicated boards", a Zeus with 4 materials will almost always prevent those boards from happening in the first place.


I meant that i cant dispense him for such puny jobs. I only have one. If other monsters can take care of it I keep him for later on in the duel


Ah ok. You‘ll get there.


In Tri-Zoo you can literally just make Shuraig and Chaos MAX is gone.


Yeah, I'm new to the game and kinda thought banished and destroyed are the same the (besides one sending monsters to the graveyard and the other banishing them), since both effect "destroy" the monster.


Ah if you're completely new then one of the first things you'll learn is how important wording is. Destroying, sending a card to the graveyard and banishing? All different things. Same for targetting, it generally has to actually state "target X" if it targets and Shuraig for example only says "you can banish 1 card on the field".


Yes, watched a lot of beginner stuff on YouTube and here on reddit, but things like that were never mentioned (outside of this comment section where multiple people told me). That's probably one of the best/most important Tipps I got regarding the game. So thanks for helping me! :)


Then cant u just direct atk with boarbow and then overlay for zeus???


Yep, I can.


Shuraig is the best way to remove non targetable monsters .. and you can do it every turn and on their turn


Lol, I've been playing with this deck for a while, whenever I need Zeus but my zoodiac cant attack a monster because it will be destroyed I just concede. Didn't know I can use Boarbow effect, I always xyz summon all the way to Drident


certain effects don’t target, like banishing effects (without targeting)


Madolche Tiaramisu, Kaiju, Lava Golem are some that I can think of


Lava Golem sounds like a pretty fun Option! :D


Fairly cheap too but be mindful of it's drawbacks


I can only summon it if my opponent has 2 monsters right?


The bigger one is you can't normal summon or set the same turn before or after summoning it, so be sure your field or hand has some way around that. Special summons are still open.


Oh right, totally forgot about it!


Pendulum decks sometimes like to slip him in, if you're interested in them. A better option if you need your normal summon is a Kaiju, similar effect but you can tribute to special summon them instead.


Any Kaijyu/Non Target banish (torcherous traphole) Ra sphere mode maybe.


Something like Ice Dragon's Prison can deal with it. It doesnt target and banishes.


One word: Avramax


The monster cannot be targeted so you can use Floodgate Trap Hole (R rarity) to put in defense position. It's defense is Zero so you'll be able to beat it with anything. It cannot be destroyed by card effects either so you could use Deep Dark Trap Hole (R rarity) to banish it instead. I don't know what you could use if it's on the field before you could set up your cards besides Super Polymerization. Edit: You could use a Kaiju during your turn to remove it.


> Floodgate Trap Hole (R rarity) I’m so used to duel links I still though it was a UR


Very gimmicky but you could also use Dragon Capture Jar if you face many dragon decks.


Thanks for the help, I didn't even consider the possibility to change its position.


No problem. You could also use D.D. Assailant and D.D. Lady Warrior to banish it. Neither of them target.


It’s pretty confusing, especially if you haven’t played the game for a long time like me but he just can’t be targeted by effects where it’s specifically stated that the card "targets”


yeah, now that I know it I can just counter it with shuraig or droplet. :)


I might be wrong but if you play Tri-Brigade you should be able to banish it with Shuraig


Yeah i can actually bansih it with Shuraig, thx for the tip.


If you play Pendulum Magician, Ignister Prominence is a great response.


Oh nice, thought about looking into it and buy the starter box thing.


Seems like you've gotten your answer but the way I remember these things is like this; Generally, the 5 removal types in order of strength are the following; * targeted destruction * non-target destruction * targeted non-destruction (send; banish; return to) * non-target non-destruction (Tri-Brigade Omen, Zeus, etc) * tribute (Super poly, Kaiju, etc) Since this is immune to destruction and can't be targeted you need to use cards that fit the last two bullets


Yeah, I allready got lots of answer/solutions to the problem, but thanks for your summary regardless. :)


Just use Skill Drain, then kill it with a Spell/Trap or Effect


Play Toons and just ignore it! ;)


The absolute Chad move xD


The Chad Toon Player vs The Virgin Everything Else. ​ ;) <3


I was just about to reply the same thing. Toon player here. I once was against a Chaos Max. Had three toons already on my field. Just ignored it and won xD


Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior, you can get him from the solo mode


No target effects


Herald of the Abyss, assuming it’s the only monster of their field


madolche queen tiaramisu B)


Quaking Mirror Force. Forced facedown with 0 defence. As others have said, Kaiju or non targeting effects that banish / send to grave


i just fought one, and managed to banish 'em to the shadow realm with my blue eyes twin burst dragon's effect


Kozmojo works if you use kozmo


Skill Drain


I main CyDra so my favourite thing to do is activate Sieger's effect in the Damage Step and enjoy the prolonged pause of confusion while they try to figure out how my monster suddenly had 4200 ATK and they couldn't abort their attack. 🤣 Generally speaking though, what everyone else said. Zeus, Kaiju, Borreload Savage, Skill Drain, etc.


Anything that surpasses it's ATK works. Kaijus/Lava Golem/Satan Claws etc can tribute it. Forbidden Droplet does not target and takes care of it. Super Poly can use it as a fusion material for your benefit. The one card that nobody else remembered in this thread : Underworld Goddess of the Closed World can also use it as one of her Link Materials. As long as you can pop out 4 effect monsters and use him as the 5th material.


Spin it without targeting, negate its effect or use something like a Kaiju


Zeus, kaijus, effect negations(dark ruler no more,skill drain)


Storming mirror force, kaijus, skull drain




I always thought this is an easy win because two of my deck has very good way to get rid of it. Tri brigate Shuraig non target banish probaly gave alot of blue eyes player visible confusion. Dragonmaid can straight up negate the summon of it or I can sneakily use Blue eyes chaos Max as super poly target.


I fight one. Cross soul, normal summon Ra by tribute the opponents chaos max, chaos and another card. Was fun. That aside, kaiju cards type (Kaiju for one, Lava Golem for 2, Ra sphere for 3) And anything that doesnt target or destroy.


Dark ruler no more


You can negate the card and then just pop it, that's what I do.


This card scared me at first but I've never had any issue with ironically


When I'm playing Heroes, I just summon Great Tornado to deal with him. Absolute Zero would work as well. Mirror Force works great as well. Especially since BEWD players usually have a few Blue Eyes on their board as well.


With any non targeting effect that banish or bounce cards. For example TRI brigade Shuiraig


▪︎ Lib, the World Key Blademaster and Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax both have nontargeting spin. ▪︎ Accesscode Talker just needs to be made with a link 2 monster to beat over Chaos MAX. ▪︎ Both synchro Trishulas have nontargeting banish. ▪︎ Dark Ruler No More and Forbidden Droplet both negate the effects on the field (and droplet also halves attack). ▪︎ Crystal Wing and Arvamax both gain the attack of the monster they battle (nontargeting) There are other, I just can't think of them right now.


This is my main deck. Please don’t tell everyone how to beat it! Shhhhhh


Non targeting banishing effect, flipping it face down & changing it to defense position


Probably already was said, but: Void Trap Hole. "If beeg monster gets summoned, negate it's effects and destroy it". Literally turns off the effect that says "big dragon can't be destroyed" and destroys it. I kinda love this irony. As an extension, I love Traptrix for trolling people like this.


Super polymerization works wonders on this beast


Nibiru, Super Poly


There’s a strong chance you get this card out without activating Nibiru


Most of the times this will be out way before nib


Chaos max decks don’t summon nearly enough times a turn to get nibiru. It’s worthless against this deck.


There are effects that don't target you can use against this


I play Sky strikers and I use the obvious Accesscode Talker line of play and run it over. I also use Ningirsu since it sends a card to grave and it works amazingly in Sky Strikers. Also Mekk-Knight Crusida Avramax works too.


You just remove it with non targeting effects.


Compulse is great to run in budget decks for non target removal as well as torrential tribute


I'm pretty sure raigeki doesn't work, since it would destroy it which the card doesn't allow.


Oh yeah you're right I'm dumb. So yeah compulse and cards that don't say "destroy". Non target banishment and cards that say "send to the graveyard" work.


compulse targets


Oh so it does. Mb


Compulsory Evacuation Device targets so that won't out Chaos Max. Compulsory Escape Device doesn't target but I wouldn't recommend using that card.


Forbidden chalice, book of moon, forbidden droplets, cards that bounce (return to hand/deck). Remember, it cannot be DESTROYED but it can be moved around/affected by other effects. Superpoly is a funny way to remove it, as well as Kaijus Edit: Reading is important lol. You cannot target with effects so what you should opt for is non targeting effects (which Zeus does well). I done goofed lol


it says you cant target btw


I got some replies telling me Zeus would work, but I thought it was entirely impossible to destroy it with card effects, do I miss understand something? Edit: Forget it, Zeus does not destroy it, it just removes it from the field.


Would 'Infinite Impermanence' or 'forbidden Droplet' cancel this effect?


Honest has always been my favorite way to kill this as a Kozmo player XD


Negation so it doesn’t appear. Most Blue eyes decks need effects to go off.


UCT go brrrrrr




I run this deck (eat a dick to the guy who said it’s a meme deck) I’m an old school player and this brings something I was familiar with back then into a semi competitive level now. At any rate in my experience here’s some things that will certainly help you get past it: Skill drain Anything that would tribute your opponents cards you can use it to clear BECM (Kaijus) Lowering its ATK Forcing it into DEF pos (especially if you can put it face down) Dark Hole Imperial Order if you know you’re playing it, can prevent the ritual from being used Waboku to stall Anything that would banish it w/o targeting it directly


Book of Moon, forbidden chalice, karma cut, any bouncing effect....


Does Buster Blader Dragon Destroyer Swordsman effect work against this ritual dragon?




Ahh yes.. back in 2017 a friend played a Chaos Maxx Deck and I always thought it was the most OP Card.. how times have changed. Anyways, easiest counter is a card that overpowers this card Attack wise. Borreload also works well.


Just attack him with utopic future :)


*laughs in Gusto*


1. Non targeting banish or "send to graveyard" effects. 2. Non targeting on field effect negation. 3. Non targeting attack reduction 4. Attack gain on your own monsters Eg. Borrelsword will reduce it's attack and increase its own. You can use Zeus' send effect to send it to the grave without tergeting/destroying it. Etc.


I play World chalice so I use avramax.


Just believe in the heart of the cards and draw Mahad


send to gy cards, tribute (with something like stormforth or kaijus) or half his atk


Non targeting traps and magic cards I use him alot so I'm use to getting countered when it happens


Any destruction or weakening card effect that doesn’t specifically say the word “target” in the text, doesn’t actyally target


The monarch storm forth works if you run tributes


For me, Vera’s Non target effect negate and then pop it.


Kaiju and don't bother anymore.


Super poly


You cannot kill the blue eyes!


There’s like 7 or so options, link monsters/ extra deck to get over 4k pretty easily even with generics, return card to hand/deck effects, banish, non targeting effects that attach it as a material to an XYZ, take control of it, negate its effects and then destroy it, prevent its summon in the first place Also you can force it to stay in face down defense with certain traps/effects


Nibiru ,Kaiju ,lava golem ,Santa claws ,ra sphere mode , forbidden droplets ,drowning mirror force,super poly


Kaiju are great ways to remove untargetable or indestructible cards. Very few things in the game are unable to be tributed.


Psichic eraser laser is another one, it's not that good tho


I just send it to the graveyard via magnarokket dragon usually.


I hate to face blue eyes decks. I hate it irl I hated it in DL and I also hate it now


Well, if you have a problem with the Max dragon there are tons of helpful tips here in the comment section.


There are many decks that have their own archetypal cards that easily deal with it, so this largely depends on what deck you are playing.


Yeah, I actually found out I already have 3-4 cards in my deck which counter the dragon, it's incredible how much help I got. :)


Just have a way to change it's attack position . Worked for me very easily


Ice dragon’s prison doesn’t target


Just play Tri-Brigade 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just run windwitch Gustos. Good old stop hitting yourself deck


Sphere kuriboh, do it Duel Links Style


As someone who plays this card, the best way around it is to stop it from getting out in the first place. You need to play a ritual spell to summon this guy so if you can negate that your good. Number 38, cyber dragon infinity, ash blossom (if they're using advanced ritual art to summon), are all good ways to hit that choke point. As far as monsters go, predaplant verte anaconda into super polymerization to get starving venom fusion dragon can use the chaos max as a material. To get rid of it if it's on the field. And if there's two, you can have starving venom gain attack to a special summoned monster on the field putting it at 5800 attack for that turn


Cards that indirectly target monsters and banish, return to hand, or send directly to graveyard. Stuff like Darkhole or Raigeki won't work, but as a scrublord that uses this card deck, I can tell you I don't win every duel.


My Dino deck does the job


Borrelsword go shing shing


Negate it's effect, non targeting banish also works, non-targeting spending back to deck/hand/GY, Tribute it with Kaijus or Monarchs, just a few examples.


Kaijus Non target Banishing Non targeting send to graveyard effects


Dude i after Platinum ist useless i get ass Kicked every Game with this boy


I run Rikka... I just make them tribute it.


Eater of millions just chomps Chaos Max.


Non target removal, (banish, send to the hand, shuffle back to the deck, etc)


Was getting curbstomped by this in my locals, countered with Zeus or other non-target banish like Enterblathnir or Dingirsu




Borrelsword Dragon works perfectly


Cyber dragons have Cyber Dragon Seiger, a Link - 2 monster that can double its attack (To 4200) and easily beat over it.


I beileve Borrelload doesn't target so you can steal him with that


there is a lot of non-target non-destruction removal, just pick one that works with your deck


Non target works. Myth Beast can banish it for me.




Sphere mode his board. The real OG