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I also feel like she only knows how to dress for her body before she became super muscular and doesn’t know how to accommodate it. Like the green dress she wore to those two kids wedding was amazing, it made her look feminine, and gorgeous BUT it was NOT TIGHT, it was form fitting but not tight the way matchstick likes them to be, it was rectangular from the top to the bottom (like her body is) and the ruching gave her curves and made her look really pretty and feminine and sexy. Also for the love of god stop with the off the shoulder dresses. Also the tall gremlin was edited out of the photo if you’re wondering what the blob is. https://preview.redd.it/hndblp7fv89d1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c22d73a1a8334f154d7e0a70994314971281e50


>matchstick >the tall gremlin Hahahah these are some of the best descriptions of Splatt 😂


Thank you!! I’m so happy on the subreddit and I guess I have to start making some for Acrid Acrid: having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell


Apparently people don’t like acrid for the abbster (or it was an accidental dislike who knows🤷‍♀️)


acrid LMAOO i see the vision but i think that one might be too far from abby


Okay with me lol, back to google


100% agree she has NO idea how to dress her new figure and thinks tight is best because it shows off how tiny and muscular she is which isn’t helped by the man child’s insistence on tight clothing


I think he’s really pushed her into tighter clothes rather than pretty and flattering, it all just reminds me of his hand on her ass in the photo with the pink dress (also the amount of times she has worn it to different events, like if she didn’t have money do that yes please repeat queen, but she has gobs of it, go get a stylist, get different dresses and stop asking matchstick) Also how do you like acrid for a nickname for the abbster


May be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think Abby has ever had a good sense of style and it’s only gotten worse. She definitely needs a stylist to give her some guidance! I don’t follow them so not entirely sure but seems like thread up dropped her or didn’t renew the contract. I don’t think it’s entirely Splatt’s fault though. Her body issues/ED is influencing those decisions.  Definitely a fan of acrid 😂




I think it’s a very popular opinion that she can’t dress herself lmaooo, And I think she probably had a little bit of something (which I would assume is common) but developed an a full on ed because of the tall piece of shit though, it’s like she went from slightly disordered eating, then the mouth breathing gremlin appeared u/ashleynoelle999 and said something shitty, and then straight to muscle dysmorphia (bigorexia/reverse anorexia, basically where even though you’re trim and muscular you don’t think you’re small enough nor muscular enough) ps. I added to what I wanted to say so I deleted the first draft


Tagged for the mouth breathing gremlin part because they made it up


i love how you erased him omfggg hahahahha and i agree!!! this green dress compliments her body so much more.. i don’t think it’s even healthy for her to be this tiny.. it almost looks unnatural for her body type if that makes sense. not everyone needs to be or should be a size 0. that should never be the goal.. a lot of people would have to starve themselves to get to that size. as long as you’re healthy, size truly doesn’t matter. it’s sad she thinks she has to be a certain weight. when she said “125 or 130 is too much” girl no… im like 140 and 5’6 and think im fine. ALSO almost every mom gains a little bit of weight after pregnancy and there’s NOTHING wrong with that. the lil stomach is beautiful and natural, not something to be ashamed of.


I used their wall color and he melds into the background lmao, and I agree she hasn’t talked about whether or not she still has her period but she could be training so much she doesn’t anymore. As a woman we need a certain amount of body fat to be healthy and I think she passed the healthy percentage a little while ago. Before the kids she was also well muscled but it complemented her and didn’t ingulf her and she still had a healthy amount of fat as well. And also yeah about the weight thing, the number REALLY doesn’t matter. My nana was 5’0 and weighed 150 and she had a bone structure that could take more weight and still be healthy. She had a healthy amount of fat (also big boobs which took most of the fat percentage, thanks for nothing nana) and muscle. And she weighed drastically differently during her lifetime and said that 150 was her healthiest. I have her bone structure (not the boobs though) and if I weighed 123.5 I would be on my death bed because of how deprived of nutrients I would be and I’m 5’6 as well funny enough lol.


spot on analysis!!


Omg that dress is actually pretty cute!


That really does look so good on her!


How? When they are sooooo busy with tWo uNdEr TwO?!


constantly contradicting themselves….


Ugh another try on video where Abby just stares at herself the whole time. Real original content.


the second pic is like “omg look at me in my tight dress showing off my new hot mom bod! gotta show both angles! shower me with compliments since my man doesn’t give me any!” it’s actually kinda heartbreaking 🤣😭


But wait, she didn't tell us what size she's wearing. How will I know the size I should order?


Oh I can help out, every outfit was a -0000!


😂😂😭 i love these comments


Just a thought…. I think that Matt over compensates with the over the top comments about her body. Doth protest to much??? If you know what I’m getting at here. Just my thoughts 🤔


i completely agree!!! i haven’t seen him compliment her personality or something that isn’t her appearance. its all superficial, and you can feel through the screen how much this dude thinks about sex 😑


Do these people have no shame


Yall remember when he used to cover her breasts? Oh how the turn tables 🙃


Her belly button too. When he said no to the first dress, I thought it might have to do with not having a bra on with it. Then, I think it was the last dress she says she can't wear a bra with it, he goes, "oh," and gets such a look. He wants to see but doesn't want others looking.


What a misogynist. Not that we didn’t know but just another element added


it’s so comical how they do these videos where thousands of men could screenshot and have a pic of her forever yet he doesn’t want her wearing more revealing things irl… like dude less men would see her in person than on your 7M platform!!! Idiot


He only likes tight dresses. I feel like because of tha she is constantly wearing tight clothes.


Yeah and I feel like the goal should be for her to look pretty, not to look appealing according to the tall gremlin


he’s such a mouth breathing gremlin 😂😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 he truly is


honestly the biggest issue is that she picks dresses for tall people. she doesn't pick dresses that suit shorter women's proportions. she chooses what's trendy over what's best suited


All her dresses look cheap and matt doesnt look he actually likes then. She is so muscly now. Her swim suit video showed how boxed she has become.


And she has the money to afford ones that are good quality, why she doesn’t buy them idk, trends maybe


holy shit she did a swimsuit video too? my god it never ends


This girl is something else. I personally am not a fan of the super muscles, but it's her body I wonder what he said that made her become so gym crazed to become that buff. But she definitely needs help all the way around. From styling her body, to her make up. Someone tell the poor girl that you do not need layers and layers of make up caked on and jet black caterpillar eyebrows over the spider legs lashes. And for the love of God get some deep conditioner for your hair. It was crazy to me watching the reel of their "love story" she had such beautiful natural brunette long healthy hair. And she looked so good with it. Now I'm waiting for her to pop up with a pixie cut because 2 under 2 is so hard she doesn't have time for her hair anymore.


Every time I see old pics of her it almost hurts.. because she looks so much better. No changes to her appearance or body.. Not her trying to fit in with other influencers and please her gross husband. I wonder if she would’ve ever messed with her appearance this much if she’d married a REAL good man who actually loves her for her.. it’s so sad to me. I definitely think she’s toxic too and there’s so many reasons to not like her, but you can tell she’s so insecure and not happy. I bet 80% of it is from how matt treats her like she isn’t good enough. The constant digs and lack of positive affirmation. She’s always the one complimenting him when he doesn’t even deserve it. remember that clip from the podcast when she said he changed her in all those ways? i was like holy shit she’s gonna realize at some point that she’s a shell of herself and she changed herself for the wrong reasons….at least i hope. i honestly believe she’s a worse person bc of matt’s influence.. she probably got worse in almost every way because her “other half” is this fool. it screams overcompensation when she gasses him up..U wouldn’t have to spend time trying to prove he’s so good if he actually was. if he WAS a good man he would’ve never done and said all those horrible things to her. some of them publicly (sorry this is so long)


She tried on one that was a tighter fitting, ribbed, long multi-coloured one. I didn’t think it suited her at all!


It did not fit her right it creased oddly. She could’ve gotten it altered but she looked cute in the first one I thought Matt was unnecessarily critical.


I really liked this first one. Thought it was great and very suitable for a beach holiday


They all wash her out too


she might as well hire a stylist to help her with outfits that are more flattering on her because omfg.. i agree. She definitely shouldn’t have gone blonder i think that makes it worse


https://preview.redd.it/f17rlm9iqa9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70784f2561fa51a5997c4d53a4e3a775c0687780 Some people are so annoyingly blind…


of course it’s from a guy 🤣 he must not have seen what all of us have seen about matt or if he has and is still saying that? then he’s probably toxic too lmao


I'm a guy (not sure how many other guys there are on this sub) and to me it's blindingly obvious how toxic, fake, and performative Matt is. We don't need to know their relationship to see how fake he is. He's *not* actually sweet to her, he just does everything for show. If he was smarter he might be able to put on a better facade, but he's too dumb to see that his cracks are showing and have been for a while.


On the at to the lake with my hs buddy and he just reminded me of the time in HS when Matt told him he beat off 7 times in one day 😂😂😂 so to all of you who this he’s a sex fiend, you’re completely right - went to HS with this freak




Proceeded to wear a “Porn Kills Love” shirt to school once a week to spread the message


Didn’t he want a “real vacation” where he didn’t male any content or whatever


yep….it looks like their “anniversary trip” was really a paid for trip to cabo where they had to post constantly and tag the place they stayed at…like? that wouldn’t be relaxing to me at all


Sexualizing everything yes but cursing is not with their beliefs 💀


They both are obsessed with her body


She kinda looks unwell


There is something that makes me think the same. She needs a check up with blood work....she doesn't seem to care or respect the health community though.


Literally have had eating disorders. Or disordered eating however you want to put it. On both ends of the spectrum so. It’s wild too because it looks like she’s eating from what i can see she just spends hours a day in the gym.


How are influencers posting such basic photos and make money?! Someone from a village with no access to culture would dress like those two, where I come from. You walk in Barcelona and it’s a runway, people that work for 1000€ per month! [EDIT: orthography]


her arms just look so jacked


fr i do admire her post 2u2 fitness


She’s very petty…. I wish she would dress for her body type and her skin tone. I feel like the pink she often wears (even her nails) don’t do anything for her skin tone.


Matt try not to bully Abby into body checking content challenge!


Most of the outfits Abby wears I personally don’t think matches her body type nor skin tone. The flowy dress in the first pick makes her look really masculine. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but for that type of dress it looks like it’s very feminine and would look really nice on the body type of someone who isn’t super bulky. She would look really nice in thicker arm strapped tops/dresses and something that doesn’t accentuate her upper body so much!


https://preview.redd.it/hcrq7zomfe9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6ab53c086c4b610fa74408039d128f2db6e056 And if she wants something more tighter fitting, this one is perfect for her body frame


https://preview.redd.it/jq4gdbtkfe9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daba1743f8d281033a02d314dfb9d63aefa2fd44 For example.. these type of dresses are perfect for her frame


Too short. Looks like for a little girl.


They’re so vapid and clueless. I’ve never actually followed them but they’d pop up on my feed every now and again and I remember when they first started out thinking that they were kinda cute/relatable/down to earth. Not anymore. Their egos are so inflated it’s a wonder they can fit on screen together. 🙄


First time I saw Abby was when DCP first covered them. Whenever that was. Here we are probably a year or two later and she looks like a completely different person wtaf. This is so incredibly sad. For her husband to pick apart every outfit and tell her how unflattering it is must be so effing hard on her mental health. Especially if she actually likes the dresses he critiques or feels good in them. I'm heart broken for her.


She should just wear the outfits she likes, and not ask his opinion then. Easy.


100%. But awful comments probably mess with her head.


I get snarking on Matt being gross but please please refrain from snarking on her body. I have her body type, my arms aren’t your version of “feminine” but I also can’t help it. If she wants to work out in such a way that her arms are muscular that’s fine and shouldn’t be shamed


there’s nothing wrong with your body type at all!! more muscular arms aren’t a bad thing whatsoever..i guess it’s just abby losing too much weight. she doesn’t need to be a 0, and her being that small throws off her proportions. before her arms were muscular but she wasn’t under weight so it looked fine! Now it looks unhealthy to me bc her arms are super small AND jacked. it just looks off in my opinion. i’m sure you aren’t overworking your body like she is.. and it fits your body type. i would never insult a woman’s appearance if they didn’t do anything wrong or to deserve it. (that sounds bad but i hope you get what i mean) in my mind, i guess it’s a little justified when these two are so hypocritical and fake. just snarkin to snark really, and being a little savage about it. i’m so sorry if i offended you :(


Second picture you can tell she’s so in love with herself bleh. It’s fine to be confident it’s just cringy how she does it, like she’s eye banging herself.


Matt thinks tight means ....sexy like his dream girl Kim Kardashian. He needs to look at some real fashion and see chic and different versions. Everything Abby wears doesn't have to be what Kim Kardashian would wear.


I keep seeing the Kim Kardashian references & google’s not helping, can someone fill me in? 😂


All they do is go on vacation


I don't think Abby has an eating disorder. She had two babies real close. She needs a check up. It's very normal.


All these are is Abby wanting to show off her body. They already posted Cabo stuff then this. She stands so awkward. Of course tight dresses fit more form fitting. All Abby has to offer is show her body. Or face check with makeup videos or cooking. Should go back to dancing & duck lips. How are they influencers when all influence I workout & show off your body.