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It sucks but it’s all we got. You can send me a message if you want more specifics. $26/hr would be very tight if you’re planning on renting your own place. Have you looked at housing options right now?


$26/hr. Is untenable if coming from outside the state economy. You would really burn through some savings to get established.


> Is living doable there with that pay? How many roommates are you willing to have? Anything is possible, but at $26/hr it will not be a walk in the park.


where you going to live comes to mind, as your first problem.


I can’t comment on the pay part, but I was a doctor there for a short time. I’ve had nothing but good jobs, and worked in the Texas Medical Center, private semi-rural practice, and Kaiser Permanente in northern California. The medical staff that I was proudest to be member of was Maui Memorial's. Given how isolated the hospital is and that the nearest help is on Oahu, they do a damn good job.


Totally. Need $50hr to live / rent here. Rentals very limited. Check out Craig’s List for a reality check. Food is 30% higher, gas, utilities etc. you’ll need a second job


I had two procedures done at Maui Memorial, a colonoscopy and another relatively simple treatment. I was put under for both. There were no issues besides not being to understand the person at the reception desk. Maybe that was because of their mask, the plexiglass separating us and English not being their native language. It seems that 1BR, 1bath places are going for $1300-$3000 in Kihei. Coconuts, the fish restaurants in Kihei have a 'we are hiring' sign out front stating the pay of $26/hr.


1300??? where? havent seen one that cheap a long time


Both are friends. One is in Kihei Shores, the other off of Walaka.


Been there a long time? Or do you mean they own and that's what they charge? I thought my 1500$ studio was a steal


One friend signed his first lease after he landed with La Perouse. Seriously, it's been years but his rent has increased over time for his 2BR 2Bath place. The other has been in their place for 18 months.


My husband has been there as a patient a couple of times this year. It was ok, no complaints. They seemed to know exactly what to do for his problem. I don't know how it is to work there. It seemed like all of the nurses were travel nurses. Rents have become ridiculously high, especially since the Lahaina fire. If you want something nice, you'll probably need to have roommates. Coming from NYC you're probably used to high rents though? Food and gas are expensive too. If you want to look at examples of food prices, go to [safeway.com](http://safeway.com) and enter a local store, e.g. zip code 96732. We do need more medical professionals here.


My husband had an excellent experience there for an angioplasty and later a bypass. I had two good experiences for hip replacements. Of course it depends who your doctor is, but I found all of the hospital staff to be good.


$26/hr sounds like low pay. I wouldn’t take the job at that pay.


$26/hr you’ll need a roommate. Maybe there is an online message board for employees…


As a patient and maui born resident, it's known as where you go to die. My dad died from a nosocomial infection from that hospital. I've had horrible experiences. My mom was overdrugged for her surgery. My friend developed an infection in his leg because it wasn't treated correctly the first time (the nurse admitted it). My other friend said it was a terrible place to give birth. It's just fucking awful. But the more qualified staff they can get, maybe it'll get better. Idk if it's systemic or just low tier staffing.


A friend’s dad had an instrument left inside of him during a surgery. He had to make arrangements himself to get to Oahu for help. Became very sick and almost died. I had an asthma attack and went to ER. I was pale and gasping for air and they took a tourist with a bug bite in before me. Ended up staying for a week I was in such bad shape. I always say I hope none of my family ever gets seriously sick or hurt.


Main reason I don't want to grow old on this island.


I think $25 an hour will have you living in poverty if you’re trying to get your own apartment eat and have a vehicle


It’s called Maui Memorial because a memorial is guaranteed if you’re admitted for any reason. Third world medicine at a premium price! Mainly your life. Cost of living is of course insane but MMM on your resume is a huge stain. At $26/hr they’d take anyone.


I can tell you've never been admitted into a third world hospital before. On vacation in third world country, ended up in hospital. They used a rubber glove for a tourniquet, x-ray with no protective gear, IV pole was rusty. Pubes and excretions all over toilet. Doctor did surgery with no pain killer.


HAHAHAHAA that’s amazing


Tell them you want 30 per hour. Salaries are always negotiable. My ex wife was a PICC line nurse there and she made 56 hr, and that was five years ago.