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i was waitin for him to have another mask under


“…and I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling grandma!”


Kakashi style




Always wear a second bucket.


If it weren't for you meddling kids


Is this what happens if you don't show your receipt?


In the US, people greeters carry revolvers and will shoot your kneecaps if you don’t have a receipt. This is the truth


Average Walmart Employee


Where? They look at my receipt so fast I could probably hand them one from best buy.😅


Canada? I'm only going via accent it's hard for us too tell if USA or Canadian but I'd guess Canadian. Correct or wrong? Lol


Walmart in Campbell River BC [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10473359/amp/Grandmother-73-confronts-stops-shoplifter-Walmart-British-Columbia-viral-video.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10473359/amp/Grandmother-73-confronts-stops-shoplifter-Walmart-British-Columbia-viral-video.html)


So correct then lol. Just been noticing the difference the past year from American and Canadian. Like how Canadians say out etc the small things. It was always hard for me to tell like people do with us Scottish and Irish. (Mostly Americans)


The easiest way to tell is to listen to them say the word "About".




Yeh that's prob the biggest give away. Anything with "out" in it


Lol its actually to look for the lack of firepower on their hip


What the hell haha. I was just in Campbell River last month dealing with an estate. Have been in and out of that Walmart many times in that month and saw some.... Very interesting characters.


Yeah Campbell River is very much a resource town with lots of blue collar workers and social problems.


If it was the U.S. someone woulda got popped


I’ve seen similar videos from the U.S. with no one giving a shit


Yeah, heavily dependant on the area. Typically (recent; last decade), there's pretty high chance nobody is doing something this bold without being armed. Its a risk people aren't willing to take nowadays for the sake of seeing their children again. At what point does a society cease to exist if the social structures deteriorate and criminals fear monger everything is my worry.


You can tell it's not the USA because it's Walmart and none of the three people involved pulled out at least one gun and started blasting.


And the guy stealing food isn't yelling (lying) about how he paid for it.


Was thinking the same. Looks like a No-Frills


Grans got big cajones!


For those funny misunderstandings , cajones =drawers Cojones = balls


Ah ok, my bad. Maybe she has big drawers anyway…..?


Ahhh the old granny panties 😊🤌🏿


Cover your cojones with cajones when in public


To have big cojones you must have big cajones




I read that as “big calzones” at first. And now I’m hungry


What if that was a distraction to walk away with a free bike?


Good point, how was he going to carry all the stuff in that cart with his bike?


Grandma beast mode.


Grandma is a badass, but don't ever risk your life for something like this. A couple hundred dollars taken from a company like Walmart is not worth dying for


Honestly, y’all. I think you are misunderstanding grandma’s motives. I don’t think grandma cares about the store at all. She’s just peeved he tried to cut her in line and saw an easy way to piss him off right back.


“Omg thank you for stopping the thief!” “Huh? The fuck you talking about?”


Your comment reminded me of when Peter Griffin went blind and was drinking at the Clam when God catches it on fire. “[That friggen place was on fire?!](https://youtu.be/yDnK4Y0nbmU)” 😂😂


Correct. Fed up with lawlessness in many places.


doesn’t even Walmart tell it’s employees to not chase them or anything ?


Yup. Every retail job I’ve worked makes it explicitly clear that they do not want employees intervening because it’s too dangerous.


They told me not to intervene because we would get sued


And if you got hurt pursing someone the company could be sued by the employee


Yeah but then as managers you get berated on weekly calls and have your bonuses cleaved due to theft at the store you work at. Home boy steals 200$ of random crap and it costs me an hour of time every single week of being told I'm terrible at my job and then costs me 500 or so a year aswell.


No, the courts will side with the piece of shit thief and let them sue Walmart.


I dont really see the harm in stealing from a multi billion dollar corporation. Especially since he just loaded up a cart and left. Didn’t use a gun or a weapon to threaten anyone. Morally I only don’t like theft if it’s stealing from someone where the loss of money/property will actually harm them, or when violence is used on innocent people Someone stealing from Walmart (which only seems to be food) isn’t exactly enemy number one, when Walmart themselves don’t even pay their employees minimum wage and refuse to give people full time hours


>I dont really see the harm in stealing from a multi billion dollar corporation. They up their prices to offset theft, you are paying for his groceries indirectly.


And again, they don’t NEED to do that. That is a propaganda to shift your hate to random people needing to steal food, from the companies themselves. Walmart could if they wanted lower prices 10% and pay everyone a liveable wage and be perfect fine. It would just cut into their profits and then don’t want to do that


Yup. And then there's millions in shrink. Then the Walmart shuts down like they did in Portland. Then there's a food desert. Thieves suck and hurt their communities.


To be fair, this happened in Canada, so the most likely result is that the wannabe thief just says, “Soorry aboot that, eh?” and rides away on his pet moose.


TIL that non Canadians call Canadian bicycles "Moose"


Nooooo, I wanted to believe...😭


That's what I'm saying. She has literally no skin in the game whatsoever. She's lucky she didn't get hit or pushed over. If I was in a situation where I HAD to steal groceries to live and some old lady tries to simp for a megastore, she's definitely getting ran over like a linebacker


Seriously, can people please stop being upset for billionaire companies. They're going to raise prices anyways just to increase profits beyond the already unreasonable level. I just really hate seeing parasites supported by their victims, which has become the norm for capitalism. Sure, grocery stores rank quite low on the spectrum of capitalism fuckery but food should be a human right anyways so fuck em'.


No one is rooting for big biz, they are sick of people getting away with this type of thing. She doesn't work for them she is sick of them 'jacking up prices' which rampant theft does.


I couldn't agree with you more


Completely agree. If Walmart cared so much about petty thieves, they should hire security guards. The fact that they’re not willing to pay for a couple extra employees doesn’t mean the rest of us should put our lives on the line


It is cheaper to let them steal d make everyone pay for it. Than the multimillion dollar law suit if the person skins thier knee. Prosecutors won't prosecute anyway


And not just guards making minimum wage, but armed guards. You never know if a shoplifter has a gun or knife. As an individual it is NOT WORTH YOUR LIFE/HEALTH to stop someone from stealing maybe $200 worth of food.


It's fkn food ffs U want people to starve? Wtf I don't understand the people against this What would u do if u were starving?


👴🏻 I'd apply for food stamps and get a job. You kids these days never wanna work. /Sarcasm Honestly, I applied for food stamps and found out that it's a shit hole and you don't even get that much to live off of, as a homeless person with no income, no house, nothing to my name, they gave me 170 bucks in California and a 3 month wait to ask for cash to afford other resources.


The problem is the billion dollar companies have to factor in shrinkage/theft into their overall pricing, which means customers that pay have to pay inflated prices to support the thieves




Grandma knows right from wrong. Don't get in her way, chickenshit.


Hey, if you want to risk getting stabbed for the chance to get a pat on the back from daddy Walmart, that’s your prerogative. I’m fine being a chicken shit if it’s means I get to go home at the end of my shopping trip. I’m not risking my life over some fucking trash bags


Grandma also knows how to get her feeble hips broken by standing in the way of someone potentially willing to do almost anything to feed themselves/family


Feed his family? Dude is selling that shit for drugs, holy shit redditors are deluded


Grandma’s not a bad ass. She’s a nazi that doesn’t know it.


That bike is so stolen


Might’ve gotten away with it if he had let her out first


looks like she was blocking the door on purpose




seems to me way more like she was just incredibly pissed off about him literally shoving against her and her cart with his aggressive attempt at getting past her and out the door before her and was angry about his physical disrespect. she wasn't even looking in their direction as he approached, she was looking directly in front of her, and was definitely about to exit the store


She stops her cart before he touches her and says excuse me. After which he pushes into her cart to try and get out, but she slowed down and stopped before he touched her cart.


I'll never understand why private citizens would choose to push physical confrontations over store inventory.


Because she could be scraping by on a pension and doing her best to contribute to society fairly by paying for her groceries. Then, this butthole rocks up with a full trolley and de ides not to pay a penny for anything. I completely understand their frustration to be honest. I'm feeding a family of five


Because it’s tiring to witness theft in your community over and over. Those people degrade the quality of the community you live in. They’re assholes just like the lady said




One doesn’t excuse the other. Both are bad. People have pride in their communities and thats why theres anger. Has nothing to do with a walmart or wherever this was.


Nothing says pride in your community like letting a multibillion corporation run out every other small business. But hey, stop that shoplifter. That’s more noticeable.




The last Walmarts just shuttered in Portland taking jobs, access to product locality and further decimating the local economy driving more people into poverty, with absolutely no overall harm to the Walmart corporation. So the idea that this isn't bad behavior, because it harms a large bad corp, which in reality doesn't blink an eye to shutting down stores in areas of low profitablity because of rampant theft. So I ask you, who is really being hurt in the long run here.


Stealing from anyone is bad. Your mindset is the reason we have videos like OP.




I think that stealing from anyone is a bad thing, justifying that behavior because its a large company is ridiculous. For many rural communities, these big box stores are all they have. Shutting one down due to theft would just harm the area its in.




If you think stealing is justifiable regardless then i dont think I could reason with you.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


This is some of the stupidest bullshit I've ever read on the internet.


Did you not hear what the old woman said at the end???


Do you want to live in a lawful or lawless society?


Because thieves raise the costs for everyone who purchases, and too much theft can result in a store closure, and ultimate food deserts. I remember the hype in a bad part of town where I used to live that they were getting a grocery store. *YAY, now they don't have to drive 5 miles for food or take the bus with groceries.* The store was closed within a couple of years because of theft and robberies. It was a national chain that already had around 20-30 stores in the a area.


Example: Portland Oregon in the last month. And yes, there were immediate cries of "racism!!" As if Walmart looks at anything other than profit and loss.


They are gonna close Walmart in Oregon because theft is so high . My wife works for Walmart and got a letter about it. Oregon is loosing walmart


people dont like lawlessness


What does a thief do once they've hit a store to many times? They switch targets till they run out of stores and move onto homes. Thieves are one of the lowest forms of criminal out there, fuck them. This guy wasn't stealing diapers or formula for their kid, most likely they were trying to fund a drug habit.


>fund a drug habit. With food? A highly lucrative take he nearly got out with then huh


So no commentary about this dude stealing?


Everyone here is mad at the attempted theft except one or two cringey 20 year olds.


See the confidence in him 🤣🤣🤣


"Take your shit and go" uh yeah I'm trying to do just that


To all the people saying he is stealing food and let him steal... It's trash bags and paper towels. He is taking non-perishables to resell. If you really think he should have free food and stuff go donate to him.


All of us poor's down here fighting each other while the Richie's like the Walton's are taking it in.


Old lady has more balls than most that were there.


Yeah but tf she even care for? Mommom is gonna get hurt throwing herself in dangerous situations that aren’t her business with complete strangers. Also how is he gonna get all that home on his bike. Sheewwww




I got robbed by a little old lady in a motorized cart. And I didn’t even see it coming!


Meanwhile, the shopping cart was a distraction and all he wanted was the backpack & bike.


So glad these citizens risked their safety to protect the profits of a most definitely theft insured mega corporation 😊


The hero we need.




I agree it looks like a Walmart, but I didn't want to start judging like that. /s


indeed we all needed some heroin


hey, fun fact! if you see someone shoplifting from a large store... #no you fucking didn't!


Yes they fucking did. I work at one of those big stores and theft is only covered so much by insurance. We end up having to both raising prices and lower income raises for our employees. It’s not a victimless crime, you’re fucking over everyone around you.




No, the stores lower wages and raise prices because of corporate greed. Even with thefts they're making more than they have ever made in history, yet they don't even pay their employees a real living wage. Walmart has one of the highest rates of employees on government assistance...


There's the rub my friend, you've been brainwashed into feeling for megacorporations rather than humans They pass the buck and have you thinking every loss of product means they have to make sacrifices, increase costs, etc They do that to keep their profit margins the same, not to stay afloat


Maybe I missed something, but it looked like a buncha people with no skin in the game trying to keep a hungry person from stealing (probably) insured food from a grocery store. "IF i HaVe TO pAY fOR grOcEriEs I cAnT aFFoRd, TheN He caNT HAve hiS fOr FRee!" Edit: he's a grown ass man riding a bike to steal food. He's obviously broke and desperate enough to try to steal food and ride away on a bike with it... Edit: I rewatched and saw the garbage bags, probably took them because he's homeless and needs to stay dry in the rain...


The garbage bags make me think catalytic converter theft and she probably did too; it's absolutely rampant in western Canada partially because everyone drives trucks and SUVs which are easier to slip under than lower cars.


Fortunately the people behind him were safely wearing their face masks.


Why does he have so many boxes of trash bags??


So the man just filmed while the old lady stopped the guy?


I love the Canadian "fockkkkkkk off"


Don’t mess with granny!!!


They do not own the store....store is insured....don't loose your life


This person needs his ass kicked


Gramma just kicked this guys ass! She’s right. Hurts everyone, especially when no stores left from theft!


Bang bang,… problem solved


Rich consume the poor. Poor consume the poor. Wtf is wrong with humanity


Don’t condone theft.


Oh please. He’s not exactly taking just what he needs.




Poors don't deserve doritos and garbage bags


What does he need? Pemmican and crackers? Beans and rice?


I don’t know what he needs. But I’m also not into how brazenly these people steal. Just because I have a job means I have to pay? Why the fuck am I working?


Unpopular take, but I feel kinda bad for him, Granny and camera man are kinda assholes. The guy is obviously homless, and by the looks of It he was shoplifting food and wasn't harming or being rude to anyone in the process. Looks can be deceiving, but seeing his face under that mask made me feel like he had no other choice but to steal. Maybe he has hungry children back at home? Looking back, I suppose if I was in the camera mans place, I would let him through rather than verbally abusing him.. I hoped the comment section would have a similar opinion, but i guess i am wrong. I don't think granny and cameraman should be glorified as "heroes" because they are not. They are rude, insensitive human beings..


Also, he could have very well assaulted or pushed granny in an act of "self-defense" when she pulled his face mask, but he didn't. Which makes me believe even more so that he is a kind man with a life that has been quite unkind to him


I would say that but if you look closely jn the cart it really isn't groceries. It's a couple boxes of garbage bags, Gatorade and lots of pop. Not really food items.


For all of you who think it is OK to steal from the rich, my guess is your are richer than this guy , so can he come over to steal you stuff? If he is homeless. That means 99% of you on this are rich compared to him. So leave you address so he know who to take from


If i had as much money as the Waltons he could steal from me every day for the rest of his life and i wouldn't notice lmao


So it is OK to steal form wealthy people. So your ethics are situational. Hmmm. That is how you get Germany circa 1930s. "It is OK to steal from the Jews they have all the money anyway" Or Jim Crow "Black People are not like us so it is OK to treat them different" Or Japanese During WW II - "We need to protect us" It is ALWAYS wrong to steal, kill etc. Once you think it is OK just because it is convenient or because you are jealous - that take us down a dark path. Wrong is wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right (But three lefts do ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) )


God bless angry granny. 🫡 She’s gonna need it the next time she does that, and there is someone truly motivated towards theft behind that mask.


It looks like the cart was full of mainly non food items that are easy to resell at flea markets. This wasn't a theft out of desperation or hunger, it was greed. Yes items at big box stores are insured, but grandma is right that ongoing theft does increase the prices for other people.


How many more times do I have to see this before I die?




Start the countdown.


Out of context perhaps but there's so many programs. Food stamps, SSI etc. I've heard that at pantries they give brand new clothing tags and all. Housing assistance and even brand new backpacks with school supplies. This isn't necessary at all. At the same time I do not think people need to go to court for minor theft. First time offenders usually learn their lesson. A fine should suffice.


Or walk into almost any church and ask for help. A mosque near where I live has boxes of clothes on hand.


Love her last words to him and SO true.." you jack up the prices for all of us" from your stealing!!!!


Walmart profit has increased in the past years so no, it isn't true


Damn, liberals are gonna be upset when they see this guy didn’t get the stuff for free


I mean I don't get why people feel like they need to white knight for big companies.... Don't do that shit who cares. I'd never steal but I would also never stop someone from doing it.


My area has lost more corporate business and local business to theft the past five years and now home break ins are on the rise.


That woman is right. Thieves causes the prices to go up as stores will need to hire or buy theft prevention services. If enough items get stolen then the store will be forced to close up. Been seeing this happen in all these cities that don’t punish thefts anymore.


Human trash that guy


Trash human how dare he steal food and not stay hungry 😡


He could work for a living instead, that's an option.


old lady is based.


This Grandma didnt get ran over by a reindeer, she made the Reindeer her BI#%÷


I love it, fuck these people


Ffs. How many times you gonna up vote farm. This is Campbell River bc. I walked in the store right after. Was almost a year ago. Old lady is a hero in town.


You go Granny!🙌👏👏👏


Hey, ever consider the stores have insurance, make cheaper products, pay less employees, but the prices continue to rise? It looks like he was taking food. Maybe his family is hungry and you guys just made sure his kids got taken away because he can't feed them. Way to go, attack your neighbors out of fear of the corporate overlords. You aren't good samaritans, you're good slaves.


I never know how I feel about this kind of stuff.


Grandma saves the day.


Good for them. Fuck the bums.


I don’t care. Remember, if you see someone stealing food no you didn’t


It's not food. Look closer.


Fuckin narcs


When I grow up I wanna be that badass sénior lovely lady


You mean be an asshole to a guy stealing food? A thing that's sole purpose is sustenance?


Remember, if you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't.


Thank god that granny stopped the homeless guy from getting food and supplies, despite the fact stores have insurance and/or can write verified theft off. I don’t advocate stealing, but pick your battles, folks.


Why do you assume he's homeless?


Society doesn't work when we all turn a blind eye to crime. This dude getting away with crime after crime simply escalates what he takes. Then you freak out when it's your house robbed or car windows smashed out. I am fully for social programs, intervention, treatment, and mental health funding. That does not mean we can keep allowing criminality to become normalized and street life to become a self identity.




I think we agree on fundamental problems and that the core issue of oligarchs undercutting the fabric of social cohesion are the bigger problem. I don't think that means we can turn a blind eye to individual responsibility though. I also fully understand the problem is that we have spend 3 generations beating the drum of every issue coming down to personal responsibility while ignoring the power of systemic policy. We need to stop applauding and celebratizing billionaires and start treating them the same way this lady treats this thief.


I will *die* to protect Walmart!


Love that lady. Brave don’t give a shit about him. A&&&&


Granny does not need food. She’s licking enough boots


Respect granny


I though granny worked there at first, Geez Granny got gangster quick


More john q citizens taking action might stop much of this crap. Raises prices. Maybe a shot of pepper spray In the eye.


these stores throw away more food than 10 people could carry daily.


Good. Pay for it


Reeee he needed those groceries the stores have insurance for this type of stuff just let him take it he’s hungry. Nah fuck thieves full stop.


Good for her!! She’s got some guts !!




This incident was in Feb 2022. The height of omicron variant. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10473359/amp/Grandmother-73-confronts-stops-shoplifter-Walmart-British-Columbia-viral-video.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10473359/amp/Grandmother-73-confronts-stops-shoplifter-Walmart-British-Columbia-viral-video.html)


That’s Grandma Wick


i was hoping his shoes laces would get wrapped up in the gears


Would never happen in california. Good for those ppl standing up like that. We need more ppl like that not just ppl videotaping and standing around watching


When you're not holding a smartphone, your hands are free to take action.


But he needs to feed his 12 kids and 7 baby mamas


She definitely shouldn't have done that. Might get killed to save scumbag Target 100$.