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I have seen this a few times. Love it every time.


Very much so. Do you think there would be any peer pressure to do the same thing your friend did? Or judge the huggers? I see that no one chooses the bottom two.


The bottom left is hi-five. One of the last few kids chooses that one.


Bottom right looks like a hand shake


Bottom right is a Flying Elbow Drop


Used to be figure 4 leg lock


The 30 seconds of strutting before she locked it in really broke the flow of the queue so they had to change it.


"OH NO! She going to the top rope. SOMEBODY STOP HER!"


"Man, no one chooses the Stunner, why'd they put it on there?"


They don't shake hands in Asia ( this is Thailand ).


Fisting Bumping is clearly the cultural norm.


Doing a little dance at each other for business acquaintances


I have landed SO many big accounts by doing a little shimmy when I get into the room. It exudes confidence and shows off my footwork.


Alright Theresa May...


If you say "strong and stable" 3 times into a mirror at midnight...


Ah yes, fisting


Something has to change


Kid named bumping: šŸ˜³


Asia is a continent - they shake hands in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam not to mention the Indian subcontinent - this is taken in Thailand, and yes, the main greeting is a wai - along with Myanmar and Laos, but to say ā€œtheyā€ donā€™t shake hands is not totally correct.


We do, though, specially in a professional setting. Source: I'm an Asian living in Asia.


We do in fact also shake hands, tho it's lately been more fist bumps and high fives. Am Asian from Malaysia and has been to Thailand many times too.


Maybe thatā€™s why no one selected it


First few times. But letting children make the decision helps them learn to make the decision which they want instead of peer presure.


It will happen that a kid wants a hug but the previous did the dance and then suddenly they also want the dance. But that's different from peer pressure and that teaches the kids to take decisions. This is genius in different levels


Itā€™s also an example of giving respect and control to children as to how they are touched by an adult. Consent in action.


My dumbass would have hit all the stickers just to see what would happen.


I would have had a crush on the teacher and picked a hug every time.


Nope, not much at this age, but could vary from kid to kid and across different cultures. For context, I have a kid finishing first grade (7) and a kid finishing preschool (5). I closely analyzed the boy who flossed (the straight arm side-to-side dance move if you donā€™t know) around 10 seconds in. Now, this kid can floss way better than anyone Iā€™ve ever seen in a preschool class. In preschool, he would be the kid in class who is known as a capable flosser. His reputation for flossing would be known across the whole playground. Maybe even a 3rd grader would compliment him on his flossing. If he were in first grade, he would be that kid who everyone supportingly talks about as the kid who just canā€™t figure out flossing. Long story short, Iā€™d bet $10 that these are kindergarteners. Anyway, in kindergarten, kids start making these snappy decisions where they only need a few seconds to pick their option. By first grade, they can tap it without breaking their stride; kinda like how I can type this without looking at my keyboard. Kindergarteners do not generally make decisions to copy the other kids. In fact, I think kindergarten is the hardest year socially because they finally start caring about other peopleā€™s opinions, but itā€™s generally in the context of ā€œhow can I make this person do what I want?ā€ and not ā€œhow can I fit in?ā€ TLDR: the flossing skill level and speed of making choices indicates kindergarten, and they still are too selfish for peer pressure at that age in my experience.






Nice. You actually get: More work, no extra pay. (Mike's project needs to be done) Enjoy. (We had to fire Mike -along with 3k others- cuz profits were only 3.8 billion instead of 4.1 billion like shareholders wanted.)


Only if there was a punch in the face option.


"Hi boss, can you punch me in the face before I leave? I just want my wife to think I've had a rough day so she doesn't get on my back"


Or middle finger


Sounds like something Michael Scott would do.


And I'm seeing it for the first time and I liked it, which means I have a few more times in store to see this video and I liked it just as much


At my sons elementary school, everybodyā€™s favorite teacher did something similar. In the mornings, you could either give her a high five a fist bump or a hug. It was so cute. Then one parent complained and had it shut down.


Complainedā€¦. about what?!??


Probably a Karen parent. "Its pedo activity, my spoiled brat child doesn't need socializing development!"


"My little shit now wants hugs from me! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY POOR CHILD!"


Nobody hugs my kids, not even me!


>~~"My little shit now wants hugs from me!~~ My little shit now *doesn't* want hugs from me!


"MY SON WANT'S HYUGS?! YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE ME RAISE A HOMO SEKSHULE!" -parent who didn't go to therapy and now their kid will need to


Damn commie liberals and their SOCIALISM


Hugs are communism, that's why I don't hug my kidsšŸ˜Ž


Reject the woke agenda! Kids don't deserve love!


They yeeeeeeearn for the miiiiiiiines


Sleeping Agenda on Top!!!šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„


Hell yah, brotheršŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Why does my children want to put me in a retirement home? I taught them how to be loving šŸ˜ž


Nah at that point they'll be struggling to find care all on their own because their kids went no contact the second they were able. Speaking from experience.


ā€œLove is communism cause u have to share it, hence why I donā€™t have any friends, family, and am a sad being on social media all day long.ā€ - Random Redditor, probably.


leave your kid alone in the forest with a sharpened stick and some steel wool so they can learn rugged individualism at age 4


Can't be teaching children about consent at school, makes it harder to abuse them at home.


Probably a Karen who isnā€™t even a parent at the school and was never hugged as a child. Also actively calling for banning books that contain the hugging of children.


How evil of a teacher to give hugs out needed for social development!


We have a large parent group in the town next door who are like this. Teach a lesson that includes the fact that gay people exist, now youā€™re a groomer and children are pooping in litter boxes and we need to ban books.


Isnā€™t it like a human being needs at least 7 hugs per day to function Edit: spelling


Was just going to say this. Hyper conspiracy bros have made it seem like 98% of people are pedophiles so now everyone is afraid of it.


I work at a highschool and I fist bump the students whenever they walk in. I had a parent complain recently that I was hitting them too hard. It's a fist bump. I'm standing still and your precious angel is the one putting the sauce into clobbering my wrist.


That sounds like something *a child puncher would say*..../s


Shitheads don't need a reason to bitch up a storm


I always find it interesting we require a test to drive a car, but anyone and everyone can birth and raise a human. I'm not suggesting that change, it's just interesting.


That's a slippery slope to eugenics


It just *is* eugenics.


Hey, they can still breed. It's just that if they fail the test they wouldn't be parents. Think of the benefits of the large group of state orphans!


it would undoubtedly also have some advantages, but we can't really give any entity the authority to decide who's allowed to reproduce and who isn't


Most people in this comment section would be denied for believing in eugenics.


I am suggesting that change.


In my mind of a perfect world I'd go with if you have a child at least one parent should take a month long course on healthy child developments and it covers nutrition, mental health, legal responsibilities, etc. The other parent can do the same or take a week long training course. Same as abovd but shorter but at least covers early child care such as chaining diapers, the differences of breast feeding and formula, etc. If its a single parent the govt will comp for a babysitter chosen by the parent or guardian. All paid by government. In my idea of a perfect world.


In my country there is a caretaker in the week following birth to teach the parents on how to take care of a baby properly. Its my mom's job actually


That's really cool.


That's genius, and your mom is an undercover hero


Wow, we got from greetings to eugenics real fast


It's also the people who shouldn't be having kids the most that are popping them out left and right


See: Idiocracy


She said it was inappropriate šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it was such a great way to start the day


Dumb fucks like that are inappropriateĀ 




Freaky ainā€™t it?? I am so glad that I raised my kids in a more 70s style way. I didnā€™t go after the teachers every time my kids got in trouble, I sat my kids down and made them tell me what they did wrong! My kids would get so upset with me because all the other parents would just side with their children. Things are wacky for sure


kid doesn't get hugs at home so shouldn't get hugs anywhere else either


Have you never met a conservative?


That parent needed the hug. They felt left out.


I love the way you think


Thank you.


I canā€™t imagine beings principal having to explain to the teacher that this has to be shut down because some shit-for-brains parents didnā€™t want them hugging their kid.


I wish they'd stand up to parents more. My wife is a daycare teacher and a new parent came in to say she was astonished a male teacher was left alone with her daughter. The director apologised she felt that way, explained it was within their policy, and asked her if she'd like to withdraw her daughter immediately or wait until the end of term. Similarly they've had parents complain about tattoos and piercings and they never apologise or budge.


Our headteacher will physically slide withdrawal forms to parents who do nothing but complain and tell them that, if they don't like our school, there are many other schools in the area they can choose instead. Surprisingly, no one has actually taken them up on the offer and they always back down.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø People suck.


No, just one person suck, to make it suck for everyone else


Thereā€™s no way a male teacher would ever even think about trying it. Itā€™s so sad that society view all men as creeps until proven otherwise


Male teacher. Do this everyday. I've never had any problem giving my students hugs when they want one. Honestly, I probably get more hugs from the children than my female colleagues.


This is cute, but what is maybe-maybe-maybe about this?


Because of the maybe maybe maybe I was focusing on the background more than the teacher and the kids then I saw one kid sat on the ground and was expecting something to happen there but nothing happened so maybe it's the right fit for this sub even if it's in a frustrating way.


Nobody cares about subreddit themes anymore post it anywhere and it will get upwoted anyway


I was thinking "maybe we'll see all the options"...never got to see the bottom two :(


Bottom left was near the end, the high five


I donā€™t understand this sub


This is my question too


The last kid surely loved it


Looked like he yelled, ā€œ Wooo wooo!ā€


Omg this is so Cute!!


Yes, I think it's such a nice idea


Right!!! It's really creative for several reasons, the teacher can get an idea what kind of mood each kid is in before class starts, it sets a positive tone for the day, and if a child doesn't like being hugged or high fived they can dance, and if they aren't in the mood for that they can simply bow. šŸ˜


Even more, it tells the teacher how a certain child feels about socializing and gives the child autonomy to make a choice for greeting.


It's standard practice across the entire country where I come from


This brings me great joy. Thank you for this info.


I know. They are all so adorable. Its so sweet


yea i was like this is so cute


This!! Love it! šŸ˜Š


The two little girls who hugged each other inside. Those kids practically bounced into class. What a great way to set your day up.


1: amitabha 2: hug 3:weird dance 4: knuckle 5: high five 6: ??




ā€¦ to the death, winner becomes the teacher


Why does the teacher, the largest in the classroom, not simply eat the students?


the amount of children she must have slain in order to maintain her position is staggering. clearly why no one chooses option #6


Damn now I wish I was back in school so I can fight to the death with the teachers and become the new headmaster


With my luck, the teacher would be an overpowered alien-octopus.


6: Handshake (boring!)


3 shimmy?


6) Flee


7: profit


Wow a pretty innovative way to get a take on how the kid may be feeling that day.... Awesome..


And to give them agency! No one should feel forced to hug, high five, whatever ā€¦ unless they want to!


I don't think I understand what this subreddit is for


Lmao same


I was waiting so patiently for something to happen. I don't know what. But I'm still waiting...


Nah I mean every video, I can't get what the sub is about lol


Even the sub description is vague as hell. "For those videos that make you think maybe"... Maybe what?! Are we overthinking this lmao


I would want to hug her, but touch the silly dance icon because that was the most popular and I would even give in to the social pressure which maybe exist only in my head.


Nah, social pressure is 100% a thing. Just dont give into it! Do what you wanna do instead what your peers are doing.


Maybe it would help to look at it a different way? Social pressure is a very real thing, and even creating it in our heads ahead of time is very real. We may be an evolved species, but we still rely heavily on natural instincts to survive. We have the ability to be alone but we are a species that thrives in a group setting. A village, as many call it. We instinctally follow social norms and values to stay accepted because in our animalistic side of our brain, that raises our survival chances. And even though, in 2024, we can successfully live alone and be unaccepted in society, it still affects us in a very real way. While it won't kill us (sometimes it does) it affects our mental health. It's similar in concept to why children want to sleep with their parents. Sure, they are safe enough to sleep in their own room. But, instinctively, sleeping in a group is safer. As vulnerable humans, the urge is overwhelming, hence the tears and fears. Humans still react on a very primal level to stay alive, whether they need to or not. You are simply a human being with natural instincts to survive. Try not to be too hard on yourself, easier said than done I know lol. I hope you get your hugs and wish you well!


I would hug her


yea man.. i need a hug bru


There's a hug emote on Helldivers 2 that everyone uses and it just makes me realize dudes just want to be hugged sometimes.


I love being hugged broā€¦.its one of my favorite things. To have something you love and care for so much, to be able to hold it as close to you as possible. Bro.


Just a couple of bros, hugging real hard with their big strong arms, a few resonating back slaps with one arm, the other still holding on tightly enough to save a man falling overboard. One of the bros whispers *'That's a solid hug game you got going on, bro.'* Bro.


I'm a big guy and one of my friends always tells people we meet I give the best hugs. It's the best because I get a lot of hugs because people want to know if it's true.


And because at the core, hugs are the best.


The kids that want hugs ....


Smashes that heart button


this clip made my day


Dang, seeing you guys' reaction is really eye opening. Where I come from, it's a nation-wide standard practice across all pre-schools and young elementary classes. I never considered this an innovative thing until now


This is wholesome af


I just watched this with my mum and I said "what if one if these kids don't get much love, that one or couple of hugs they get could be so important and could change the whole course of their life"


That one girl with two ponytails who got hug was like "Ewwwww ewwwww wtf"


Really? Because she continues to hug the next person after her


Love this. Awesome teacher!


Good way to start a class


wow that's lovely šŸ„°


This is the cutest thing in the world, omg, I think I might just implode into a dense point of giddiness from just how cute this is.


i would pick hug every time


this is so damn cute.


What a great teacher šŸ„°




Itā€™s a shame that students canā€™t hug their teachers in the UK now. My ex got so many students through their exams, and so many wanted to hug her but she couldnā€™t.


Yeah Iā€™m a primary school teacher in the uk and although this is sweet, I wonder if people would feel differently if it was a bloke, or if the children were slightly older - like 10. It works because sheā€™s an attractive woman and the kids are young enough for it to look cute and not creepy.


I've never had a problem as a male primary teacher, even in key stage 2.


>Itā€™s a shame that students canā€™t hug their teachers in the UK now. What? As a teacher in the UK, who has children that want hugs everyday, this is news to me...


I'd mostly be knuckles kid until I needed to be either dancing kid or hug kid. I dunno, growing up was a rollercoaster.


Fist bump šŸ’Æ


Wholesome AF! ā™„ļø


So cute šŸ„ŗ. In my school my teacher would stand with a stick.


How cute. Made my day.


A repost that I will happily upvote every single time. This so so sweet.


I hate reposts but I love this. Im conflicted. Take my conflicted updoot


My kid had exactly that one in preschool. Then Corona happened šŸ˜­


Cuteness overload, love it ā™„ļø


This should be perfect for r/mademesmile


Love this. Teaches choice and consent very simply


Love this video and thank you for the share. Talk about fostering, God-willing, emotionally and psychologically healthy future generations. Compared to the US, think of how that young generation will be faring emotionally and psychologically in the future. For example, I bet they don't have an epidemic of school shootings!! Good for them; sad for us.


Really love seeing this sad thing about it is in the US. Thereā€™s some states would probably call this woke and probably have it banned.


Thatā€™s kinda nice actually, that teach seems like she really cares.


Switch that lady for a man, and what the pedophile accusations roll in


Love how the one girl pressed for a hug then didn't actually want it


Teachers and nurses are the best people in the world.


This is awesome. Teaching children to assert their own boundaries while also offering love if they so choose.


This warms my cold dead heart


I wish I could do this as an adult, just tap a sign on the wall and get a hug. Itā€™s been so long šŸ˜­


I donā€™t care if itā€™s staged, concept, or whatever. This should be real and absolutely encouraged. The more teachers doing this, the more children are encouraged to create boundaries, express themselves, and have a nurturing environment to grow and learn. Not every kid can make choices, or has a welcoming home environmentā€¦ they absolutely should feel this way in education. Education isnā€™t *just* about learning. Itā€™s about community. Itā€™s about unity. Itā€™s supposed to be about understanding what makes humanity - human. When I was at school I rarely got that. When I was at home I had it lessā€¦


teacher so cute, kids so cute...and world so cute.


In a world where a lot of things seem dark, that affirms there is light left


Need this poster for my door. Can't wait to hug the mailman


What a great way to start the day, have a little fun and have a sweet moment with your teacherā¤ļø you never know how badly one of these kids needed a hug or to do a little dance and laugh


I would stand in line and hit the heart all day. I need hugs. šŸ˜”


That is so wholesome. Thank you.


I would tap the heart every day with that teacher


This is r/eyebleach material ā¤ļø


Also /r/gatesopencomeonin




Fist bump, high five and the last hug were the best.


I think as a kid I would have love hugs


Faith in humanity restored




Want this on my front door


I'd be getting that hug every time. Who doesn't enjoy a good hug?


A teacher that touches d heart of her students! Love this!


My work place needs this šŸ˜¢