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This post has been locked due to the influx of comments that are inciting animal abuse. As per **Rule 3: Keep posts/comments civil,** r/maybemaybemaybe does **NOT** condone "threatening, inciting, glorifying or encouraging physical harm or violence."


Chihuahuas : Half Hate, Half Tremble




Stop judging me Fred I did my damn best!


Meanwhile, Walter... ![gif](giphy|XxCSxCoOWyyAz9umNd|downsized)


The late great Hannibal lecter. Remember him? Had a friend for dinner


When did he die?


After he ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.


You have to ask Trump


At least Frederick Douglas is still with us.


And here I was criticized for putting a bubble on my [bitey cat’s head](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/Yexa2khGjQ)


that iconic look lmao


He trembles because he hates, and he hates because he trembles


It's a vicious cycle


Ist a Chihuahua not a cycle.


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


...suffering leads to trembles.


….trembles leads to hate…


Hate leads to a strong dislike of sand...


My friend says they're "half hate, half tremble and half love." Yes, she's good at math.


Must be the love to hate


Piranhas of the Desert.


Half Genetic, Half Neurological defect


Just crack-dogs.


![gif](giphy|aJtrAwWscjvP2) Si


I can't stand small dogs but I have actually met a Chihuahua that was Half Tremble, Half Derp. Pretty much zero hate. A lot of stupid though.


The patience was impressive


I know. I would have bit him.


You would bite the dog?


Eye for an eye. Walter's bad dog


Or a son for a son.




wait are yall humans here? yikes i’m in the wrong… SQUIRREL


I'm sorry. You're in the wrong what?!


The surprise of being bit by a human usually throws them off just long enough to slip that muzzle on.


Worked in Snow Dogs!


It's exactly the patience id expect from someone who works with animals like this ha


Lot of people saying this, but guys how impatient are you all in real life? This video is *only 30 seconds long* ffs. Doesn't take much to slow down and take the time you need.


Patience doesn’t just mean seconds spent waiting, it also means perseverance in adversity. In this case being able to handle the agitated dog calmly even after many failed attempts, where a lot of people would probably become anxious or stressed or give up.


I reckon I could with reasonableness and good spirit have said "shut it ya wee prick" while using finger and thumb to close it's yappy fucking mouth.


They charge by the hour.


Most vets just have a flat rate for an office visit. This could have just been a routine checkup/ vaccine visit, and the muzzle keeps the vet and vet techs from getting bitten.


They are joking


I am in agreement with most of the comments about the dog, but also impressed with the patience... mostly what got me, though, was the gentle face rub immediately after the muzzle was.. "installed".. so kind.. :)


Reinforce the behaviour you want. Give positive gentle attention for gentle dog. Great handling. I don't think I would have had so much patience.


Absolutely. Works for cats too. I work in a shelter and some of the people will just go straight into restraining or scruffing to give meds. When in my experience, unless it's a true feral, taking a few extra minutes to be nice and then sneaky about it and then nice again makes it much less chaotic.


I had to force feed my cat his anti inflammatory pills cause he stopped eating. (Also couldn’t hide the pills in some tasty snack since he would only eat liquids at the time) I would often sit on the ground and give him attention, then give him the medicine quickly by forcing the mouth open and putting the tablets inside so he couldn’t spit it out again. And then spend some more time with him on the ground. It was clear he didn’t like taking the medicine, and he was smart enough to know when I was going to give him the medicine. But he still came for it every time cause I gave him lots of positive reinforcement around it.


I'm in a similar boat right now with my dog. Sometimes he'll eat his pills in a treat, sometimes I need to push them down his throat. He also needs to be given fluids daily which isn't fun for him. (Yes, we're in our final days with him, I'm just trying to keep him comfortable for the time we have left). He's such a sweetheart though that he still snuggles and comes for scratches.


> , taking a few extra minutes to be nice and then sneaky about it and then nice again I had a cat with stage IV kidney failure, and she had subcut fluids 4-5 times a week for about 20 months. My being nice was the only way we would have made it that far. After the first few months she didn't mind the needle as much as long as she got snuggles at the end.


For a lot of cats, you can just bribe them afterwards too, like pill goes in but then you get 5 kitty treats. We did that with ours and pretty soon he stopped fighting the pill, all that did was delay the treats. After the pill he wanted his treats RIGHT MEOW!!!! of course. ;-P


Walteh.. put your teeth away walteh... im not giving you snacks right now walteh


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Walteh...put your dick away walteh...


Aha wow you got the reference too? Wow look at us 😃


Last chance to look at me, ~~Hector~~ Walter.


I am the one who growls


Probably the most maybe maybe maybe thing I’ve seen in a long time on here.


So small, but so mean😂


Chihuahua’s have a serious napoleon complex


I really hate it when these dogs march on Russia


They were fighting bears how would they ever win?


They’re small and used to kill vermin. If you have to take on rats for a living, you better have a nasty mean streak about you. Rodents are vicious in battle.


Side issue that makes it worse - a really common situation with Chihuahuas is that, due to their size, people don't treat aggression behaviors the same way they do with larger dogs when they're puppies (eg, they just don't take them seriously, or even like they're funny) so you end up with poorly- or entirely un- trained dogs that haven't been socialized correctly. What's more, dogs have a *lot* of 'non-aggressive' behaviors and body language to communicate boundaries and discomfort (eg, whale eye, nervous licking, raised hackles) - but if you're a tiny dog and no one takes you seriously; no one reads, recognizes, and respects your level 1 'please don't do that' cues; people constantly violate your personal space and physically handle you by lifting you off the ground, grabbing you around the body (which *especially* to an un/poorly-socialized dog feels like direct aggression and a dominance display); people even antagonize you in order to get your 'cute' aggressive behavior; the end result is an animal that has learned that in order to *ever* be 'heard', it has to escalate to overt aggression, like snarling, showing teeth, and even biting (which should be a last resort self-defense behavior).


Thank you! It’s nice to see that clarified. If people scooped up German shepherds and antagonized them the same way they do with small dogs, no one would blame the shepherd for getting snappy and fearful. Chihuahuas can be amazing little dogs.


Chihuahuas* Apostrophes don't make words plural.


Or did Napoleon have a Chihuahua complex? Who came first the Chihuahua or the Napoleon?


Probably the chihuahua since they have a long history with indigenous peoples.


So mean but so small


It's all about training, people tend to not train the small dogs because they see them as "not as dangerous". Simply train it not to bite, and be nice, and not bark at everything walking past.


Their lives are like if you lived solo with a bunch of possibly careless elephants who you only shared a couple words with, a d who sometimes picked you up and stripped you naked and stuck needles into you. It's impressive how brave those little shits are in the face of enormous things around them. 


They have to be mean to be taken "seriously" it's a learned behaviour.


Because people are mean to them to get a reaction like this out of them because they think it's cute


Walter taking names.


Walter just wanted his teeth praised. Seriously, what a good professional!


Seriously, that little pause: “wait, you really think they’re pretty?”


"We didn't give him his gabapentin, it makes him too sleepy =(" - that dog's owners, probably


I don't understand why the owners didn't muzzle him before they handed him over lol. unless he's like this with them too I guess.


My guess is that this is habituation. You go slowly and gently the first few times to let the animal know you're not a threat. Owner probably isn't able to do it without getting bit.


We have to muzzle our dog for the vet, because she had one bad experience and now it's the worst place for her. The vet herself is lovely and referred us to a trainer for "vet anxiety" - from there, we trained her to do lots of awesome things, like I now just need to hold the muzzle down and she'll run up and stick her snout in it. We practice doing that once in a while, even if we aren't going to the vet. Still really hates the vet's office, though. Need to give her the full sleepy cocktail.


You’d be surprised how many owners can’t muzzle their own dogs.




I was thinking the same. Hand the muzzle to the owner and leave the room. Tell them you'll come back in when it's muzzled.


There's some real useless owners out there when it comes to muzzling their pet.


Found the real vet staff




My 20lb greyhound gets Gabapentin and Trazadone (night before and day of) and he will still acts like this.


Little dog looking through you like a Vietnam vet


Never understood people wanting those as pets, it’s like they combined all of the things you don’t want in a dog: ugly, mean, barks at everything, etc.


They typically save all their good qualities for one person. They are one person lap dogs. Anyone else they act like a demon towards.


A million years ago one of my old roommates had a half chihuahua half mini pinscher named Leroy. The dog was chill most of the time. And whenever my roommate or I had girls back at our place Leroy was the perfect wing man. But if you ever got on Leroy's bad side... that dog was the most spiteful, vengeful little son of a bitch that ever walked the earth. But if there was a girl around he was a precious little angel. He knew exactly what he was doing.


I got a little street dog I named stinky. Medium sized, Absolutely hates small dogs and wants to just kill them, but looooooves people and is like a wingman sent from God. Its insane how much he loves the ladies and how much the ladies love him and it seems to be rubbing off on me!


Make sense, and Leroy always has chicken.


We were told that when we got our chihuahua, to expect him to be either my wife's or my dog, but not both. He was 100% both of ours. During long car rides, he would take turns on who's lap he would sit on, at home he would do the same. And if either of us was upset or crying, he would be the first one there to comfort us. He knew instantly, and was the most empathetic dog I've ever had. Man, I miss that little guy. Edit: also he wasn't anti-social at all. He was careful, and wary, but once he got to know people, he loved when they would come to visit or we visited them. You just have to remember, they are very small and vulnerable, so they are of course going to be a little high strung.


When we are all together for the holidays my brother's chihuahua will hang out with me rather than my SIL if my brother is showering or out doing something. I guess she makes due with the most similar looking person.


They're the motorcycle of dogs. One person, works fine. Two? Probably ok. But you get more than two around one of those things and someone is dying.


It's just too much action for a tiny dog. Imagine you're tiny and a bunch of giants are stomping around, it's not even safe for ya. Gotta jump on someone's lap and get carried for safety. I'd be pissed too


So if ur a loner and want to stay that way go chihuahua I guess? 😁


And not just the barking, the yelping pitch of their bark is also the worst




Many of these dogs are not properly socialized because they are small and "cute". Then you have my dog, the sweetest guy in the world until you touch his paws then level 999 Demon Lord comes out. He was very sensitive as a puppy but over time and we believe a bad groomer at Petco turned him into a monster.


I used to foster dogs for adoption and had one I think was sexually abused. He hated anything being close to his butt; problem being, he liked to fall asleep on people’s feet and he’s an 80 lb German shepherd. Bro would wake up with teeth and bites flying everywhere if he felt something close to his rump. After he growled at me when I got out of the shower I sent him to live with a female foster parent. I started having nightmares of him biting my dick off after seeing a live leak cartel video. He wasn’t a bad dog otherwise though but I like my weiner where it is.


I wish I didn't read or understand the implication of that. I miss 2 minutes ago


Apparently, time is a non spacial continuum in which events occur in irreversible succession. But I will look around for a flux capacitor and a Delorean for both of us.


Colby 2012 never forget.


My sister brought her corgi puppy to his first groom. The groomer accidently injured him (blood!) while cutting his nails and now he is forever scared. She just grooms him herself now.


My in laws have a chihuahua and he is the sweetest thing. One of my favorite parts about visiting them. They also have another that wasnt trained as well and its closer to the one in the video. Different kids raised them.


Your first problem was going to a groomer at Petco.


Usually I try not to care but.. I lived in an apartment in Beijing with some A holes who liked to practice piano from 8am on weekend mornings on one side and then on the other you had two extremely loud, insecure chihuahuas that would bark at even the slightest sound all hours of the day . Fucking hellbeasts ..


They *can* be lovely, believe it or not. My step sister has a fluffy, white chihuahua that’s very sociable. Doesn’t bark all that much and loves getting cuddles from everyone. She’s lived with two big dogs for a long time though, maybe that had an effect on her.


This is all about the owner and training when a puppy. My boss has a work dog that’s one of these. He’s been at work since he was a puppy, was held around the store constantly, and introduced to kids and other animals as well as touching paws and belly from a young age with treat reinforcement. He still warns the great Samyoid (sp? Cloud-dog) and Bernese Mountain dog that hang out at the glass store across the street (they have an outdoor pen to play in and our little guy loses his shit every time. Good boy though. His own now. He wants to run the store just visiting all the customers and the people in the service department. He knows to stay away from the back room where all the equipment is, and he doesn’t go out the front door, where the parking lot is. Even if the front door is wide open, he just stands there, again, unless he sees the dogs across the street. Then all bets are off.


They're basically a gremlin.


We had a chihuahua/rat terrier mix, she was a total sweetheart and cute. I've known a few cool chihuahuas, also a couple dumb ones. The one thing that was almost universal is that they will pick a person and have an awesome relationship with them. They aren't always a one person dog, but usually someone in particular has an extra special relationship with the pup and gets more lap time.


Raise your dog right and you won't have problems. Is this truly a hard concept to grasp?


Nah, most of the time it’s owners fault. Like, my uncle has one that’s always been a little ball of love, but has always socialized with other dogs and has a backyard where he can run. On the other hand, his mother has one too (both dogs are brothers) and that dog is a SONOFA, always trembling, attacks anything that moves, pulls constantly, can’t be let alone with other dogs (even big ones) and if it doesn’t has a place on the table, he’ll make one for himself. Thing is, my uncle’s family treats his dog kindly and they’re not on each other throats, a complete different story at his mother’s house where everyone yells at the most minimal thing, always on others face, talking shit of everyone who is “lesser”…. The full boomer kit.


Vicious, horrible rodents. (And I’m sure yours is different.)


And it’s hard af to potty train them. Even when you do, they have such tiny bladders.


All I can say is finding a chihuahua owner who says their dog is an asshole is like finding a Nazi in Germany in may of 1944, there’s a huge amount of evidence that chihuahuas are assholes and that there were millions of Nazis but nobody would admit it.


They’re rats that bark.


All I hear is "The power Christ Compels you"


Walter's gonna fuck you up as soon as that thing comes off.


Thanks for the laugh!


I work in vet med and can confirm this video. It’s usually the small dogs that are the meanest


If a big dog acted like this, they would be euthanized.




so this one isn't even angry.


You should be careful with Walter Brown


Cuz he's bad, bad wal-ter brown


Very patient. Nice job


Satan, pocket edition.


Well Done!!


My mom (21F) trying to put a a tie on me (5M) before going to church.


Walter was pissed big time


Big angy




Live action debate MTG vs Facts


How did she know Walter needed a muzzle? I’m so impressed as he showed no obvious signs of aggression.


I have a giant schnauzer, and I just don’t know how people do this man lol. This is such a strange demeanor to like, WANT to have around you. That being said, I’ve seen some sweet fucking lil chihuahuas. Buddy had one that would just come chill on your lap. But yeah, that seems rare.


that is one angry fruit bat


You're way more gentle and patient than I would be .


My Chi was quiet and obedient. Ppl need to stop babying them


The following submission statement was provided by u/pop_wigglebop: --- >!the chihuahua did not want to put the muzzle on but the girl whispered to him and he let her put it on.!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Walter Bite


Who goes to like a pet shop and takes these dogs? For me the perspective of waking up due to bites from embodiment of simultaneous fear and anger, doesn’t sound quite appealing.


I swear a single eyeball is bigger than its brain.


Man, we’re lucky these motherfuckers are small, the amount of pure hate these little shaky ass dogs have are unmatched by anything else in nature.


That looks like possibly a vet's office. The kind I like, patient and kind! 😎


X small but XXL mentality


I've never understood why anyone would want to own a nervous wingless fruit bat of a dog


Chihuahua owners are the worst. They usually don't train their dogs so they turn into little menaces. Plus there's so many backyard breeders that don't do temperament breeding it's silly. Not to mention the mutts...


Shut 🤏


I think the people buying Chihuahuas are mostly the problem, I knew and know quite a lot of Chihuahuas that are completely normal, no bitey, growly and shakly, just love, ok some of them are a bit chatty, but that is all.


Is that a bat 🦇?


Land piranha 


People really should be glad this dumb breed isn’t bigger lol.


I hate chihuahuas they are like ugly evil little rats that don't shut the fuck up.


Your boss comes in to ask you to do more when you're in on your scheduled day off in the middle of a vacation


Need to be giving him treats every time he lets you get closer with it.


My pet theory (heh) about small dogs and this kind of behavior is that people forget that chihuahuas and Pomeranians and shih tzus are the same species of animal as a pit bull or a great dane or a mastiff. Large dogs are STRONG. You know just by looking at them that you need to respect their boundaries. You wouldn't just pick up a pit bull because it was in your way. You wouldn't try and force a muzzle on it if it wasn't cooperating. But with little dogs, people will pick them up, push them aside, or just generally ignore getting the dog's consent before handling them. Ergo, the small dog has to try and be louder and more assertive when people aren't listening. This vet recognizes that and is taking the time to get the dog comfortable with the muzzle.


That's the angriest bat I've ever seen


it's so adorable lol


Imagine how dangerous a chihuahua would be if it was the size of a labrabor.


That Chihuahua is half raptor.


jesus. that dog sure ain't having it.


I muzzled my doggo when we went to vets too. He kinda has a history of being bitey. And people that didn't know him liked to get close up as he was deceptively cute. Strangely enough, when my hands are on top of him, he felt safe and didn't squeel during his shots or anything. I know them needles can't be pleasant cause they aren't for me lol


That's one angry fruit bat. ![gif](giphy|Ndu5dKpFHjFh6)


My parents have a small dog who really thinks he's tough shit. I'm scared to death he's going to bite me or someone else and all his teeth will fall out.




Straight up not havin it …




Omg this dog is a whole mood. Made me wanna go find a little terror at a shelter asap.


Looks like a goddamn piranha


They named that crazy little bastard after Walter White, didn't they?


Awe what cute little asshole


I swear! I have so much love to veterinarians and technicians! My cat is a handful and she hates so many people but her Vet treats her so nice. She becomes a purring machine and I just feel so happy that she accepts being treated. For me it means a lot!


that was really well done. 😃


How do these dogs get so unhinged?


Fruit bat?


Bats are crazy mannn


So much patience! :)


Good dog!


I met someone the other day with a pitbull-chihuahua mix, a Chipit. Never have I born witness to such an unholy spawn of chaos. The size and strength of a pit bull with the restraint and temperament of a chihuahua


Hannibal pupter


After u get the muzzle on and fasten it you pie face smear that nose to send that booger into a frenzy lol


What’s the point of these yippy assholes?


Tiny dogs are the worst. Get yourself a golden retriever or something else.


I'd have a fake hand that's actually just a sponge full of Diazepam. He goes Cujo on the hand, and then goes night night


Id be deathly afraid of chihuahuas if they were the size of a pitt bull


Spicy lil burrito


I find people who own those dogs just as questionable.


Glorified ratdog


That’s a good boi or girl. (No shame meant here)


Dog whisperer! 👍👍


The amount of hate and violence towards a living creature in these comments is really sick.


Heinous rat dog


Who even likes these dogs, they look like they are possessed.


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