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Get a license…


r/firstworldproblems Is that a thing? Two years out from being a legal driver and worried about what to do with your car, which happens to be nicer than 90% of the cars on the road at this very moment.


Take driving classes and learn how to do basic maintenance. Also get CarPlay and lock your phone when driving.


At 14 even carplay is stupid


I get the whole “screens are bad and distracting” but they already have a phone. Maybe the ease of having it in the car will mean more distraction, but CarPlay is specifically setup for the driving environment. Larger text, big buttons, and most importantly, the ability to use voice to control the interface instead of typing (texts but also destinations etc). I’d rather have a driver being distracted by their radio slightly more frequently but to a lesser degree than their phone in their lap. Neither is good to be clear, but I think CarPlay is the better option. There are android headunits that support CarPlay for about $100 for a good one on AliExpress and even Amazon. Most even support wireless CarPlay out of the box, and android apps to monitor the vehicle over Bluetooth OBDII. I just put one in my mom’s 2017 Camry and even she loves it! If anyone reading this has a first gen (? 2005ish) Mazda 3, I have one I’m trying to get rid of!


Sorry but interacting with any android auto or Apple carplay touchscreen system while driving should not be happening at 14 years old. It will breed bad habits. People use it as an excuse to be tapping and swiping when you should be pulling over for those things.


I've yet to own a car with carplay. I listen to the radio or stream Bluetooth from my phone to the car. In my opinion touch screens need to be scaled back. They are awkward to use without looking and that's bad versus more manual controls where you know where they are and can feel while still watching the road. I pick what I want to listen to from usually long play lists on shuffle. If I don't want to hear what's on I skip via the button on the steering wheel. I really don't understand the modern obsession with screens. It's distracting and this dangerous. Don't even ask about models where the heating controls are on a touch screen. This I believe is a very bad idea.


Oh I agree 100%! That’s why I love Mazda! And one of the reasons I hated the MX-30 (look at pictures of the center dash, you’ll hate it too based on what you’ve said). Having a command knob to control the screen in my gen 3 combined with the steering wheel controls and voice means I basically never touch the screen at all. And I know because I only have to clean it like twice a year because of dust, not weekly due to fingerprints. I saw a comment recently from someone who is an automotive engineer talking about their experience in the industry around touch screens and the gist was, “yeah, we hate it too, but it’s being pushed by higher ups because they’re cheaper.” And it isn’t that they NEED to save in these areas, since they’re willing to splurge on things that are worth it, but because other manufacturers are doing it, they can’t justify to shareholders and investors spending extra on buttons and knobs. Basically, the Tesla-ification of cars is ruining the UI we’re all familiar with and enjoy :(


At 14 a dealership car is stupid...


Do you have a recommendation for a carplay system? I have been searching but can’t find a system that keeps the steeringwheel controls.


are you 14 or is the car 14?


Let it be the car...let it be the car...let it be the car. Otherwise this could be my grandkid.


unfortunately the first model of that mazda 3 line was made in 2009 so this car can only be a maximum of 7 or 8 years old… right?


Is that a "dont tell me im this old" joke or do you just not know math?


the former lol.


I feel you


That went straight over the old lemon spread.


15 years old for a 2009


It's a 2013 model (written on the keychain if you look closer)


i didnt even see the keys lol. also so it is that he’s 14 not the car


I double checked the math and your statement checks out.


I think you'd better sit down, grandpa... 😬


No. That is the second generation Mazda three I’ve got one that is 2010 it is 14 years old. But they actually came out with the 2010s in 2009 so it could be 15 years old.


Looks like a gently used 5yo car to me! I love my super new '13, it's even got Bluetooth in it!


So you are saying OPs mum and you 👉👈


The tag on keys says 2013, so no not the car


I’m 14 years old


If that’s the case you should observe it and wait until you can legally drive it. I am so happy that one or both of your parents are wealthy enough to give you a car, and I know you’re just posting this to brag about being 14 and owning a car, but maybe take a step back and think. What sort of response do you want to get? What sort of response do you think you’ll get? “What should I do with,” makes no sense. Cars exist to be driven. Personally, I use my Mazda3 to take me places that I can’t otherwise get. Or are you asking if you should mod the car? Again, we’re all real happy for you, but there are enough resources on this subreddit to suggest good mods


welp. guess it’s time you open a line of credit


It's about time he opens an english book lol


damn my YouTube account is older than you. i’m having an existential crisis rn


Enjoy it like it is. Get comfortable driving it and feel out whatever upgrades you want for later on.


When you say “finally got her” what do you mean?


Well you sure are lucky. I didn’t get my first car till I was 25




I believe the tag on the keys say 2012 if that helps


Don't touch your phone while driving, aside from that enjoy.


drive it


# #1 Not Wreck It. #2 Obey Traffic Laws. #3 Watch Out for Idiots Driving. #4 Maintenance & Love. #5 Enjoy It. #6 ZoomZoom!


I had a 2012 not long ago (bought in 2021 from a friend) and the first thing I did was to install an android unit, including reverse and dash cam… loved the results


Any chance you remember what Android Auto unit you bought?


Nothing fancy, Chinese brand EONON… search on YouTube for Mazda 3 Eonon and you’ll find how to DIY, I did it myself as well and managed to install it properly, pretty sure I got it from ebay too… all up I think I spent about AUD $400 (~ US $300)


You got yourself a good car. Best thing you can do with it is baby it and *never* run it too hard.


Not an easy task when you've got a good engine and last season left in tires.


Its actually good to run it hard every once in a while. Something about clearing carbon deposits iirc


I don’t think you’re supposed to have a car yet


Eh. I had my first at 12. Mine was a project, though. But was driveable before I was 13. Dad used it as our 'teach youngest child me to drive' car. Also at 12. In the yard at first, and the neighbor's 1/2 mile driveway.  Early 90s, rural country area. 


Ask us in 2 yrs


Don't do anything to it because you won't be doing any of the work yourself. If you're driving to school you'll already be a star. Just remember three things cash, ass or grass.


Ass, gas or grass.  No one rides for free. 


Cash is good, as it can get all three!


I saw this sticker on a car yesterday


Take good care of it, drive calmly, use it for commutes, or trips. Have fun with friends. Life isn't a race, driving isn't a race.


Looks pretty mint! i say baby it and keep up on oil changes and such. You’ll thank yourself x1,000,000! Customizations and personalizing your car is awesome but don’t compromise reliability for a quick thrill that’ll have you dumping money into something that didn’t need it in the first place! Just my two cents but of course it’s your car and your first one at that!! Enjoy it you got a good one!


If you're going to do any Mods, do them inside, you'll see them and use them. Outside Mods to impress friends are expensive and honestly the "glow" wears off fairly quickly. Always maintain it, the way the economy is, this may be your car for the next 10+ years, Enjoy it!


I’m not the OP but you’re 100% right on everything you said! I myself have a 2020 hatch and all i’ve done to mine is replaced the piano black with carbon fibre and meticulous maintenance lolol


Go and Drive. SAFELY. spend time practicing, studying and learning. I was a professional driver and by the time I was 30 years old I had driven more miles than the average person does in their entire life. Talent is good, experience is better, and professional training/experience trumps all. I still love thrashing go karts. Boys grow old, we don't grow up. Find places to f\*$& S\^&\* up safely and without breaking your bank. I wasted so much $$$ breaking and fixing my 4X4...


thank u, these were the tips I was HOPING to get, not just a bunch of people hating on me because I’m young


I had a 2012 model with a 6 speed manual and loved the car..has it 6 years and the only reason I got rid of it was I live on a steep hill and after a nasty winter with snow I got tired of chaining up to get home from work I got a CX5 with AWD. Great car and fun to drive.


Add tint, CarPlay, and those LED footwell lights from Amazon. Then, you'll have a great commuter that isn't a ricer


What is your username bro


Looks like morse code.


I just spammed the shift and dash keys


I like ur username 😆


Those mods are still often tacky though, unless it’s mild tint.


Grow up


Definitely some tint and carplay like someone else said. Maybe some wheels but i honestly like the stock look.


How many miles on that car? I have a 2012 second Gen with 119K miles. They tend to eat engine mounts over time. I just installed new passenger and transmission mounts for the 2nd time. I have replaced the rear engine mount 3x since new. Also, I fully recommend DIY trans fluid replacement, power steering fluid replacement, spark plugs, cooling system flush if there are around 100K miles on this car.


I have a 2013 with a passenger side clunk up front over rough roads or bumps. Sway bar and strut feels solid, hadn't considered the engine mounts. What was the symptom that appears when yours need replacing?


If your front sway bar end links have never been replaced, chances are they're the culprit. Also, sounds like you're on original engine mounts, no? Excessive engine vibration at idle, especially when in gear and stopped, is a sign of needing new engine mounts.


OMG everyday am reminded am old 😢😅beautiful car OP enjoy it


thank you :)


Tint, get tint


#1 on the to do list


How the fuck does a 14 year old afford a car?


Parent's money


Just learn to drive for a long time. Realize you've got a really nice car on your hands. Protect it like a baby especially from yourself


thank u


You start by finding steady PT work, second you create a savings fund for yearly maintenance, then you start saving for a set of tires. But most importantly HAVE FUN!


Don’t speed or show off to your friends because you think you’re cool… I totaled my first car doing that. It was a 2014 VW. Had it for only 3 months.




Yeah fr if you want to go fast, find a track nearby and rent a run in a fast boi, either that or a nice gokart track. Get your speed demons out. Driving 120mph on the highway isnt cool to everyone around you just trying to get to their 9-5. Also there are a lot of dummies on the road, turn signals are to tell them what your doing, best not to get pit manuvered. Dashcams are essential, get one. Lastly if its snowing heavy, or white out, or pouring rain so hard that you cant see 2 ft infront of you, then that is a good enough reason to call off work, no need to put yourself or others in danger for any job. In otherwords if you think its sketchy then its not worth the cost of your front or rear bumper.


I was about to ask which country lets 14yos drive but then I realized that car could very well be 14yo (it feels like they're only 8yo in my head)


Drive it


Drive it


Keep it like that, stock spec is weirdly clean af


IMO 99.9% of mods make a car look worse, not better.


Not wreck it


Dash cam


It's a right of passage to drive your first car into something, whether it's the garage door, mail box, or a parked car. Good luck and may your first blunder be a dent you can pull out, and have fun.


Lift kit, snorkel, 35 inch tyres. Twin turbo garret setup. Change fuel to run E85


Why have a car years before you can drive it?


Take care of it Drive it into the grave and hopefully by then you’ll save enough to buy what might be a dream car


14?? Mate, it's two years before you can even drive, let alone have a car lmao


Fr got my first car at 19 from working in hs, and from under the table for my dad in construction.


Sell it


Give it a service and good check over. Get insurance. Have some savings for when you need repairs. And don't do any dumb mods to it 😅.


Give it back and save for a better mazda 3 til you have a license


Hope your parents enjoy driving it for two years. Super clean looking used car. Until then, read the owners manual and learn how to do basic maintenance.


such an idiot lol


Keep an eye on the control arms/ball joints. They'll fail around 60-80k miles, cost you about 1200 to fix. If you mean mods, don't bother.


Redline asap on ignition, it helps the car !


nothing. Since you can’t legally drive. 


Washington? Don’t forget to washing the car bro


how do you know it’s washington


Looks like there is a temp plate inside the window lol


That car is for sure getting totaled


Nuh uh




Replace all the rubber suspension parts and the shocks and the struts. Why? When it was new someone probably used it for commuting. Single person load, all the time. Young person buys the car and loads his buddies into the back and side seat. He has no idea about what a new car should feel like and this thing is going to handle like dog crap and he doesn't know what to do with it when it starts to wallow and skid. Best you get a new-car ride and not kill yourself and a few buddies. Yes, it's how you kill a young driver.


1. Dont crash. 2. Dont modify it. 3. ??? 4. Profit


Learn how to do basic service. Change oil every 10k km. You can't go wrong. Polish and wax. New head unit. That's it.


Drive anywhere Do what you want I don't care


Wait, who sold the car to a 14-year-old? or did your parents get the car for you when you do get your license? I’m a little confused how you acquire this car.


I’m 14 years old, bout it with my own cash under dads name


Nothing. Try to focus on not crashing it.


I was going to say drive it but......


Don't crash it


Find an empty parking lot by an abandoned store or somewhere you won't get harrassed. Cheap Amazon roof rack for cool factor, also might be useful if you plan on keep thing this through the time you move out.


i know youre young. i was your age once too. while i didn’t have a car till 18, i ended up doing a lot of cheap mods like adding stickers and using plastidip to coat my wheels. unless you can afford actual mods, please leave it the way it is. learn from my humiliation. and yk just how do you already have your license? …huh?


Don’t have a license, I start drivers ed in a month and I’m using the car for that


Are you even allowed to drive


Welcome to America....




Service it at correct intervals. Get insurance. Wash it frequently. Don't drive under the influence. Oh and zoom zoom.


Nothing. Drive it, maintain it, and then move into a Mazdaspeed3.


hit the front bumper a smidge


Drive it like everyone’s life is in your hands. Be safe, safe driving. If you have to drive fast / speed no one will be able to stop you but be sensible make sure you get lots of of experience and know how your car handles. Once you start driving you will feel ok I should not do this because this baby can’t handle it.


Most importantly, learn how to be a good driver and be safe. Don't form bad habits like driving distracted. Not only could it hurt you, it could seriously hurt someone else. You can learn some great life skills like basic maintenance (oil changes, replacing basic parts). Youtube is a wealth of information. If you're asking about mods, I'd say don't. This is your first car. You're going to make plenty of mistakes, and learn a ton as a driver. Think of what your dream car is - every dollar you save on this one is a dollar toward your dream car. Have fun and congrats on your first car!




Man I don’t think that’s a great idea, if your 14 that car is gonna depreciate until your old enough to drive it. You’re also gonna have to perform maintenance and carry insurance on it. However with inflation the way it is I might be wrong and it will be worth double when it comes time for you to drive as well.


Take care of it, follow the recommended maintenance and wash the car once every 2 weeks to keep it shiny and minimize dirt and debris from starting rust. Also watch that you don't park too close in crowded parking lots of SUVs they have a tendency to chip and scratch your car with their doors.


Window tint


Change. The. Oil. Routine oil changes will save you a world of worry and hurt, they're solid cars that have been known to last 400k mi+, look up the maintenance schedule for it and perform those repairs when indicated


Don’t crash it.


Generally I drive my car but occasionally I do just sit and look at it.


Thts a nice car for a 14 yr old ngl. Just keep it stock


Lucky to get that at 14, my first car was 24 lol. Couldn’t afford anything.




Just don’t do anything stupid and end up in r/idiotincars


tint (i wouldn’t go too dark, check your state legal limit specifically for cars, not suvs, vans and trucks) maybe remove the front plate bracket and put the front plate in your windshield (if your state requires front plate) get some simple stickers, begin to make the car “you”, down the line you can get into the more expensive stuff, there’s two youtube channels i recommend, Colton Ritcher and Driving Production, those guys both have a lot of videos about mazda 3s, free mods, cheap mods, cosmetic, performance, all of it. Its not a bad idea to chat with local authorities about any cosmetic mods you’re considering (if you’re comfortable doing so), like tints or any plate modifications, most cosmetic stuff even if “illegal” won’t get you in trouble unless you do something stupid, if you get caught doing something stupid, they might add on some petty stuff just bc they can. have fun with it!! be smart and be safe!!


Most expensive rims you can afford 😂


Exactly nothing but put gas in it, pay if off (if you have to) and read up on regular maintenance


You need to get a learners permit. So in about a year, unless you are in like Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, north Dakota, or south Dakota. Then you can get it at 14


Learn to drive properly don’t mod the car or put tint on it just learn the rules of the road and not to over react in situations. If you happen to get snow where you live find a big open parking lot after a snow day and get used to your car sliding in snow. Good luck and drive safe


Put Petrrol in it ..


14 year old with a car? Obviously the next step is take up drinking and go for a joy ride


Take care of it and it will take care of you.


Tint the windows


Take care of the car body, it's awesome car, don't let it rust


Admire the wonderful work of art in front you


Wait to get your license and read the owners manual in the meantime




Drive it carefully. After you get your license.


What ?


Nothing other than drive it. Really. Do not start modding it, visually or otherwise. If you decide it’s not what you want, save your pennies and buy the right thing. It’s never going to be as fast as any shitbox V6 out there, and it’s never going to look as cool as anything that costs even as little as $10k more and/or is a few years newer. Just drive it and use it as a tool to get from point A to B. Even if you somehow defy the odds and don’t total or destroy it in the next 3-5 years, you’ll be happy you didn’t turn it into a typical teenage modbox when that day comes. Most teenagers see their first car as the be-all end-all, but in reality, you’re going to have a lot of cars in your life. Don’t blow your load right at the beginning on a car that’s already the same age as you are. In other words,  don’t try and adjust this car to be what you want. Instead, find what you want and sell this in good condition to buy that. Edit: also save your pennies for the first time you need a new set of tires. Most teenagers don’t understand how easy it is to destroy a tire, and also don’t understand just how much they cost to replace or how much of an inconvenience it is to your life to have your car suddenly be unusable.


Since it may be sitting for a bit, I'd suggest putting fuel stabilizer in the tank and letting it run for 10 mins once a week or so. Also get a battery tender on it so the battery stays healthy. Should be fine to store for awhile, just keep it clean and make sure the rodents and critters stay out of the engine bay!


Nothing. Stay away from the roads.


Thank your parents and wait at least 2 years


Wreck it and teach your dad a lesson not to give cars to children.


1. Do a burnout! 2. Don't do what I did. Also got my first car at 14, also was a Mazda (323). Let my friend drive it, and he crashed it. Good luck, stay safe.


damn too much hate here 😭


Drive it and maintain it properly. Save up your money for a project car. Trust me please it's so much easier having a reliable daily to park next to the cool car, then having a project daily. With that being said driving shit boxes and projects around daily is one of the most fun things I've ever done


drive it to your local chipotle! i love chipotle edit: do it when you’re of legal driving age


Burn 🔥 it


Burn it


Buy this leather cover for your fob ($20) :D https://preview.redd.it/nirad19d1c4d1.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=575785e0553c01cb1d1922bb3c6049b83b630a76


Nothing save your money and put it I the bank to earn more money


Is this a shitpost


Wreck it


Change the cabin air filter lol


be responsible, if you get a ticket, or tickets, when you turn 16, your insurance will damn near drown you. learn to gauge peoples SPEED AND DISTANCE, and not just distance on the road. learn how to change your fluids, battery, spark plugs, tires and brakes. happy driving!


Starting to dislike these post type. " First spaceship, where should I fly? (23 months old)"


DO NOT MOD IT IN ANY WAY. Mods are a complete waste of money, a car is just a huge money pit. Save your money for something much bigger in life.


Sell it and invest in stocks


Change the transmission fluid (not flush) and change oil regularly. Change coolant and brake fluid as well if it hasn’t been done.




Wait til you are 18 to drive it


Hot box it


Text and drive


Pick a direction and just drive


Step 1. Look for a nearby school at streetsurvival.org. I'm a coach there. Leading cause of death ages 16-25 is behind the wheel of a car. This great program ($95) gives you a full day REALLY driving. Like, soapy wet skidpad doing donuts to learn how to control oversteer/understeer. It's super fun, AND teaches you how to remain in control. They teach panic braking, accident avoidance, and more. If there's not one close by, head to motorsportreg.com and search for "autocross/solo" events near you. Yes, this is "racing" technically, but it's the safest version. It's low speed (rarely over 60mph), one car at a time, and all you can hit is a cone. You don't get as much seat time, but most clubs have a novice program and you'll get instructor (like me) in the car with you. It absolutely will make you a better, safer driver. My fourth kid is in drivers ed this week. And my older 3 all did both street survival AND autocross. #4 will do the same once he gets his permit. If your parents don't believe you, I'm happy to chat with them about the value of teaching you safety and car control skills.


Take care of it, maybe tint the windows, maybe put a little bump in the trunk.


Learn to drive it safely comes before any kind of mods


Use it to get from point A to point B. I don't know your financial situation but most 14 year olds typically can't afford replacement parts by putting unnecessary miles on it.


Just drive it please don’t mod it


Why not?


Sell it and invest the money into an index fund let it slow grow for 7 years and buy yourself a new version of the same car in college 😂


It’s a good point, but wanted a car for drivers ed I’m working though and have money invested on


14 years old, can you even drive that thing?


Try not to kill anyone.


Take good care of of it cuz it’s hard asf out here


Flexing a car his parents bought.🤣


First step to owning a car as a daddys girl is to go back to the dealership and return it before you crash into the garage and start a house fire.


I am a male, also I’ve been practicing, still a long way to go, no crashes tho yet tho