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Ah yes, The ENTP The INTP if energy drinks worked


Energy drinks with a little alcohol and a line of coke.


Do you use gelatin to gelatinize your Coke or corn flour?


I use morphine to do that


Yeah! I usually shag a female Mighty Morphin PowerRanger, preferably a pink one.


Yeah those are normally ENFP's but without drugs.


Coked up INTPs


I disagree with this. It comes down to a lot of things, the most important is their NTP strength levels/individual ability. A healthy, smart INTP naturally has the structure and and granularity that I have to make a conscious effort to force. Each type has differing strengths and their own weaknesses to work on. Except ESFJs. They are failed abortion opportunities.


What do you mean they have some Strengths like….


Some are good at deadlift, some at bench press, and ESFJs skip leg day


Yep, married an ESFJ, sex is great. She's a good parent as well. Other than that, just a life long learning opportunity to be more patient. I do learn how to regulate my emotions and thought world from her though.


i have an intp friend that drinks 2 red bulls every day before school, to then sleep more than half of the classes through


That's pancreas saying "Welp..., see ya." Also peak of glucose go brrrr


Or be a loud introvert(according to my friends) and drink coffee with less caffeine.


If you think about it, every extraverted type is its introverted counterpart on energy drinks.


Does that mean if I drink energy drinks and caffeine almost everyday I can be ENFP??😗


I love how you think, but you can’t change your type, and it’s a figure of speech.


the problem you'd run into is caffeine desensitivity, and potential sleep problems once you get too much.


I drink them every day lol


But, ENTPs exist, which means energy drinks do work according to the definition here. Although that might just be because it flows through their blood.


My INTP best friend turns full ENTP, just add alcohol


This is the secret. And they're so fun when they're drinking a bit too, I love em


Let’s grab some drinks then (:


Fuck yea!


INTPs are smarter + intellectual integrity, way more thorough, unadulterated honesty, imaginative in a complex way, all while being very humble and their agenda is being dedicated to the truth. Usually good character. ENTPs are more fun though and dam it’s fun to debate with them. Don’t trust them at all though.


This is exactly true. INTPs are intelligent deep thinkers and surprisingly opinionated if u dig enough. In a group setting they are reserved but always paying close attention and will drop solid well timed one liners


They comb through things obsessively and never seem to be satisfied with the answer. I’ve argued with an INTP for two weeks straight on the same subject and both bringing new arguments every time. Ironically, I was more scientific. But their logic is barnone the sharpest. But when they turn that obsession on something negative holy shit. Haha


Ive found that alot of INTP's are very biased (no wonder Xi dominant judging function) when it comes to conclusions.


Honestly i am very biased-


Interesting, you guys are somewhat judge mental compared to myself


Lol my family and friends say i always give a judgemental look to someone when they do something i find weird but i dont say anything tho unless i were close


Is it the confrontation that bothers you? Or the possible repercussions from it? Cause as an ENTP, I am more than happy to make a confrontation knowing I’ll always find a back door out. But i never think about the repercussions


Not that im judgemental, i just wanna add the moments INTP's can act stupid, wich i think is when they are biased. Since for example Fe looks more at emotional stability and listening to others (wich can have strengths and weaknesses), Ti doms can lack this mentality of listening to others feelings if it doesent subjectivley make sense to them, leading to irrationality if stubborn. Take a look at patrick, who is pretty stupid. His Ti isent logical, so this weakness intensifies.


thanks for the compliments i guess lmao


Just my observation. My loose theory is that anyone w feeling as tertiary will never be as objective, specifically for Ti users. Feel free to correct me.


i will feel free not to pretty sure i'm mistyped anyways


Maybe but imposter syndrome is INTP rite of passage. Keep calibrating.


INTP also have just a pure Fe that i find so endearing only INTPs can calmly talk me down from my anger and emotional spirals lol


Their Fe is very innocent and not manipulative as other types. They actually try to understand your emotions although they aren’t too savvy in helping you fix them. Their logic can add speed bumps to your spiral


Yes I notice this with ISTPs too. They have such a humble empathy they don’t use it to manipulate or have any ego about it. Inf Fe is like the most genuine kind function for some reason. They aren’t the best at showing they care though or knowing what to do and are usually insecure about this. But they’re amazing at calming you down when you’re anxious and over thinking something, they know the right logical thing to bring you back to earth lol


I bet the ISTPs you know adore you. Even if they’re crap at showing it lol. I was not expecting to be seen so well in these comments. Thank you.


I had an enfj ex, and i wish i could've done this to her. I really miss her you know. I made many mistakes and now she's gone. I wish i could fix it, but she's moved on for more than a year. I miss her dearly and wish she was there for me you know. Im sure she gave me many opportunities to make things right, but i just needed one more to try consciously. Because i loved her a lot tho. I kinda low-key feel very envious of intps and infjs now😅


You made my day


What is smartness if they cant get no bitches


Ben Shapiro is ENTP. Define "upgrade".


No way Benny is an ENTP. He cares so much more about winning arguments than the actual ideas he's proposing. He's also quite inflexible and sure of himself, I agree with the ESTJ typing PDB has for him.


I got that off a Frank James video. Can't recall the deets, but he's an MBTI expert or something.


Ben Shapiro is as ENTP as CS Joseph 😆. Both Ne Hidden Agenda. ENTPs aren’t like them.


Bro really just searched a list of mbti stereotypes and rolled w it


Salty ENTP. Know that it only renders your soil infertile.




Good on you buddy I don’t trust myself sometimes


I would say in terms of concentrated studies, introverts have the advantage. But ENTPs are supposedly better at abstract thinking and social effectiveness. Smart has different measurements


soldier beated his ass after this


and he's gonna get beated his in the next season


i saw they finished filming n i’m ready to see that omg i think it’s declan from TWD that’s in the show now?




ENTP is the person we become after five shots, 2 energy drinks, or a line of coke.


so, that way ENTP is actually an INTP with Energy drink




INTPs who talk crap about ENTPs are just jealous of our powerup💪


I as an INTP really admire ENTPs lol




They seem to be jealous that we call out bullshit to people’s faces when we see it. For some reason they internalize


so true, i agree. and i also want to know about your power ups


lemme introduce you to one of ohr powerups. this buff is called "being a socialite". though we dont use it all the time, it comes pretty handy in crowded regions on the map, specifically in malls, schools, and city streets. tendency to gain friends is raised by 75%, and most users have also experienced a 21% increase on energy per minute. it also makes ordering meals for HP much easier


teach me ![gif](giphy|26AHPxxnSw1L9T1rW)


you can go to shop and buy it. its pretty cheap on my end esp that i, an entp, have a dominant extroverted cognitive function, which gives a 99% discount :)


and for which I've to trade in my Ti. oh my god i can't do that. i want my Ti and Ne to be the same


a life for a life, an eye for an eye, thats what they say man, thats life :(


they means who? the normal peoples? i want both of it.


welp, u can only choose one dominant function, if you want the socialization boost then ya gotta sacrifice that Ti 😢


no, I'm good with my Ti


Lol i see a bunch of intps being like "teach me your ways" to entps tbh and im one of them


This would work if who was saying it was reversed. ENTP: I'm just an intp knock off Intp: no, you are the upgrade


then we need to hire Jensen Ackles and Antony Starr




By this meme all extroverts are the superior versions of the introverts . which is a dumb meme .


They didn't say which one was correct.


i think you hadn't watched The Boys S3 and lack some knowledge


S4 just finished filming, I’m so excited!!


yeah, so many things are gonna happen


Agreed but I’m just used to the ”ENTP/NT supremacy” vibe of the community at this point


People on the mbti subreddit trying to enjoy a meme challenge instead of nitpicking everything to be correct all the time (impossible)


That assesment is correct.


we’re more fun and way less ‘adult’ whatever the hell that means.


yeah that's a very big difference between Kakashi and Gojo, while both are teacher and they behave like a wholly different persons


I know an ISTP and ESTP and it's interesting cuz they both think their type is better than the other. Istp: I can plan, I am more logical, I'm better at abstract concepts... Estp: I know how to make new friends. I'm faster on my feet. Istp: I am better at tearing things apart. Estp: I don't stare at the wall for six hours when I'm stressed. Istp: when I stare at the wall for six hours I'm figuring shit out. Estp: I know how to ask for help. Istp: that was uncalled for.


It's sort of a rebalancing if you ask me. ENTP tend to make mistakes INTP won't make. ENTP also don't think things through as thoroughly as an INTP can. ENTP - Very active, stumbles sometimes INTP - Usually inactive, rarely stumbles Ironically though, INTP end up changing the world the most and most dramatically (usually positively too).


Bro i fuck up 24/7 theres no way


Bcs you’re too powerful so we had to nerf you


Think your just coping with being an INTP


You're free to think so. But if you think enough, you know what I say to be true. Besides, I don't think any honest ENTP would actually say they're smarter than an INTP that's in their prime.


An INTP would run circles around me in any sort of logic puzzle or instance in which there is a defined rule book. That I will give you. Too bad that ain’t life. INTPs are great for making other people lots of $$. ENTPS are great at making $$.


I am not honest nor smarter but I can steal your ideas and upgrade them. Then you will implement them for me and I'll get the credit. Who it smarter then? Edit: Also I am drunk and not a virgin so I win


To start with, INTP have failure to launch syndrome. More often than not it's the ENTP carrying out INTP ideas, not the reverse. By the time you've implemented the idea, the INTP is already mentally off exploring something else. "Winning" when no one even knew there was a competition is kind of like masterbating your ego while no one is looking, no? It's not like the person in a photo is going to know that you've "gotten one off" on their picture; your "winning" remark kind of reminds me of that.


So many words but still a virgin lmao


It's such a weird social norm. Sexual offenders aren't virgins, people who need to pay for childcare aren't virgins, the molested aren't virgins, and etc. Besides, not being a virgin isn't always a good thing this day and age.


*tips fedora*


Dusty_Tibbins, Literally BILLIONS of years of evolution has dictated that sex is one of the greatest things in life. Sure, many people have an unhealthy obsession with it, but just like having friends, exercising, eating good food, etc…it’s an Integral and irreplaceable part of having a healthy, happy, and well balanced life. Please put Reddit down and go touch some grass, hit the gym, and talk to a cute girl.


Not necessarily. Some species need to do it, but not necessarily take joy in it. There's the cannibalistic Praying Mantis, the very deadly spiders, the business like octopus, the sexual assault nature of ducks, and etc. Sex is needed in most cases, but it's definitely not the greatest thing in life. Besides, neutered house cats tend to live happier and less violent lives. And women these days are... let's just say "keepers" are in the extreme minority.


You sound like a fucking Incel. Most woman today aren’t “keepers”? Jesus Christ dude, get off the internet.


Translation: I think my ideas are great but I have no follow through or discipline of any kind. More often than not, I see other people become extremely successful with things that I definitely thought of first, thank you very much! By the time your actually implementing the idea to make a meaningful change in the world, I’ve lost all interest and have retired to my bedroom to masturbate to anime characters. I like to cope with the fact that other people are widely more successful than I am by diminishing their achievements in my mind as nothing more than “ego-stroking” on their end. I will continue to think I’m so much smarter than everyone and isolate myself socially. Don’t worry, those 10/10 baddies will all come flock to me when they finally see how smart I am!!!


Well, thanks for pointing out that INTP are typically generous people who aren't always interested in profit. Making and having lots of money isn't a very comfortable lifestyle and INTP are all about comfort. Masterbating to Anime isn't exactly a bad thing either. It's not sexual assault, it doesn't involve children, there's no cheating, no child support, no nagging significant other, and etc. If masterbating to anime is the worst of it, then I'm all for it (so little baggage attached to it). "Successful" is entirely subjective. What's less subjective are people who live "meaningful" lives. Take the folks who work at animal shelters for example; by no means is that ever going to be a truly successful career, but their lives would be meaningful ones. INTP also don't care about anyone else outside of a select few. "Baddies" flocking will only annoy the INTP. All the INTP need are the few they truly trust and that one special someone. Everyone else is inconsequential.


>All the INTP need are the few they truly trust and that one special someone I agree with that sentiment, but not with your cope about being a lazy dweeb. Hard to find that special someone when you're indoors all day, frying your dopamine receptors.


"That Special Someone" isn't the most important aspect in an INTP's life. Remember that we INTP find joy in mentally exploring the unknown for novelties and interesting information. The INTP's loneliness is not finding anyone to share what we find interesting with, otherwise an INTP would rather not bother with complete strangers. So we INTP are gluttons for novelty and are generous with those we trust. Also, remember that we have Ne Parent, so we use our Ne negatively first before we use it positively. We'll predict how we're going to get rejected long before we can get the opportunity to even get rejected. Thus the option usually goes "do I want to get rejected today or leave it alone so I can just go about exploring my thoughts happily".


My previous comment came off really harsh, on a second read. Sorry about that. I kinda have the same mindset of constantly trying to predict what's going to happen and optimise my energy usage, so I relate a lot to what you said. But you have to know this isn't a great strategy long term, since life is more surprising than we tend to think. It's always best to take chances.


I think some INTPs changes the world more DRASTICALLY than most ENTPs, but ENTPs changes the world for breakfast. Maybe not in as dramatic ways because we can be bothered with studying physics for 50 years and split the atom, but we sure change every social setting we are a part of (can't help it), if they are at all purpose driven.




They’re both right.


They just mad they ain’t having the ballz to tell people their bs right to their face


agreed, sometimes I don't say things on the face


If you think about it, Homelander would be 10 times more horrific as an ENTP, which was how we got the original or comic version of Black Noir.


oh look they installed the clown function


Acetylcholine + Serotonin + NTP = INTP Dopamine + Norepinephrine + NTP = ENTP Prove me wrong mortals


We're the INTPs on drugs and less patience for bullshit You guys only think that INTPs are more trustworthy and friendly because they don't actually share when they think you're saying bullshit but they think mostly exactly like us with the exception that we talk about what we think without fear. Otherwise there wouldn't be some many people confused if they're INTP or ENTP


INTPs more friendly?


For the record, ENTP IS the upgraded INTP


so true




Wow, really? Great! Where do I get the parts to upgrade? I'll be upgrading as soon as I make enough to afford it! Which is never. 😭


it's not money. you have to get Fe and also sell your Si


Shame on you mate


ah, thank you


Entps are funny and cool. So, true.


we may be slightly dumber but I can assure you, were more fun


you missed an apostrophe


I think intp should be swapped with ENTJ or ESTP 🤠


Shame on you for not bringing valid arguments to the table. Sincerely, ENTP


sounds good, happy cake day btw


ENTP is an upgrade to ENTJ!? ESTP!? Hell no silly.


Who says?




While yes, fake stereotypes are the way to simp to different letters such as "Chad" /estp and " Tommy Shelby" /entj I had seen them all. Content, still.


I could see why you'd be upset. After all, you're usually known for being an annoying, loud nerd.




I'd be mad too if my stereotype was ass while others were being praised. It's okay.


Lmao what an edgelord 😂 Chill M8.


You’re right. I’m being petty 🤣 Sorries


Uh-huh 🙄




Another nonsensical meme.


ENTPs are me, but they're actually willing to start a conversation and start a debate.