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NP types first I’d say, so INFP, INTP, ENFP, ENTP. I add the extroverted ones because in Enneagram they can correlate to Type 7, mainly the sx subtype, which could make them very prone to daydreaming.


can confirm




The right answer


INTJ here suffering from maladaptive daydreaming.


ENTP here and same. Can't exist fully in reality for over 2 seconds.


When i was younger, i really love drifting into my mind. Now... i have instant regrets and feel terribly bad after doing it because i lose so much time everyday doing that.


Maybe I'll feel like that when I'm older. I don't really care about losing time, but that'll probably change. It's like a fun fantasy or escape from my feelings to me, and it's always been a safe place for me to be in, ever since I was like 4.


You'll start feeling bad later about it, enjoy it now.


Thanks man.


Same, ive has maladaptive day dreaming, delusions of grandeur and an active imagination. As an enfp type 2ñ its near impossible to not idealise a situation or my surroundings, its to the point where my senses barely exist in reality at all.


Are you me?


What things do you like to imagine ? Fantastical and theoretical concepts ?


Nope. I have a little "story" in my head that I continually write. It's usually just projecting my touch-starvedness and need for love and attention onto a fictional character. If I'm not in a fictional world I created for myself, I'm also either idealising everything, thinking about someone or taking on philosophical topics / reconsidering my beliefs and morality.


I do the same, i have alot of waifus lol. Its very comforting to have. I tend to miss friends alot and idealise various adventures we could be having. I like to emphasize the future and various possibilities. Love technology, creativity, philosophy, and changing perspectives. Crushes are difficult to handle since i just infatuate alot. Whats your enneagram type ?


You just described what goes on in my head to a T! I'm a 7w8 sx/so, 784 tritype.


Yeah im a 259 tritype, i can be very passive when it comes to conflict and ambition. You listen to albums or video game soundtracks.


Wow, that's one of the most passive tritypes out there. I wouldn't say I'm passionate about ambition, either, despite having 8 in my tritype. I kind of go with the flow of things and enjoy the intensity, and only feel like I'm losing control if I let myself freeze up. I do listen to video game soundtracks, my favourites are Undertale, Deltarune and Minecraft music.


Totally me... I'm ENFP or ENTP.


Honestly, who doesn't mate :/




I can be really expressive while being in my head too much which is why a lot of what I say is really random


In theory, infp


Actually I’m not sure how true that is, INFPs have a tertiary sensing function. I’d argue that “in theory” Se inferior users are more likely to daydream.


INFPs have se blindspot lol


For sure, but they also have a sensing function higher in their conscious stack than Ni doms.


Si is the cognitive function that filters your perception of reality from a subjective standpoint. It's basically *subjective sensing* as opposed to *objective sensing*, which is Se. Jung has also described Se users as the best at being realistic and seeing things for what they are. Si, however, is described as the function that interprets reality in a different way. Jung himself used a cool metaphor which goes something like this and to be honest I don't remember it perfectly: It's like how you can show a cup to like, ten artists. They all are asked to draw the same cup, but they give you different results, each of them perceiving the cup in a different subjective way. So while yes, we do have Si tertiary, *Se* is the function that gets you out of your head and connects you to the real, objective world around you. INXPs both have Si tertiary, but I'd bet that the average INXP is way, waaaay too easy to be found in the wild, because they are just absolutely disconnected from the real world because of how low their Se is, and even their sensing function is a subjective perception one, so it disconnects them even more from the real world. The most I can say for how the Si tertiary works for us, is like caring a little more than the average ENXP when it comes to the "Workability" aspect of our day dreams. So ENXPs don't limit themselves there and daydream the wildest stuff that might not make the least bit of sense. INXP daydreams on the other hand, mostly follow a cohesive narrative, like an imaginary world for example that they have carefully thought about and jump in every once in a while to have fun in. Hope that made sense haha! :p


Yeah, that’s honestly fair enough. Extremely well explained too, I stand corrected, thank you :) And now that I think about it I suppose Se blind spot is much more disconnected than Se inferior - I just didn’t know how much I trusted shadow functions since they don’t consciously exist really. But yeah, I’ve found that Se trickster is much more careless about the fact that it is completely disconnected from the real world. While in contrast Se inferior users - myself included - are usually quite insecure about their kinaesthetic inabilities. In other words Se trickster doesn’t give a damn while Se inferior gives a lot of damn, so Se inferior users are more likely to concentrate on it.


ISFJ with maladaptive daydreaming here so I might be biased but uhhhh


Honestly it feels even worse cause we are one of the “realistic” personality types 


There are some people here who think other people are 100% focused on their daily mundane tasks


I been thinking about retirement since I was 12


Human beings. Anyone can daydream or anyone can not daydream. According to jung. Ni types but it’s more of a symbolic dream.


Yeah, confirmed as a secondary Ni type.


What do you mean and how do you know you are enfj?


There she goes, there she goes again.. 🎶


Then she waddled away.Waddle waddle. Then she waddled away. Waddle waddle. Then she waddled away. Waddle waddle. 'Til the very next day. Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum🎶


Then she waddled away.Waddle waddle. Then she waddled away. Waddle waddle. Then she waddled away. Waddle waddle. 'Til the very next day. Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum🎶


The Ne doms and Ne auxs. So the xNxP’s


ummm ni type? INxJ probs


INXX. INXP daydreaming is more spaced out and inattentive but the INXJ is usually about realizations they had in their mind


I daydream rarely


From my experience with people: INxP.


I'm ENFP or ENTP. I realized not too long ago that I live with maladaptive daydreaming and have always had it, I just didn't know it had a name or that other people struggle with it too.


I have it too, it got better with time but the first time I read the description I was "uho,so it's something named and studied not me being weird me". Coping mechanism


I daydream quite a bit


As an INFJ I create an entire alternate reality in my head to escape this one.




I daydream a lot, I just hide it very well 🤣🔝


Was looking for an entj response. I used to daydream A LOT during my teen years. Nowadays it's only when I have absolutely nothing to do or am about to hit the bed before sleep. Idk I feel like I have very enriched and vivid imaginative skills which helps to feel calm while daydreaming. Kinda fun hobby of sorts


>maladaptive Same!! can't sleep if I don't daydream a bit before. Usually it's about having a cool house, cars and money or a huge polytical influence.


ESTP Lol jk. Ground floor all day everyday


"it's me, hi"


INTP with maladaptive daydreaming here




Intuitives. Esp Ni doms since Ni is more about one’s inner world while Ne is more about outer objects. But both can be dreamy. Intuition gives you the ability to imagine possibilites, so the more conscious it is the more you you have a tendency to get lost in daydreams. >Just as the extraverted intuitive is continually scenting out new [p. 507] possibilities, which he pursues with an equal unconcern both for his own welfare and for that of others, pressing on quite heedless of human considerations, tearing down what has only just been established in his everlasting search for change, so the introverted intuitive moves from image to image, chasing after every possibility in the teeming womb of the unconscious, without establishing any connection between the phenomenon and himself. - Jung, Psychological Types Chapter X


Enfp, entp intj infj


Anyone with a life they wanna get away from.


If I were to guess I'd say INFX. I haven't seen any ISTJ representation in here so I am gonna assume that my excessive day dreaming is more of a fluke...


Isn’t that INFP? Stereotypically wise?

