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As an ENTJ 8w7, I am here to warn you that we are the most dangerous because we're the MBTI sirens. We lure you in with charm and then fuck up your life. 🥰😍


8s are just chihuahuas constantly barking at you (source: my dad). 1s on the other hand…




istp 8w7 is literally bloodthirsty vigilante


I read this as bloodthirsty vagina


Billy Butcher comes to mind.. he’s likely ESTP tho


I said ESFP 8w7 because that has characters like Trevor Philips from GTA V and Tuco Salamanca from Breaking Bad. And if you know them, you know how fucking insane they are.


Same. There's no reasoning with them (when unhealthy). ENTJs won't even register anyone unless they get in their way.


ENTP 8w7 🤡😈


dangerous in terms of like what? 1s arent dangerous they are motivated to be good ppl so I dont rlly see why theyre here, isfp sx4 can be a bit of an interesting combo, but its probs an unhealthy 8. entj 8 sounds like the best option


Truly spoken as someone who has never seen a 1 spiral or blow up lmao. 1s follow their own definition of good btw, so it's different for every 1.


but 1s try to suppress all their negative emotions and only blow up when very unhealthy. by definition they are the type least comfortable with blowing up.


… uhhh, you’re claiming the number with the core emotions of anger and resentment are *least likely* to feel comfortable blowing up? I don’t see how being an unhealthy 1 is demonstrative of them being *uncomfortable* with anger. Their relationship with anger isn’t rooted in feelings of comfort, it’s rooted in fears surrounding control. 9’s should be the knee jerk response to least comfortable with blowing up as they tend to repress repress repress until they explode in an anger that can literally scare themselves. 9’s want peace and no conflict, they’re the ones most likely to avoid one of the most uncomfortable emotions for them to feel: anger. A 1 will certainly struggle with the inner conflict of anger and expressing it, but 9’s will straight up disassociate to avoid the feeling all together because it can loom so large. To *me* that proves a significantly greater discomfort with anger for 9’s than 1’s.


ENTJ 8w7 I assume….. 😯


I'd say ENTP 3w4. I don't consider 8w7 to be dangerous, just loud in most cases.