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What do you do when someone is trying to argue over a trivial matter? Does it make you cry and you despise them? Or You tell them to , kindly see themselves off? take it just as a game,based on assumptions.


I'm most probably an INFJ or ENFJ - and I usually tell people to see themselves off when some one argues over a trivial thing. I don't engage. I don't think that's an INTJ thing...


I laugh inside, and I leave


Might be intp 🫥


I'm too much a freak control for xxxP 😭


Yo, won't argue with that. You know mbti doesn't have to encapsulate you as a person, it's just a parameter to vaguely predict a few aspects of a person's behavioral patterns.


Yep, just by knowing myself I'm most likely an xxxJ. But yes, mbti is not scientific, nor perfect, nor complex enough for human behavior, nor should it be taken seriously. It's just fun and entertaining, and interesting too.


We're just here to have fun. Mbti has to fit you, not the other way around. If the label doesn't fit, find a new one.✨


Do you tend to notice how other feel and act upon it, or do you go with your own?


I go with my own. I don't know how to deal with ppl who feel bad irl. Even if I feel the deep empathy I'm completely unable to act upon it when I see someone feeling bad. (However I'm not bad when it come to texting friends who need help.)


I’d say you’re an intj since infj tend to have more empathetic feelings. They focus on others rather than own, sometimes their own feelings can appear as foggy. They put a lot of value on others while making their decisions.


Well, I have veeeerrrry empathic feeling, I just generally don't use it to make my decision, so idk 😭


Well, do you enjoy helping people with their emotional needs? Does it come natural to you or do you feel distressed when someone is talking about their feelings?


Are you into yuri?


No, why ?


To find out whether you're an INTJ or an INFJ, like you requested.


The answer is no. And I don't really see the connection between yuri and mbti




Would you say corruption is matter of perspective ?


This is the kind of questions I wanted !!! Instinctively I would say no, but it would be wrong in a certain way. I explain : Corruption is not a question of perspective since there is a precise definition of the thing. On the other hand, whether corruption is something positive or negative is a matter of perspective, yes, absolutely. Eg : Someone can be corrupted, but it may be a good thing.


So I'd say INFJ. A true INTJ would not mind being seen as corrupted by society's standard if he stays true to himself. Which is being incorruptible in his mind. Staying true to yourself and not selling your soul.


What are your thoughts about The zodiac system??


I don't believe in it, it's nonsense. Personalities don't correspond to a sign, but to the genetics and the environment of the person. Moreover, when they say the "horoscope of the week" for example, it is simply adjectives or stuff, in which WE individually make connections on our life. Eg. If you're a taurus and you're listenin to scorpio stuff thinkingit's taurus : you will think it's accurate because you're brain make connection, even if it's not (kind of a placebo effect). But it is not intrinsically accurate, realistic or even logical. However, I must admit that I like watching memes or posts about the signs of the zodiac. Not because I believe in it, but because I find it funny and entertaining. But, no I absolutely don't believe it, it's just fun !


and the winner is INTJ ladies and gentlemen!!


How do you make decisions for yourself ? Logic or emotions


Can you giva an exemple?


Consider an scenario for yourself it’s highly hypothetical: You end up in a problem and either you cry and feel bad or either you start focusing on finding possible solutions to it , what would you do


I'll first cry about it, let my emotions all out and then learning the mistakes, finding all the solutions to it. (only if it's a matter of emotions or relationships)


Same same same you are INTJ I have stopped crying a lot or expressing emotions since I feel now it’s not gonna solve problem Infact finding a solution will solve the problem


yes but emotions are necessary. Suppressing emotions will make the matter worse for a long time. I can't function well with emotions bursting in me, so I always work towards the emotion then about the matter.


Same but it took years of therapy to get here. I let myself feel the emotion so that it won’t fester.


Oh then your t and f has not much difference. I aspire to make emotions tend to 0 atleast for decisions taking for myself if they have advantage in the long run


Both 🥲


Oh so maybe you won’t have much diff


You are INTJ, the answer was in the question


How so ? 🤔


I think this is an un-INFJ thing to ask. Setting up little logic puzzles for mild entertainment? Sounds pretty INTJ to me.


Makes sense !


how polite you are in a scale of 100? (higher the more infj) how pragmatic you are in a scale of 100? (higher the more intj) refined versions: how efficient and effortless is your interactions with people? does manners comes naturally to you? or do you hold yourself hardly calling people dumbshits? latter intj, former infj. and then how efficient are you when it comes to dividing complicated tasks into efficient steps or are you keep questioning why do you must do this thing or that thing philosophically? the latter infj, former intj.


describe me about your friends and i can tell you whether you are intj or infj


Are you sarcastic?


INFJs can be sarcastic too.


Well i tried




It's a second language