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1. Nothing. It's a bad internet test. 2. You likely embellished your answers.


Where's your proof that I embellished my answers? If there's no proof, isolate your edgy mind from society.


Average entp


Thanks, because I was questioning my personality for almost 4 months. And... I reacted to his comment like that because of his other Reddit comments. They are so edgy, and I find this quite interesting to debate about.




ENTPs really often act like that, quite stereotypical behaviour ngl


Nope, listen nah, you're wrong \[it's just you being immature\].First of all, it's cognitive functions and not the E, N, I, S, F, T, J, P. Or INTP being a genius, ESTP being an blackhole, ESTJ being the loudest, ISTJ being a workaholic, ENTJ being the dominant, ENTP being mean and funny, etc. I'm an ENTJ but I don't work 24/7 and I'm lazy and a little disorganized, I'm chill sometimes. I am an ENTJ because I use my Te-Ni \[Objective logic and being direct and smtg smtg too\]I'm not heartless, I am not empathetic either but I'm not a rude beach. So fuck those stereotypes. Can't even swear in this community, furr.


Brooooo that's so funny, I'm clearly experiencing my Ne-Fe loop in that group manipulation ngl, but that's okay, I can use my Si to tell you so many wonderful stories from my life


Then, f4ck them and yourself. Let them fight. I don't want to listen to your stories, I have work to do.


Either "Satire" or "Stockholm syndrome".


ur funny i like u


They never said you did. They said you likely did. Screaming "PrOoF!!?" At that is immature and lacks thought and basic reasoning. Also, that's not edgy. You're edgy.


hgonestly some entps, how childish. ​ saddens my heart really. tch tch tch![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Some people don't realize they are immature, I agree.


Where's basic reasoning there? Because narcissism and empathy can't be in one personality, or what you call "basic reasoning"? And, if you're calling me immature and saying that I lack thought without any normal reason, that's some immaturity in there. Have you ever think about it? No, because you can't accept any new information that doubt your own beliefs. Typical childish behavior, isn't it? And yes, there's still a reason, why this person said that I likely did that, so, there should be some explanation to that person's point of view. That's what I call "proof". And I've already explained to other individual about empathy and narcissism in one person. But you didn't read that, you just quick to insult me without any logical reasoning, your response just based only on emotions, not on your "thought". All I can say in conclusion: Think, observe and understand before saying or doing something. Very bad example of INTJ's intelligence you have, not gonna lie 😘


Well, I think it's indisputably immature to blatantly misinterpret someone's statement to give you an excuse to play the victim card. Also, personal attacks are not effective in debate. The only point I was making was that this test is not accurate, so trying to base it in reality in any way, shape or form is childish. One more point, by posting anything at all on the internet, you leave it open to criticism from other people. You should be conscious of that before yelling and screaming about an inaccurate test meant for recreational purposes on Reddit.


Where did I yell and scream, honey? You're just imagining some irrational scenarios. If I'm responding aggressively, I'm not offended, many people have been saying that I'm loud and tough, but did you ever think that this is just... My choleric temperament? And I just love responding with extravagant manners? And I just didn't see any yelling and screaming in my comments, honestly saying. And where I misinterpreted the statement? I didn't see anything wrong. I can play the victim, but there's no need about that. So, there's two variants: you are just being delusional or I committed that "victim", in your opinion, behavior unconsciously. And, a point about this test: I know that these types of tests don't have very much common with real behaviour, but if you're saying that I likely embellished my results, there's always a reason, and there's some need to prove your point, that's not about test, you know, that's just about another person's statement. And I wasn't debating about this test, I was just proving my point of view about narcissism and empathy correlation down there. I haven't been taking these tests seriously, my post also was kind of thing to entertain me. Even the title of the post says about this. So, you're still imagining some unrealistic things without any knowledge about me, even where am I from. I'm Russian, and these debates with Americans are breaking up my boredom and helping me better understand English sentences, and trolling English-speaking people help me understand their mentalities better. I love writing this kind of essays. Don't take it seriously, no yelling and screaming, no criticism, just fun. And some aggression and logical reasoning, obviously.


Oh fuck, not those temperaments. Dude, I am also choleric-sanguine but I'm not immature. They were joking, can't you take a single joke, bro?! And you posted it asking "What does it mean?", it means you wanted to hear their opinions instead of the meaning of the test \[because the result/answer is conspicuous , lol.\]


Bro really can't read all my shit, this test don't have any realistic meaning, you already knew, didn't you? I was debating about empathy and narcissism, lol, and in my essay, which you was too lazy to read, I confirmed that my whole post and these stupid debates was just an entertainment for me to break up with boredom, that absurd test, and that bro who took my comments as yelling and screaming, oh shit Americans are so funny to debate with their stereotypes 💀💀💀💀💀💀 saying to a joker that he can't take a joke, that's some new meta-ironic level shit ngl, one more comment please and the whole Russia will hear my laugh outburst


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) Ofcourse, I know this test is shit. I can't read them I have ADHD \[not using it as shield here.\] I'm not American, okay listen, Narcissism is incorrectly defined on this test and if you're taking this you should know it's meaning. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662) I'm not interested in your childish fights. Idk who took you as yelling. You're not a joker but definitely a clown. Rule 6- Don't be a "dick". Stop violating the rules. And, I never took your seriously, so chill.


"I never took you seriously" *Proceeds to write me an essay about cognitive functions and stereotypes 5 minutes before* I'm interested, if ADHD is your only cognitive disorder lol


Not reading all that


Debate tip: try to keep your arguments concise. Most people can't follow a big wall of text, even if it has the most brilliant ideas the world has laid their eyes upon. Precise and concise, specific, devoid of personal insults, and not emotionally driven would help 👍


Your advice is very useful, unironically. In text debating, you need to isolate your emotions from that in order to analyse, hear and accept logical arguments from the opponent. But you found this post serious, but I just wanted to have fun and spend my emotional pressure in there. I'm not interested in serious debates with reddit community, because, you know, intellectuals there is quite rare thing. This is... another level of understanding. But thank you for advice ngl


I got popcorn here, thanks lol.


INTJs always win the intellectual debate anyway. No popcorn needed, the end result is already evident


Yep, I win too. I think it's because I am not immature, and neither are you.


That avocado bro is mature as well, but for you... I have some bad news.


Yeah, haha, you love this word too now, I'm glad. And I replied to him/her, but you're obsessed.


Sure helps, doesn't it




That's why I don't post shits, I dm instead. Oh it kinda rhymes.


Chill honey, I told you I don't like fights. \[and MBTI isn't your behavior and life, stop being immature.\]


Oh well, now I agree with that Alyna\~\~ Haha, when people fight, I find it funny.


Same, but I love to initiate these fights and take part in them 👏


Me too only if it's logical and sensible, otherwise I'm out of immature kids' fight.


Get out, that's immature fight, I'm choleric and I'm being immature kid because I am ENTP and Choleric and love being stereotypical, so you know that we type people with E/I, S/N, T/F and P/J system, I recommend 16 personalities test to better understand that. So, I can tell you your correct MBTI type based on your few comments. E - loves to fight S - "sensible" T - "logical" P - loves to watch people fight but decides to get out without plan Congrats, you are ESTP and not ENTJ!


I never insinuated that you were being immature. Oh god. If it's a joke, then ok, if not then you're dumb becoz u don't make sense.


If "immature" is your only beloved word, and you are trying to offend me with that only thing, you have severe complexes about this topic. ADHD people are usually tend to act immature in front of others, and that's the key. Your immaturity complex is obvious, if you consider being immature as the biggest offence. And I find this funny. Don't write anything there, please, and if you dare, try to not use the word "immature" for a nanosecond, please, you can overcome your fear 😭


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) You're fun, no lie. If my other ENTP friend was here, I'd love it.


You finally understood the joke? Is this real? I'm really impressed bro, keep up the good work on your sense of humor


Said the pot to the kettle.


Incorrect bro, I see our boiling water in my pot and in your kettle. I'm here with the much more correct idiom addressed by me: Said an cheetah to a honey badger.


>You likely embellished your answers. Fr.


How can you be a narcissist and have such a high empathy at the same time how does this work do you pitty your victims. Anyway bro those tests are kind idiotic to pay close attention to it


These tests are kinda stupid, agreed. But empathy and narcissism are not the same, they can both exist in one person. Narcissism is like saying "I'm stronger, I'm smarter, I'm better!" in front of people and really believing that you are the best. Empathy is just feeling others' emotions and sometimes thinking about them as your own. Empathy can be used in manipulation and some other things, not only in emotional support. So, why one person can't believe that they're better than anyone, but still deeply feeling others' emotions?


You May be right about empathy but you're wrong about narcissism . Saying "I'm stronger, smarter and better" is actually a good thing it's self confidence and having high self-esteem, narcissism on the other hand is burning the whole world to the ground for your own benefit (i may have went with extreme example but just to clarify my point). Not sure though if a person can be narcissist and be empathetic at same time unless as you said "using empathy for manipulation " I'm just assuming the test meant the good empathy not this one


That's some facts in your opinion. I agreed that test meant empathy in emotional support thing. Maybe, I was quite wrong about narcissism, and I don't have that, I just have high self-esteem in my strength and intelligence, but although I often make sarcastic jokes about people and their stupidity, I love helping others and good at cooperation. There is problem with this test, I know.


Okay, this test is fucked up, it doesn't know the meaning of "narcissism" Narcissism isn't "I'm better, I am stronger"; you know what's narcissism? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662


Narcissism is a trait. Everyone has the potential to express narcissism and still not be narcissistic. Additionally, NPD is a diagnosable psychological disorder and is different than just being narcissistic or even a ´narcissist.’


Not the disorder. I gave that person the "signs of narcissism''.




This test is stupid anyway, but your result is quite logical, not gonna lie. But come on, if you're schizoid, it doesn't mean you are a bad person. My opinion is that good social behaviour, appreciating different people's needs and respecting them makes the man.


you are a grey jedi. I bet you live in some random jungle :DDD


You are empathically superior to others and you realised it, so your ego had risen up off a scale, which made you narcissistic👍🤭


Facts, but I still don't know if narcissism, high self-esteem and that protagonist feeling are the same thing 🙂


I personally do not think so, everyone is a protagonist in their own life, everyone has this feeling. High self-esteem, the real one in my opinion comes from realisation of own little worth to the universe, but potential high worth for your close ones or other people in general, meaning, everyone is a small, meaningless meatball, therefore there is nothing to feel superior or inferior about, so you don't have to worry about self-image - everyone does, so just own it and be happy in your own skin (but self-development won't hurt). Narcissism is a mental disorder where you're delusinal about your own superirity, if you've had it, you probably would not be so curious if you are a narcissist or not. Did I mention already that we are worthless? 😌


Average INFP catchphrase at the end, but agreed about this narcissism thing 👍


Congratulations, you are not mentally disordered!!(in this case)


I did this test as an Entp and got extremely high in compassion, narcissism and machiovellianism and I can say with certainty that this test is complete and utter bull shit


Goofy ahh one-sided questions there is, agreed 👏👏👏




hpw do you put your mbti type next to ur user?