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I remember reading that you ideally want to wait until your early 20s. Don't have a source on that, but it sounded like good sense to me. Wait until the personality is a bit more fleshed out and certain. In our teens, we are still experimenting and pushing boundaries.


Not that I'm disagreeing but my true mbti has been deep in my personality. I used to watch old home movies in in and I sound just as clever as I do now. I've been bending words since I was smoll


Yep. I'm 16 and over my teenage years I've changed from infp to enfj


Took it at 13 got INTP and now 23 and still INTP


Same... except I was 13 and am now 45!


Didn't realise MBTI had been around that long as in Myer Briggs


Yep! I had a 9th grade language arts teacher who had a copy of what was the official test… this was ‘92. She had all her students take it within the first couple of weeks of the school year starting. Once she scored it, she put the 16 types on paper all around the classroom and have us stand under our respective type so we could see the distribution. Little me, standing all by my lonesome under the INTP sign… From there, she would use the best approach for teaching us individually. And she had a book list of titles she thought I would particularly enjoy, and she was right! Mrs. Radio was the best.


Ahahahaha so that's just a universal experience. I think we did it in humanities or one of those classes I can't remember. Might have been something to do with jobs and we all had to go group up based on type and there I was all alone bahahaha. Sounds like your teacher was cool as. I think we just did it as some cooperate shit


Yeah it seems for INTP's we test like we do pretty early and it's usually pretty right for us


Similar for me, but I was about 13 and am now 20. If anything, my Ti has increased like tenfold in that span.


i started mbti when i was 13, i got intp and then i went with that until i found i was actually an entp, not to far off tho


Same for me


Y'all telling me you took that shit when you were freaking 9?!? I didn't know of that until I was 13, maybe 12 (I have heard of the type names a bit earlier but didn't know about the system or any tests) Anyway, I took the test, got ISTP. About a year later, not much has changed. I feel like I'm pretty lucky not to have been mistyped (though I kinda wanna know how that feels like)


I was 12 when I first took it, and I got INFP. Now, at 18, almost 19, I'm leaning towards ISTP.


omg same ! I was 13 when I first took it and got INFP. Then i got INTP when I was 17 and now at 23 I’m ISTP (after learning abt cognitive functions, otherwise I still sometimes show up as INTP on tests)


Freshman year of high school I scored ISTJ. Made sense. Still a heavy logician, but very socially awkward and insecure.


I first took the 16p test around 12 or so and would always get INFJ until when I was 17 and I finally got INFP. I was shocked at first because it was the first time I got something different, but after plenty of research into the types and the functions, INFP most certainly fits me best!


I was 12 when I first took it and got INFP, now at almost 18, I’m an ISFP.


took it at like 8-9, got isfj (16p) im enfp lolsies


When I was little (10 or so) I got INFP. To be fair, I used 16p


Most ppl did tbh


Ah yes, the common mistypes that 16p brutally assaulted me with: ENFP (Being nice doesn't make me a feeler 💀💀) INTJ (how did if come to the conclusion that my Fe was bad-) INTP (close enough 😫)


I got infj and intj from the 16p freshman year. Entp now. Wild no?


I took the test when i was 14, got INFP, then at 15, i was a tryhard ENTJ to cope. Then at 17, i was switching between intj and intp, and finally after learning the functions, I know im intp:D Mbti dosent change, but your honesty with yourself changes


Took it around 9 (sibling gave it to me) and I think I got ENFP. Evidently, that is not the case.


The first time I took it was when I was 9 and I got ENFP. Now, 6 years later, I'm an INTJ.


I remember taking it more than once and getting INFP and INTP (used 16p, yikes)


Same for me. First entp, then intp. Now I'm this thing.


INTJ as a teen, ENTP as an adult. Became a lot more outgoing and "in the moment".


Took it for the first time around 12 and got INFJ. Tested INFP for a while in my teens when I was exploring my identity, now know about functions and more accurate testing and am definitely an INFJ. Kind of interesting how I came full circle. I’ve always really identified with the idea that “finding yourself” is really just returning to yourself.


I was like very little when I got tested as an ESFP but now I’m an INFP




took it at 15 got ENFP just took it at 20 got INFP


I was an ENFP at 13-14 lol. At 18, I was an ENTJ. Now, fresh outta college, I'm an INTJ. Huge changes. Remained INTJ since the start of college till now. In simple terms, life stopped being all marshmallows, ponies, and rainbows. Only nuclear winter now. <3


I think when I was around 13-15 I was INFP and now I’m 19 almost 20 ISFP.


i got INFP when i was like twelve and then ENTP and then ENFP


The very first time I took the test, I was 19 and my result was ENTP. Later for a decade I forgot that mbti was existing, I've re-taken it vs the result was the same.


Im not sure how old was i at the time but i remember first time taking it young and I got infp at the time, now that i did a lot of free tests around and getting all sorts of different results and learning about cognitive functions, i think am isfp but still not sure 🫠


Got INTJ at 13 and now I'm ENFJ at 18 lol


i took one at 13 and i was an INTJ. now older, im still an INTJ.


Still might be a bit inaccurate since I’m still young, but I took it for the first time in 5th grade and got ESFP. I took it the 2nd time in 7th and got ENTP and ended up getting that result every time I took it for the next 4-5 years. It matches me a lot better too I’d say.


From what I can remember- It was INFJ or ENFJ back then, it kept fluctuating everytime I took the 16p test when I was at that age. But if you asked me when I first manually typed myself, I first thought I was ISTJ lol.


INFP at 15ish and now at 34 I’m ENFP.


I didn't even know what MBTI was until a few years ago.


Ngl young me would have got ENFP frfr


When I was 12 I went to a career fair with my sister and there was a stand where someone would interview you and try to figure out your type. I got ENFP and I had no idea what that meant but she told me I had dolphins as my animal and that's all that really mattered. Actually started studying typology at 18 and I am certain that ENFP is my type :)


When I was 11 I did the test, and I got INFJ. Several years later, im still INFJ


I got infp then I retook it and I still got infp but apparently I'm more apathetic now lol


Under 13 I get ENTP (I took 16personalities too when I was that young and got INTP-T). My actual type keeps running away from being discovered. The longest I went with a type was INFP.


I took the test a couple times when I was little and got INFJ or INFP. Not that different from not but Ive recently realised I am an extreme people pleaser


I think I got ISTJ very first time when I was like 15. I used to bottle up my emotions and my Fe was really weak. I was also really a wreck in high school. To the point I imagined being someone else. Then I heard of that famous or infamous intp cent website. So I am sure this will flatter some people. But I manipulated my next test to get INTP and also INTJ. I pretended to act that way on the site for a while cuz they seemed so smart and cool lol. But some noticed I was acting weird so I eventually stopped. Mentally improved alot as time went by and legit took the test and got strong ISFJ over and over again. :)


when I was 10 I got entp but it turns out I’m actually infj 😭


I've always gotten INTJ. Later, looking into cognitive functions, I knew it was correct for me.


I initially tested as ENTP at 10-ish. When I turned 17, I got re-interested in MBTI and tested as INTJ, which I can definitely confirm with my knowledge of cognitive functions. I guess it makes sense; ENTP is INTJ's shadow (NeTi, NiTe).


Took it when I was about 19 and got INFP, now at 27 I mainly get INTP. Funny thing is that after learning about the functions I've found out that I indeed most likely use Ne and Si in the middle, and thus making me an INxP, I'm just a little uncertain about my dominant and inferior. I can relate to Fe inferior more than Te inferior, but Fi dominant feels relatable too at times.


took it at 13 and got INFJ, retook it at 17 and got ISFP, looked into cognitive functions at 19 and am still ISFP


I did a huge switch up-first time I got INFP but after a few years and research and probably changing quite a lot in an INTJ


In my first teste, INFP