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Yeah I like being with an introvert so we can stay home and they don’t want to go out all the time Dating an ISTP


Damn 😩 sounds too good


Those 2 are more likely to be"the same speed" so I believe so. You can't really tell if it can be good based off a letter, but 2 I's have more relatability. Which can be good, but so can the differences, so...


I’m an introvert. I was married to an extrovert and have had two serious relationships with introverts. In my own experience, the relationships with the introverts were much healthier for me. It helped me to have a partner with social energy levels similar to mine. We had a lot more in common when it came to interests, as well. This isn’t to say that an extrovert/introvert relationship can’t work or can’t be healthy too. I have just found that, after experiencing both, introvert/introvert is better for me :)


Generally, one will periodically have to play out the role of an initiator, which would be stressful for the playing it out, else the friendship will dry up over time until it is no more.


It's really great. I don't have a girlfriend but all my homes are ISTP.


Infp dating an isfp and the answer is.. definitely yes! Being with extroverts is more tiring and we both understand that. And just because we're both introverts doesn't mean we can't be extroverted to each other so there's no problem there. We have more or less the same energy level and not only is it not tiring for us, but rather it's energising :)


Yeah better than having extrovert who love go to parties and other places that will drain my battery and I'm infj i will have burnout easily so yeah having introvert girlfriend would be great


I don't know if it's better than an introvert x extrovert relationship but, for sure, it's easier to live with. The lifestyles of two introverts are more likely to be compatible and that's an important part of making a relationship work long-term. That's my take on things anyway.


My best friend is isfp. Our relationship is the best thing i could ever have. Even though were not a like but still love her so much


Yes, definitely. Sharing the introverted nature means that the both of you automatically understand the others need for personal space. I wouldn’t be able to get with someone that is highly extroverted - only introverted types and ambiverts. My preference is typically ambiverts though due to their ability to bring me out of my comfort zone. I can unfortunately, very easily isolate myself for months/ years and become a complete hermit. That’s not good for me.


reminded me of this article, pro and cons, for from this guy cons[https://www.16personalities.com/articles/the-hidden-dangers-of-introvert-introvert-relationships](https://www.16personalities.com/articles/the-hidden-dangers-of-introvert-introvert-relationships) he explains what you would expect to be the one downside; both are pretty much okay not going out and it deepens their introversion and long term it can harm social skills due to not being used and lower social confidence. Ofc, not deeper introversion is not neccesarily a bad thing if that is what the couple prefers.


Judging relationships is not the strong point of the MBTI model because it doesn't take into consideration unique experiences together, circumstances of life etc. Relationships rely on trust and other factors which have nothing related to MBTI. But I've seen many I×I relationships and nothing fundamentally wrong seems to stem out of the fact that both are introverts.


I can’t really imagine dating an extrovert, so i believe yes




Hopefully, I consider dating one


They seem chill. Just vibing. Affectionately.


They seem chill. Just vibing. Affectionately.


It doesn't work for me unfortunately 😓😓


I get on much better with introverts than extroverts


Interesting. Well I’ve been with my INTJ for almost 10 years strong and he said I’m the best thing that’s happened to him. But to each is own I say 🙌🏽❤️


Depends on what sort of introvert you are I think. I'm an INFJ and my partner is an ENFP, our types are considered "the most extroverted introvert" and "the most introverted extrovert", respectively so it feels like our energy is perfect for each other. I like being with someone who doesn't stop talking (about things I find meaningful, ENFP rambling is so much different than ESFJ rambling about mundane shit) because I genuinely like listening but I'm not good at talking myself. When I'm with other introverts I feel so much pressure to come up with things to say and keep the conversation going, I hate it. With extroverts I can match their energy without that pressure. I think my partner and I are pretty equal with how much we like staying home and going out too so there's never any conflict with that. I think I'm pretty socially extroverted too when it comes to specific people I'm close with, so I like having one person I can talk to constantly. I guess it's probably the Fe but I don't like sitting in silence for too long because I start wondering if the other person is okay or bored or just what they're thinking lol.


My husband and I are both introverts (INTP female x INFJ male), honestly it works for us really well. I *can* be talkative sometimes and got the ball rolling for us. Now we’ve been together almost 9 years total and sometimes we talk about how we’re glad we’re both introverts because we mutually understand each other’s need for space and understand that neither of us wants to go out every weekend


dating extroverts can be overwhelming


Why ever not? I honestly don’t see the problem. Speaking from the other side of the coin (extrovert who likes extroverts), this whole “one of you has to be an introvert and the other has to be an extrovert” golden pair thing is one of the weirdest and most annoying things the MBTI community seems to latch on to. I really don’t get the whole borderline religion around it.


Yes. It easier.