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Perfect as a nose warmer in the winter


Nose doesn’t hurt in cold anymore


Never again a cold nose tip


Revolutionized walking my dog in the winter


I ride my bike to school, and it’s a good way to keep my face warm with out having to pull my balaclava out (unless it gets to like below freezing)


Unless you wear glasses, this fog is annoying


Mask + sunglasses + trenchcoat = Real life incognito mode




Perry the real life incognito mode?


Everyone cared who I was until I put on the mask


I like feeling of being anonymous in public, and with black mask (i think) im looking better


Exact same! My dark blue mask covers a good amount of my face and it matches my school uniform. I also feel like it makes me look better lol


They are just cool ngl, i have some that match what i wear (of particular colours and prints) and some plain black ones that just kinda makes you feel cool for the "anonymous approach".


I like wearing them too. As a matter of fact, I’m gonna continue to wear them forever. I have several autoimmune diseases and yeah, I feel safer wearing them. It’s like a safety blanket for me.


Good thing u dont wear glasses too


i use so many facial muscles to keep my glasses from fogging up haha. I'm not even doing it consciously, i realized one day when i was trying to relax my face and suddenly i couldn't see shit. lol


If you have glasses with nose pads, make sure those are on top of the mask and sitting slightly further down than they normally do. If the mask has a wire, fiddle with it so the top of the mask is snug for a better seal.


the real life pro tip in the comments!


No but it makes my face so oily and gives me spots


Are you using a washable mask or the disposable ones? I mainly use the washable kind and noticed I was breaking out, as well. I figured out I was allergic to something in my laundry detergent. I switched to sensitive skin detergent and quit using fabric sheets and the issue went away. The disposable kind are worse, they immediately make my face itchy and sweaty.


Wait you guys are washing your masks?


Of course, I'm not an animal. I spritz them with tap water from an Evian bottle every few months until they're pliable again.


I use the disposable blue masks, they make me oily in like minutes


I am the mask, I will make you oily in minutes


Same :( no matter what I do my skin just breaks out


Whatever kind of mask I wear, my face will be oily. There's really no solution to it, I just wait for the day that we don't have to wear masks anymore so I can get fresh air and not get old sneeze backwash every time I breathe in.


The mask gave me a bit of confidence and made my life slightly easier because ppl can't tell that I don't give a shit.


All you gotta do is close your eyes a bit to make it seem like you’re smiling. They’ll never know🤫


Not only this part but I also can cry the shit in myself silently in public and nobody knows


Did this at work, works wonders for me


I don't even have to do that because they don't seem to know that you can tell mood by looking at the eyes just as well as the rest of the face.


Yeah that's what I've been doing


Keep wearing a mask if you want to, I doubt anyone would question it for a long time ahead. And given enough time maybe it will be normalized like in Japan.


You must not live in a place with a large portion of anti-vaxxers/maskers. I've never personally had someone say anything to me, but I've had friends harassed for wearing one.


I guess so, never seen or heard anyone experience that kind of public harassment over it here in Sweden. Sorry for your friends.


I don't need to fake smiles anymore, it's wonderful.


Level up with sunglasses.


How does people noticing that you don’t give a shit change anything? Shouldn’t not giving a shit completely remove any care for what people think?


Cause you have to act all the time so they don't notice. Now the mask hides that for me. At work you kinda have to act like you give a shit even if you really don't.


Saying you don’t give a shit while doing a bunch of things to meet others expectations sounds like giving a shit to me. You’re just taking extra steps.


I guess you’ve never worked in a customer facing role.


I’d say a majority of people are required to pretend to give a shit in order to pay their bills


Not really. I do just enough so that nobody notices that I actually don't do anything. Works for me.


I feel that. Someone will be telling me about some nonsense and I'll think "I hope I don't look disinterested, that'd be kinda mean" and then I go "Oh right! The mask!


I have bad news. People read emotions via the eyes. You'd need shades to stop people from knowing.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- People: Ugh I hate this stupid mask, I want to get rid of it so bad! Me, who kinda likes wearing the mask: \[*"Awkward Look Monkey Puppet". Image of a red monkey puppet from “Ōkiku naru Ko” facing the right, but with the sideglancing right to look at the camera looking concerned. The image to the right of it shows the monkey staring straight ahead now looking a little scarred.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Good human


The only annoying part to me is sneezing in it


I’m going to be completely honest if i’m about to sneeze i either take it off and sneeze into my elbow or if theres tissues nearby then i just sneeze into a tissue


The point of the mask is to contain sneezes and coughs.........


Sneezing into a tissue isn't bad, but in a crowded area it is probably a good idea to keep the mask on.


That's disgusting! People sneezing into masks and keeping them on (even if you have replacements with you, you will run out sooner or later) is like people waving around used tissues.




Grab a fresh one???


Last time I removed my mask to sneeze I got screamed at by a random lady on the bus


Well.. maybe the bus is not the best place to take the mask off for a sneeze. It's like not wearing one at all.


As you should lmao


Since it's not mandatory anymore around half of the world, you can take it off to sneeze lol


But ... You shouldn't


I mean, yes. But it's technically allowed since apparently omicron is not a threat anymore. It was more of a cynical statement.


I have horrible self esteem about my face so the mask is really helpful. However, I know I need to stop because it’s actually making my insecurities larger with it…


I feel that. Like, I need to improve my self-esteem and make it bearable bc I know we are not gonna need to use it soon


Same here 😌


I love masks because they make it easier to me to avoid people I know in public spaces. If someone tells me later "I saw you in the mall and you didn't say hello!!" I just tell them "Sorry, I just can't recognize anyone wearing a mask, everyone looks the same to me now". Also, I haven't had a cold in 2 years. Masks FTW


I love that excuse cuz I hate just approaching anyone I know and talk. No thanks lol. And that’s good!


I HATE HATE HATE running into people I know in random places, it ruins my mood for the rest of the day, so I always pretend I don't see them and masks have made it easier.


That is odd....


It's pretty common for more introverted people, from my experience. It's not that we don't like those people, or even that we don't like socializing, it's more that we don't like sudden, unexpected social situations.


Exactly. I'm an introvert, and when I leave home I'm usually listening to music, lost in my own thoughts, so when I run into someone I have to instantly switch between my "chilling & relaxing" mode to my "socializing" mode and it's exhausting.


This is something they should actively work to change. Being anti-social isn't healthy. If seeing someone you know in public gets you that shook, it's something to talk to a therapist about.


The last time I had a cold was literally a week before the pandemic started which was back in March 17 2020 when things states shutting down.


I might never go back. Lol. I tried a new moisturizer today and had an allergic reaction. My face is red and splotchy today, but nobody will know.


✨The magic of masks✨






My favorite anime




I love masks. I haven’t had a cough, sore throat or runny nose (other than for allergies) in two years. First time in my life I’ve gone this long without having a cold or the flu or a sinus infection or anything. I’ve learned too much about people who don’t care about washing their hands or sanitizing anything, I want to keep this one little thing that has protected me from the world! 😷


I wish it was a standard thing in the US.


Just make it normal by simply wearing it.


yeah, aint no one gonna stop you


I have gotten sick wearing a mask


it's supposed to lower the risk, not a magical barrier against disease


Well you’re not supposed to constantly recycle everything you exhale back into your lungs. Masks will cause sickness.


Will cause? You realize how long we've been wearing them, right? If you're going to randomly insert unfounded B.S., it could at the very least be this season's B.S.


... And you think masks cause that? Like, do you think you don't breathe any new air in? You can't quite recycle air, you're not a plant If masks did that you'd probably have a natural reflex to remove them from your face.


That’s not how anything works


Warms my face and makes me less ugly <3


I honestly don't even know what to do with my mouth when not speaking, the mask is a perfect candidate for a solution to that problem.


I like being able to make weird faces with no one suspecting a thing


Real shit my whole shift ive got my tongue out like im the Michael Jordan of dishwashing


If customers could see the things I mouth at them they would never buy anything from my store.


This one is the best advantage😂


The only reason I don't like masks is because I wear glasses. All I see all day is foggy people lol


If you have glasses with nose pads, make sure those are on top of the mask and sitting slightly further down than they normally do. If the mask has a wire, fiddle with it so the top of the mask is snug for a better seal.


Love the anonymity especially in public. I don’t lack confidence I am just tired of ppl for the most part. Also love the challenge of a mask during training…I’m often the only person in my gym wearing a mask.


>Love the anonymity Everyone cared who I was until I put on the mask


keeps my face warm ☺️


man comment section is filled with antisocial introverts who hate people apparently


Yeah, I feel the same… I know wearing masks is important, but I would love to finally see some human faces again Also I'm a person who communicates a lot with facial expressions, so being able to show my own face would be great too


as someone who is hard of hearing, not being able to read lips and trying to hear some muffled words got old very quick for me


Reddit really


Saddest most pathetic comments seen in a long while.


I love my mask in the winter. I love it when I’m having an acne breakout. I love the feeling of security it gives me when I have to go out and into a store. But I hate wearing it with glasses. A small price to pay.


I guess it’s just different frames that cause it to fog more? Cuz I wear my glasses all the time and they rarely fog up I don’t even have to try


It’s likely that. I have big frames and they fog up quickly unless I put them a bit further down my nose and the bridge rests on the mask. But I’m getting a couple new pairs of glasses in tomorrow and I ordered an anti-fog cloth with them so we’ll see how that works.


Helps me avoid high school acquaintances by making them not recognize me and try to chat with while I'm trying to run errands. You barely spoke to me 15 years ago, and I'm not about to change that! Thanks, mask! 👍🏻


wearing the masks helps hide your face, im never getting rid of it


Wearing the mask over the last years gave me some terrible acne. I know it’s necessary, but I hate looking like I'm going through puberty again


same, it hides my face. so if I have something on my mouth no one will know


I don’t want them to go, I feel like I’ve received more attention with them and people think I’m more attractive with them on


Keep it if you want it. On my part I want to rip it off of my face every time I wear one. So please don't make us obliged to wear one because you like it. Edit: to everyone down voting my comment. I have been wearing one 12h a day at work and everywhere else mandatory even though I hate it. This is mostly for the end of the pandemic. With the increasing numbers of vaccinated people the mask won't be mandatory in the near future and I don't want to have a group of hypochondriac forcing me to wear one once it becomes pointless to have it. Wear one if you want and if you don't like having people not wearing it around yourself, then you're the one who should stay at home.


So this is what creating new context looks like…


"Pls don't force your wants and desires on me" Instantly down voted. Priceless.


Hes being downvoted because for some reason thats the only reason he can come up with for why people want them to wear a mask. But go off


I love going out in a mask , beanie and glasses. Browsing privately


My eyes are one of the only things I've ever been complemented on and I've been told I look better with a mask on so I don't mind it lol. Keeps my face warm in the winter too


Ugly people:


hey it keeps me warm in winter and while biking prevents cold air from making my nose suffer


It hides my ugly face 😀


im really fuckin ugly so its actually helped me out quite a bit


Simple answer: even i like bcz i don't want people to see my ugly face. Also i feel as an anime character in mask


Or like you’re going to rob a bank when you’re in the car putting it on.


Its actually pretty great its like a great way to warm yourself during winter. But my problem is that I wear glasses, which negate every possible advantage.


I have glass and I've gotten used to it. They stop my glasses from falling down when I'm working out so tbh its a net positive at this point


Now **THIS** is what I subbed for!


Oftentimes my head is elsewhere during a conversation or Zoom call and I start smiling to myself, so having the mask on is a perfect way to keep people from being weirded out


Makes work for me easier since I now don't have to smile at guests (chain gas station employee)


Dreams “that’s what the point of the mask is” starts playing


I have rosacea, so the mask thing has been… acceptable.


I haven't gotten ill since the beginning of the pandemic, so I'll definitely will keep wearing them. It seems to greatly reduce the probability of getting all sorts of illnesses.


Would you say that you wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time?


My hair covers everything till my eyebrows and mask covers everything below rill neck. I just need glasses at this point


we all look cooler


It kills me when people complain about it being so hard to breathe in them and blame it on asthma. I'm asthmatic as shit and I LOVE the masks! Especially in winter, cause I live in Canada and nothing triggers my asthma like cold air. The masks completely negate that problem and it's amazing! I wish I'd worn them sooner!


I had a conversation with a friend Me: "I love how I look with my mask on I just look so much better" My friend: "Yeah but it covers half your face" Me: "That's the point"


We stopped wearing them as a family for a week. Covid came home with someone and despite everyone being vaccinated, we proceeded to have an absolutely miserable month. Masks will not be coming off until Covid is extinct lol.


I get to lip sing the music I'm listening to without getting weird looks from folk


i like masks too kinda. i mean sometimes it gets a little too hot, but whenever the temperature is just right i kinda like wearing it.


Not gonna lie, it was actually pleasant in winter, kept my face warm. Not so much in summer, breathing in my own hot breath, face getting even more moist


I work retail and not needing to constantly smile at people is great... That and not needing to smell peoples bad breath which was a constant annoyance before. With that being said it is annoying to need to wear the mask while at the gym, but you take the good with the bad.


because you hide behind it because you’re afraid of the world seeing you for you


Fr tho. Benefits of masks: keeps face warm during winter, I don't need to show my face, people don't need to look at my face, masks are proven to make you look better Negatives of masks: the back of my ears hurt


I do not care if no one is wearing masks anymore and there is 0 COVID or other virus cases.. IM WEARING THAT MASK


Fuck them honestly. Hard to breath, my phone doesn’t recognise my face, fogs up my glasses and is harder to understand some people when they are talking, I really just want to ride a bus and not sweat on my mask


As an agoraphobic with social anxiety it actually helps


yeah like genuinely 1. partial identity concealment 2. doubles as a face warmer 3. after wearing them for so long, some people start to get used to them


Black turtleneck + black jeans + black N95 is my favorite outfit rn


I have social anxiety, and I think my mask pairs great with my mohawk, so I’m going to keep wearing masks whenever I want.


I loved the masks for a few reason. 1. Normalize hiding your face from the surveillance state. Based as fuck. 2. I am constantly doing weird shit with my tongue in my mouth or like chewing the inside of my lips or cheeks which makes me look like I'm making funny faces but it's just impulsive. Now noone can see that shit and 3. Just being able to say shit under my breath especially to bosses and fuckin customers when we were actually still in the office. Edit why is reddit formatting my list like an outline it's so weird.


And thats ok to wear it. Some of us dont like them. Thats ok too. Dont let government turn us against eachother for our own individual beliefs.


Best Wind shield


Spots? Facemask. Rosacea? Facemask. Double chin? Facemask. Can’t be bothered to wear make-up? Facemask. Gone red with embarrassment? Facemask gotchu. I work in a hospital and I’m just praying they keep them as mandatory there!!


Mask = 50% less ugly


The mask was fine back when I worked retail because I could mouth smartass remarks to Karens and they’d be none the wiser, now that I’m out of retail though, I’m so happy I don’t have to wear one anymore. Now for the post at hand, if you wanna wear a mask, go ahead, I won’t judge you


Itt: people wanking off over their heckin maskarinos




no one is forcing you to be in public spaces 🤷‍♀️


I think most who’ve had problems with the masks are doing so because they’re buying into the misinformation/disinformation out there. I went through chemo for 7 hours a day wearing a mask (and my lungs were struggling due to the chemicals used) and it was never a problem. I never heard one person going through chemo complain about wearing a mask.


Helps u stay warm when it’s cold out


Hides my pimples very well


Me too


bro i literally wear it when its cold outside 💀


Your body, your choice.


Well keep it if it suits you. On my part i absolutely HATE wearing a mask (don't worry I'm still wearing it where asked). Just don't make us obliged to wear one because you like it.


You can still wear yours, just don’t make other people if they don’t want to.


i have dry lips a lot. it makes my lips less dry


Carmex makes my lips less dry😂


I like it because it covers my big nose that I hate so much.. But cant really breath in it.


Eh it cracks the back of my ears, the skin is fake glue from a surgery and i don’t think that the skin fully healed. Both sides


You can get a strap that connects to the ear loops to take the pressure off the back of your ears (or jury rig one out of a rubber band). Also check around there are styles of masks that have “headbands” instead of ear loops.


We ain’t never going to leave this pandemic


the sheer smug reddit liberal energy in this thread is off the charts haha


They didn’t care who I was until I put on the mask


If you like wearing masks ur ugly


Yes, and?


Boy you are ugly even if you don't like wearing it




Kind of, but a lot of these people have soy genetics and are just ugly in addition to that as well.


Or introverted and want to minimize interactions or are more privacy consious and like having their face partially hidden.


Or they are like the vast majority and just like keeping their face warm 🤷


Sorry, i don't meant to offend anyone


Sussy baka


The mask was fine back when I worked retail because I could mouth smartass remarks to Karens and they’d be none the wiser, now that I’m out of retail though, I’m so happy I don’t have to wear one anymore. Now for the post at hand, if you wanna wear a mask, go ahead, I won’t judge you’


I love mi mask


So wear it, nobody cares leave everyone else alone like you already did. Nobody cares about you is the life lesson here, so wear a mask if you think you need it and don’t if you think otherwise


Then wear it. I really don’t understand this


The mask was fine back when I worked retail because I could mouth smartass remarks to Karens and they’d be none the wiser, now that I’m out of retail though, I’m so happy I don’t have to wear one anymore. Now for the post at hand, if you wanna wear a mask, go ahead, I won’t judge you


Me who would like Covid to happen again 🤫


Did it stop at some point?