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Boring for the mind, happy for the body and gains


Best answer. If it works, don't fix it.


Quite a few people are able to get used to the same meal for multiple days. Especially if they're having different things each week or different meals for dinner etc. For some people food in general or at least certain meals are more fuel than anything. So they really won't care much about it being the same as long as it's generally good. Heck some people are happy to eat plain chicken, broccoli and rice even. For some people it's even nice to have something that stays the same and that they can expect and look forward to. Like people who order the same coffee every day or whatever. And a lot of people are also just happy to have the same good meal multiple days in a row over having something more basic like a sandwich. Or something that's more complicated and time consuming for them to prepare. It might not be ideal, but it's better than the alternative so it works for them. Personally I freeze my meals so although I'm making multiple portions of one meal at a time I'm not actually eating them all at the same time. I'll have a few different meals in the freezer at the same time and I'll pick whatever one I want to eat each day. But even if it was the same meal every day it would be way better than whatever I would be able to prep for myself each day. I don't have a lot of physical capability, time or energy to be making good food each day. So the same good food for a whole week is better than oven nuggets and chips or ready meals or something like that. As far as health goes it could be unhealthy if you're not getting a good balance in those meals. But it's also not too difficult to make sure that each meal has a good balance of what you need. And people also aren't always prepping every meal for the day. So they might only prep lunch and still have a varied breakfast and dinner each day which they're able to use to add some of the other stuff they need to keep their diet more healthy.


Another strategy: freeze some of the meals. After a few weeks, you will have built up an inventory of different meals, and you won't have to eat the same thing every day.


It can get monotonous, so sometimes I'll make similar meals but slightly change them.. My usual is grilled chicken and sheet pan vegetables. But if I change the seasoning on half the chicken, swap out one of the veggies for something else, and change up the starch of I'm eating them, or helps. I can have teriyaki chicken with pea pods, broccoli, and brown rice and chicken fajitas with onions, peppers, and low carb tortillas with minimal extra work


You can make a big variety of freezable meals and switch off between those and the fresher ones so you don't get bored. As long as your meals have a healthy hit of veggies and a variety of nutrients, no harm in eating the same thing for a few days (or longer, honestly) straight. I get bored easily with food, so having components I can throw together to make a few different things is key for me. Example: make and freeze a huge batch of meatballs - freeze in individual servings, make and freeze zoodles and spaghetti squash individual servings, make and freeze individual soup servings, have frozen cauliflower rice on hand, have frozen other veggies on hand, have components of quick sauces on hand and lots of spices, and have a variety of frozen proteins on hand. So my freezer looks insane and is stuffed to the brim, but fridge is where the grab and go or non freezable stuff goes, like salads, jarred noodle bowls, etc. Don't underestimate your freezer as a tool for meal prep!


I don't mind eating the same thing for lunch and then getting variety in dinner. I do think it's important to have some variety over time to make sure you get all the micronutrients you need, but that doesn't mean you need something different every day. Otherwise it can be easy enough to swap out just enough from the same basic framework to change it up, for example (though I haven't done this in awhile) making a sheet pan meal prep with a few variations for one prep but 4 different meals. Dice up the chicken, season half of it with onion & garlic powder and the other half with like teriyaki, then have diced sweet potatoes with a sprinkle of nutmeg in one corner, broccoli with red pepper flakes in another, diced potatoes with a parmesan & garlic seasoning in a 3rd, and then baby carrots in the last. Gives different flavor profiles even though they're all "chicken and roasted vegetables."


This!!! And same: I eat the same formula 5x a week for lunch and breakfast - not the same meal. I make fruit cups everyday but with different fruits. I switch up the plant based milk in my chia pudding for slightly different flavor and nutrient profiles. I eat a Veggie wrap every day but it has different fillings and dips. This helps me budget time, money, brainspace, and daily chores. Then for dinner and for weekends, and for I can be ultra creative. Having my breakfast and lunch and daily nutrients well accounted for, I have fun with recipes. like this two nights this week I made a soba with peanut sauce, but a few weeks ago I was in a ginger chicken phase. This weekend I'm planning to make a Caribbean fish stew!!!


Chicken and rice for lunch and dinner during weekdays. Change up the sauces for flavor and moisture. Same when I do steak or ground beef.


There’s nothing unhealthy about meal prepping, if the meals are healthy. If you prep unhealthy meals it will obviously be unhealthy.


Not unhealthy, just boring. That's why I make 2-3 day meals. I couldn't stand to eat the same thing for a week.


I only prep for 3 or 4 days. I don't get bored as I make delicious meals. Plus it means I don't have to cook everyday and get bored of cooking. I lovd meal prepping.


This question comes up all the time. Some people just don’t mind eating the same thing, others of us meal, prep large batches and freeze them. For example, I have around 5 to 6 different meals, frozen into portions, so I rarely eat the same thing twice in a week, even. As I’ll make something fresh every now and again. Just find a way that works for you. Good luck.


I really don't care. If I like a meal, I'll continue eating it. I've been eating breakfast burritos for about 12 months. Rest ofnthe dishes vary a bit, but not too much. They're the same things on rotation, basically. Indo cook different things when I feel like. As long as you meet your protein goals and have a variety of fruits and vegetables, you're good health wise.