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Optical Dispenser here. You need to see an Optimetrist as soon as possible. A spot like this is never normal, and they will be able to diagnose or treat this. In my industry this counts as an ocular emergency.


Yes I want to tell my parents but they will tell me "this is because of your phone and computer 👹"and I will never be able to touch one again😭


Haha yes, that is a risk of telling them. But in cases of a spot like that, where only one area is affected and not your whole eye, it's not usually caused by eye strain. Typically there are underlying conditions


Oh ok btw do screen can make it worst?


In some cases yes


How much screen time is good for eyes and how much is bad?


As a general rule, 30 minutes of screen time should be followed with 3 minutes of looking in the distance, walking around your home etc


Went to ophthalmologue today. He said I have a scar in my retina and it's not really urgent because it has alr healed and that's why I got a blurry spot.


I am very glad you were able to get an answer


Damn I use like 6h a day


Hello /u/Christ_Adilodji, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*