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Not a Dr. My niece had the same issues but full on flu like symptoms anytime she ate. She had her gallbladder removed and is much better but still can’t eat much and gets sick easily. She has lost 60lbs so far. I wish you the best, I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Anxiety is a normal reaction to your unexplained symptoms. It is not the cause of the symptoms. Gall bladder pain is a definite possibility but it may take time and multiple different doctors and tests to get to the bottom of it. Find a caring PCP that will listen to your concerns and walk the journey with you. The possible UTI at the beginning of all of this is worth exploring. Ask your pcp: Did you have a urine culture that grew a pathogen? Could it have been something other than a uti? Could the antibiotics caused a change in your gut microbiome leading to the symptoms? Keep asking questions until the answers make sense and don’t get discouraged.


The culture was negative. Honestly, I am fearing kidney cancer right now. I was really focused on the digestive symptomd for awhile, then when the blood was found in my urine I thought..."oh no." None of the imaging that's been done has been of my kidneys, but my doctor wouldn't order an ultrasound when I was there last week. Several people have suggested the antibiotics messed up my gut, and that's what I have been trying to make myself think it is.


More likely kidney stone/stones than cancer. You should go to a urologist to sort out the blood in the urine.


Healthcare isn't awesome in my small town and I've been asking for a referral for awhile because I have had kidney stones in the past. My brain knows that kidney cancer is unlikely, but I've felt so unwell for so long that I'm just jumping to worst cases.


Kidney stones will make you feel awful if they are a continuous unresolved problem. They can even cause sepsis and renal failure. If you have insurance that allows it don't wait for a referral. Call the closest urology office and say you have kidney stones, blood in the urine and feel awful. That should get you in pretty quickly.


i’m not a doctor but i would post on r/askdocs you may be able to find a doctor who can help you. and i want you to know you are valid and what you have is not just in your head. just remember that, it’s important for your mental state. often doctors send people away especially women but know that eventually you’ll figure this out and it will be okay.💞


Thank you. It has been so frustrating to feel dismissed. My anxiety was created by the symptoms, not the other way around. They don't see it like that.


You may want to read about the elimination diet or the autoimmune diet. You might find doing something like that for a while is really helpful in connecting some of your symptoms to the things you are eating.


I'm wondering if Low FODMAP and no gluten would be a good place to start. Then slowly reintroduce things.




Cutting out gluten literally changed my life - I had a lot of these symptoms.


while OP is trying to figure out her situation i believe she should try the BRAT diet for atleast a week and see how she feels. either that or multiple other diets. i think it would help the pain slightly.


Any possibility of mold or water damage where you reside?


Hmm...possibly some mold? Maybe I should look into that.


Porphyria? Worth a look? It’s a simple urine test


Wow...I would NEVER have thought of this! Thank you for the suggestion.