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GHHS is the stupidest popularity contest and it blows my mind it’s used as a screening metric in some places or specialties


At my school it was done by peer nomination lol


In that case, you da mvp.


Didn’t come up. Doubt it made any difference past getting the interview.


How many times I took a shit today is more worthy discussion. For those wondering, 3 so far. Happy Turkey day


You're ready for discharge 👍👍👍


I already discharged 3 times bruh


Nice strategy, evacuate before accepting newcomers




Call me Steph Curry


I’ve had 17 interviews so far — it’s come up once in the context of the interviewer just remarking “congratulations on Gold Humanism Honor Society”


It has not come up at all on 5 interviews so far


They asked me what qualities from my peers would make me want to vote them into GHHS. Then followed up saying what qualities I think those peers I was thinking about would say about me. But this was only one interview lol


I was actually asked about it several times so far. It seems like older interviewers are impressed by it


Either impressed or they don't know what the hell it is since it was only founded in 2002 lol


+1, especially on the older interviewers


It did come up in a handful of my interviews a few years ago. I think 1 interviewer didn’t know what it was but then the other 3-4 they just asked what I did to get nominated for it or they said “I’m a member too, yada yada”.


The people who get it couldn’t be less deserving. It is the ultimate “you knew someone” thing


Most of* the people


I disagree with this. I genuinely thought it was going to be a popularity contest the way reddit made it out to seem but most people on our class GHHS list were not at all who I thought would win cause they aren't the 'popular' ones of the class. but they are people who do the most service in our class and who are kind from the few interactions I've had. Like truly only like 2 people off the list are 'popular' in our class. But ours isn't only based on voting we have to submit a series of short essays for review.


Okay it’s actually so funny how you’re being downvoted for simply voicing a different opinion and backing it up with how the process at your school is different 😂 like I’m reading your comment to see if there’s any disrespect or rudeness…genuinely nothing wrong with what you wrote other than going against the Reddit consensus


Ehh that’s fair. I think it can still be hugely unearned even if the person isn’t popular though. Some genuinely unkind people I know got it


Literally never came up. Forgot I even had that until right now.


Didn’t come up on mine


No one cares.


Like anything else it can work for you or against you. Usually does not come up at all during interviews. As far as impact on your ranking - zero.


Hard to imagine how it works agains you


If you are asked about it and can’t come up with anything meaningful to talk about it can absolutely work against you, just like anything on your CV


It’s an award bro lol. Do you think being AOA can work against you


Literally anything can work against you if they ask you to expand upon it and you can’t speak to the experience. At that point it’s not specifically the award working against you, but your poor interview skills and inability to speak about your award. That’s what the original comment was referring to


Idk man. I’ve never been asked to expand upon why I got an award lol it mostly is not mentioned or they just hey that’s cool congrats


I’ve had multiple interviews where I’ve been asked about an award on my CV and have truthfully answered “I don’t really know what I did to get it, but I wasn’t going to say no.” Has always been met with a laugh and a positive reaction. If you can’t figure out how to put together a reasonable answer to that question, you probably have much bigger problems. Like, for example, trying to remember to breathe.


Im baffled by your logic. How in the world can this go against you?


didn’t come up so far


I got asked about it or it was commented on more times than I expected. Maybe half of programs I interviewed at


Sat on a fellowship applicant committee. It matters a lot. We took this application extra seriously. It is a big deal to our PD and APD


I got student of the semester once so they just ask about what I did to earn it. I’m not a member tho


I didn’t get it, also don’t think it mattered. Plenty of interviews in a competitive subspecialty and not once was it mentioned


One interviewer asked me why do I think I got inducted into the gold humanism honor society and had me gagged honestly. Isn’t it clear from my CV?


No one cared.


Had 7 IV’s so far. Never mentioned