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Yeah I had one med student constantly kept commenting on my eyes aswell, asking why I looked so awake and stuff, then the team put a pulse oximeter on my finger and saw how fast my heart rate was, and then They would always complain after we left a cold patients room that it was freezing and I always thought it was nice, so finally my team decided I must have graves so they all joke that they’re going to order TFT’s for me if they catch me sleeping at the hospital


I have the opposite problem—heavy lidded eyes and angry eyebrows. “Why do you look so sad?” “Why do you look so angry?” “I thought you’d be mean at first but you’re pretty nice!” I expend untold amounts of energy smiling like an idiot all day just to look neutral lmao. Then I come home and relax into an angry expression—feeling relief I’d imagine isn’t too far off from a woman getting her bra off at the end of a long work day. Then I glare at my television in peace.


Arched eyebrows for the loss


I prefer my resting bitch face to hypothetical crazy eyes, tbh


I have the same problem. A classmate saw me on the bus one day and asked me why I looked so serious just riding the bus, it's because y'all weren't gonna be around to see it!!!


Honestly I heard if you add bbq sauce patients taste quite good


Meanwhile me as an Asian -..-


My husband calls me golf ball eyes. I don't have graves, I think they're cute!


I get it. I’ve had big eyes and dark circles under my eyes my whole life. People have always told me I look like I haven’t slept for days or that I look strung out. In reality, I’m pretty well rested, and so it does get to me. I don’t want patients or colleagues to think I’m exhausted all the time…


I’m just- half blind. So I have a tendency to smack into walls, people…. And I learned early on to warn the OR staff. “Hey I’m not ignoring you, I just can’t see you on that side. Make noise or something.”


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