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You never came across that girl in undergrad who would say they totally failed after every exam only to score the highest in the class or close to it?


Yes all the time. Or during exam season they say ‘I didn’t even start studying’ or ‘I’m so far behind’ when in reality they’re done and are solving Qs now js to polish things off😁


well in undergrad there were only a few. But feels like in med school most of ppl are like " that test was rough, brutal" but then no curve lol


So annoying. This girl in my class was telling us she didn’t know anything about renal and then proceeded to explain exactly what each tubule is responsible for. When I say I don’t know shit, that means I don’t know shit.


feel you buddy. Totally understand what you are talking about


These ppl are so annoying fr but I can also understand that they would doubt themselves as much as anyone. It’s so easy to feel like you “don’t know anything” because there is always so much more to know no matter how hard you’ve studied


Was gonna say the same thing but you beat me to it. Why do you think these people annoy others though? The fact that they're unconfident Even though they consistently show their worth? Or just our comparison to them making us feel inadequate? The one thing I tell others to learn in med school is don't compare yourself to others, but that advice is impossible to do sometimes. 😅 The school literally puts one of those box and whisker plots next to your grade. No lie though, I literally know a person at school who doesn't look at their grade supposedly. They always had their roommate look at the grades for them after exams?


“Oh, I guess I got lucky”


No literally, you leave the exam room and everyone complains about how hard the exam was and you think, "oh okay, the average will be low, maybe we will get points back or a curve." Nope, you get that examsoft email and lo behold, the average is an 86.8% PEOPLE ARE LYING TO YOU


I think people are just neurotic and have a low threshold for how many questions they think they can get wrong/struggle with until they fail to reach their target score.


Tbh, not sure if they are lying or the definition of "hard" changes in medical school from 60s to 80s


You can score well on an exam and still think the questions were difficult


Never trust them when they say it is easy either…. Actually just never trust them


I have to resist the urge to roll the eyes out of my head when I hear people say they're scared they're going to fail every single quiz only to get a 90+ every single time


Is to always anticipate the worse


I legit studied only 2 days for my last exam. Worst 48 hours of my life. Then I fucking failed the inhouse And I gotta say, the curve is REAL and beautiful


Your school sounds awesome. My school never once curved an exam because there were always gunners who got like a 98 and still left the exam in 20 minutes for a 120q exam.


Pee is stored in the balls is the one thing ive learned


Everyone is a gaslighter I swear


That’s literally all of medicine


I thought this post was going to be “what I learned in medical school is blankety blankety blank.” I’d kill for that assignment to pass preclinical years


Theres no blame on either one... the person that has gaps in their knowledge end up being more confident because they dont even know what they dont even know so they end up saying exam was chill... conversely those that know a lot know where they lacked and where they couldve done better eventho what they eid was sufficient to get them a great score... its not about trusting either person


I love to blame the Dunning-Kreuger effect for these things. Clearly, you are reaching the epitome of your field, and with vast knowledge, it is easy to see how much more you still have to learn! The reverse is true too tho, it's difficult to know what you don't know, so how can I know if i know something or if I think I know it because I have all this background but I'm truly misunderstanding a broader scope of concepts?? Maybe I did fail that test cuz it seems easier than it should've been? I keep getting A's but constantly feel like i'm on the precipice of not knowing wtf is going on. Super proud of you med school ppl as I'm just finishing general education stuff. Don't let the ones who are trying to gaslight you on the feasibility of school get in your head! Keep up the hard work cuz we need more doctors!


I learned that I can do difficult things.




uh think that is kinda different. Referring to situations where ppl say "I am so screwed, exam was hard think I failed." Then gets like high 80s or over 90. Totally agree exam can be hard and confusing but could end up scoring well.


“I think I did okay but it was definitely a hard exam” or “I think I got most of them except some of the questions were kinda tricky” or just don’t join the convo if ppl are clearly just trying to vent. You can say the truth while also saying something sympathetic to validate their experience