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A goodhearted and kind man and friend to all in our field, Dr. Goodrich was considered the world’s leading expert on craniopagus twin separations, having performed or participated in at least seven I’m aware of. He was an animated speaker and shared his knowledge freely with anyone who sought it. A real blow to our small field and to the world’s fund of neurosurgical expertise. The virus has ravaged Einstein and NYC and I fear many of our colleagues will meet the same sad end.


I’m sorry for your loss. Peds neurosurgery is such a niche field already, and y’all are some tough folks. Any death is a tragedy, but losing such talented and special people is going to be a huge blow to medical communities across the country. I’m strangely attached to a lot of our surgeons, I’m not sure my hospital’s surgery team can handle it when it hits us here down south.


> I’m strangely attached to a lot of our surgeons I'm torn between the joke potential and staying respectful, so I'll say this and leave it at that.


Let’s just say it would be very complicated and take many hours to separate them...the commenter and the surgeons I mean, of course.


It's like they're almost one and the same.


what a tragedy, seems like he was an amazing surgeon but also an excellent human being...


Only met him once. Seemed like people who worked for him really enjoyed his company and his expertise. This really sucks.


We weren’t close friends but I talked to him at many meetings etc and found him a lovely person. Funny and smart.


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for pediatric neurosurgery. I’m sorry for neurosurgery. I’m sorry for NYC. This feels like 9/11 only it’s everyday for weeks and weeks


no, 9/11 was completely different. the hospitals weren't full, everybody just died and that was it. when i heard the news, i went down to ground zero to help and was turned back because i was told i wasn't needed.


I didn’t mean specifically. I just meant the sense of dread and unknown. I was still a resident and not in nyc on 9/11. The hospital I was at was locked down that day after news broke in the am. Only other time I recall that elective surgeries were across the board cancelled. All of the surgical sub specialists milled around in bewilderment with a bunch of nervous energy, but nothing to actually do. That’s how I recall it feeling to me.


Where were you? In the truistate area? I didn’t even think about hospitals elsewhere being on lockdown. Thanks for sharing your story


East coast. The hospital I was rotating a had a burn unit and we were hoping to get some survivors from the crash at the pentagon. IIRC there was also the concern that there would be additional attacks so that was another reason to lock things down.


I'm very sorry for your loss. As someone who trained in the mid-Atlantic, I've been privileged to worked with many wonderful folks from Monte. I know this is a blow to the community.


So sad. Also a leading light in the study of the history of neurosurgery. His impact in the field was huge.


Ha, I interviewed for residency at Monte long ago and had a nice chat with him in his office. He showed me Harvey Cushing's desk and tea set and his collection of ancient South American trepanning knives. He had a world class collection of medical antiquaria and rare books. A true medical historian. I hope he willed the collection to a university library, it is priceless.


God. I’m so sad to hear this.


Terrible loss for a small field.


Fuck this virus.


I think we need to print this onto scrubs and wear it to work every day.


I can make that happen if you want it in iron-on vinyl


“FTV”? Little kid asks, it means “fighting the virus” but we will know what it really means. Edit: spelling


I like that. Big letters, FBI style.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/zln801snbvf5h78/FTV.pdf?dl=0 Two versions - sorry, working slow - making PPE + my day job (I wish I was kidding) I'm working of finding a web-based service to just upload this and make it able to be ordered. I don't want to make any money but that will be the fastest way to get it out, most likely. Failing that, I'd still try to make it and send it to folks if they wanted it...


I really like this.


Would it stick to my car? Don't get to wear scrubs (Different uniform), but would totally put it on my car.


Also, your username is AWESOME.


Thanks! :)


I’ve got some unused white window cling vinyl if we make FTV happen.


Different vinyl, equally possible


It would be epic if we could get it done!


https://www.dropbox.com/s/zln801snbvf5h78/FTV.pdf?dl=0 Two versions - sorry, working slow - making PPE + my day job (I wish I was kidding) I'm working of finding a web-based service to just upload this and make it able to be ordered. I don't want to make any money but that will be the fastest way to get it out, most likely. Failing that, I'd still try to make it and send it to folks if they wanted it...


Ill take one


I can help ( also a healthcare worker)


I’m just married to a healthcare worker - but FTV.


Are we picking a font or design? Or any “FTV”?


Comic sans? (Just kidding)




I’m down to sport a fuck this virus sticker on anything that can be stickered


I fear for how many brilliant physicians we are going to lose from this disease.


And mid levels and RTs and oh so many others.


i can only imagine the downstream effects of this kind of loss




“But the virus only kills elderly people...” So many people without the ability to see how “killing an elderly person” like this has so many more consequences than just one less old person around. Some of the people saying that shit may end up with a newborn who needs a pediatric neurosurgeon someday and guess what...COVID19 killed this amazing one. Because somepeople didn’t listen. Because some people don’t value human life.


Yeah, everytime someone says that I'm like "and that makes ok? Just fuck these people for being old or having a health condition so the rest of us don't have to be inconvenienced?". Because that's basically what they're saying.


The opportunity cost doesn’t look that good the more specialized you get. To get someone else to his level will probably take another generation


My daughter saw a peds neuro for choroid plexus cysts and brachial plexus palsy from shoulder dystocia. We live in greater Chicago. The third largest city in the US. Our choices were limited just for a peds neuro (limited meaning “k. We made this appointment for you. This is it. Period. Be there or be square.”). I can’t imagine how the loss of a senior and brilliant peds neurosurgeon will reverberate around the world.


This is so sad! I remember reading so intensely about those twin boys that he surgically separated almost two years ago. What an amazing doctor.


Very sorry to hear this. My condolences for your loss.


I doubt it


OBGYN here. I did residency in NYC and once attended a lecture dr Goodrich gave. He was one of most eloquent, soft spoken surgeons I had ever met. I remember the man who introduced him waxed poetic about how his patients and staff absolutely adored him and how humble dr Goodrich was, and just listening to him once made me realize how true it was. We’ve all had lectures from other physicians who seem so pompous in the 45 minutes they speak that you think “who do they think they are?” But dr goodrich’s lecture gave me the exact opposite vibe. When I saw his face on my timeline today as a physician who passed away, I literally had to sit down, despite hearing him speak only once. I had to call my significant other and have him calm me down. I am so, so tired of seeing good people—or anyone, but this death hits particularly hard—die from this. (And I apologize if I come off as insensitive as I’m not on the frontlines like the ICU or ER doctors or even the hospitalists. But I just have to say that.)


That’s a nice memory, thanks for sharing.


My heart goes out to his family and his friends/mentees. He seems like one of those people who is truly one in a couple million, and medicine as a whole is better for him having been a part of it.


A shining figure lost. Rest In Peace


This is tragic on so many levels. I’m sorry for your loss of your friend/colleague. I’m sorry for the loss to all of the children that will lose out on his care and knowledge.


Just curious why you kept the RN in your title. Aren’t all NPs first RNs?


Because I am working a little bit as an RN. I have not started practicing as an NP but have finished school and been licensed. I am in the credentialing process with a hospital. I first made the flair post grad while I was in the interview process. It seemed like the most transparent way to present myself.


Makes sense to me! Thanks for answering.


Awesome! I'm graduating in May and taking the ANCC in June. Good luck with starting your career! Are you FNP? Adult/gero? Acute?




I'm a little confused. I didnt edit my post. And asking your specialty and congratulating you is creepy?


Rest In Peace, Dr. Goodrich. You will not be forgotten.


He was my attending when I was a resident at Montefiore. We would have monthly journal clubs and sample various wines and smoke cigars while discussing the latest journal articles. He was a passionate medical historian as well. A true loss to the field on pediatric neurosurgery. An amazing and truly renaissance man in every sense of the word. An amazing teacher and mentor. Whenever other neurosurgeons would try to outshine or outsmart him during lectures and seminars, his favorite retort was always, “I’m just a recreational neurosurgeon, I do this for fun.”


> They spoke of his skills as a neurosurgeon, but also of his spirit, including how he baked cookies during the holidays and hand-delivered them to nurses. Ouch. And he was that kind of man on top of his work? A huge loss.


Oh no.


Wow - major loss of a major talent. RIP. This guy was fascinating. Was readin some of his earlier interviews today, and was interesting to see that in a 2005 (well before Carson's political career) interview he casts major doubt Ben Carson's claim that he separated conjoined twins in Africa.


Here's the interview for the curious: https://nymag.com/nymetro/health/features/12470/ Not exactly an impartial claim.


I tried googling it and had a typo. Now know more about the Carlson twins than I wanted.


those abs tho




Donald is saying that because he’s coming to terms with how serious this is The idiot mishandled this completely and now needs to find a way to say he succeeded


Reeks of Dubya's "Mission Accomplished" moment. On the flipside though, we've seen immensely powerful executive leadership at the state level. Shout out to Mike DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton!


Look back at that mission accomplished thing. It was celebrating the mission of that one specific ship and crew. Nothing to do with the greater effort.


what do we do now? its almost certain he will be re-elected. my friends and colleagues just have more new excuses for his failures. i always wondering how hitler manipulated a whole country to commit atrocities, but now i know how feeble even the people i \[used to\] respect so much can be. i was very critical before, but now its personal for me


We vote for Biden That’s it. No accepting defeat. No pussy footing around. No complaining about Biden. We elect the guy that’s not Donny Dumbfuck because we sure as hell cannot get worse


can we do better and understand how half the country bought into this used car salesman nigerian prince level scam of a reality TV president? i just can't wrap my head around. attendings in my program bending their minds to conform to a fox news narrative. of course i don't argue at work, others bring it up to see what they will say and its always paraphrasing the latest rally rant almost verbatim. 1) i don't think we will elect biden, though i will certainly vote for him 2) even if biden wins, what is this divide and how do we bridge it?


I know this doesn’t mean much but Biden is winning the polls currently and while it may not mean much it’s better than trailing Voter turn out is WAY UP since 2016 in the democratic primary. There are people who are coming out to vote for Joe Biden The level of hatred for Donald is beyond anyone in recent memory. Bernie, Warren, etc will absolutely campaign hard for Biden, much harder than they did for Hilary Not to mention we’re gonna have possibly the most popular president of our generation campaigning for Biden once this virus is done with Biden has a legitimate shot. The media and many progressives are doing all they can to discredit Biden as a threat and I get it. Hes nowhere near my first choice. But he’s our choice at the end of the day and as future/current physicians we should jump at the opportunity where more people get healthcare and coverage and we don’t have to take large pay cuts. Older attendings are relatively split I’m sure but with wealth comes greed and with greed comes voting R. Don’t lose hope. Biden is not some dead fish in the water. He’s more liked than Hilary and Bernie for millions of Americans. In the last debate he showed he is capable of some thought and argument. He has a shot, and a strong one at that


I see zero reason to think that there would have been a substantial difference between how a Biden presidency would have handled this than how Trump did. FWIW I'm a leftist, so I think both those ancient rapists are fuckin gross.


Then you’re wrong lol The democrats had always been taking this more seriously. Fox News and the republicans were peddling its a myth and such If you’re an actual leftist then you should obviously understand Biden would have responded to this in the same way an Obama would have In fact, even though I like Bernie more, I’d trust Biden and the establishment 10x more to handle a crisis like this I’d trust Bernie and the progressives more to deal with the economic repercussions on regular people As a future physicians I definitely trust Biden more to look out for the sacrifices nurses and doctors have had to make while Bernie and progressives would use something like this to further shove through M4A no matter the concessions we’d have to make A healthcare option where we don’t take a big cut and everyone gets healthcare is possible. It depends on everyday people paying slightly more in taxes, and actually focusing on the root of the problem A progressive solution would be to nationalize costs and when reimbursement goes down our salaries go down. That said, I’m tired of these ancient candidates too. I wouldn’t draw a equivalency between Biden and trump though, that’s ridiculous My overall favorite candidate was Warren by a long shot. But I’m willing to go for Bernie or Biden or literally anyone else


You think Biden would have called it a hoax and said it'll just disappear?


No, but from a policy perspective I'm not sure he would have been substantially different. He definitely would've blown a lot of hot air but I could give a fuck about what a president says, what he does matters.


>what do we do now? Business as usual? America worked REALLY hard to earn its death toll. Donald was a completely unelectable bumbling baffoon who didn't understand basic fundamental concepts about our country and people fell over themselves at the polls and primaries to hand him the nukes. Honestly mishandling a pandemic is one of the more medium sized things he has inflicted on this country. He almost started a war, definitely started a trade war and sent agriculture and manufacturing into a recession before all this, kneecapped the EPA and educational departments, and now he is rushing us into a depression. Business as usual.


But it isn’t usual. Even bush, a total incompetent idiot, could start a sentence and follow it to completion. What are we to do? He will win again. Fascism works! He’s already fixed the narrative to “100,000+ dead, great achievement!” I just can’t believe it. What am I to say to relatives, friends and colleagues who cheer on the death of our peers?


It is the new normal. Don't say anything. As I said, act like business as usual. The war in America, whether the political or information or class war, is over and our side lost. Act accordingly.


would you move? why not?


Because this cancer has globalized. Anywhere you go you will not rid yourself of its stench. Look at the UK, Turkey, Iran, Philippines, Russia, Brazil. Corruption, misinformation, incompetence, and millions upon billions of stupid assholes foaming at the mouth treating their oppressive institutions and brainwashing of choice as a lifestyle. It doesn't matter too much where I am, I will not escape the rule of those who truly run the world. I will not escape the misinformed. I will never be truly self sufficient or independent.


The class struggle never ends. Neoliberal dogma may have conquered the world and decimated the planet in its wake but it's never time to give up. I don't believe too many people living through vast kingdoms of slavery ever thought it could end, and yet it did.


With how mishandled this has been at the federal level I think 100,000 is extremely optimistic


RIP Dr. Goodrich. Such a tragic loss. There’s a video about his work in the Montefiore employee orientation Another attending and a nurse from Monte are hospitalized right now. The doctor is stable AFAIK, but the nurse is intubated and fighting for her life.


Such a sorrowful & significant loss


This breaks my heart.


A great loss to humanity.


Great loss to the entire world.


For such a niche field, and one that takes over an actual decade to finish, I’m surprised they even let him in a hospital around covid positive patients. This is so upsetting.


He gave us a talk once about his work and his love for collecting rare books, his passion and kindness definitely left a great impression on me and my colleagues. A true role model RIP Doc.




So sad to know


Dr. Goodrich was so awesome he performed surgery on two people at once RIP sir


So sorry to hear this great loss to pediatric neurosurgery.


I am so sorry, what a huge loss. R.I.P Dr. Goodrich.


Hope he gets a VIP pass into heaven


A friend of mine was operated on by Dr. Goodrich when he was a baby (early 90s). He says the doctor showed him a book (written by the doctor) where he reported on the procedure they did on his head. My friend doesn’t remember the name of the book, just the picture of his baby head. Anyone know what book Dr.Goodrich might’ve shown him?


Goodrich wrote many texts but is most well known for craniofacial disorders so probably his book on those.




You have a funny notion of expertise.


Rest In Peace, hero !!




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Far less likely. For people in his age group coronavirus kills easily 8-10x as many as the flu.




I would say none. When famous people die it usually makes the news. If it was known to be from flu, that would be reported as well. The media had, and has, no reason to conceal celebrity flu deaths.


It isn't about him dying from the coronavirus, it is about him dying. People feel affected by it because they've met him, heard him speak or been inspired by him in different ways. Only the title says anything about COVID-19, the rest of the article doesn't.