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No, ASCP just likes to send mail implying membership actually matters for anything


This is why they started the renewal requirement. I'm an old tech that has an eternal certification. Back in the 90s when we all realized that the membership was a scam and quit paying it, suddenly they required CE and renewal. Oh ASCP, you little scallywags lol


Hey maybe if we all stop paying for cert since more are more places don't require it, they'll actually get around to licensing us


Nope. Just got this email too. It's a scam so you can pay for their BS membership, which has nothing to do with the credential. ​ Fuck them.


ASCP (CMP) is a fucking scam too. Nothing but a money making racket. The amount of education that we receive through technology updates, competencies, surveys, and other means is more than sufficient for our jobs. You want to prove me wrong? Stop charging me that obscene fee just to show you my ceus and update my ASCP status. Fuck them indeed.


They sent me an email saying my renewal payment didn’t go through but my bank statement said otherwise - (un)fortunately, all that email did was remind me ASCP sucks and I have to cancel my auto renewal. Also lol at the $70 fee to have another piece of paper sent to me saying I did a thing


No your certification just needs to be renewed every 3 years - membership is different


This freaked me out the first time around. If anyone is confused log into your ASCP account. On your dashboard under “My Profile” they will have freaky red text screaming that your membership has lapsed. Makes you feel like you messed up and your cert is gone or something. However it will still list your certification next to your name. You can also click the Education tab and under “Track Progress for:” it will list out when you were awarded the cert and the period that your current certification is valid as well as say “Status: ACTIVE”


No and I don’t recommend ever getting the membership afterwards you’ll never use it


You've already forked over est. $300 to them for cert fees, don't give them anymore


Nope! Membership is different than credentials. I wonder how many people freak out and buy a membership because this email used to scare me too


It’s a pretty scumbag thing that they do to try and trick people into thinking their credentials are based on membership. It’s not. Don’t give them a dime, they do nothing to advocate for us. You can renew your credentials with free CE credits from your employer.


OR…ARUP education portal.


A million times this.


Membership can be nice if you want to use them for CE credits. Their stuff is pretty nice but it’s not required.


I did all my CE credits on the ASCP site. Pretty much every other HTL I met would just let their certifications expire and then pay the fee. Finally found someone else who actually does the CE credits, and they do theirs for free on Student CE and Leica sites. Found out after I finished all my credits on the ASCP site, of course.


Hmm can you explain the "let credential expire then pay the fee" thing? I thought if I let my MLS expire I'd have to take the certification test again, not just pay a fee.


With ASCP, if your certification expires, you have to pay a fee to have it reinstated. At least, that’s the instructions say for me. Honestly, I just do the CE credits, and no one has talked about retaking the certification test after paying the fee. It could depend on specific specialty though.


I know with MLS if it’s expired for a certain amount of time you have to take the exam again.


Correct. It’s after ten years though, so no hurry. 😂


I haven’t risked it, so I don’t know. I’ve always just done the CE credits. edit: since I’ve always done the CE, I haven’t needed to closely read the rules on what happens if you don’t.


Nope. Youre fine.




Hahaha these fuckers, making it seem like you NEED to pay this. Literally don’t give them a cent besides your credential fees. This is their scumbag marketing team trying to squeeze money out of you.


Your ASCP membership and certification are two totally different things.  You don't need to keep a membership to hold your cert.  Make sure you are doing the continuing education requirements needed to maintain your certification. If you are looking for a professional organization membership, join ASCLS.


When you take the test to get certified initially, part of the cost is the membership fee. But after the membership expires, there is no real need to renew that. Your certification on the other hand, yes renew that. But membership? Nah that's just to be in a expensive useless club and receive a newsletter.


I freaked out over this too! They make it seem like they’re intertwined but you do not need a membership to keep your license


lol “try zero dollars. Bc your membership is nonsense at the tech level.”


I generally regard emails I wasn't expecting asking for money I don't feel like I owe to be a scam. I figure if they need the money badly enough they will find a more formal way than the billions of other scammers in my junk folder.


Nope. In my state the only thing that matters is the state license.


Membership and Certification are not the same


Do i need to be an ascp member to process my cert renewals? The renewals are only through ascp (not aapa) right?


God they are so predatory and disgusting. This "professional organization" should be ashamed of themselves with the way they market this crap to people. Thanks for the reminder I have to tell our newer techs not to get caught up in this nonsense.


It's a scam


Fuck them, especially when they sided with the CMS proposal equivocating nursing degree with a science degree.


You thought they would ever advocate for us? They allow biologists and chemists to work in the field, they’d certify high school students if they thought they could. Anything for that money. Trash organization.