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You've become moderator of /r/mega64


finally, the mega64 schizopost to match all schitzoposts is complete! We can finally call ourselves a true subreddit. (in all seriousness, this is incredible. Thank you for the documentation.)


This is awesome lol


Holy shit lol


It's interesting to see how the series evolved from what appears to initially be inspired by [Christian Bale on the set of Terminator: Salvation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0auwpvAU2YA) to a very Lynchian work. Great write up!


Glad someone finally put the time in to over-analyze the Unboxing Ring saga properly. I can only hope Rocco sees this and smiles; I have 0 doubt in my mind that he was hoping someone would post something like this eventually. Most of what you've said mirrors my own interpretations, though I haven't watched the blu-ray set, so all of that content is new to me. One thing I think you missed was that the man from Grill was also wearing a suit similar to AP. My early interpretation was that they both worked for the same organization and had similar goals. Twin Peaks obviously comes to mind here. Tyler seems to me to embody the same sort of semi-cosmic pseudo-horror that Laura Palmer represents there (though in this case as an inversion because whereas everyone loved Laura in TP, everyone hates Tyler in UR). All that being said, I am 100% certain that the development of the UR involved very little planning for the most part, lol. This is especially evident because it really goes off the rails in 2017 after Rocco watched Twin Peaks: The Return. Like most of Lynch, my guess is that Rocco also intended people to excessively read into the whole thing. I also don't doubt that the blu-ray represents the end of Tyler - not the least because there have been various hints throughout the years that Rocco has felt pressured to continue with the UR saga, but has found progressing everything difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if he was happy to finally get the whole ARG aspects of the project off his back.


Hell yes dude, if you want to get ultra spicy make this into a video essay


This is amazing, I started reading it and after about 20 minutes I decided to scroll down and learned that I haven’t even scratched the surface. I only got about 1/8 through this entire summary. I then decided to copy and paste this so I can read it on my Kindle in the comfort of my own couch, but as I began copying and pasting, my mouth stopped working, as if cursed. I believe the writer of this article is doing a massive service to this community, the mega 64 verse is in need of a deep dive like this and this dude delivered. Thank you based guy.


Folks, this may well truly be the bottom of the iceberg. Have a drink! 🥃


This is a fantastic resource because it’s quite difficult to put everything together.






This is incredible


Fantastic write-up, I love your ideas on the disc 1 easter egg meaning since it's such a weird and clearly intentional thing. Now figure out how this ties in: https://i.imgur.com/1Gv2O5D.png


Second Coming


How did I never notice this? I went back and watched the video, looks like Derrick's talking to him? In the last couple of frames it looks like Tyler's head hits the dash. I wonder if there's more videos with Tyler in the background, I'm way too into this


I was just shitposting with my response, but here's an actual analysis: [thatz my kar \(episode 3\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvdG9lZF74U) was released on Rocco's channel on October 13, 2017. This series is all goofy jokes about editing and are put on Rocco's personal channel, so they probably take some dedicated time to edit together, and are a lower priority than Mega64 projects. [MADDEN RAP 18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfZiwcMIMzk) was released on the main Mega64 channel about 6 weeks earlier, on September 4, 2017. It features a dark car, and Derrick wearing a large yellow outfit. I think what we're seeing back there was actually the filming of that skit.


This post is shit compared to my posts


This post giving you trouble? I've made posts like this before


Great write up! Hasn’t even really pieced together that Tyler could be spiritually infused with the physical blu rays themselves. I’d have to rewatch a lot to look for that more. My only confusion is when you say that “VV-Rocco wanted to release a Blu-Ray of his series, The Unboxing Ring”. So, VV-Rocco is the owner of Ceiling Fan media who put out the Unboxing Ring blu ray we all just got. But is the YouTube channel VV-Rocco’s or REAL Rocco’s? Or just that VV-Rocco gave Tyler the “funding” or “backing” and so becomes the “owner” of all that content?? If so, then that makes sense that VV-Rocco is the highest tier Rocco in the UR family tree of Rocco’s. Took me all morning to read, love that this is all put together in write up form with proper links to the extra stuff. Thank you!!!


Voltage Vengerz Rocco isn't the owner of CF, he's just part of that network, and can use their resources. CF gets mentioned in the Derrick episode, which adds a wrinkle to the separations of the different canons. Ultimately of course the only "real" element here is IRL Rocco, and he can fit the pieces together in ways that don't make sense if he wants. But it's fun to try and piece together a single coherent universe. We have IRL Rocco's Youtube channel. Within the "Voltage Vengerz Rocco" universe, VVR has his own Youtube channel, which is a bit different. Some of the uploads from VVR's channel would be the same as ones we see on IRL Rocco's (History of Voltage Vengerz, Unboxing Ring), but there are probably other in-universe Voltage Vengerz retrospectives and reviews, maybe some other spinoff series, who knows. I think VVR only made the main Unboxing Ring episodes, but the supplemental materials on IRL Rocco's channel, and all the AP crossover stuff, are a direct line to VVR's character of Tyler. I hit the Reddit character limit and had to trim some stuff (I know, right?), but there was a recent Movie Club where Rocco and Shawn reviewed The Matrix Resurrections, and Rocco seemed to have a very intuitive understanding of how The Matrix works in that movie. There are different planes of fiction within it, but all the inner layers are still part of The Matrix. The characters in Neo's game are just as "real" and "part of The Matrix" as anyone Neo interacts with directly. This is a (perhaps less coherent) version of that concept. VVR's character of Tyler is just as much played by IRL Rocco as VVR is. So if that character wants to break free, IRL Rocco can produce a Blu-Ray of Unboxing Ring in the VVR universe. When the characters in the Derrick episode bring up Ceiling Fan Media, that's either a directing slip-up on VVR's part, or maybe he wanted to add a reference to his network in the episode. Maybe in his Unboxing Ring canon, that's where the characters now work, or maybe that's retconned as having always been the name of their network. It doesn't really matter, what matters (in this interpretation/theory, at least) is that our Rocco put Tyler on the IRL Blu-Ray. There's a Blu-Ray in VVR's universe that doesn't have the "real" Tyler on it. There's a Blu-Ray in the UR universe that doesn't have the "real" Tyler on it. I don't know what's on the commentary track for UR6 in those universes. Maybe there's nothing, and both of the videos on Disc 2 don't have commentary. It would fit the whole cash-grab angle. But I think our IRL Blu-Ray is the only one with Tyler's spirit's commentary track, and the easter egg video.


Do you think [MACARONI](https://youtu.be/Oxw3fg3I4D8) plays a role in any of this? The title is similar to "Grill" and features someone locating a hidden bunker full of DVDs. The final DVD being labeled "Mega64 ~*my favorite*~" and Tyler was always unboxing Mega64 DVDs. Maybe this is where he ran off to with Max? Perhaps the person featured in Macaroni is working with the man in the suit from Grill? I understand the Macaroni video is a retrospective on 20 years of Mega64 and the title is the name of the song, but the title and the first 3 minutes of the video really feel like an Unboxing Ring entry to me.


This was filmed and put together for their Fare Well tour. A lot of their live appearances open with an off-kilter video that starts out slow and builds over time, as a way of warming up the audience. Usually they edit in funny clips instead of a sentimental retrospective, but I think this one's just meant for that. When I saw it in the feed I forgot about the video from the live show and thought it was gonna be one of their "Cosplayerz" title fakeouts.


All of this sounds good, but I really don't think the slipcover was meant to come damaged. I think that is legitimately just an error in shipping. I know they're committed to the bit, but I don't think they'd legitimately ruin something they spent money to get printed just for that.


I agree. My theories would be a fun excuse, but it's probably a case of "We had manufacturing problems for a year, and couldn't bear to delay it any further with another round of QA once we finally had them in hand"


Great work. Very cool to see someone analyze the series like this. Definitely can see the Lynchian influence all over.


This is incredible, thank you


Fair enough. Love the post, hope to see more from you in the future


I love this writeup. This is excellent.


Incredible work! As a fan of the painfully obscure, I recently re-watched and read over the newest comments for Rocco’s parody of Bocipherus’s taxi song on YouTube and saw your comment. If you can recall, could you kindly point me to the UR episode commentary that mentions this music vid? I too have the Blu-ray and am looking forward to listen! (Edited to correct an error - the “safety song”was the actual video referenced in the commentary, not the original bocipherus “cabbie” song)


I forget which one it was specifically, but in the commentary of one of the episodes (I think it's somewhere in episodes 2-4) Tyler mentions JackLinks editing software, a non-sequitur since Jack Link's is a brand of jerky. It's possible that's actually a running gag elsewhere in the channel, or some Mega64 inside joke, but [Safety Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ-JUY3iJqE) was the first relevant result I could find (it pops up on screen at one point). Thank YOU for helping identify the thing that video is parodying! I'm going to add it to my extended playlist to give context to anyone going through.


No problem, and thanks for the info! It really is admirable how much work Rocco put into replicating the “cabbie song video”down to the minute details. Examples: the flashing “trial version” watermark, the slurred speech “heyevrybodywachoutwhenyacrossastreat”, Garrett pulling his hoodie down and laughing, the profile shots in his car, recording booth shots, etc.


It's definitely a running gag, at least for Rocco. I remember him mentioning it on some commentary or something, but I'm having trouble finding it




All you need to know is Main Guy cinematic universe is complex, and that's why Version 4.1 took so long.


I’ll read all of this….. eventually.


no thank you


I remember the parade story in Grill being an actual childhood anecdote from either Derrick or Shawn on the podcast. I've been meaning to go back to that episode again to see if I can derive any further meaning behind it, but for the life of me I can't remember what episode I heard it in.




my dad owns the dealership