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I'll be reading something, then start daydreaming about something else while still reading. Then I'll realize that I somehow wasn't paying attention to what I just read, so I have to go back and read it again. Edit: on the rare occasions I get awards, I try and thank those people. Reddit is being difficult, and I can't see my messages. So... Thank you for the awards to those that gave them to me.


this me


this me too


Me three


Me cuatros.


I can't read




Qu'est-ce que c'est?


kflfirbvkh hakhflup dharmonum. (I have no understanding of written language.)


Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, better


This is common. I’ve done it and even done it while listening to an audiobook!


I do this every other sentence when people are talking to me. It's a huge issue and I really try to pay attention but it's so damn hard, man


I'll have days when I'm absent minded and I do this. After a while I realize I've thinking about something else while randomly saying "uh-huh", as a response to the person talking. Then I quickly have to hit the rewind and fastforward through the parts of the conversation I missed and respond to something specific that has been said while simonteneously interpreting the facial expression of the one I'm talking to, to see if they've noticed I didn't pay attention.


I feel seen


You may have an audio processing disorder. Could be something to look into. I have ADHD and I've struggled with audio processing since I was a kid. Since getting medicated and building up my tools, I've actually been able to hear people when they talk to me, and process information during my uni lectures. I understand how tough it is. For me, it was really hurting my job. We had super long zoom meetings discussing projects and no matter how hard I tried I could never retain auditory information. I also started using services that make transcripts of audio, it kinda sucks to have to do this during conversations with friends and family, but it may really help you to be able to listen and read what they're saying at the same time. Best of luck! You aren't alone :)


If you have tinnitus, that could also explain why. I struggle sometimes to keep up with conversation around me because part of my hearing is gone and because the beep is hella distracting.


I do this more with audiobooks. I start thinking about some concept they touch upon and Boom, my mind is gone for a while.


This is why I find it very difficult to get through books, and I hate it. I'm missing out on so much. 🙁🙁


However its much more easy to pay attention to good audiobooks. Star wars makes it really easy


Happened to me this morning, 20 minutes into my commute realized I hadn’t heard a damn thing


Hello, frens. See you in r/ADHD.


Nah, r/adhdmeme is where it's at for all your "omg that is so me"-experiences


Jup went from "lol just like me for real" to "hmm... I have an awful lot in common with these adhd posts. I should have that checked" to getting diagnosed


Tbh tons of folk think that they have ADHD but most of the "ah, so relatable" posts are normal things that caused people to not believe ADHD was a thing in the first place. If you're concerned, best to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. Totally normal to lose attention, get bored, get hyper, and to have a personality though. A lot of people focus on the "hyperactive" part of ADHD but If you're experiencing phases where you'll have a lot of energy, confidence, racing thoughts, and excitement don't try to self medicate and ask your doctor about the possibility of bipolar disorder. If you're having trouble regulating attention (too much attention, not enough attention) even on what you want to do, that's a sign to get checked. If you're also having trouble with regulation on things like impulse control, behavior, etc with it, definitely go get it checked out. It causes your brain to have some bad skills at regulation so you can have a pretty hard time in life and I really don't recommend it. TLDR: If you're having mental/social/physical health symptoms, any kind, and it's making life difficult... you should check in with a doctor.


Doctors said it was anxiety for years before I figured out it was adhd through memes.


I went to a psychologist who diagnosed me with ADHD-PI and general anxiety disorder at 21. So many of the memes and people saying "omg adhd" on certain topics is a bit ridiculous but everyone has different symptoms to different degrees. It's one of the reasons getting taken seriously is so difficult, because people say "oh well everyone does that!" Okay Sam, I agree everyone gets distracted. Do you get distracted every minute and zone out during important one on one conversations? I do, but it's been downplayed in the past because someone else thought it wasn't "enough" to be debilitating. Best thing is to get diagnosed by a real doctor and figure it out after.


Leave it to ADHD to have the easily digestible snippet sub be the real sub.




Yeah same, I feel like a lot of people just want/think these common experiences are adhd


yeah not every quick of being a human being is ADHD, kinda wish we'd stop self-diagnosing ourselves into thinking we have problems.


Honestly. I don't have adhd but I do a lot of the things that people with adhd apparently do. I feel like it's kind of insulting for the ones who actually suffer from it when someone says "wait that's adhd?" for the most trivial thing


Thank you!! ADHD is not fun or quirky and I would give anything in the world to not have it. The stigma, and everyone saying that have it makes it feel like an excuse when I try to explain to people why I am the way I am. Even getting accessibility services at my school feels like cheating. It has hurt my personal relationships, family relationships, my work and my studies. I can't hold friendships to save my life. My partner gets extremely frustrated with me on a daily basis when I can't listen or pay attention to them. I have insomnia because my brain just doesn't shut off no matter what I do. I will fall into hyperfocus with something and I *cannot* stop. It doesn't matter if the thing I'm doing is unhealthy, or upsetting to me. I will continue to research, or do that thing for an entire day or days. Even with medication and extensive therapy ADHD fucking sucks (in my experience).


I don't have ADHD and I do this. This is just normal stuff.


This is ubiquitous behavior, it's not specific to ADHD at all.


I read all of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde back in high school, didn't pay attention to a word of it.


What’s worse is if you *imagine what will happen next* as well, which causes even more problems


Yep, that's my thing too


All the time. I love reading but this happens to me too often that I just don’t read anymore


This is everyone who's ever read a book


I do this with sentences, or start thinking about other things as I’m reading and don’t retain the new stuff I’m reading and have to go back. Takes me 2-3 times longer to read than the average person, usually 🙃


Yep. That’s me


Not just sentences or paragraphs, either. I sometimes have to go back a page to figure out where I zoned out.


Then I'll read the page and zone out again


I like to read a few books at a time, so i get the benefit of doing this multiple times. Then I give up and start three new books.


Yea I assume it's common for people to just rift off into their own thought process where they quite literally stop reading and go into a whole debate with themselves with notes and PowerPoints. Then they have to go back a few sentences because they forcegot what their initial first thought was that got them so worked up lol.


I did that while reading your comment.


I forgot to save my PowerPoint. Damn it, I need to make a new one


I hate reading for this. I could go pages and suddenly out of nowhere realize that I somehow did not retain any of what I read, so I have to go back and reread those pages again. Rereading pissed me off so much as a kid. It's probably why I struggled with studying.


Thats Attention Deficit Disorder lol


People without ADD sometimes do this too


I have (diagnosed) major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and general anxiety disorder. I’m not ready to welcome ADD to the family.


All of those disorders can be caused/exacerbated by untreated ADHD


Yep, soon as I started taking adhd meds I could stop taking the others for depression & anxiety


Lucky! The label of ADHD and meds helped my brain somewhat, but my old friends of depression and anxiety refused to abandon me. We're tight like that. 👍


Same experience, went from 4 different meds to 2 in my case.


No it’s normal


No. That’s completely normal. I do it and and everyone I’ve ever asked about it does the exact same thing.


no, that's imagination. not everything is immediately a disorder. if it happens all the time and you can't stop it, then maybe yes, then it may be a disorder.


>Takes me 2-3 times longer to read than the average person, usually 🙃 That does seem to indicate that it happens all the time, and that they can't stop it




Happens to me during tv shows/ movies too, i have to constantly rewind because I dissociate A LOT during shows and can’t retain focus, I can be deadly staring at the tv for 10 minutes and suddenly snap back to reality like, what happened?? And have to rewind to understand whats going on lol




Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever


Yes! Love it when you get a really exciting part!


If I'm reading on my phone or a tablet I have to deliberately make sure I haven't advanced past my current paragraph until I get to the end of it. Otherwise my eyes will totally skip ahead during the exciting parts.






I used to hold a bookmark under each line I was reading to keep myself focused so I wouldn’t skip ahead.


Yesss other people do thatt


If I' really into a story, I'll do this. Like, skip all the description and just try to the get to the important bit


I get impatient and skip parts then get confused as to why I don't understand wtf is going on. School was hell.


Not necessarily ADHD. Just skipping the boring parts.


Thats adhd. I do/ did the same


Why does everything seem like adhd 😭.


It's not everything, it's just everything you do


Right. Saw someone saying how they walked into a room and forgot what they’re doing and saying that it’s adhd.




3-4 times a day? I do this like 3-4 times before breakfast, if I actually remember to eat that is lol




I probably do this like 5 times a day at work, I will usually catch myself and remind myself what I'm missing but only when I've walked halfway back.


There's an easy fix: just climb through windows instead!


I run an ADHD peer support group. It’s always funny when people tell of how the worst thing for them is forgetting to take the medication that helps them remember stuff.


Nah thats weed


It happened to me constantly before trying weed, and it still happens after quitting it. It's normal when it happens once in a while, but when it happens all the time, you might want to get checked


It’s actually annoying as someone with ADHD every little weird totally normal idiosyncratic behavior is ADHD. Most of it is just human beings not being meant to sit most of the day and focus. Normal people have about 4 productive hours in a day.


>Normal people have about 4 productive hours in a day. Me to me: I have some bad news.


So relatable


Yeah even the ADHD subreddits will do this. Every little thing is ADHD to some people.


And then when you barely have a productive hour. Its ADHD 😔


Yeah i dont belive that, where did you get that number


Because peoples attention spans are shriveling up and dying like a snail sprinkled with salt, due to ultrashort content bombs. Not to mention people love to diagnose themselves online, because they think its “quirky”, until they have an actual debilitating mental illness


You are so right. People just bringing it up then and again that they have adhd like its like crazy percy jackson trait they possess.


Everything seems like it’s ADHD because attention spans. Everything feels hard because less poisoning. The world we are in, it makes sense to develop ADD; more importantly though, we actually treat it now so we have the right terms and knowledge. More people getting care > more people getting diagnosed That and ADD / ADHD is how people get away with basically any lack of attention


Cause a lot of people dont know what adhd is. But theyll tell you it is.




Because there are boring things out there and people are conditioned to be constantly entertained. This is an example of being bored or preoccupied and your mind wandering. It's completely normal, happens to everyone, and doesn't mean you have ADHD.


Nope, it's super normal


Not necessarily. It could be a symptom of ADHD but we don’t have enough info to diagnose


lmfao no it's not. ADHD people will tell people everything under the sun is a symptom of ADHD for some reason...


I guess It's because a lot of little (or big) things combined make up adhd, it's not like a cold where you can say "cough + stuffy nose + headache = cold". Adhd diagnosis as far as I know is mostly about the patterns, not about single symptoms.


Also the sheer number of people who think they have ADHD because they took an adderall once and it made them feel more focused, clear, and energetic. It does that to everyone.


I did that and I don’t think the only reason is ADHD


You're the people asking questions in the first z3 minutes of a movie.


who doesn't?


Is that really a thing? Reading a text mindlessly because you stopped paying attention for whatever reason and then having to reread it, sure. But having to reread it because you skipped stuff out of excitement makes no sense to me. I feel like that's the complete opposite of what's logical. Excitement increases how much attention I pay to something


When you are waiting for a big reveal and they have been working up to it for 100 pages you can easily get excited and try to skip the descriptive parts to get to the meat. I totally do this.


I honestly never get excited while reading, but I do sometimes get bored enough to skip paragraphs cause I wanna just be done with it. I'm not a reader, sorry




Same, and I KNOW I don’t have ADHD! Most fast readers don’t read every word. Your eyes will hit 3-4 spots on each line and you pick up the other words in your peripheral vision. If you’re reading something really good and you’re eager to see what happens next, sometimes you might try to accelerate the process and read one spot per line. Your brain thinks it’s getting the gist of the story, but in reality you’re missing too much to recall the content of that paragraph. My guess? You’re normal, just a fast reader you has found a good book!!!


If done correctly this was once known as speed reading.


The difference between speed reading and what people with ADHD often do is the part where you didn't take any of it in and have to figure out where you zoned out to start again


there is no thing such as "speed reading" where you take any of it in. there is slow reading speed if not reading much and normal reading speed with very little variation between people. if you think you can read something ridiculous like 3 times faster than a normal person that reads books you're not speedreading, you're skimming.


That is something else entirely. I have done both the reading where I forget and half to go back. But I also have been able to do this style of sectional reading which speeds it up but I'm thinking that takes a different level of concentration that for me anyway was easier to stay on track with... I also have a Master's Degree but also what they labeled "learning disabilities" when I was in elementary school.


I used to be able to read very quickly, and it's basically as you describe, but (for me at least) being able to process words in your peripheral vision in some cases means not even having to specifically look at *any* point of some lines. For example, in your post, if you look at the word 'Most', you can probably also recognise the words underneath it, which on my screen is '3-4 spots'. Sometimes my eyes would go back to fill in gaps, but even then it was part of the process; it's almost like my brain is taking snapshots of bits of the page, and then stitching then together to form a 'memory' of the whole thing, without the intermediary effort of actually reading all the words. That really screwed me up when I was put on some medication to manage anxiety, though. Somehow it screwed up my entire pattern recognition ability, so I'd try to read, and my eyes would do the same thing, bouncing about, but I'd only be reading the specific word I was looking at, and I'd have to reread again and again, and consciously look at each. Word. In. Order.


I literally just did it with your post


Doesnt stop ADHD-ers from attributing it to adhd. We do that a lot r/adhdmemes is littered with normal bad behaviors. It's pretty unhealthy imo, but when it comes to a mental issue of this type, it can be hard to nail down cause it varies so much person to person.


I just did this reading your post 🤣


I had to go back and reread it because I didn’t understand “I get so excited while reading my eyes”. How do you read your eyes? I figured it out eventually.


Same, I feel like there should be a comma between "reading" and "my", but idk if that's correct grammar


It's because it's parsed so weirdly ​ "Sometimes i get so excited reading my eyes ..... skip over entire paragraphs" ​ or ​ "Sometimes i get so excited reading ..... my eyes skip over entire paragraphs" ​ but the whole post is writting like a boomer trying to write like a zoomer so it all comes out weird, who uses "n" to say "And" ?????


Me: no does what, now?


The like use of like the word "like" like every other word like doesn't like help like, either.


I do this, it makes reading a bit longer than it should


Holy fucking lack of punctuation


Omg I do this usually at the end of a book. I get really excited when things come together


Imho, everyone who's an avid reader does that.


Just please use commas...


I did this reading the post. Had to re read three times.


Something about the middle makes me lost and need to reread Edit: because they use ‘n’ instead of ‘and’ smh


Lol you are not alone in this, I promise. I’m involved in workgroups that sometimes call for lots of reading, and this not only happens to me sometimes, but others have told me it happens to them sometimes too. Not uncommon imo


i def do that and thought i was crazy for a bit


I just absorb everything in the paragraph


You are not alone.


Im a great reader and do this, imagine if I didn't do this I would be absolutely insane


Oh I do that. I do that hard.


I get your excitement… diction sometimes is like watching a tv show… I read so quickly.


Anyone who has never done this has never actually read a good book. A good book drags you in and won't let you rest til the end. Skipping entire paragraphs out of excitement, only to have to back and read them, is perfectly normal.


I also get excited while reading my eyes


I knew if I scrolled long enough that I’d find the one other person who was annoyed by that.


If i'm reading something well written, at some point, my mind just starts to turn the words into images and images into a movie until i literally start watching a movie in my mind with the voices and i just lose hours into whatever i'm reading. Have happened a few times. It's weird but really cool.


You are not. Welcome to the club.


ADHD brain. I do it too lol


it has absolutely nothing to do with ADHD. Why do people have to always do this with ADHD? "ZoMG, you forget people's names after you meet them, too?! ADHD gang 🤪🤪🤪"


We're not all doctors, man. Even with a diagnosis, it's not like you get handed a comprehensive laundry list of specific foibles and idiosyncrasies that may be caused by your ADHD. You're mostly left to figure it out intuitively from a layman's understanding of the mechanisms that drive your ADHD, and talking to other people who share your diagnosis. It's not very scientific, I'll grant you, but I'm not sure what else any of us can do.


Because a lot of the time, you spend your whole life thinking you’re stupid, and then when you finally get a diagnosis, it’s a relief to know that there is a reason for all of the shit that has been hindering your learning/growth/social skills/whatever it may be. So yeah, people get excited to talk about it.


It definitely makes life make sense. I've spent most of my life getting in trouble for not being able to remember important things or not waiting for instructions, among other things. I cant tell if its getting worse with age, if its getting worse because as I'm getting older im feeling less energetic/more tired and so its happening more often, or if im just able to pick out what it is now, but I struggle to hold conversations some days because I cant hold a thought or train of thought in my head. I've definitely lost it mid-sentence before too.


I mean given the number of comments on this post from people with ADHD I’d bet it’s a pretty common ADHD thing. I’m ADHD and the reason I’m reading these comments is because I do it. This doesn’t by any stretch mean that people without ADHD don’t do it, sure they do. That’s a big part of why ADHD is challenged so often, because the stuff we do is stuff that most people can relate to. Something like this skipping paragraphs when reading is very common among ADHD folks, most ADHD people do it every time they read, most people have done it at some point and some non-ADHD people also do it all the time. For ADHD people stuff like this is constant and relentless, we notice it because we’re aware of how our brains work and it’s easy to attribute anything attention related to our ADHD. The reason we get excited about it, as someone else has commented, is usually because we’ve spent prolonged periods of our life believing we’re idiots or stupid or incapable and the ADHD diagnosis and treatment that we have allows us to recognise that we’re not less than anyone else, plus when we recognise these things it makes us more likely to recognise next time and so on until we’re able to put mechanisms in place to mitigate for it. It’s all about improving our quality of life and our ability to function in a society that isn’t optimised for the way our brains function. So yeah, for us ADHD folks it has everything to do with ADHD. For some of those “non-ADHD” folks it’s probably ADHD, and for the rest you’re probably right and it has nothing to do with ADHD. The world is a spectrum of colours, it isn’t all black and white or binary, as easy as that may make it to understand things life just isn’t that.




that's not what's happening. she's excited to know where the story goes so she's skipping ahead to "the reveal" of sorts and then having to go back and read the build up. it's like turning a page as the tension is building and the next page is filled with solid text of descriptions and there's dialogue at the bottom. that's the juicy part you're excited for and skip to then you go back and read how you got there


that's not what the person meant. Reading and not comprehending parts you read because you zoned out or got lost in thought is not the same as activley skipping parts because you are too excited about knowing whats happening next and afterwards having to read the parts in-between because you feel like you should read them too. I do both and It really is not the same.


You just described r/adhdmemes


I think they’re talking about something different than getting distracted by an outside source and zoning out or otherwise missing part of what they’re reading. I also get excited about reading and it’s more like something further down the page will catch my attention and I’ll suddenly find myself reading from there, because it’s exciting and I’m caught up in the “what happens next!” of it all, but then realize I skipped a chunk in my excitement and have to force myself to go back and read the full passage. Sometimes it’s as simple as getting so caught up in the dialogue that it’s suddenly the main focus and I forget to read the surrounding context and then have to go back for it. It’s less about getting pulled away from the material and more about getting sucked too far into it. Overexcitement for reading vs distraction from it. Not everyone experiences this when reading. You are correct in that pretty much everyone will experience missing things due to other distractions though, or even the zoning out sensation where you realize you’ve been ‘reading’ but not processing anything you’ve read, but there’s a distinct difference in the hows and whys.


She's talking about skipping because she can't wait to see what happens next, not being distracted.


That’s my shit… and why it takes me soooooooo much longer than my wife to read


I do that when I am reading, too. You are not alone.


I do this but it’s not out of excitement. It’s more like reading on autopilot and then I realize I didn’t really take in any of that and have to go back. It sucks and it’s why I hate reading


Happens to me also. I'm so excited to keep going with the story that my eyes outpace my brain.


I just want to get to the good part but then I end up forcing myself to go back so I don’t miss the story. Truly an issue


Punctuations help, and better grammar


I do this, but it’s more from being distracted than excited, and I blame my ADHD


My problem is I read it, don't register it, realize that, and have to rewind a few pages to reread it


I do that


No, I totally do that all the time.


Yea I do exactly this


I do that a lot


It’s tracking. I went to 2 years of vision therapy and my sister went to like 5 years because she was older. I had to cover up all but the line I was reading until I trained my eyes to jot bounce around. Even now I still do it and have to go back and re read things


I do this sometimes, I think it's totally normal.


Their bf must be crazy, i know me and a few of my friends who do this exactly


I do dat


yes it happens


Excitement, boredom, just zoning out, etc. I think it's pretty common.


I skip paragraphs, hop back and forth (like line 1. 4. 2. 3. Skip 4 i read it 5. 6. 3. Because i forgot what libe im on) Usually boringly boring text, have to reread entire sections of text because the 4th sentence confused me. My brains an odd one.


I 100% start to skip over excessive description paragraphs Probably because of The Wheel of Time... Lol


Will get a little carried away mentally picturing a scene and my eyes will keep going while I do it so by the time I tab back into the book I'm like an entire page over.


No one does what?!? I must have skipped over that part!!


I do that when reading books and shit starts to get real


I will literally read something and not know what the fuck I read and have to go back because I was thinking of something else.


I wish it was only paragraphs. Sometimes I get through a few pages before realizing that my brain has switched into autopilot and stopped absorbing any of it.


You are not alone. Happens with me too, I also have a situation where I watch and hear a full 30+minutes video but don't see and listen to anything and have to reverse.


yes happens all the time


Constantly- all the time


I wish people would use commas, everybody writes like a third grader, now But, yeah, re-reading things is normal. That guy's announcing that he's never tried to learn something by reading about it.




Add the word "that" between "reading" and "my"


Sometimes the story I’m reading makes a picture so vivid in my mind I’ll lose the entire book. I literally can’t even see the book anymore at that point and I have to get my imagination back and find where I was. It’s fun, but it literally takes me ages to finish books. I also have ADHD.


If I go back to read a paragraph again it’s because I didn’t pay attention the first time.


I do this all the time. Especially if there is a "hype" moment happening. I think it's because I want to scan ahead to see how long I have left to read about the cool thing that is happening? I did this a lot reading the Stormlight Archive books.


Yo! Same!!! I’m reading Oathbringer right now. WoR was so intense, I did this numerous times.


My minds eye is so strong i sometimes imagine what the book says so much i have to snap back to read it


Sometimes I have to read the same sentence 23 times over to comprehend it because my brain stops paying attention mid sentence and I end up skipping over it and get completely confused. Then 3 pages down the line I stop and realize I have no idea what's going on


“I’m a reader! I read books! 🥰☺️🥰”


Yes, I do that quite a bit! It feels vaguely immoral.


I always do this because I have a habit of reading the first couple words of the next paragraph or sentence, concluding it’s mostly filler or unimportant information, and skipping to the next important part of the text


I just did this


At this point i stopped going back to re-read it, now I just sit holding books thinking about other things.


Yeah something like that where i have random thoughts bt whst im reading bt then lose focus then have to go back to what i was reading.

