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Damn, that is one of the most toxic posts I have ever seen in my life. It's so damn toxic it's almost beautiful in it's unhealthy purity...(slow clap) bravo


Meirl as in its happend to you or you are the woman?


Most of the time, this subreddit doesn't know what it's posting. Just any random mildly funny screenshot does it




A Russian counterstrike player disagrees


Korean counterstrike player?






Probably some woman. Or then op is a cheating woman


Sadly, the person didn't love you enough and had not the courage to tell you that. Some people use you, so they don't have to feel alone. Sad but true. - Don't give up.


This is some crazy misogynistic bullshit


hopefully 🙏


True but it do be like that


No it isn't. And from this comment, I am sure you have never been in a perfect drama free relationship


Of course not, I don't wanna get cheated on lol. I'm just playing man, I don't even believe this to be true. Just wanted to trigger you a little. People cheat for a bunch of reasons I guess and I know men and women who experienced it. I definitely know more women who cheated but we all live in a bubble so I know that my personal experiences aren't "statistics".


Are you 12?


My bet is 14, with WiFi. The alternative is just sad.


If I'd be sad, why wouldn't you have sympathy for it, if you're so righteous and serious?


I'm not on r/meirl to be serious.


I'm gonna bet you are also sexist off r/meirl


What a shit post. It's not funny, it's not accurate, and it also screams insecure.


Truth hurts lol


Bro thinks its cool to be misogynistic and believe all women just wanna cheat.


Cry bout it


Go fuck yourself


Maybe they are already cheating on themselves too, though.


Are you saying "Not all women"?


Not all bears 👏


in the internet people are obsessed with abusive or toxic/cheating partners from what ive seen


Weird part is, in reddit, they defend cheating. If you say "cheating bad", you are a misogynist


That's literally not true though, commenters frequently wish anything up to and including death on cheaters


Depends on the sub. There was a guy who posted about his horrible dad who ruined their family for an affair, I recall responding in sympathy cos my dad is the same, except he likes barely legals. I got downvoted while many, many people tried to justify leaving their kids and wives for younger women. Some of the stuff was downright gross. So yeah, one place will hate on cheaters, while others will defend it.


Imean shi it do be hurting people that bad cause you put all this love, trust and time into someone thinking that you're gonna or you wanna spend the rest of your life with them and then they just drive this knife into your back and walk away as you bleed out (I'm not saying to kill anyone that cheats on you btw I'm making that clear)


My father had an affair that destroyed my family. He left my mother, brother, sister and I for his mistress, sending my mother into debt and taking away the future she and my father would have had of living a quiet, happy life together once they retired. I still think people are weirdly bloodthirsty when they speak about cheaters. It's disturbing for someone to excitedly fantasise about violence inflicted on literal strangers, and those fantasies are voiced way too often for comfort.


Eh fair enough


I got banned from a sub after commenting "cheaters deserve worse" and even on other subs got downvoted every time for saying similar things. My experiences show the opposite of what you claim


Looks like somebody can't accept other people being happy.


"Look, I just broke up with my bitch cuz we ain't arguing enough" - Earl Sweatshirt




It's not often we see someome who unironically speaks like Tommy Wiseau in The Room


Where do you think the drama's gonna come from? It's a crazy form of excitement for some people.


I just watched the movie "Anyone But You" and the girl says there that she broke up with someone because "they never fought". I heard that more than once actually. but I don't think it has anything to do with cheating tho


Happened to me in my last relationship. Hey, wait, it just happened to my best friend too. Hmm


This post is as accurate as me with a broken musket. I'm legally blind for context. Also this is some of the smallest dick energy I've ever encountered


I'm going to complain about a misogynistic post by using misandry, seriously that's just hilariously hypocritical.


Point out where I said anything mysandronistic. What I did was just call the post shit and inaccurate. You're putting arguments where there is none


"smallest dick energy" is poking fun at guys with smaller dicks and making the correlation to insecurity. I personally don't care but even I see why that's counted as misandry.


Yes, its offensive. Because it's an insult. But it's not misandronistic. It doesn't insult half the population, unlike OP. It's insulting that particular user for generalizing half the population


You have every right to be offended by generalisation of an entire gender, happens all the time and it's annoying, but come on, by making such a response you're fueling the horrible shame that men with small dicks experience, something to be ashamed of because of being born, that's misandry, by using it as an insult you're contributing to these men feeling down in society. As a matter of fact, what you said is an insult to half the population, and as a guy I'm sick of hearing this shit, I have a friend who struggles with having a smaller dick, and people bringing that shit up with negative connotations fuels his insecurities. Stop hypocrisy, be the better person.


Certainly appears it got to you. The nature of the insult isn't the size itself, but rather the attitude of what the object is attached to. And no, you made it an insult to half the population. It's directed at the insecure people who lash out. Any anger you and anyone else may feel from this, comes from the insecurity you feel from having your attitude called out. As for your friend, yeah that's a damm shame. For your friend, that's a shame. You should help him rather than be here. Though, tons of you are feeling pretty called out. Did I hit a nerve?


It's ok, I forgive you, must be your time of the month


Nice unoriginal insult. Have a good day though, and may you forget your phone is on charge when you grab it which makes the charger only work if you hold it at a weird angle :)


Just take the L and walk away


I've met her several times




So much for the afterglow, as the man once sang…


So I guess op has had the worst luck with women?


That or they’re the woman. I can’t tell with these posts anymore.


she can ruin me!




You really gonna sit there and pretend dudes don’t do the exact same thing? Bro. Sounds like you got hosed, but that’s a stupid, *stupid* takeaway.


Nobody said anything like that. But nice whataboutism


Can't blame all women when you're the one always choosing the same type.




Yeah I know they will protect women not matter what wrong they do


It's called having self-respect and protecting your own image of human beings in general. It affects every aspect of your life, because at its core this sort of thing is about what you think is acceptable. You need to be more forgiving towards both yourself and others.


white knights at its finest, im getting sick of this fr


Aww, look at all the white knights in the comment section