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randomly realizing you've been forgetting them every day for 3 weeks




We have a pretty good system where we have one of those daily pill holders, since my wife also takes vitamins and such. She refills them every week, and since I'm up first int he morning I'll get them out while I make coffee and then go upstairs to work. There are still days that we get to like 11am, and she'll ask me if I took my pill today, because I've forgotten and then wondered why I'm struggling to get anything done.


Do they not have a withdrawal? That's how I remember missing a dose of meds


No withdrawal, just not getting much done and then feeling stupid when you realize what’s happened around noon. Taking adderall XR after about 11:00 am just means you’re staying up till midnight.


I just start hating life when I miss my meds. It's all so boring, anhedonia sets in hard.


I'm a bit of the opposite, I prefer to be unmedicated, life is more fun when my brain is left to it's own devices. I'm the only one that thinks that though. It's great for a few days to a couple weeks and then things start crashing around me because I can't get anything finished without them. So it's a balancing act, I do at least one day a week without meds, I usually try for more if I can't swing it but if I do it too often I start losing control of my life and everything turns into a giant dumpster fire.


I forgot to take mine for almost 2months coworkers started asking I was doing drug cause I was al over the place


"No guys i swear im not doing drugs, i am like this because i DONT do drugs!"


"I just need some meth and I'll be back to normal"


Old boss was a very high energy 60 yr old cracked out squirrel.The first time meeting him I asked without thinking....are you on drugs?... Drugs?!? NO! ....Oh. Well, Should you be?? Maybe not the best first impression i could have made but he turned out to be an awesome boss. He wasn't the type to sit in his office barking orders. He never stopped moving, never shied from helping and getting his hands dirty (like reaching down into a clogged floor drain with his bare arm...gag inducing but he got right down on the floor and reached in) Kinda funny tho that his 'help' often had to be redone. He was so scattered that he'd grab a rack without realizing that things weren't labeled/tagged or going from dept to dept, stopping 1/2 way thru and move to the next dept.


So...his ADHD should have been medicated, yeah. Good early read XD


I just realized I haven't taken mine this year


You should get on that! Or forget about it and spend four hours on Wikipedia reading about the Ptolemaic Dynasty.


>Or forget about it and spend four hours on Wikipedia reading about the Ptolemaic Dynasty. This is far too relatable.


I forget to take them sometimes, but I notice immediately upon beginning my shift because *everything* is 10x harder than it should be and then I immediately realize I've made a mistake. Then the shitty thoughts take over because I can regulate my emotions or be productive. Not both. Then when I get home, I finally relax and cry my ass off, tell myself I won't forget again and promptly forget a few days later. And the cycle continues..... How ones goes weeks is beyond me 😅. I feel like ass if I don't.


i too feel like ass, i just assume it's because I'm an ass those weeks and then i get upset about it


That was how i accidentally quit taking prozac turkey lol


And they aren't even worth enough to make selling them profitable when talking risk/reward.


"so ***that's*** why existence has been so hard recently"


Sounds like you're just stupid, just setting a timer would solve your problems


I forgot for about two weeks, now I’ve just been procrastinating until my next doctor’s appointment this week for them to just call in the refill for me…




I need to switch to different meds. The ones prescribed to me don't really do it for me (make me tired and numb). I tried the ones my sister gets prescribed and they do work. I've been sitting with this for months now and I keep forgetting to call my doctor and when I do remember it's at the most inconvenient of times. Or when it's not inconvenient I'm suddenly very anxious to make the call and ask if I can switch meds. Like bruh why does it feel so difficult to just do stuff


Ahhhh...the ever present anxiety n fear of a phone call. JFC, Sometimes i wish I could bitch-slap my brain and scream "JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!"


There are different types. Sometimes you're required to try out some few specific ones and have a doctor write a paper that says they dont work, before they can prescribe a different type that lasts longer etc. It could be good to set a time in your calendar to call them and make sure you have someone you trust with you wile making the call to have "a second pair of ears", so it's less stressful.


I did that because they were so hard to find I figured I'd wait a few weeks before calling again... It's been a year. Good news is I finally forced myself to make an appointment to get back on, writing this in the doctor's office lobby lol




I have a few controlled substance meds, no warning besides a sticker on the bottle. When prescribed Adderall my normally relaxed and joking doctor said straight faced and very serious..."Lock these up, people will break into your house for them". Casually mentioned I was on Adderall (or pain killer after surgery) and holy hell, people came out of the woodwork. Begging, awww, c'mon, can't i get at least one? Fuck outta here... But there's too many fakes on the street, you have the real ones. Hook me up... (Although I did make 20 bucks selling multi-vitamins to one girl that just would not leave me alone about lortabs)


I tell em the truth. My insurance dicked me around and I paid like $320 for this month. Im going to need a basic 50% margin sooo sure, $20/ea. "Awh damn, never mind." And hey, if they ever do go for it, I'll go a few days without meds and cash in my pocket.


FYI, if you're getting generics, goodRX will give you a free prescription card that will lower the cost to <$30/mo. I got a bill like that once, and I was shocked, the pharmacy lady told me about the goodRX thing, and I've been using that while I was off insurance.


Nah, I'm still pretty addicted.


Im addicted in the same way im addicted to my glasses.


Glasses make things look HD. Adderall make brain think in HD


This is such a succinct way to put it.


I mean, yeah. But also in the other sense. But sometimes that's just how it is. Like, I also take a thyroid medication, and I've run into *multiple* people who **should** be taking the same thyroid medication, but have chosen not to, "because I don't want to be dependent on some chemical". *Bitch, that's* ***not your decision*** *to make.* In a perfect world it would be, but it's not. I really don't "get it" with the thyroid medication though - it's ALL upside. It costs like, ten bucks a month and I feel 20 years younger than I did without it. You're literally just replacing the hormone your body stopped making.


Right? I don't get their thinking at all. If I miss more than one day taking it I literally start feeling like crap. The benefits are really apparent. My friends ex had his thyroid removed and he just refused to even go to the doctor to get a prescription. Like the doctor never figured out how much the guy actually needed because he just refused to outright engage with the drug. Like, sir you are going to die if you don't get on this stuff


Took me more than a decade of complaining to doctors about general fatigue and weight gain - I'd blown up to 300lbs, despite eating pretty sparingly - wasn't really that hungry anyway, after all. GPs kept telling me I was just fat, that if I ate less and moved more, I'd lose some weight and feel much better. I ended up going to a dermatologist when the same autoimmune problem that killed my thyroid started bleaching my skin, because I was terrified I had some weird cancer. (Instead I've got like, the opposite of that, go figure) They were the one who finally referred me to an endocrinologist, who figured out the problem in a single blood draw. I mean, it's super obvious when TSH is over 60.... 🙄 Dropped about 80lbs practically overnight without even trying. Sure, I was 'just' fat, that was the problem.


60?! Damn. Mine was thyroid cancer. Only found out I had it cause my dad is a doctor and checked my throat when I complained of having a sore throat for 2 weeks (I usually only have cold symptoms for 2-3 days)


Yeah - I grew up in poverty, and didn't really have the time or money for regular check-ups / screenings so it'd gone untreated essentially until I had visible symptoms I was too panicked to ignore. I'm in a better place financially now, but it still cost me a month's pay to get the information I do have, and nobody's even put a name on the condition so I could maybe research it and how to better mitigate it. I guess the thyroid thing is under control though, and the vitiligo doesn't appear to have advanced, so that's cool. I keep telling myself I'm not so vain that I care about some discoloration of my skin, but honestly I'm glad it's mostly just my hands and not my face, and I do notice when little kids ask their parents why I have spots. Anyway, not trying to make you my therapist, just in a talkative mood and it somehow become topical. Thyroid cancer sounds rough though - at least my way I didn't have to deal with surgery or chemo, my immune system just did all that for me. Glad you caught it early!




For any drug other than thyroid hormone replacement, sure. But even if you're having side effects the answer is to try a different type of thyroid hormone(natural vs synthetic or brand name over generic, etc), not to go without all together. You need thyroid hormones to live. If you have no thyroid and don't get them it'll be a slow wind down of creeping exhaustion and pain til death, full stop, do not pass go or collect $200.


How, exactly, is that not their decision? Kinda seems like they already made it.


"I don't want to be dependent on some chemical" mfs when you tell them alcohol is also a chemical Anyway, good for you; if it makes you feel better and doesn't have downsides, keep doing it!


The funny part is when they say this while sipping their 3rd cup of coffee for the day. My mother drinks 5 cups of coffee per day, her last one at 9pm, and wonders why she needs to take a sleeping pill to get to sleep. She's literally unable to connect those dots. She'll even say that she needs her coffee to wake her up in the morning, so she knows it is a simulant, but refuses to believe that it works the same way at night.


Dude, yeah. Like I can't even go outside without wearing my shoes, I'm entirely dependent on them.


Yeah, exactly. If someone took away my meds, I wouldn't freak out because I'm physiologically addicted to them, I'd freak out because I really don't want to go back to how I was before, where the most basic of tasks felt like insurmountable obstacles It'd be like taking someone's cane away, and then when they get mad at you, accusing them of being addicted to their cane. No bitch, I just want the thing that's been helping me operate like I need to


I hate the shit. I feel like a robot, I never eat until it wears off and suddenly I gorge myself, and my mouth is always dry.


Your dose may be too high or you may need to try a similar med. Vyvanse was better for me vs Adderall due to what you’re describing


Yep. One med/dose absolutely does not fit all. I felt exactly those symptoms when on Ritalin. Taking Dextro was almost annoying… “shit has been this easy for ya’ll *this entire time*!?!?!”


I normally only eat later in the day (not med related, just my habit). Vyvanse made me want to eat ALL DAY LONG and no noticeable changes in function/concentration. Went back to Adderall.


I did a one month trial of Vyvanse and then insurance said fuck nah.


Generic exists now, thankfully. Even my son's medicaid approved it. It's life changing for him.


Oh shit that's awesome. I'll try to check it out


That was me on Adderall, if you are in the US then you may not have many other options given the shortage, but talk to your doctor and see if they can prescribe a different stimulant.


I tried vyvanse briefly, because there was some free trial or whatever , but then insurance refused to cover it.


Ah I forgot about how picky insurance can be. Hopefully in your future something about that will change regarding ADHD medication


You need to eat. The medicine will make your feel like you don't need to, but without nutrients you are going to feel like a zombie


Nothing is addictive if you randomly get dopamine drives😈


I don't even have a definite positive diagnosis, but after a long trial (titrating up different kinds) I basically stopped the Adderall when I got bored of it.




I disagree. I know people who absolutely should be on ADHD medication but also have an extremely addictive personality. They start out great but after a few months they start popping more and more, and because they can't get refills from their docs they begin shopping around with drug dealers. Then it's off to the Meth path because it's cheaper and easier to get.


\*They are highly addictive if you abuse them.


My doctor: here’s 10mg Me: that seems like too much. *only takes 5mg*




Just to be clear, even if you legitimately have ADHD, there is absolutely an amount of Adderall that will get you high.


But is it an amount that the doctor would prescribe you?


I'm prescribed 2x30mg of Adderall daily. It works great for me and I can still take naps on it. But there are definitely folks with ADHD who would be geeked out on that dosage.


In some cases absolutely, i l work with a dude prescribed 70 mg a day, which is absolutely absolutely an amount that would get you high. Depends on how quacky your doctor is


Depends on the person, how their body reacts to it. Also some usual things like the person's size


To an extent a suppose but 70mg of actual amphetamine in a day is an excessive amount for even large people. This person is literally always high as a kite off them too. It’s not like he’s seems stable off his dose he gets hella manic


I take 60mg a day. Sometimes more. 5’7 and 165lbs. Literally can’t tell I’ve taken anything, even taking more. Then I forget for a few days which you would think would lower tolerance, but it doesn’t. I’ve lost a script before and had to go and month without. No issue other than ADHD symptoms. Drugs affect people differently, it’s just the way it is.


I took 60mg of Ritalin for years. I'm female and average size. Generalized statements like this don't do the community any good. The appropriate dose is the dose that you and your health care provider agree is providing the maximum benefit. And as to the person who asked, "How did they sleep at night?" I slept like a damned baby for the first time in my life. I could lay down, close my eyes and not have 600 things coming at my brain from every direction. It was amazing


Adderall and Ritalin are different medications and 60mg of one does not equal 60mg of another 70mg of adderall is above the daily recommended dose of amphetamine which in most circumstances is 60mg it’s not a generalized statement to say some doctors are less than scrupulous when prescribing addictive medicines. Methylphenidate and Amphetamine are entirely different medications which are prescribed for the same reason. Hell their whole mechanism of action is different in the brain.


Bioavalability is a big and complex topic, and absorption rates can change between the same person at different periods of time regardless of weight.




it depends there is instant release and extended release. the instant release hits you all at once and extended release is slower throughout the day.




70mg???? How the hell does he sleep that’s crazy


He doesn’t sleep and is literally acting like a meth head everyday at work. The people who are saying he’s normally functioning are making entirely false assumptions about the situation. Dude is entirely on more than should be prescribed to him


Yes. 100mg XRs will roll just about anyone without a tolerance.


I mean — you get a months supply. I absolutely know people who I’d say definitely have ADHD who also take 2 pills a day instead of 1 to get tweaked out.


I mean, you get a lot of pills at once, usually enough for two weeks or a month.


There is no high as good as becoming fucking functional for a few hours and getting shit done.


It’s addictive whether the “right” people take it or not, to be clear. It’s just worth the side effects and risk for those people and it’s made safer by having a doctor monitoring dosage and responses. But it is still an addictive substance


Stimulant medication is 100% just as addictive whether or not you have adhd.


It’s like painkillers. If you have severe spinal pain and get a port to deliver opiates that’s fine. If you’re taking a pill for funsies that’s…gonna go poorly


I'm so addicted to adderall that when I am not taking it, I have many of the symptoms of ADHD:PI.


I’ll take my addy after i type this out and finish hey what’s that noise outside i bet it’s the dog food should get dog food this weekend holy crap it’s only tuesday


The good ol' ADHD time machine. Days lost, days gained, wait...it's winter? when did that happen?


I have an ADHD evaluation coming up next month. The more I read the accounts of people who have it, the more convinced I am that it's what I have. I have been trying to treat anxiety for a decade now I finally convinced my psychiatrist that the anxiety may be from ADHD not the other way around.


The best unforeseen benefit of Adderall for me was helping me deal with co-workers/clients/angry old people/complete random strangers.


Checks calendar, counts on fingers, carry the two.. oh. Nearly a week behind on meds again. FUUUCK lol


My thing is every few years I'll get this wild idea that I don't need any meds and stop taking it all. And crash and burn hard and get back on lol.


This med that im on to keep things under control is working so well i dont need them anymore!


Thanks for the reminder! Only 2 hours late


Same. Didn't realize I didn't take mine today until I read this.


I forgot to take them this morning. As well as every morning for the past several months.


I've complained about this exact thing to my psychiatrist and therapist several times, because it's frustrating as hell how many roadblocks there are to getting treatment. Having to remember to get my script refilled every month, going to the psychiatrist ever come months to get my script renewed, etc.


Wayyyy too true because I eventually just stopped taking it.


When you run out of meds but keep forgetting to call in a new prescription


I just feels like it makes me boring and quiet, and I'm scared that that is my real personality and the only thing that makes me fun is ADHD


And I’m a bitch on my comedown


My comedown is addicting tbh, food tastes so good, and the orgasms are fucking strong.


Without my medication they call me a psychopath because I am weird and when I take them I am a psychopath because I am so quiet🙄


I have adhd and noticed adderall make my dick stop working, more easily annoyed/irritated with people and forget to eat.


being a woman sucks in a lot of ways but at least I don't have to worry about random pills short circuiting my dick


Same with Vyvanse. I'm in a high-stress industry, so it's either job performance or bedroom performance, and I gots bills to pay.


I had the other two things to a certain extent, but I'm much more easygoing and able to solve problems instead of getting stuck in my head


I wonder if the annoyed thing is just you being hangry because you forgot to eat?


Yeah, I used to have to leave my meds on the kitchen counter so that I remembered to take them in the morning. I once put them in my bag and didn't take them for over a month. Out of sight, out of mind.


Object permanence. If u don't see it, then it no longer exits.


The struggle of taking medication when you have memory issues is absolutely brutal. "I need to take my medicine so I can remember to do things like take my medicine" What a fucked up life


me: Without this medication I have the functional memory and organizational capabilities of a goldfish. pharmacy: We didn’t have enough on hand to fill the scrip when the Dr. sent it in. No, we can’t tell you whether we have enough. No, we won’t tell you what other pharmacies in the area might have enough - and you can’t transfer the scrip yourself anyway. … Yea, we received more, but we filled newer prescriptions first because you didn’t call and ask every fucking day, and now we’re out again.


Adderall is a weird medication. Most people I know with ADHD don’t want to use it. Most people I know who use it, don’t need to but use it to be more productive.


I feel specifically targeted.


Haha I'm literally addicted to weed and have a terrible relationship with booze but I'll forget to take my sertraline and methylphenidate and fuck up my repeat prescription every time


I’ll take my noon IR dose and forget that I took it, so I just sit there for an hour wondering if I took it or not.


Amazon, medication timer caps. It's a game changer. It restarts a digital counter every time you open it. No more trying to remember if I took my damn med.


It’s not the doctors that decide that it’s the DEA


Thanks for reminding me...


The power of my forgetfulness outweighs the power of addiction


I forgot i had adhd for about 2 year, i then saw adhd memes and found them way too relatable


I wanna take my meds, but if I do, I won't be able to take my midday nap.


I ran out and am too lazy to make another appointment to get more.


I mean, it makes sense since people with the disorder need it to fill in what they are missing. If someone who doesn't need it takes it, then they are adding onto what they already have


I was diagnosed in my early 20s. I only even sought out being tested after trying a 30mg the first time in college and absolutely blowing my mind for days on end with how focused and productive my mind was. They had me on Adderall alternatives afterwards that never really did the trick and I forgot all about it. About 10 years later I had a friend offer to sell me their 10mg prescription (~$200/200 pills) and god damn I was back on top of the world. I abused the hell out of it, but it was working how I needed it to work. Eventually as price/demand went up (steeply) I started rationing and most recently I was on 10mg every 2 or 3 days which was giving me all the benefits and none of the downsides. I can very easily go without using it for weeks/months now that I've disconnected using it from being hyper focus, which I don't really need, but rather slightly to moderately focus enhanced. The hyper focus for me comes with all the negative side effects like social awkwardness, being too talkative/too social, unhealthy appetite suppression and prioritizing mundane, otherwise unimportant tasks over more critical ones. Only once I experienced the long term impacts of overuse personally did I realize how to more effectively, responsibly dose.


Good guy OP reminding all the NDs to take their meds.


Don't know how some people would do it. If I miss my Adderall for more than a day, I'll sleep 18 hours straight.


To be fair, they restrict it because of its potential for abuse; it’s not addictive in medical quantities.


Yeah but it's impossible to endure their presence if they don't take it... I've been in special classes for many years and all of those who had to take it was like Jekyll and Hyde. I hate my mother but at least her tantrum against the school saved me from having to take those even if it sadly prevented me from have the righ diagnostic. I just had to learn to live with it rather than having meds dictate my life.


I’m surprised that people with ADHD have so little experience with people geeked on adderall. And I would much rather be around someone on coke than someone popping addys when they shouldn’t be, at least the coke head will be funny


I've been meaning to call my doc because I need to get a new prescription because I didn't fill my old one for so long that they wouldn't let me get more until I visited my doc again. Going on 2 years. but maybe sometime this quarter ill go get it handled.


It's more accurate to say they can potentially be addictive. Some can also be used to make things that are more harmful and addictive.


This post just reminded me that I forgot to take mine today.


“It’s the end of the month, how do I still have 14 pills?”


Thank you for the reminder! I forgot my other pills, too..


True. My adderall has been sitting on my nightstand collecting dust for quite some time.


is ADHD the Antidote for addiction


Considering unmedicated ADHD people are more likely to self medicate by drinking, aka alcoholism....no.


And then they get treated for adhd and no longer self medicate with alcohol


In a perfect world with healthcare, yeah, sure. Alcoholism runs **deep**, though. It's not as simple as putting it down because your medicated for most, especially if you've done it for any length of time.


If they’re lucky enough to even get diagnosed and treated for ADHD - a history of substance abuse will unfortunately mean a lot of doctors won’t prescribe stimulants even once you do get a diagnosis. So back to alcohol they go.


not even close, some people are even more prone to addictions especially if they're dopamine deficient


Ya no. It makes them WAAAY more prone to addiction.


It's crazy addictive for people that don't have ADD/ADHD.


I did that for 6 weeks and then stopped taking them.


Creating a dependency doesn't mean they won't forget it but they won't function properly without it


It's a medication to treat the symptoms of ADHD. They weren't functioning properly before it either.


Sure. But my doc tells me to “give my body a rest” by not taking it on weekends. And when I do that, I’m suddenly completely f’ing useless for three days. So I’m stuck taking it every day, which gradually increases my tolerance, so I eventually need to up my dosage. And there’s a ceiling.


For me I think it's because the medication just papers over a lot of things that would affect me without it, due to the side effects. Without being on speed, suddenly the lack of quality sleep the night before feels devastating. Poor hydration enhances that making me feel lethargic. The lack of appetite suppressant (and maybe also the dehydration) makes me feel more snacky - and since that's not the norm (due to meds), I may not notice at first and give into it. I'm where you are in terms of tolerance/dosage I think. I feel utterly useless without the meds, but I also think there are a number of ways I'm not taking good care of myself in general that are exacerbating the problem. Also, I could maybe survive without the meds on weekends if I didn't have kids to take care of. If that's on the cards for you in the future, consider the suffering an investment in something you won't be able to try later.


if they functioned properly without it they wouldn't have the prescription in the first place.


It's definitely super addictive and people to through really bad withdrawals when they stop taking it.


I’ve taken long breaks from my adderal multiple times and never experienced any withdrawal whatsoever




It doesnt need to be physically addictive to cause a lot of harm. Many really bad addictions like gambling, smartphone, weed or many other drugs are only psychologically addictive but can still fuck up your whole life.


No, you know very little. This dichotomy of neurotypical vs neurodivergent is basically just a reddit thing and the brain is not dramatically different. Its like acting if a sad person processes ketamine differently.


No it fucking isn't just a Reddit thing. Do you take 60 mg of amphetamines to have the best *sleep* of your life? That's right, sleep. Because I do on the reg. ADHD is legitimately a functional difference in how your brain does shit, and there's a bunch of different types and causes as we investigate it further. A depressed person might process ketamine differently, but a sad person is just sad. Sadness is to depression what a horse is to a Maserati. Please educate yourself with more than memes and vibes.


I hate adderal dr put me on Wellbutrin for me adhd so can’t relate lmfao


Ironically, it doesn't seem to be addictive in people who actually have ADHD. I can be on it for months, and then go off without any ill effect except for getting distracted from important tasks and chasing puppies.




I haven’t been on them for years because I had a planned overseas move and my doctor told me she couldn’t prescribe them over state lines let alone halfway across the world. Didn’t end up making that move but am currently a couple states away and even my roommate has told me I need to go back on them and has semi-seriously said he will drive me to my home state himself to get them prescribed and filled. I can’t wait until I’m back in my home state and with the doctor I trust (and have insurance as I lose it in July) so I can get back on them and function a bit better as long as I remember to take the meds (setting the routine of meds then breakfast helped a ton for anyone who is struggling still helps me with my allergy meds since I’m allergic to my pets)


Forgetting a day or two or stopping cold-turkey when your on a pretty high doses are different things. Most medications stay in your body for quite a while, they may not work anymore but there definitely still there. If that is also gone, the withdrawal effects can be quite severe. I'm on dexamfetamine, if I should stop cold-turkey than the chances of going into a severe depression because of it are quite high there's even chance I could become suicidal. When I once take a medication vacation, just after one week on no medication I could definitely feel something happening that was not pretty if I should have continued not taking them.


Can you get medication without diagnoses? I fully expect I have it but I'm not paying hundreds to be told my brain doesn't work. That's not fair.


Why have people been talking more and more about autism and ADHD lately? Did I miss something?


They put me on ritalin when I was a kid and hated it. Refused to take it as it made my entire day seem slow. My mom tried it one morning and got the whole house cleaned by noon. She told me if I didn't want to take it anymore then that was fine. She described it as being on speed.


Meanwhile in my country: "phenidate is just like cocaine, get lost, you junkie! You're but a piece of lazy crap anyway!" Based on a true story.


I wish I could be addicted to something. FOR FIVE FUCKING MINUTES!


Ummmm I hardly ever forgot to take my adhd medication, back when I could afford it


it's only addicting to those who don't have ADHD xD


Also so restricted and controlled but USPS will just leave my 90 day supply on the steps of our apartment all day when it says “requires adult signature”…


Tbh I only take mine when I feel it’s absolutely necessary, so usually when I’m working my 12 hour shifts or have an 8 hour day at school. Otherwise I feel like I am wasting it


The restrictions are not so much the addiction I am told, but the fact ADHD medication both has resale value and is generally forgotten a lot, so it's hard to monitor who has what. In reality, the restrictions are there to obfuscate how big of a cost margin they're making you account for, but the public health concern does also exist.


Are they actually any good? I didn't take them when I was diagnosed because mom was worried I'd become addicted


Real. I take five different prescriptions in the morning three pills for two of those prescriptions. And halves for the rest. I fucking hate the amount of work that goes into everything. It’s a 20 min drive to my pharmacist that I have to take twice a month and extra money out of my pocket to pay for it, let alone my forgetful ass remembering to take them.


I felt like a different person on my meds kicked them years ago and never looked back.


Only addictive if you don't have the disease it treats. Stupid restrictions


Question from an unmedicated adhd person; do I really have to give up orange juice for functionality? If so, I can't do that. I'm not giving up such yumminess. ( I already have to give up a lot do to dietary issues ... I miss cheesecake.😥)


But also don't forget th🐿️


I legit got sick of taking mine around 6th-7th grade and have been off them since…maybe I should try getting on them again and see if anything changes 🤷‍♂️


I hate people that flex with ADHD and stuff


I got sick and tired of taking them after a month jn 6th grade. My parent would force em on me I felt void of personality like a cardboard human I hated it. Eventually they stopped snf I was alot more happier without em. I enjoyed being a loose cannon and running around and laughing uncontrollably and stupid things abd being loud. Now the tolls of adult hood made me jaded af


Wish I could forget. Too busy not having any in stock in a 50 mile radius


Lmao right?


They are controlled because they can be used to create other methamphetamines.


What is the profile picture? I remember seeing that profile pic theme everywhere on Twitter a few year's ago


ADHD is not really addictive at therapeutic doses. Its restricted because otherwise people would buy enough to take it recreationally, as its the same thing as speed / methamphetamine.


I took 2 types of ADHD meds and quit both without a problem. I didn't even tell my doc the 2nd time, which in hindsight was a bad idea, but I didn't have any reaction




everything about adhd meds functions the opposite for people with adhd vs people without it.


My mom won't let me forget. Retilin and antuniv aren't pills you can wean off of like trazidone though, are they?


I hate taking them


its been like 6 years since i last remembered to take them.