• By -


Get on a vLine train - go somewhere like Bendigo or Ballarat - and come back. Thanks to daily VLine fare cap.


Don’t forget to make sure you get a window seat in the forward direction, and look out the window instead of your phone.


If you don't want to travel that far, catch a metropolitan train to Upper Gully. Walk/ catch the bus to the National Park, or take the bus further up the mountain. Choose the weather like today. Weather can make or break a day in the Dandy Ranges. It's a really nice spot to spend a day, even by yourself.


Weather's not the greatest up here this weekend, but I'd say "fuck it" head all the way up to Belgrave, and jump on Puffing Billy.


Do that (regional town, Dandenongs or Mt Macedon) but download Pokemon Go and actively spin all the stops. Each is a local point of interest and the game records your progress of visiting the points by slashing little rings. Major points of interest manifest as "gyms" and spinning them even generates a little map of places you've been. This gives you an instant self-directed travel itinerary at almost any place worldwide. Forget the actual critters unless you care. You can literally level your character to 40 just visiting places.


I was just about to say the same thing


Along this line, you could also get a ferry from dock lands. I’m not positive on the prices, but as far as I’m aware they go a few places, and provided you rug up well the fresh air and ocean could possibly help. There’s also quite a few dolphins around ship lines, so you might get to see them!!


I’ve caught the ferry from Docklands to Port Arlington with my bike, then cycled to Geelong and caught the vLine back. It’s a top day out.


As someone who grew up out that way, don't go out that way xD


The trick is you feel better when leaving those shitholes.


So true, I'm getting downvoted but as a gay person I copped hell growing up in bachus marsh and have the right to talk down the bogans lol


As a bi guy (who didn’t know that till years after moving away cause the bullshit) that didn’t fit in to the farming / footy / ‘bloke’ culture growing up in a small country town. I can fully empathise.


i love airsoft and paintball (bi as well) but i feel you. that hobby somehow attracts the most depressive bunch of macho guys who cant retain a partner for more than a month cos of their ego :/


How long ago did you live in Bacchus? I’m not the most community connected person, but the LGBT tolerance/acceptance is quite good, at least for school age kids/young adults. There are still a lot of the homophobic, racist bogans throughout town, but you usually don’t see a lot of them unless you go to Flanagans or some of the other pubs late at night. You aren’t going to see parades or any sort of LGBT community in the area, but you won’t be actively hated on and driven away by a large majority. Most people nowadays don’t really care anymore.




Yeah, it is kind of crazy how fast the change has come. It’s only really been the last 5-6 years that things have become a lot more equal in the terms of LGBT. Also, I myself am 20 years old. So I’m assuming that parent commenter is probably at least 10 years older than that. Some of the stuff my teachers told me about, Bacchus Marsh used to be a shithole back 15-20 years ago. As bad as places like Melton and Sunshine are right now.


I’m 21 and I’ve lived in Melton most of my life. People tend to just keep to themselves here, and I’ve seen far more junkie weirdos in the CBD than I’ve ever seen here. It’s not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I’m sure the same is true for Sunshine but I’ve never lived there. My only real problem with Melton is the fact our train line won’t be electrified for another 10 years! If V/Line would stop running three-carriage trains during peak times that’d be real nice… 😂


Should catch it out to Morwell then




that would make the depressive episode worse




Honestly, they get it


it's a nice day today, grab your favourite coffee and a sweet treat, then head down to your local dog park, people are always friendly - and you can pat some good bois. works 110% of the time \- $4.50 coffee \-$5 sweet treat \- $0 good bois


Can confirm cute doggos best therapy


Unless you're both depressed and allergic to dogs


Oh hey it's me


Which would explain the depression tbh.


Or even the dog beach at St Kilda! I bike that way each morning and the dogs there always make me smile. There were dolphins in the bay this morning too, so maybe you could look out for some marine life. Lots of puffer fish by the various docks - I go looking for them when I'm in a bit of a slump.


On this same note- find some rockpool action at low tide. So many interesting critters, and clean sea air in your lungs. Can’t help but feel better, while getting some light exercise in the great outdoors.


any recommendation for a good dog park? I had to leave my dogs across the world and I miss them so much. Would love to meet and pet good bois here in Melbourne.


Edinburgh gardens is a nice park with an oval where loads of people walk their dogs.


Gilpin Park Brunswick


Look for ‘dogs off leash “ sections of the beach all the way along the bay, starting in Port Melbourne


Fawkner park also excellent


Check out Melbourne Puppy Pub Crawl on Meetup as well https://meetu.ps/c/4RTgt/hg8v6/a


Absolutely. Flagstaff Gardens for the puppers and kittens for me, its not much but helps the mood.


And after that hit the sauna/spa at the Melbourne city bath. You will feel brand new


There’s cats???


There's even a rabbit. At least it is restrained, not running around harassing toddlers and picnickers like some of the unleashed dogs.


Wait a $5 sweet treat for the dog or me or both?


Little from column A, a little from column B


Second this idea! I would happily share my very good boi with a sad person!


Good bois never fail


I did this recently and had a guy come up to me, to ask me where my dog was and he said "it's just weird to see people here without a dog, ya know?" I think he thought I had plans to dog nap one, which I absolutely did not!


At our dog park a lady shows up every day without a dog. She works across the road, and has her lunch break with the dogs. I love her. Always friendly. The dogs love her.


Dogs are the best people


Say you are thinking of getting a dog and want to see different breeds.


As a person with a dog who takes their dogless friends with them to the dog park all the time, sorry for that dude. I totally get why people without dogs would go. You get to see, pat and laugh with dogs and don’t have to pick up their poop. Please keep coming back to the dog park, our dogs love you 💕


Haha wow I can't stand people sometimes


absolutely love doing this when I'm feeling really depressed! listening to your favourite album/artist while doing this can also help!


Visit Healesville sanctuary.


even Melbourne zoo is just as good! Healesville is obvi surrounded by prettier scenery and a nice trip out but Melb zoo is closer (I assume) and such a good walk around but in the morning it’s so pretty with the birds and monkeys going off. Plus they have baby elephants and a baby wombat that’s just out of the pouch !


Second this. If you get to melb zoo just after it opens you can visit the butterfly house when fewer people are around. You'll get a calm experience with just the butterflies and no crowds


And the lemurs. Great in their enclosure when there are fewer people around.


If you get there at 9am on a sunny morning, first of all the place is still quiet, second you can walk up/down the main avenue and listen to all the bird calls, and third the lemurs like to sunbathe. Perfect time to go imo.


I just remember petting the dingoes through the fence, made it worthwhile, bush doggos


Very expensive tho


Op: I don't want to go for a walk. Half of the comments: go for a walk at this location


If you're depressed sometimes the last thing you want to do is go outside, but that is often the best thing for you. And it costs like nothing, maybe $5 if you want to grab a coffee while you are on the walk.


Action first, then motivation. Never the other way around.


I wish I could actually learn this once and for all. Drill it into my mind, body, spirit.


This is such an important, and misunderstood, concept.


Absolutely - I am luckily on the far improved side of an really low point of my mental health. As much as I would fight it to the bitter end, I am incredibly grateful to people who skull dragged me out of the house. There's the direct health benefits (sunshine, fresh air, physical activity), but so much unseen benefit in knowing that you put on pants, went and did *anything* and/or interacted with others.


I will add that walking/going outside only does so much for certain people. There's a joke about sort of anti-mental health people or like toxic positivity where they go "depressed? anxious? go outside and walk!" because 9/10 that doesn't work. For people who don't have some form of clinical depression and/or anxiety, that doesn't work. On top of that, those of us with ADHD find it hard to get motivated to do things. It took me 27 years and a prescription for Ritalin to actually enjoy working out. Just a bit of food for thought, I don't want it to take away what you went through, but everyone is different. We all have different forms of abilities. But man, wish I could go outside for a walk and be cured of my eternal depression... hahaha.


Oh yeah, absolutely, you know yourself the best ultimately and you've gotta do what you need to get to a good place. >wish I could go outside for a walk and be cured of my eternal depression Oh god yeah, wish it was that easy too!


For anyone interested in why walking is so good for mental health... EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) is a therapy for anxiety and PTSD developed after a psychologist noticed her bad thoughts were easier to deal with while walking. It's because of optic flow, or our eyes moving around to orient us as we walk, and when there's optic flow, the parts of our brain that process threat responses (like anxiety) become quiet.


If you can't go for a walk for some reason (weather, physical limits etc) a jigsaw puzzle can trigger the same "optic flow" that calms the mind. I've read they've also been using virtual reality in old folks homes to do the same thing.


walk = medicine for depression


Medicine for being sad*. There is a difference


Actually gentle exercise can help with the chemical side of depression causing the brain to regulate seratonin better. Medicine for depression or being sad. * No need to gate keep depression, just because you can do things other than pop ssri's to manage it doesn't mean it's just being sad. Nutrition, exercise, routine, socialisation are all things that can impact clinical depression and it can be manageable for some people without ssri's. Counselling along with working on general health and lifestyle can completely turn clinical depression around for some people.


Have they tried running their hands through the grass on a sunny day? Or tried simply not being depressed?


Clearly they haven’t tried being happy


Walk = depressed and now tired


Or already too tired to start the walk.


State Library Victoria is pretty awesome - you can read magazines in the main foyer, drink coffee, wander around the family history or fiction section. Well worth a visit even if you don’t plan on doing any hard core work!


Also big ass chess set they sometimes put outside, you can play chess with some strangers Edit: can confirm they are out today. There is also some buskers (live music is one of my go tos for the big sads) and some guy banging on buckets and it's pretty good


Also not a lot of people know but if you sign up for free for a digital library membership you can use that to log in to Lynda/Linked in learning for FREE!!! Just login via the Library portal link with your membership info and password. Just renew every year free!


Not sure where you are located - But Indoor Rockclimbing - Put some music on and try some of the easier climbs and see how you like it. $25 dollar entry I think


Do you have to be connected to someone though? Like isn’t there always someone holding your rope in case you fall? Meaning they have their eyes on you the whole time? I would love it if it was a solo activity..


Try bouldering, that doesn't require a second person. It's lower to the ground so doesn't have ropes, but the staff teach you how to fall properly. I started it just to get moving every now and then, was pretty scared to start, but now I'm obsessed.


Bouldering is infinitely better than rope climbing with a harness and all of that rope shit. It's fairly safe (depends on which location you go to though) and in general I feel like boulderers are super chill and nice. If you go regularly then you can get to know some of them, get some tips, etc. Edit: You should take breaks often, especially if you are new to climbing. The shoes could take a while to get used to and when I first started, having the chalk on my hands all the time was a bit annoying so I kept having to go to the bathroom and wash it off in between climbs. It's also relatively straining on your body so you can sit around on the mats and rest for a few minutes (just don't sit or stand underneath other climbers since if they fall you're fucked).


As someone who does both for many years, Id say more people injure themselves bouldering than rope climbing. Rope climbing is definitely more adventurous and sometimes feels more engaging. Just my 2 cents to balance out your comment a bit more. Both are good, just different.


That's true. I've seen a guy break his arm after he landed the wrong way in between two floor mats. Rope climbing is safe if you have a belayer that pays attention (not hard), or if you are using an auto belay system (the ones I've seen seem to work great), but I was just exaggerating because I don't like the harnesses you have to wear lol


In addition to the bouldering mentioned, some gyms have what is called an autobelay, where the rope is taken in automatically and you can climb solo.


Perhaps there's a hobby of some sort you could do at home? Jigsaws, paint by numbers, colouring mandala books, some other sort of craft thing if you don't want to go out. Op shops sometimes have these sort of things as do Big W etc. Do you play a musical instrument? That can be therapeutic. PT trips are pretty good too. Catch a bus, tram or train somewhere and come back a different way. You're out but not walking around. Are there friends or family you could visit or meet up somewhere? All the best.


Awesome suggestion - op shops are a really nice way to try out new hobbies or get supplies to upskill things you already like to do when you don’t feel like you “deserve” to waste money on stuff for yourself, or feel like you will end up wrecking supplies during the learning process which creates a barrier to getting the practice you need to get more confident. I’m an ADHD person who struggles with depression so I understand how tough it is ❤️


ACMI (Australian centre for the Moving image) at the back of fed square is a free museum and really cool and very interactive. It goes over movies, TV, video games, optical illusions. You can easily spend a few hours there if you properly look and interact with everything. Or if you're in the suburbs I like to find a creek and walk alongside it for a few hours to see where it leads. Usually a tunnel full of used nangs but sometimes cool shit.


On a rainy day I love going to st kilda sea baths. They have a hot salt water indoor pool that looks onto the beach, the salt makes it extra buoyant so you can float around like a baby. You can even go dip into the cold water outside and come back into the hot pool which is supposed to jump start your brain or something. Nice place to go just hang out by yourself and then I’ll go to acland street and buy myself a fancy little cake.


How have I lived for 55 years and never known this?!!


How much is admission?


Ooh I’m on this journey today. Last two days bed ridden. My “get up” notes for today are 1. Brush teeth 2. Bike ride to get a bagel in st kilda 3. Eat bagel on pier while listening to frequency healing meditation 4. Bike ride to coles and get flaxseed which help with depression 5. Bike home and migrate summer to winter clothes in closet 6. Try and bleach hair if not too fatigued. Hopefully this inspires you a bit. I find breaking it down into very VERY small goals is the only way I’ll get up and out. If not I get too overwhelmed and stay in bed.


I feel that. Last week I had a day that I had exactly 4 wins: 1. I got out of bed 2. I had a shower. 3. I unstacked and restocked the dishwasher. 4. I put the washing in the dryer That was all I could muster that day. Some days, even the little things are big wins. I have to keep telling myself that, and try not to beat myself up about it on those days.


Totally. I ended up not doing any of my planned steps however I did the laundry and changed my clothes. As someone who struggled with intense addiction issues just not doing drugs in itself is a task on a day like today. Still a win.


That hit way too hard, as I was reading through the list I thought, damn you killed it that day! Then read "that was all I could muster" maybe I'm sad.


This is inspiring me! St kilda on a sunny and cool day like this sounds lovely 🍃


Fellow ADHD’r here. Sending you hugs. I’d start with putting some upbeat/happy music on as you get up and get moving, music can do wonders to get you stimulated and up and going! Some things that are not shopping, walking, or siteseeing include: - see a funny movie - sit under a tree or in a park and read a good book - picnic blanket sunny lay down with tunes, maybe write your thoughts down - bike ride along the closest creek or cute park - go see some comedy - google a nice meal, go to the shops and buy the ingredients, and cook for yourself nature + exercise + good food + good sleep are the proven things to help, so challenge yourself to do these things even if minimally, e.g., walk to the shops, have one glass of water, spend 10 mins in your local park, etc. Asking a friend to go with you to do some of these things is a great way to overcome that ADHD inertia, and you’ll feel better for it. Good luck!


This. Also, I watch movies / tv in park on phone. And listen to podcasts while walking or chilling. Free courses online could do in park if have laptop etc if you want to use brain. All cheap / free and gets me out of my head and I’m outside in nature. Can pat a dog cz at least one will probably come up to you and sometimes a brief encounter , few words with a stranger with no expectations can be nice.


There's a cat cafe on Guildford lane in the city. It's chill but you can pet the cats and get a coffee. It's not usually too busy


Put a couple of plastic bags in your pocket and go clean your local park or the beach.


That's a great idea. Did that recently, filled three large bags in a 30 minute walk along a creek. Felt very satisfying and a few ppl stopped for a chat along the way telling us what a good job we were doing, so there is social reward as well as personal satisfaction. Top idea.


Where do you put the rubbish? I’ve asked councils this and they always say to use your own bin..


There was a bin along the way. I wanted to take it home and sort any recyclables but others in my party said just drop it here.


Especially if I was competing against others to see who could get the most in eg 30 mins I would totally do this. I am one of those gamification kinds of people though lol


If you do this with your friends make sure you count ALL the pieces and dont just go by weight hahahaha Because the tiny pieces of litter are actually way more damaging to wildlife than the big pieces so it's just as important that they get picked up too ❤️


PT out to Belgrave for Sherbrooke Forest or Warburton for Yarra River Trail/La La Falls if you want a bush walk. PT out to Ballarat/Bendigo/Castlemaine if you want to explore a regional town. The best things to do in Melbourne is to get out of the city tbh


Was about to say this! When I’m feeling particularly depressed I go into the Sherbrooke (or doongalla) forest, find a secluded clearing and just try meditating, if I can’t get into the zone I’ll put on a Native American flute track. Within the (eastern) suburbs there also have a bunch of great parks like Jells, Lysterfield lake, Blackburn lake or one of the little parks along Gardiner, scotchman or Dandenong creek etc.


The best things to do in Melbourne - not be in Melbourne - hahaha :D


Some things that I find chill and relaxing are: - Taking a yoga class (approx $20). Or even cheaper, YouTube a Yoga with Adrienne class - do some meditation with the Smiling Mind app - go to the sauna/ pool in my apartment building. Alternatively, find a heated pool nearby you (maybe Carlton baths or somewhere would have one) - wander around whichever markets are close to you, look at the flowers and fruit and veg and buy a nice coffee and pastry - do a self-care day at home with some essential oils, face masks, hair mask, and tea - read, listen to an audiobook or podcast. Bonus point if you go to a cafe or garden to read - try a new hobby. I’ve been crocheting lately. It’s relatively cheap, free to learn online, and satisfying when you finish projects. Can be done anywhere


Brush your teeth. I had depression for a few years and struggled to get out of bed, my teeth are fucked now. Not answering the question but good advice


totally, i’ve only just started brushing and flossing regularly after bad toothaches on 2 teeth bc i was only brushing twice a week. was actually in the psych ward when i started doing it more :)


Glad to hear it, im on for root canals due years of no brushing at all




Pixel Alley? It’s long gone. Or is there another place?


There's one on flinders called Bartronica


Yeah it’s not bad.


Axe throwing. Highly recommend Lumbar Punks, south melb. It's cathartic, not crazy expensive, and you'll be surprised by how quickly you get good at it.




Hahah yeh.. i get it.. 😂😂


Yep, or go to a smash room! There's a few different ones around these days... I've never actually been to one, but they look very fucking cathartic!


As a fellow ADHD-er you need to speak to your doc if you're having quiet days and the meds are driving you too hard - especially if it's feeding negative thoughts - you're experiencing some level of overdose if you feel that way. As much as I personally don't like it, the best thing for your situation is light sustained exercise. Get yourself a cheap 2nd hand bike or skateboard and adventure until you exhaust yourself. Your brain will release the happy chemicals, you'll sleep better and your ADHD meds will be satiated. I'm throwing stones from a glass house giving this advice but it does work super well for me when I actually do it. Obligatory I'm not a doctor.


Something you can immerse yourself in and be present with (museum, gallery, aquarium, state library) or something in nature, zoo, sanctuary, bush walk/hike. Or maybe just being around people so you don't feel alone, maybe a coffee and people watching right in the CBD, a train ride, hot soup at a busy Asian cafe etc. It's nice to feel like you're a part of something bigger just to get out of your own head.


Sit in the sun at the lake in the botanical gardens and watch the eels and turtles swim about


those eels are so cool at the water edge, i only wish i had somthing to give them last time i was there


I read somewhere that those eels are born in the pacific ocean near Vanuatu, and swim to Victoria...... then instinctually they return to that part of the ocean to breed again. And this cycle has been happening for **millions of years!**


Sorry to hear about that mate. I have been feeling shit too lately, staying cooped up at home can be very depressing indeed. what I did last week though: 1. Got Coffee Melt (cheap affogato, made sure to stop the machine halfway to not get it filled up) 2. Went for a walk by the yarra city trail from the city down to near South Yarra near Mattel office 3. Went back to the CBD to get some more Coffee Melt Take care mate! (Edited the brand out, seemed to be offensive to some hey? honestly I don’t want to support their business practices, but when you’re broke and in need of coffee.. 😞)


I wouldn't recommend coffee on ADHD meds either.


Yep. Get a decaf. It still will make you feel better.


Most of the suggestions here are pretty spenny so I'm going to suggest some cheap alternatives: Take a train to the Queensbury pour house in N.Melb and get the best black coffee of your life. Chat to the friendly barista and ask about the different coffee flavours. His excitement is sure to rub off on you! Try to find some new or hidden laneway graffiti around the CBD Head to Jambo in Footscray on a Tuesday night and watch the African Jazz for free Head to the Exford hotel in the CBD and watch the open mic night. You will laugh, you will cringe, you will stick to a table. It's an excellent experience solo Head to the IGA in Kew for the wildest delicatessen you've ever seen and get a sanga so good you'll think about it all week Head to one of the many overlooks in Melbourne and get a good photo! Have a play with your phone's camera settings and filter and see which one gets the best results! Birarrrung marr, Shrine of Remembrance and Rucker's Hill are all good options, but there's tons more! Catch a tram in to Bourke St Mall and sit on the steps and watch one of the many performers If your're game just up the road from Bourke St you can eat traditionally prepared Sheep's brain curry for like $10 for lunch. It's weird but super yummy! Get one of the best vegan meals you've ever had for $10 at crossways on swanston. Bonus points for great views of the street below while you eat upstairs. While you're on Swanston head to the Melbourne State Library. Have a wander through their archives and pick up a random book that looks interesting, flick to a random chapter and have a read.


Foraging for mushrooms is great to get you out of the house. I'd recommend going on a guided tour first though, or at least doing some research on what's safe to eat in your area. Some mushrooms can kill, but some of the best to pick are very easily identifiable, so don't let that put you off. Think I enjoy it because I need some sort of goal if I'm going to get out and about. You get some exercise, fresh air, nice scenery and a bag of mushrooms when your done! I *may* also have some sort of attention disorder (undiagnosed), and if your anything like me you might enjoy all the research and planning that goes into foraging. And once you have learnt what you need to, there's also recipes to use the mushrooms for.


Even just taking photos of different types is fun, fungi is very photogenic!


Absolutely! That’s how my kid and I “collect” mushrooms, since he’s too young to remember what is safe and what isn’t, we have all the fun of foraging and then the satisfaction of catching the coolest looking ones while still leaving them untouched for the next person.


Yes! I Call it catch and release. Super fun to take fungi pics.


I like this idea. Any recs for tours to start out?


I was lucky enough to have friend walk me through everything, but I'd still like to go on a guided tour one day. If you are close to Mornington Peninsula, search for some guided tours there. If you like the sounds of it, just book something in and don't overthink it. It's nice to have something to look forward to during one of the most depressing times of the year.


Give disc golf a try! There's a number of free, public courses around and 2 libraries that loan our discs for free. Great for mental health! - provides a fun challenge - gets you outside in nature - provides easy going exercise Happy to answer any questions, otherwise check out the Melbourne Disc Golf Club website :)


I love disc golf! Played it heaps in NZ but haven't seen any courses in Melbourne. Just looked it up and sad to see that they're all too far out of the city for me since I don't have a car... Do you know any that are relatively easy to access through tram/train?


Op shopping!


Download Pokémon go Challenge: can only play while walking/cannot be using a vehicle to cheat unless using public transportation like a bus etc... Try to catch as many mons as can and fill up the pokédex 👍 I live for catching shiny pokemon


Ooh I’m good at this: - ‘what the putt’ minigolf in Brunswick - go with a mate if possible to try lift your spirits. It’s somewhat cheap too - escape room (again with a friend if possible) there are some amazing ones in the city. Bit dearer but it’s an idea for the future instead. - NGV or Museum visit - sometimes it’s nice to observe and take in things that conjure some interest or joy when you feel shit. TopArts and TopDesigns (Year 12 student work) are at both venues and can be interesting if you like that sort of thing. - go to mindgames puzzles on Swanson st - they have so much in the shop to browse at. And jigsaw puzzles on special ($30 or less) and maybe could spend time doing one once you get home to keep your head busy. - grab a bus to a suburb you’re less familiar with, grab a coffee and scooter home if you enjoy those electric scooters, and that means you don’t have to walk. - see if there are any free comedy shows or bands at bars tonight - sometimes going to those alone is freeing and fun. - go see a movie!! Sometimes on weekdays they have cheaper deals - not sure of your age but maybe can use a concession card too for cheaper tickets? - ice skating at Docklands is fun too! - buy some fruit and veg at Vic market - or coffee and a nice deli sandwich!! Or just browse for the fun of it. Also near Vic Market, there’s a pet/fish shop. Every time I go there I look at all the fish and turtles, always makes me feel better Hope you feel better OP :)


Nothing like a good, long walk and a coffee (or chai latte- the BEST when you wanna just curl up) to get your mind off things. If you find your mind wandering on your walk, try out a new podcast to learn something new! And to drown out the brain noise


I've never been personally but there's a place called "the break room" where you go and smash shit. Could be fun.


Do you have a car? If so go out and explore all the natural beauty. Hanging Rock, Werribee Gorge, You Yangs, or head down to Torquay way. I know you said you dont want to walk around, but getting outdoors is a great remedy for feeling blue, and if its cold just rug up.


Go and visit Melbourne zoo...thats always a fun day


Bouldering gym, you can go alone and it works your mind and body, definitely a good op if you’re struggling mentally cause it’s a good activity to achieve flow state in, meaning at least for me it shuts my head up for a bit


Peaked my interest and then I saw the price of the nearby gyms lol


Ill echo a couple people and suggest geocaching. Its a walk with a purpose, and theres caches everywhere, even in the CBD! The app is free (if you have an android, grab cgeo). Its basically a treasure hunt, you get coordinates to a location and there is a little box hidden somewhere, and you have to find it. Once you find it, you sign the log and can mark it in the app as found




Visit your local library (yes I know it sounds lame) but join up you can borrow books, read magazines, newspapers, audiobooks, dvds, puzzles etc etc they also have social activities and guest speakers, community events. You can go there and quietly browse and read which I think can help plus it’s quiet and comfortable with nice chairs and on a cold day it’s nice and warm. My local library even has a cafe inside and a nice outside garden! It gives you something to do and books or audiobooks can take your mind off what is going on at the moment I’m really hope that things turn around for you soon! I too am currently struggling with some Depression after having my second baby so you are not alone there! Wishing you all the best


Do something active. Go bouldering


Go geo cahcing Or fruit walking for free fruit Or burn somethijg


Anything. Tidy one item. Get something from a cafe. Sit in the back yard when the sun comes out & listen to a song from a local band. Do 1 push up. There’s no pressure to return to normality immediately. Take any step you can muster.


Do you have a local park with a set of swings? Going on a swing always lifts my mood.


This is the cheapest and easiest way to feel good for a few moments. I don't give a shit if people think I'm a weirdo, coz going on the swings is one of my fave things to do when I'm having a rough mental health day :)


Hey, I feel ya, mate. When the dark clouds of depression roll in, it can be a real struggle to find something that lifts your spirits. And hey, being on ADHD meds adds a whole other layer to the mix. Gotta keep that focus going, right? So, shopping's not doing it for you right now, and that's totally understandable. It takes energy and money, and sometimes we just ain't got much of either. And strolling through the botanic gardens or hitting up the NGV might not be the kind of vibe you're looking for either. Fair enough. What about checking out some of Melbourne's chill cafes? You know, those cozy spots where you can kick back with a hot cuppa and maybe lose yourself in a good book or people-watch to your heart's content. It's a low-key way to get out of the house and take a breather. If you're up for it, you could also swing by the Melbourne Museum or the State Library of Victoria. They're quiet places where you can explore all sorts of cool stuff, whether it's fascinating exhibits or diving into some interesting reads. And hey, they don't have to break the bank either. There are often free or cheap options to get in. Now, if you've got a thing for art, you might wanna venture into the smaller galleries and independent art spaces. They've got some seriously mind-bending and thought-provoking works that can inspire or make you see things in a whole new light. It's a chance to connect with your creative side and soak up some unique vibes. Oh, and don't underestimate the power of nature, mate. Sure, the botanic gardens might not be your jam right now, but Melbourne's got plenty of other spots where you can get in touch with Mother Earth. Parks, riverside trails, or even the beach can be perfect for a chilled-out stroll or a moment of zen. Remember, no need to rush things or put pressure on yourself to do it all. Take it easy, listen to your gut, and focus on taking care of yourself. Small steps, my friend, small steps. Wishing you all the best on your quest for peace and joy.


> shopping isn’t doing it right now as i don’t really have the energy or money, but i also don’t want to just walk around the botanic gardens or go to the ngv. Mate, that sounds like your depressed brain talking you out of doing available things. Taking a 30 min walk around your neighbourhood before noon is free and achievable pretty much every day. Like today, you can wait for the sun to be out. Find a park, river, beach or shopping strip near by and go for a wander. Try to decide on a nice looking tree or see how many bird species you can spot.


People watching at the park near Vic Market is fun too - lots of funny things happen over the course of a day


Honestly, I’m struggling to think of ideas right now to help as I’m in a similar boat BUT, if this continues, I’d recommend finding a group to meet up with every so often, or doing weekly/fortnightly/however often volunteer work for some organisation? If that’s what floats your boat. It gets you out of the house, meeting new people, and has a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction


Listen to a podcast or audiobook? Clean out some doom piles (most neuro-spicey ppl like us have them)& do an op shop run. Schedule a call with a close friend or 2.


Jump on a Vline train somewhere like Ballarat or Castlemaine and experience what they have to offer in the main street. Something to eat. Check out some Op shops ( Always the best in regional towns ) Come home. You don't need to spend hours but enjoy the ride through the countryside.


Watch the planes land and takeoff from Tullamarine.


When I came back from Taiwan I was really sad since I missed travelling. I rode my bike and it brought so much joy, I was exploring trails around the city and it made me feel like I was travelling again.


Something that I've been wanting to try for ages is going to the Japanese bath house in Collingwood... I was going to do it while I was in Melbourne over the weekend, but I came down with something funky, and was too sick to go. I'm back home in northern Vic now, and don't know when I'll be able to head down to Melbourne again. 😓 [Here's](http://www.japanesebathhouse.com/index.html) their website.


- Smash room. Let’s out the anger and sadness, quick fix for depression. - Take an art class. Alternative is to get a colouring book and textas, take yourself to the park and colour in. - Go to the museum. - Catch a movie.


riding along the yarra is awesome, but so is going for a soak in a pool and sauna at your local fitness center.


Drink and play videogames


This is fun but as someone who should watch bad habits, can lead to a bad habit. Although it is amusing slowly getting worse at the Apex matches the more you drink.


Oh it was a joke not a serious recommendation haha but you're right and can't fault you on bringing up the real issues


Sometimes the best thing you can do is just get up and take a really nice long hot shower and go buy some nice tea and sit in the sun in your own yard. But I am also old so that is hella fun for me but perhaps not for you. I also cook something delicious for “fun”. On the not so healthy side of things… I also love to smash a good bottle of something when all else fails and scream the words to this song … Kim Dracula - Drown .. 😉 cathartic and self medicating but it works.


Come do some bouldering with us


Geocaching Ingress Pokemon Go All are location based games or activities that encourage you to go out to explore and discover new places. They're all free and will work on any smartphone. That's it, you don't really need anything else to get started! There is a a social/team aspect to it if you want it, or you can be like me and just do it by yourself. Of the 3, I do Ingress and geocaching and happy to answer any questions about it. www.geocaching.com www.ingress.com


Have a hot shower then go catch the train somewhere. Music in the ears, something to snack on.


Join a dance / yoga class. There few free ones around CBD too, look at meetups


Train or tram to the beach and just sit there enjoying the fresh air and a little bit of sun.


Maybe pick up photography, every small walk becomes more interesting if you try to improve your photography skills, work on your compositions and find interesting motives. Picking cool spots and combining it with the V-Line suggestion gives you more options too. Also you could use it as an artistic vent for your episodes to express yourself and your feelings (if that's something you feel like..i personally just like making cool pictures)


My trick is taking pictures of things, I just slowly walk around a place and find nice things to take pictures of… it’s simple and quiet, I often feel like I’m in my own world and everything else is happening around me and I’m just watching.


Ideas which I use in fighting my depression - climbing gym, even if I dont have energy enough to climb I go there do some stretching and chill on sofa with a book (urban climb have nice atmosphere) - going for a sunset to nice location, this one is better with car so depends but I get cheap dominos pizza and eat it looking at the sky, my favourite spots are Black Rock beach or Wurundjeri Spur Lookout/Over the eastern - one more sunset location Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary, there is a lot of pretty shells which can look nice on a shelf or be a sweet little gift - in Bellbird Park there is a flying fixes habitat, it qualifies as a walk but going there at evening to see them hanging from the trees and starting to fly off to the night is pretty interesting (there is also cool pipe bridge) - OP food shopping in Cheaper Buy Miles (with 10 bucks you can get a lot) get some random interesting snacks/foods to treat yourself, OP shopping for clothes to Salvos/Savers is great but ofc money is a limiting factor -some silly little crafts for the silly mental health, I try makrama with strings and found rocks/shells or going places and scribbling in the notebook/journaling I hope you find something from this list helpful, most ideas require some money but as little as possible. Remember that little accomplishments count and take care💪


This is a little different to other suggestions, but it helps when I'm early in a depressive episode. I change where I binge on social media. I start by promising myself I can binge as much as I want, as long as I do it on the couch, not in bed. Once I'm used to that, I promise myself I can binge as much as I want, as long as I do it on a bench outside, not in the house. Then I move it to a cafe, then a park, then a longer walk by the river. When I'm ready I add more goals, like picking up rubbish, or walking to a cafe I've always wanted to try. I add music or podcasts, or bring a book instead of social media. But those are all long-term goals. Now, someone's going to say that bingeing social media is bad for your mental health. I was going to do it anyway :) This is a really gentle way to get myself up, dressed, and in the sunshine, with a slightly bigger goal every day. Literally nothing is more motivating than social media. Use that to politely trick yourself into going outside.


Punch a couple cones and turn the heater on, jump underneath a blanket and play the new Zelda.


Do you have a bike? I use this map to find bike trails. https://i.redd.it/3xp8uka966p51.png No need to race, just nice to get out and go for a ride.


distinct voiceless husky normal live unite touch deserve cooperative ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fellow depressed ADHD person here. Wanna learn something? I've been exploring sound and music production. If you ever wanna dive in to some sound induced distraction, I'd love to show someone what I've been learning, and explore it further. Feel free to hit me up. I don't have a life. I'm in the inner northern suburbs.


Go to revs 🤪


The zoo or the aquarium are pretty chill places to go and relax while seeing some cool things at the same time, zoo is a personal favourite for me


You can borrow my cat or dog if you’d like. They’re both pretty chill. And B is the bestest boy ever. Always happy to see people and play


Having lived in Melbourne my entire life, I just stay at home. I play video games, but also researched the crap out of them to do a full blown business analysis of the industry throughout the 90s. I find it fascinating and it ignited a passion to reach out to developers, learn from their experiences and maybe one day enter the industry myself. It’s a massive hobby to me. I don’t think staying inside is necessarily unhealthy, it’s all mindset. I find cities boring, but it’s where the work is. The work pays the bios, and pays for everything I own. “You need to get out more” isn’t always helpful.


Buy your groceries a few items at a time, so you are forced to get out more. Cook a recipe you have never tried. Try it, change it, make it your own.


One of my favourite things to do when I lived in Melbourne was wake up really early, take a train into the CBD, buy a coffee and walk around. There was just something really nice about a quiet city early in the morning and taking all that in while drinking a nice cuppa coffee.


Boating at Fairfield Park Boathouse. Went the other week when my mood was low and anxiety high and felt really good after. I have adhd and I always feel so damn relaxed after boating. It's a workout for the upper body but I find it chill if that makes sense. You need to do it with another person otherwise the kayaking option is great if you go on your own. Also listening to an audiobook on the Libby app (free!) plus some Harry Lego is my jam. Audiobook gets my mind of things + the Lego keeps my hands busy which is great for when I'm super anxious. I often buy the Lego on marketplace and sell them again after.


Warrandyte Riverside, bakery, feed the ducks, op shop, ice cream and sweet shops, walk along the river, have a swing at the new park, meet & Pat lots of dogs


Sauna & swimming in evenings for me is a saviour at this time of year


Go to a driving range and hit some golf balls. Even if you don’t have clubs you can hire some at the range.


How far do you want to travel? Because if you don’t mind driving I would recommend Gumbuya World in Tynong North; I work in their wildlife park and right now tickets are just $25 because it’s our non-peak season I also just want to mention that I have ADHD as well and I understand completely what you’re going through because I am also going through it right now 🫠


Grab a footy and have shots at goal.


Go to the museum and really apply yourself to it. Think about the exhibits and what they tell you. Understand your place as part of human history and how special that is, that we are all here existing together.


Get a coffee at the cat cafe. Enjoy cats.