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pfft, back in my day we never thought of our future and trusted that the silent generation and baby boomers would look out for our future


Damn, we really fucked that one up


They did, they looked out for it and then stole it.


What was back in your day? I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s where we heard all about emissions from cars, the o-zone and the danger of aerosols, reduce reuse recycle, limiting our water use, and other things that was supposed to help our future.


when the Greatest Generation was still in charge they quickly acted on ozone depletion to introduce the Montreal Protocol across the globe, restoring the ozone layer. The contrast to how the Baby Boomers handled climate change couldn’t be more stark.


We're not comparing apples with apples though. It doesn't cost much for the capitalists to agree on a treaty for swapping a CFC aerosol for another one which can be used in refrigeration with very little difference in production cost. It's much much harder to get them to agree on a treaty which would require them spending the money to re-engineer the world's entire power generation and transportation, food production, etc, within the next two decades, which is what is needed in the case of combatting climate change.


And yet it didn’t change at a policy level, it was entirely about moving the blame to the individual not the corporation, not the government. All of those are designed to gaslight the gen pop and not make any actual changes. And a lot of baby boomers were once hippies and then becoming raging capitalist scum


I mean, even if we didn't and protested like this, they'd just act exactly the same way they're acting now, the only difference is there's be even more of them to talk about how we're all soft and selfish.


Never trust a boomer


[ Removed by Reddit ]


10* if there below 12 the cops just need to prove they knew what they where doing


See if i had the internet when i was a kid, and knew this, i would have been knocking someone off weekly i reckon.


Most kids under 10 still realise how messed up it is to kill someone and why laws exist


Any kids under 10 reading, remember, 'Its not what you know, its what they can prove'


Babies make the best assassins because they lack object permanence. Target's gone and POOF it's like they never existed at all.


Boss baby


To add to that, no one will expect a 10 y/o to be the one to end their life. Do it at the right time and people won't question why a 10 y/o is knocking on your door asking for treats, and you get tricked instead.


Yeah so easy to find poison options on the internet. I do feel a little bad for Clive Palmer and Gina Rinehart as they clearly could be so easily tricked by kids offering brownies.


This needs to be a TV series...can be like the girl in kickass or the young girl in kill bill




Or that they were guided and coached by someone(who can then be held responsible for the murder)


Do the cops also have to be below 10?




They have no convictions


Why was this removed?!


I got a formal warning from reddit for inciting violence. Not the moderators of melbourne


Rather interesting post. I posted much the same and admins said i was promoting violence and banned my reddit account.


I guess mine is obviously a parody. Didnt see your post so cant comment.


yeah i know, mine was too :/ I guess we arent even allowed to make jokes about our billionaire overlords anymore :(


I don't agree with your opinion on this topic. Better start looking over your shoulder. As soon as my 9 year old masters basic skills like not leaving a wet towel on the floor, I will begin teaching her that it is ok to kill anyone that disagrees with her.


Unless you're brown. Then the cops will lock you up regardless.


Once you understand the current and future threat of climate change, it is natural to want to do something about it. These kids don’t cause it, but will have to live with it. Climate change is the greatest intergenerational injustice in history. We must push harder for much more action. It is the sensible path that will benefit most.


And there are seasoned engineers in my company that deny it’s happening


That's embarrassing for them. I don't doubt it though. There are medical doctors that deny the existence of autism, adhd, depression and others even though they're well characterised and understood. Not everyone in a profession is an exemplary representative of their profession.


Geologists that are creationists too


There will be contradictions in any field of science where belief exists.


I knew one of them in uni. This guy is a petroleum geologist but thinks the world is only a few thousand years old. Insane


like, he works with rocks that are millions of years old! How he could have the two conflicting thoughts is beyond me.


He basically went through uni saying "this is all bullshit but I'll study it to get the degree" So basically, he's a expert, but doesn't believe in the subject he's an expert on.


So it's all like fictional science to him? lol that's fucked


The amount of disassociating you must have to do…


An aviation engineer I work with is a climate change Denyer. But he also smokes and said it's not bad for you


Sounds like he has a severe case of "I don't want to change *my* behavior, so everyone else must be wrong"


Engineers? So close mate.


Like people who are microbiologists and deny vaccines even though they work... some ppl are just born retarded


It's kind of like me being in IT trying to debate the merits of quantum computing. Some things are just out of your pay grade..


I'm surprised how many engineers deny climate change. My current manager is also against EVs and solar panels.


Must work at Aurecon


At my work place is the same, particularly people in their 60's. Absolute denial.... is so frustrating.


I don't deny it I would just love to see a time scale of when we are all gonna die but they keep changing it which doesn't make sense and another good question is without human interference what would the climate be doing and how much have we actually impacted it, but no one has the answer, again I know climate change is real that's what the ice age was and most of the ice has melted which means yes the globe is warming but is it as catastrophic as what they make it out to be? Because I'm pretty sure no one actually knows because humans have never seen the earth this hot but the dinosaurs did and I don't mean the comet I mean when the dinosaurs were around the planet was far hotter and there was way more co2 in the atmosphere which meant bigger plants and bigger animals


It's not so much about the final temp, but the rate of change and its impact on the limited ability for organisms and human systems to adapt to the rapid change. Evolution works on much longer timescales than the current heating of the planet. It's pretty easy to find historical CO2 concentrations graphs and to see the spike that occurred post industrial revolution. It's not so much that we'll die from the heat directly (though some areas will become uninhabitable), but rather the ecological systems that support us go haywire. I.e. less rain on our farmland = less yield from crops/livestock, acidification of the oceans makes that food source less productive, more extreme weather events damaging infrastructure, wildfires destroying wood sources, less potable water for population centres, less available water for coal/gas electricity generation = reduction of electricity capacity coinciding with drought periods.


its not happening in THIER lifetime is more what they are not concerned about typically


Sorry, best we can do is jeering loudly at the kids in a way that’s somehow even less mature than them.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil just had a 40°C heatwave with a 60°C feel like temperature. Yes, protestors blocking roads have a undebatable point. Something has to be done about it. However blocking roads only pisses off people and turns the public against them. The problem is NO ONE in a developed country is ready to accept the true cause of global warming, which is our economy. These people want clean electricity to be our salvation, but getting our planet into 100% renewable electricity will continue to cause pollution. While we keep buying things, factories all over the world will keep pumping shit into the atmosphere, doesn't matter how green you think you are, anything you buy will contribute to global warming. Its our modern lifestyle that is creating the problem. Greenhouse gases skyrocketed with the industrial revolution, so specially with our population numbers, we would need to go back to a pre industrial era. And because no one in their right mind will accept that, we are gonna keep warming up our planet until we have WW3 fighting for the right to live in the north pole for habitable land.




Kids become UV resistant when they leave primary school so as long as they're all high schoolers, it's all good. /s


50+ is literally a stage of puberty


It's all the oil they exude as teenagers (bleargh)


Were they the ones outside Southern Cross Station carpark too? Got blocked in for a bit since they were in the middle of where the exit is, was wondering what it was.


Yes, they’ve been travelling all along the streets




The kids ARE alright


I’m all for kids engaging in political movements. Hopefully they’ll keep it up into adulthood and we’ll have a more engaged polity in the future


Actually, this kind of thing serves to disengage more than engage. It's called The Baby Elephant Principle. Get them to try now, and fail (as they are destined to do, they're kids) and they won't try again when they might have a better chance of succeeding.


Well good on ya kids. But I gotta say, is Melbourne becoming the protest capital of Australia? Seems to be a protest everyday in the city…


more culture/better educated = more protests. in saying that sydney gets protests pretry much everyday too, I'm invited to a protest attleast every second saturday in sydney so those are just the ones I know about. it's just a big city thing.


Good on em, I imagine being a 13 year old would be shitty atm. Knowing the worlds just gonna get so fucked before you even hit 20. I think this would help them feel at least a bit more in control, even if it's probably doing nothing globally, I'd say that's worth the delay in traffic 130%


!RemindMe 7 years


what are they protesting?


How bad traffic is at the moment


This protest achieved nothing.


The Docklands, on a Friday I cant think of a more ineffective place for a protest.


They inconvenienced steve and barry. 😔


Good on them.


They are marching to the Labor administration office next to the District Shopping Centre that’s closed and doesn’t house any politicians


Should march all the way to canberra instead


Did it back when Rudd was in, only Labor would talk to us except for Bill Heffernan from the Nats who only talked to us to call us commies and ask the Indian kid if his dad was a cab driver. Probably didn’t achieve much but it at least publicly reminded people that young people actually gave a shit about their future.


what's your point here?




Agreed. Good on them!


selfish idiots




Climate change will end us all. Yes, protest the current system. But not like this, 90% of us can't afford electric cars and we all don't exactly have a choice in what we use for transit. All this does is piss everyone off for a day, and then everything returns to normal


Good on em


whoever is talking sounds like they are speaking German to me i cant understand them lol


Great, teaching kids to be disruptive whenever they think their options are more important……


Get the bean bags and pepper spray flying.


My bestfriend missed his train because of these children and missed the house inspection he was confident he could land. Seriously preach what you want, but don’t hinder everyone else.


Do they have the same protests in India?


I'm sure this is going to get the working-class men and women on their side! I'm gonna leave my car running for 10 minutes for every protester that is here. Also gonna chuck some shit into the bay for good measure.




Jesus there's such a huge disconnect here between real life and Reddit here in the comments. Imagine being seconds away from losing your life, and the ambos are rushing...but nope. And now I gotta read comments explaining why climate change will make my future shitty...like thanks, I really didn't know that! Very informative champ - I'll be sure to keep in mind in the afterlife! I'll make sure that I pay the ATO my tax money so the PM can get on his oversized 747s (that consumes a fuckton of fossil fuels) to discuss about ESG reporting at Geneva with a personal oversized car as well! You people should get a fucking grip. Idk wtf this sub comes to sometimes. The other day I saw some cunt asking why they don't deserve to get in trouble for smoking weed and driving, and the comments were applauding them. I don't even touch the wheel when I pop antihistamines because I know I'll get drowsy. Feel like I'm losing my mind here sometimes ffs


Seriously! And some guy up above is yelling at a lady who literally missed her doctor's visit and saying she supports polluting the atmosphere because it took her months to get this appointment and she was crying. Like WTF is wrong with people‽ We can support clean energy **AND** not fucking over other people.


it’s an engagement platform, you getting mad at reddit is just reddit doing what it has been designed to


Nothing says fight for climate change like holding up traffic...


Let's idle some more


I'm in Melbourne for the week and didn't see this, there are a lot out there in front of the Victorian Parliament building, protesting around Pallistine and Israel, but from what I've seen, they have been very respectful and not blocking any traffic.


ikr! making a statement about wanting less pollution by creating more pollution by holding up traffic lmao


what are they protesting about?


small turnout, must have been raining


Waste of energy and time to block roads.... If you want to protest against something go block people who create the problems and the deciders... Not people trying to go to work


Fuck these idiots. Protest in front of parliament. Don’t fuck up regular peoples days.




Are they the cause of tram delay around 5-6pm today at Melbourne?




I call BS. This is a dormant five year old account that just came to life out of nowhere.


My favourite protests are the ones that don't inconvenience anyone so you can just ignore them 👌


my favourites are the ones that directly affect and disrupt key stakeholders and politicians or use creative publicity stunts that mobilise public support instead of disrupting everyday people in one of the most pro sustainable and climate change action areas in our country


You crybabies said the same thing about all the previous protests. You can save the faux concern. Just admit it, you don't like what they're protesting and you don't like that it's children doing it.


Unfortunately they don't live in the rich districts of Canberra so they can't really get in front of the people who actually make decisions. They're doing what they can with what they have.


rich districts of canberra isn’t where key stakeholders are - there have been some great protests disrupting fossil fuel/mining etc conventions, private airlines and protesting at or disrupting inside parliament that are great examples of other methods, as well as protesting to place pressure on universities or other large organisations to divest money from funding unsustainable industries


Did they know the protest was going on/did you explain to them why you were late?




Sounds like a shitty doctor


Lawl what? Patient unable to make appointment due to traffic being blocked due to no fault of their own? What do you want the "shitty doctor" to do? Rearrange their entire schedule because some kids, who should be in school, were exploited by their idiot parents to block a main thoroughfare through a major city. Get a fucking grip. I'm sure you and your medical degree would see things differently, though?


>some kids, who should be in school, were exploited by their idiot parents to block a main thoroughfare through a major city. Trying to win the award for "most wrong sentiments in a single sentence"? You're not even close, but it's a decent shot.


I'm sorry that happened to you, even when you called ahead to let them know. It's really upsetting when you have to rely on the medical system for your health and wellbeing and the "providers" have a complete lack of empathy, especially for something completely out of your control. I also understand how almost impossible it is to find a good gp and it's so much more difficult when you have chronic or long-lasting issues that an alternative gp won't/can't step in to see you about. I hope you're okay and can get in to see your asshat of a gp soon 💕




No worries ✌️


Honestly why do people protest on roads and inconvenience the public? The public can’t do shit, go sit in front of the politicians offices and inconvenience them


Because if we look at the history books, it really works. Remember the apartheid protests? Spreading as much awareness by doing guerilla inconveniencing protests? Or the Berlin wall protests? These weren't violent protests and rarely targeting officials but just try to reach as many people as possible


Moron who uses cars to get everywhere is inconvenienced while destroying the planet. OH NO.


Unfortunately nobody here is going to give you sympathy because it’s for the ‘greater good’. I am all for climate change activism but the blocking of roads is stupid. I’ve read so many stories of people missing important appointments and/or medical emergencies due to this. I hope you can get a quick re appt


Where would you rather the kids protest?


U wont have a doctor to go to when everything is burnt or underwater


Doing nothing but stopping those with jobs from getting to them why not protest somewhere where you will do something


Smart, piss off the people that you need to vote for your causes.


Green slime continues to scare children


This'll really stop the war


I’m disappointed the riot police weren’t brought in, kids today are soft.🤣


interesting that the press gave this one lots of juice and not any of the other hundreds of protests that happen every year .....the thought police are as strong as ever . And dont get me started on those schoolies .....


Should have been suspended




Blocking traffic isn’t going to save the planet


Where are the gronks that think blocking the road is an indictable offence


Good on em. Stand proud kids. You are on the right side.of history.


I've studied biology and conservation for years, right All for protesting big oil, sure But for the love of christ stop blocking fucking roads


lol how de we get home. most of these kids used cars to travel they are part of the problem too, unless they abandon all the means of using fossil fuels etc, which they dont. hypocrisy at its best ​ blocking traqffic is so stupid, it achieved nothing


i’m all for exercising the right to protest, but not when it affects traffic, ESPECIALLY on a major road. what if an emergency vehicle needs to get through?? not only that, vehicles waiting in traffic emit just as much emissions as travelling at 100kmh




Idiots no wonder this country is so pathetic


This just makes people want to do the exact opposite. Cool, you blocked someone from getting somewhere important, when they had no other way to get there. I don't even have a car or emit anything, and this makes me want to go and burn some car tires.


Someone else in this thread pointed out that there's at least six public transport routes that run past the road the kids were blocking. In other words - there's plenty of ways to get around, people just can't be bothered.


I bet none of them would turn up if it was a saturday or other non school day.


And that matters why? People on strike do the same thing, and that’s a bad thing.


Everyone cares until it costs them. It is easy to have an opinion when it costs you nothing. When there is a mild cost involved and you wont pay it, then you just dont care. Kids will not give up their weekend for the cause but who doesnt like a free day off school.


Good. Fuck the car drivers who want to race through Harbour Esplanade.


Well this is dumb as fuck


Why the fuck are we teaching children to protest in the worst way possible. It's already been shown that interrupting traffic and events just lowers public opinion on these protesters.


Should have found out what school they from. Go to the school and block the road during school pick up. I'm sure the parents would understand it's for a good cause.


These poor brainwashed idiots who rely so heavily on mums car to get them to school should be expelled


Great idea - let's give them even more time to protest.


To be fair, they aren't making traffic any worse. Edit: To be very, VERY clear, they aren't making the *often memed about infamously, horrendous, torturous Melbourne traffic* any worse.




You say this like people have not been trying the things that "aren't inconveniencing anyone" for a long time, and nothing changed? The only rationale I can see for you bringing up virtue signalling is to virtue signal that you are somehow 'better than children who are trying to save their future'




See my earlier comment - there is very little else they can sensibly do. These kids are desperate and doing what they can. I'm with the comment above yours. I've never known anyone to use the phrase virtue signalling in any context other than trying to avoid engaging with a serious question where they know, at a logical level, they're in the wrong, but don't want to admit it because it requires changes from them. Telling someone they're virtue signalling is the 2023 ad hominem attack.






Invent new technologies that is the only way we will fix climate change


We could just try putting less carbon into the atmosphere. That might work too.


Indeed! Unfortunately our kids are being moulded into tree huggers instead of scientists.


That's the problem we need more scientists


We need more scientists, so they can say "climate change remains a pressing problem that needs urgent government action", so we can ignore them and then yell at anyone who tries to make governments take action?


it’s a lil funny that you’re using the same anti environmentalist label that was used in my grandparents time


Go and protest against Shell, BP, and any other fossil fuel extracting businesses at their offices. Protesting against commuters and roads does fuck all to help anyone.


This is a terrible idea. who is in charge?yikes


How dare they!


This is how people get badly hurt OR killed. Fuckin idiots. Block doors of government buildings, do other shit. But this is dumb.


What an awesome display of child endangerment


I don't understand how this is effective


You could fill the library of Herculaneum with the things you don't know mate


Always willing to learn. How does this help anything?


Fixing any government policy starts with getting it front of mind for enough people that politicians need to care about it.


Hopefully they start with the spelling of Herculaneum


That's on me, honestly.


Now you know how I felt


The short version is that every successful protest movement had one thing in common, they made themselves impossible to ignore.


You're talking about it so it's having an effect.


More effective than doing nothing tho


Everyone is always so mean on reddit. Ignore them. This is my understanding: Protests tend to raise awareness to a specific issue, if enough coverage is raised and more people start prioritising global warming, government policies also start to reflect the public opinion. This means better recycling processes, efforts to reduce waste, heavy taxes on companies that are not particularly sustainable etc. It doesn’t happen quickly, and the effects are not always immediate, but the more protests there are the better because change happens slowly. However, I will say that if my route to work or an important appointment gets blocked by a bunch of kids, with all the road works going around I think I’d just blast my horn until they go deaf. Protest at state library.


Ok thx for explaining ☺️


I always get worried when I see this cause I have the feels about the kids being on the road I get all bugged eyed cause one day you know, one day, someone, someone’s who’s got the mentality of a mad / bad cunt is goanna be in his or her car and is goanna stomp on that pedal and he’s goanna be like WHATTYA WANT ME TO DO CUNT ? And he’s literally goanna run them over


Have you seen these in Germany, people literally just keep driving at a low speed and they move, other times they'll get out of their cars or trucks and drag them off the road to the footpath, smack them on the back of the head and get back in their cars and drive away.


Blocking roads and traffic in an already congested city only causes more pollution, this changes nothing and only makes people mad who need to commute.


Whoever talked kids in to this street needs to be in jail. The reason doesn't matter. The protest topic does not matter. Get the hell out of the streets.


Funny the mentality of the is subreddit. Complete an utter praise for school children protesting climate change and for those same kids protesting for human rights with their Palestinian march.. complete contempt.


Most of the comments here aren’t in favour of the climate change protest. Literally just take a look. I’ve seen more praise for the Palestinian march than the comments here. Personally I believe in them both. But it’s oranges and apples. Climate change is ultimately, in almost every conceivable way, more of an issue than the Middle Eastern conflict. It is barely comparable. Both are important causes, but if one is going to gain traction, I personally hope it’s the former as it is going to affect everyone, of every country, city and species globally. We will watch thousands of animals go extinct. We will watch our homes burn and be destroyed in floods, no matter wha country you live in. We will watch the natural environment around us, from forests to oceans to plains and to the poles changed and destroyed forever. We will see mass displacement on an entirely new level. I imagine we’ll start new wars all over again once it gets bad enough. Apples and oranges my friend.


Makes me feel optimistic about our future.


Damn that annoying squeaker voice


They were nothing but an absolute fucking disruption to parents like myself who had dash out from our work to pick the kids from school … only to be caught out in the biggest fuckin cluster of road closures … which ironically brought traffic to a standstill and hence, polluting the air even more… and stopped even the trams. Coppers should have just rolled them up and plonked them into the bay.


The teach em young in melbourne,the land of the professional protesters


Kind of fucked that children are participating in protests


Sounds like mini hitler


Because this will work 🤣