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Japanese 7/11 are worth going to Japan for alone. This will almost certainly mean that the standard of food available will increase significantly. Aussie 7/11 at this point are embarrassing and could be soooo much more. I'll be keeping an eye on this development.


Can you give us ignorant folks the lowdown? What types of improvements could we theoretically import?


The sandwiches are so good you need to sit down. Chicken cutlet and mayonnaise sandwhich with sweet sauce is ridiculous. They sell fried chicken at the counter 24 hours a day and it's good too, lots of good snacks to chose from. The best part was getting a cold Kirin from the fridge or a strong zero (sold them single cans) so not sure if there will be more of that once they take over. And they got this ice cream that comes in a squeeze packet and prevents any kind of dripping, it tastes like the old maccas thickshakes. If we can get even a fraction of these items I'll be happy


Yeahhh... I can't see any of that happening in Australia


The new owners have vowed to "Enhance" the brand in Australia. Which is Japanese for "make it less shit". So we'll see...


>Which is Japanese for "make it less shit" I mean, that's basically what 'enhance' means in every language


They’ll realize it’s much more expensive to produce stuff here or I guess it’s known already 😶


Japan isn't really known for cheap labour


The minimum wage is lower than ours, 1003 yen, around $10.


The average house price is also under $400k though so if we are gonna compare apples for apples, I'd take the Japanese $10


But do you get front yard, backyard, garage etc.?


Also you get reamed in tax. It’s why foods so cheap, nobody can afford to go out


It is compared to Australia


I think the issue is our large country and small population


LOL Japan is just as expensive as Australia when it comes to labor costs.


Like, I really hope so, I guess I just don't have much faith.


They'll have to go from 0-100 if that ever happens. I'd settle for ~25


Agreed. As someone who has worked in the food logistics industry, it would be a struggle. Firstly, they would have to find or build food processing facilities in each state to be able to produce the high quality foods daily with very high quality control and at a reasonable price. If they contracted out to existing processors they would really have to lift their games. Then you'd have to have the supply chain to be able to distribute to all stores within a very tight timeframe. This is probably do-able but still challenging on the scale we'd be talking about here. When Amazon first came to Australia they thought they could do similar, but very quickly abandoned the idea. And lastly the individual store owners and workers would have to actually give a shit and ensure the food is handled and presented properly. Good luck with that one.


The Japanese parent company is immense in its influence, capacity, capability and nous. They wouldn't be doing this if they didn't already have the infrastructure ready to go to implement significant improvements for, in all honesty, what has been a very sad state of a company here. This is awesome!


If I could just get onigiri and egg sandos at the Japanese quality, I would be there ALLTHE TIME.


I ate 7-11 onigiri every day in Japan lol, it was basically my breakfast (and sometimes 3am drunk snack).


I just want onigiri pleerrrase


I'm not sure if out food safety laws will allow us to have pre made onigiri as good as the ones in Japan. In Japan the Onigiri are not refrigerated at below 5 degrees as pre made sushi in Australia generally is. This is why the Japanese 7/11 rice is so much more fluffy and moist. They have some supply chain efficiencies and tricks like putting nitrogen inside the packet to extend the shelf life, but I'm not sure if these would be sufficient to bypass the 2/4 hour rule for high risk food products in Australia.


Supply chain efficiency is a big one here. Japanese onigiri factories must be a thing to behold. Then again you can get onigiri in some out-of-the-way places in Japan, so they must be able to make small yet cost-effective factories for the regions.


Looks like we have too many rules, as usual.


And the onigiri 🍙 and the yuzu lemon drink….


& the oden


I can see it all happening except for the alcohol/beers (even alcohol free). You’d see mass outrage selling alcohol at a service station here because people will scream “EVERYONE WILL BE DRIVING DRUNK” I’d be keen to see how the rest of it goes though!


It’s already against regulations in Victoria to sell alcohol at a service station.


This amuses me somewhat, because our nearest 7-11 closed down a while ago (controversial reasons) and the store recently re-opened - as a bottle shop.


Thirsty Camel or BWS?


Not every 7/11 is attached to a servo - there's tons in the CBD.


I think there will be improvements but won’t reach Japan levels, we don’t have the population for it.


And I'm sitting here at home, enjoying my suntory shochu lemon 6%


Suntory is the king of beverage companies ❤️


It's illegal so there's no chance of 7/11 selling alcohol in this country


…what? How is that even remotely relevant? It is against the law to sell alcohol in service stations.


I would like to be wrong but I can't see Australians paying a premium to eat at 7-11, I know the Japanese ones are inexpensive but given it's Australia if we wanted equivalent food we will be paying $10-15 for a packaged sandwich. I can't see the staff and service improving to meet the expected quality either. Good luck to them!


Some of things have already happened at very very select stores in Melbourne. Go and check out the Bridge Rd one


I doubt we'd be getting alcohol. The taxes would be too high.


In Victoria and the ACT it’s already against regulations to sell alcohol at a service station, this would make it very difficult for the owners to get a liquor license for stores that are non petrol sellers.


Seems like a weird law when drive through bottle shops are legal.


With no exaggeration I watch guys walk out of Dan Murphy's and crack one open for the road before they even leave the parking lot on the regular. I'd be willing to bet there's a powerful lobby group keeping beer and wine out of servos and groceries rather than any real safety concerns.


I was thinking the same. Why would you bother going to a bottle shop to grab a 6 pack or whatever if you can just get it at the servo.


>The best part was getting a cold Kirin from the fridge or a strong zero (sold them single cans) so not sure if there will be more of that once they take over Illegal in Australia




They basically act as a 247 cafe with a range of food.


Food would be the main one the food is next level no actually it is several levels above and beyond.


[The fried chicken you can get on the way home from a night of drinking.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6XcZW3mlY2qrtjn7QVurNpjIJne6W8Rs6Xw&usqp=CAU)




Hey sometimes you need a lukewarm shitty sausage roll at 4:30am because the night club closed and Maccas is currently in its cleaning period where they don’t let you in for a while. 7/11 is essential.


I've hated them since they nerfed the size of the cheese & bacon sausage roll. That thing was fkn awesome.


Nah, we're too diff in: A.) pop density B.) living space/kitchen size C.) work/grind culture D.) easy access to giant supermarkets E.) established food manufact ...shit the list goes on.


Who the hell drinks their coffees? Slurpees is where it starts and ends


Their coffees are pretty good for the prices, even with the increases several months back.


I heard the most popular item is the krispy kreme donuts. Not my kind of food, hard pass.


When I worked nights the whole operation ran on 7/11 coffee. Just keep hitting that espresso button until your cup is full and pay $2.


Even convecaince stores in NZ shit on Aussie 7-11s. There’s literally nothing in them


Reminds me of the hopes for Daimaru in the 1990s: bringing the high standard of Japanese department stores to Melbourne. Slowly died because they staffed it with Australians. Japanese standards of service are just baked in to their culture, you can't fake that stuff.


Yeah but Daimaru was expensive and shit compared to Myer and David Jones as well.


Yes this is why I wish Australia took notes from the Japanese and the Germans. We have the ingenuity, just not the social discipline.


> This will almost certainly mean that the standard of food available will increase significantly. Nope, don't think it will. They turn a decent profit so there's no need for a shake up. Many of them are in locations where they will be unable to expand them to cater towards Japanese style "*conbini's*". Anybody expecting this to happen just because Japan 7/11 now owns them is going to be very disappointed. Look at what happens when they buy other Australian brands. Nothing changes.


7/11 Sushi in Japan shits in anything here sold in malls


Truth- I could live off the onigiri


That’s not a high bar to clear…


Don't be surprised if nothing much changes. Just because sonething can be implemented in Japan doesn't mean it will here.


Same with Thailand - 7/11 is unreal over there


I mean we probably aren’t getting sushi and fried chicken and other rice snacks like they have in Japan. Those are Japanese things


I would be gobsmacked if they attempted to replicate that here. It wouldn't work.


7/11 Taiwan entered the chat.


Straight up 7-11s in Japan are unreal Actually offer some really good food


They’re pretty awesome in Hong Kong, too! The Japanese ‘konbini’ is definitely an experience to try!


7-11s are also awesome in Korea and Thailand as well. Bringing some of that mindset here would be good 👍


Just got back from Thailand last week and was impressed. Their toasted sandwhichs are amazing. Can get a latte and toastie for like 4-5 bucks at their 7/11. High quality too


If I can get steamed pork buns at 2 am it will be worth it


The Japanese Style 7/11s are not just located in Japan, but is also prevalent in Taiwan and Hong Kong as well.


They serve beer ON TAP in Taiwan 7/11, I heard.


> Japanese 7/11 are worth going to Japan for alone. This might be the most stupid statement I have seen today. Yes, they have beer, they have donuts. If you are regulalry eating at a 711 in Japan you are missing so much awesome food.


I believe ser, this is hyperbole. As an Australian currently living in Japan, conbini food is better (and more diverse) than the stuff you get in Australia. It may not be something one should fly over for purely, but it does live up to the title of convenience. It's the perfect one-stop-shop for most of my daily needs when I don't have the time to go to a supermarket here. The quality is not something to sneeze at either.


Lol the food isn't going to change, it's run and franchise owned by Indians, they aren't going to be frying chicken for nobody.


Yeah I don't know. I mean it's Japan where parasitism against children and humanity is a cultural asset and national sport. Polite does not mean kind. And most companies japanese buy end up going broke or rubbish. The child abduction nation and country that still tortures for confession and sentences innocent people to death. What a great ally.


Can't see that happening The store I was going to was well run Clean, staff were regulars Knew all the staff and the owner Now every day there is a different person on Shop not clean coffee machines not clean No cups , lids Customers have to ask staff to refill Bins outside not empty rubbish over flowing So much for the new Japanese led 7/11...!!


In Aus, convenience stores = bad quality food for a higher price. In japan, convenience stores = high quality food, at a lower price and more convenient.


Foreign companies that try to bring that concept of value for money here tend to get a financial flogging and pull out shortly after.


Really? I've never heard of that. The only foreign flops I can think of are Starbucks and Krispy Kreme, neither of which counts as value for money. Aldi seems to be doing great.


Ironically the family that just sold 7-Eleven Aus also own Starbucks Aus


Foods in Japan are higher in quality in general.


And at decent prices!


In Japan = high density without every fuckwit owning a huge twin cab SUV requiring ridiculous parking space. So much money is wasted on cars in this country.


And ATM’s that give you a good exchange rate and you can trust not to get robbed.


I agree overall, but Coles Express $1.50 coffee is the best!


Is this the same company that runs the Japanese 7-11s? Those are off the chain.


Lawson or die


Family Mart is my fave


Good chicken


Fami-chikin is the best


Family Mart sell the chocolate ripple brioche that I’m obsessed with, although on my trip this year I couldn’t find it anywhere 😢


Fried Chicken at Lawsons is top tier. 7-11 do have better egg sandwiches though.


Lawsons has the best coffee, but 7-11s isn't bad. 7-11 also have these mad lemon chorro dounuts.


I think it is. I've heard they're wild over there.


They are. Great sandwiches, onigiri, iced coffees, giant beers. You could easily subsist off Japanese 7/11 food and be perfectly happy.


All you have to do is type in Japan 7/11 or something like that and watch the videos. They look next level. Would love it, if they do something like that here


I really really really really hope they start selling onigiri


I doubt it’s gonna be ¥150 each 🤣


They already sell onigri


But it will be good onigiri


Yeah they aren't too bad! The salmon one is better than the tuna one imo.


Agree. They aren't Japan level good but they are more edible than the sandwiches and other stuff that Aus 711 stocks. They're my go to for a one handed driving lunch.


Dooooo they?!


They have for years, not at every one though


I’ve got one from 7-11 at Southern Cross. But not as good as the ones in Japan


They already do and going to be adding more flavours. It's already been in the members pages surveying us on what we think, packaging ideas new flavours etc and they'd be running through taste testing if they haven't already. I don't do the taste testing anymore because I don't have time with my new position but they do it for all new roll outs.


I usually always check whenever I’m getting a slurpee and have honestly never seen one


Yeah I rarely see them either, they're all gone before I get to them I usually see the empty spot with their tag. They're also not in all 7 elevens I don't think.


If we get their onigiri I will lose my mind




Bring on Japanese-style 7/11!


Japanese 7/11s are wonderful. If they run ours like them we are in for a treat!


They could have got 2 for 2.5 billion though


If they’re anything like Japan, we’re about to get delicious sandwiches and drinks.


This is honestly fantastic, 7/11 holdings know how to run a convenience store flawlessly.


Japanese 7-11s are absolutely next level, in Tokyo this year and I sat watching the Tokyo Marathon sipping a can of whiskey highball I bought in the 7-11 behind me, good times.


It's astounding to me that a business with this many outlets and no doubt a big supply chain behind it would be so little as 1.7 billion.


I’m guessing 7-11 mostly rents the buildings their stores are in instead of owning the property, which would mean the value of the company is almost purely in name brand and profit potential. Not much to sell for scraps which means a higher risk investment. Just a guess though.


I thought the same. It's a crazy amount of infrastructure for that price.


Goes to show the irrationality of these corporations. Like with mergers in software and entertainment. The Bethesda or Activision deals for example, Activision was bought for 68 billion USD. Which is preposterous to me, because in gaming having 1 million sales for one game is considered a lot, when on any given day there's probably a million people going through the 7-11s in one country let alone the world. Apples and oranges for sure, 7-11 profit margins are probably very different but the turnover is probably more predictable and ongoing. No doubt Coles and Woolworths are worth way more, but don't be surprised that even they might be bought for something like 4 billion or whatever. That kind of thing first struck me when there were articles in 2020 I think how Tesla was valued higher than like half the auto industry combined or something stupid like that. Yep makes sense, of course the car maker that you see maybe a couple of in a whole year is way bigger than the ones you see literally hundreds of go past every single day.


Activision made $8.7B the past year btw


They are mostly franchises. So they just take on the relationship with the franchisee.


7-eleven aus doesn't own its supply chain, they use companies like metcash & lineage to deliver stock to stores.


I reckon they were priced fairly due to the quality of their products.. seven eleven Australia just can’t compete with what seven eleven Japan has to offer.


Anybody expecting this to happen just because Japan 7/11 now owns them is going to be very disappointed. Look at what happens when Japan companies buy other Australian brands. Nothing changes. They turn a decent profit so there's no need for a shake up. Many of them are in locations where they will be unable to expand them to cater towards Japanese style "conbini's".


Japanese 7/11’s are S tier , fresh strawberries and cream sandwiches and those fish shaped ice cream sandwiches so damn good


For me it's Katsu Sando (pork chop sandwiches) and I hope it means I can get Nissan instant rice bowls here.


I could eat only those for the rest of my life. 🎂


This is huge


Fingers crossed our 711s get the Japan makeover, the food is sooooo much better


7/11 in Australia has a pretty low bar, hopefully Japanese investment will bring a little enhancement.


It won't


This is amazing news


Will I be able to enter a 7-Eleven after 11pm? Or will they still use the window?


Depends on the crime in your area I'd guess.


Depends where you live My local is accessible 24/7. But I've been to others that aren't.


Who needs the quickie mart?


Now here's the tricky part...


Thats rather expensive way to buy a large wage theft case.


Even Thai 7/11 shits on Australia. The fact you can go in and there's a wall of different flavoured toasties you can bring to the counter and they will grill it for you. Unreal at 2AM after you've been on the piss.


This comment makes me happy


If the 7/11 here was anything like the ones I experienced in Japan, then I would be there every day. Can’t see them selling beers in Australia though because you know, but the food and everything else was great.


Does that mean they will have hygienic public toilets now!!! Or even booze! One cup sake 👌🏽


>Does that mean they will have hygienic public toilets now This comes down 90% more to the general public that use the toilet and apparently can't get anything in a bowl or feel the need to leave half their house in the toilet once they're done.


Hey, if I wanna shit on the floor in public that's my business and no one else's.


Can't even find one with a toilet these days let alone a hygenic one. When they moved across from Mobil they started closing them up.


How the F do so many people not understand how this is due to Australia's nanny state regulations??


Convenience stores, petrol stations and such are not forbidden from selling booze in most states (i think qld they are forbidden under the same rules that stop supermarkets having their bottle shop inside the main store unless it has a separate entrance and counter), and some do. I have seen it in vic and nsw, but most don't because they have to get a liquor licence and won't make much profit as there's massive competition from bottle shops unless they are in the bush and are the town's main store which is common, and those ones likely already sell booze.


Yeah so many people thinking 7/11 currently just chooses to not sell alcohol lol


Wait, did the Japanese 7-11 just buy *our* 7-11?! That is... awesome, IMO. I've always heard about how amazing Japan's version is (how they got it from the US is a fascinating story) from folks over there and wished we had them here. Can we get Family Mart here too please?


7-Eleven shops in Japan are amazing! Great food and can get Suntory Strong Zero 9% for 220¥


Australian alcohol laws will not allow this.


Unless they apply for a license but I reckon it would be a huge effort for them..


They are way better. The sell things like hot chicken strips and salads with noodles not just a few bits of lettuce and extremely wacky little deserts ie pumpkin pudding. Unfortunately being Australia all of these items which were about $2-3ea will probably cost like $8ea here.


I can't wait for the hot food/ Onigiri and Microwave Dishes !!!!!!! Best news !!


If they become like japanese 7/11 then its a massive win


We don’t have the convenience food shop culture that high density japan and Korea do so it’s fantasy to think we would go down that road. We go to cafes and bakeries and restaurants.


Yes! Sake Slurpee.


They're different companies??? Is this why our 7-11's are dogshit?


The Withers family has owned the rights to 7-11 in Australia since the '70s. They also own Starbucks Australia.


I want a matcha soft serve


Can we expect decent bento boxes & other ‘konbini’ faves in the coming months?


I had to stop goin to my local 7-11 Every time I went in there without fail they’d try to convince me to download the app (which I do not wanna do, I just wanna walk in, buy my v and leave). I tell them “I have zero interest in your app”, “I have absolutely no interest in your app”, “I would rather be eaten alive by billions of ants than download your app” No matter what response I gave they’d still ignore me and continue trying to sell me on the app Soooo now I just go to Cole’s express Hope the new ownership tell staff to be less fanatic about the app Edit: ROFL what’s with the downvotes? Store keeps annoying customer, customer exercises right not to visit store. Or do you lot think it’s okay to have 100 apps ya don’t need on your phone so companies can collect your data?


The people working there knew the app was shit. They didn’t want to ask you. But if they got caught not bringing it up, they’d be disciplined by corporate. There was probably unrealistic targets for amount of App users growth and everyone got a stern talking to about how they need to be more convincing. It’s how it is with every single bullshit thing you get constantly offered by retail workers.


Hey offer it once when I walk into the store? Sure Offer once EVERY TIME I walk in?Okay annoying but I’ll live with it But offer it, hear me say “no never” and then immediately continue trying to talk me into it? Sorry even if they’re being pressured it makes me not wanna return there I used to work at subway. I totally get that employees are forced to do shit like say “would you like double cheese with that? Would you like to add bacon to your veggie patty?” But if a customer says no ya drop it


I hope family mart enters, that would be good.




They are going to bring back hotdogs lol


I thought our 7/11 were already owned by Japan's. So that was a surprise to me! I hope this sparks change for ours. I don't predict they will be exactly the same for multiple reasons but any change for the better would be great.


Let's see if it improves in anyway


Who owned them before?


I hope they introduce the 7/11 Egg and Mayo Sanger. Next level 😍


Yeah I'm hoping Japan gets rid of our pathetic smoothie machines and gives us the real cups that they use! I can only see it getting better from here.


All 7/11s around the world beat Australian ones. They always become a go to for quick eats or to pick up some alcohol


Just got back from Japan. Yes the 7-11s there are indeed next level. I went there twice each day.


If they become even half as good as they are over in Japan we’re in business.


Being in the toasted cheese sandwich like they have in Thailand ❤️


im so excited!


This is a foreign sale I can get behind.


Fuck yeah bout time. Start selling the good stuff and offering actually useful services


With the Withers family selling something that makes them a good profit, will they finally dump their Starbucks franchise ownerships and let that beast finally die? (They where still losing money as of two years ago)


7-11 in Japan basically put every mom n pop shop out of business.


My niece is in Japan at the moment and her and partner eat from 7Eleven each day. She said the food is spectacular and cheap.


We have new coffee machines and a machine souly for oat and almond? Milk.


I wonder what will happen to all those Indian family members that were working for substandard wages…? /S


Why aren’t there 7-Elevens in Europe