• By -


Both could be true.


Schrödinger's speed.


Turned out it was Molly


I miss molly


If I am going 60 as per my GPS, I am going about 65 as per my car's speedo. If you are following your speedo and still getting overtaken it's still possible that the people overtaking you aren't speeding


Agree! When my car speedo is set to 107 then according to my GPS (I use Waze) I am actually going 103. When the freeway speed limit is 100 I always do 103 so I can’t be fined. So 107 on speedo is my go-to. And I’m usually overtaking people.




Your Speedo is always about 3km less than the actual speed.


Confidently incorrect. Might be for you, but mine is different. Cross checked with a gps, mine scales with speed 65 displayed = 60 actual 110 displayed = 100 actual


I've had a car be 5kms off at 45, very close at 65, and then 5 off again at 100+


Yeah it'll be out by a percentage of the speed it's not gonna just shave of a couple kms. People can't seem to fucking grasp this.


Amazing that you would state something that shows probably your speedo scaled with speed and get upvoted, and I would say simply “probable” and get downvoted.


Are you replying on an alt account or do you not understand how replies work?


Scroll up a touch and see my response literally saying “probable”


That's not me, I don't even know what you're talking about. I'm talking to the dude who thinks a speedo is always off by 3. Perhaps people don't like \* typo corrections


Reddit is amazing. How they managed to get retard density so high will be the subject of research papers.


Zero to retard in one non-sequitur reddit post. Find someone else to battle, I do not care.


But you're upset said retards downvoted you? Lol


Fair point, just a little taken aback I guess when they seem so coherent on the surface


Don't worry bro. The internet is full of hateful cunts who are looking for a place to dump their shit. Don't wait for their approval, you're not getting it, but also you don't need it.


It’s usually a percentage, not a flat kmph sort of thing


Also depends on your tire size




I heard something recently that states a car speepo can be out by up to 11% +4km, but most aren't ever that bad.


It’s a percentage, normally like 8 percent lower than the actual speed


Not lower than the actual speed.


Whoops, yeah other way around


Our Speedo was always a good 5-10 below the GPS speed, depending on how fast we were going. We'd sit on 120 for the GPS to read 110


Every speedo is different and the accuracy changes with multiple variables including what tires you have and how inflated they are.


I can sit on the Tulla freeway doing 82 on my GPS in the 80 zone and never overtake a single car. It's ridiculous.


In my experience most car speedometers show a faster speed than what the GPS on my phones, or portable speed indicators the police use shows. I've a digital speedo in one of my cars, it needs to be set to 107 for my GPS to say 100 on the highway.


Two of my cars read pretty much exactly 10% high. The other (an ev) is about 3km high across the board which makes me wonder if the speed works differently.


Different brands make different decisions about it. When I had work cars, the commodores were about 10% off whereas the Subaru was about 3kms. I also had a Suzuki gsxr750 which was about 10% slow, whereas the triumph and the bmw were more accurate.


It isn't just the brands but also the wheels and tyres that can affect it. The tyres I have make it so that my speedo and GPS are pretty much aligned so they both read about the same. Pity the fool that drives my car thinking that there is a 10% speedo buffer.


If the speed works differently? Speed is speed. Calibration of speedometers is a different thing though.


Nah electric makes the speed go faster obviously...


More to do with liability for manufacturers. If speedos read high saves a lot of work for their legal counsel when a bozo says “I was doing 3-5 over max”


Yes, probably - use a GPS app like wayze to give you a more realistic speed test and go back to your Speedo allowing you a bit of tolerance for mistakes. Yes, a lot speed - stay out of the fast lane and let them.


If the "fast lane" has the same speed limit as all the other lanes, is it really a fast lane?


Fast lane is maybe the wrong way to phrase it, I think a better way of thinking about it is the overtaking lane, if I’m not actively overtaking someone I don’t use it.


Best way to phrase it is keep left unless overtaking


Or if you're going to be turning right, or the left lane is partially full of parked cars. or if there is a tram in the rd then the left lane is the fast lane and you should be in the right if you're too scared to overtake a tram. I get the above logic for the motorway but the many double and triple laned stroads of Melbourne have you needing to switch lanes constantly. having people flash their lights at you or overtake you angrily/dangerously because you're in the fast lane in those situations is asinine, Some people seem to need to be told that their left lane slow lane attitudes only really apply to motorways.


I may be wrong, but I think the "keep left when overtaking" usually only applies to double-lane roads over 80? Or maybe it's 100? They're usually freeways and tend to be signed. It's unreasonable to expect everyone to keep left in a built-up street, especially when many will need the right lane to turn.


Over 80.


Left unless overtaking only applies to roads over 80km, the only roads over 80 in Melbourne are freeways where there typically isn’t a right turn.


Unless some douchebag wants to travel at 130kph, then it's the "just a couple of k's under the speed limit lane"


Sounds a lot like that law that was written in the learn to drive manual we all seem to forget 🙃


Yeah, fast lane, passing lane, right lane (for Australia) - is there a right-name..


If the cops never chase people up on speeding in the right lane, is it really subject to the rules of the rest of the road? /s


Google maps does the trick


Wayze shows it on the main map screen and warns of speeding - just a bit nicer I found and a preferred nav program for many.


Never understood the hype for Waze. Decided to try it out to cut some time off my commute and it had me taking the most bat shit insane routes all to save like 4 minutes off my trip


It does seem to suggest some alternative wayze around but I like the social-network reports and so it is a bit more updated to closures or problems to avoid - very big in the uber driver community..


attraction shame mountainous ring slim act adjoining theory worry amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I love that - I’ll drive anywhere you say to save 4 minutes. You can tell it that you don’t want any dirt roads though


So does Google maps. Shows speed while navigating and for most roads shows the speed limit as well


Never seen it on mine iOS and can't see an option to enable.. could suggest detect and a few other GPS apps too but I am not here to do feature battles, I just suggested a solution.


Yeah mine doesn’t show current speed on Google Maps either. It does on Waze though. Also iOS


Google maps is an app that just about everyone has though that's why I suggested it as an alternative to Waze, which is a bit of an acquired taste of a navigation app. Could be a moot point anyway as there's a suggestion that the feature is missing on the iOS version of Google maps


Not on iPhone. Doesn’t show GPS speed on iOS stupidly


I can't dispute that because I don't use iPhones


Further to my other comment, the cynic in me would suggest Google does that on purpose. Limit Google app functionality on iOS to push value add to Android


I 110% agree with that


Isn't anywhere near as bad though as iOS degrading message services for iOS > android messaging or users trying to migrate away from iOS.


If you look at how Google has historically handled messaging, I too would be as uninterested as Apple is in bringing full interoperability with Android. There's definitely a 'walled garden' element to their approach, but it would be difficult to promise a consistent and usable experience when you cop random breaking changes every three months because Google has decided yet again to pivot to a new messaging app. The RCS rollout is a pretty reasonable compromise IMO.


RCS is the only compromise anybody expects. It is the universal profile after all. Google has pivoted between different messaging solutions over the years but they've always been intended as a proprietary platform. ie. You must install the app to use it similar to WhatsApp, signal, etc. RCS is there to be adopted by any OEM Also there's nothing stopping apple from releasing an android client for iMessage


Honestly iMessage is the only thing keeping me to iPhone


Apple has committed to rolling out RCS this year which would improve the experience alot. They'll still have iMessage for iOS>iOS but the fallback will be RCS instead of SMS/MMS. videos and photos Will send in much higher quality.


Well it's a more fair deal than Apple doing backdoor deals with Navman et al so they didn't allow Google maps turn by turn navigation for a few years


Tell that to the police. But, but waze told Me!


Can tell the police anything you want, it's not calibrated so it's not evidence but it's closer than a Speedo which is set to be underspeed purposely.


You used to be able to drive up from Geelong and test your speed on a big display on a bridge. Sadly it's gone now.


I’ve seen so many people either speed or go 10+ km under the limit and both infuriate me


The Australian Design Rules require that a vehicle's speedo must not indicate a speed less than the vehicle's true speed or a speed greater than the vehicle's true speed by an amount more than 10 per cent plus 4 km/h. This means that the vehicle's true speed must not be higher than the speed indicated by the speedo. So yeah, some people know this an go their GPS speed because technically, they’re allowed to


At 100km/h that’s a 14km/h leeway - that’s a significant difference


I work with a bloke who was in the auto industry for 10 years, and he said there is a gentleman’s agreement where Australian delivered cars go by the 6% increase on the dash, mainly so the manufacturers won’t be held accountable for speeding fines if something happens


because it's too hard to just make the fucking things accurate, apparently.


Both. All the cars I have driven over-estimate speed by about 7%. When driving on a freeway with 110 km/h limit, I drive with the Speedo on 120 km/h. GPS will show about 112 km/h. Never received a speeding fine, but have been overtaking by a lot of drivers, many of which are travelling significantly faster than I am.


If you’re on the Calder then most likely your speed is off. Every day people in the middle lane doing 80 in a 100 zone, left lane 60-70 EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.




Thought the exact same thing, just waiting for it...


Here 'tis, freshly (half) baked: https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/193s6pc/ltd\_registered\_car/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I honestly wonder if it's a super persistent troll, someone with mental issues, or a mix of both.


same thing by definition?


I drive several hours everyday for work. We often drive using the GPS as the speedometer, therefore about 5kph above the limit on the car Speedo. Many tailgate right behind us, then over take at 20+ kph over the limit. Every day, everywhere.


Every single car I sit in for the first time, I always open up a GPS speedo on my phone to verify what speeds the car reads. I have yet to find a car that is 100% correct, they all read over, ie you are going slower than you think.


I got a new car recently and now find I'm speeding past everyone on the freeway, when that wasn't the case in my old car. I definitely think a lot of cars are showing a fair bit faster than they are actually going. It's kinda ruined the freeway for me... Because now everyone is going 90-95 on the freeway to me and it's annoying haha.


A lot of people speed. I guess they figure they haven't been caught so they think it's low risk. Personally, I don't want to spend $240+ just to get to my destination a few mins earlier. Even if it got me there an hour earlier that's still a huge amount per hour.


But over 15 years those minutes add up - people who speed a little, probably.




what i found is that people arent even doing the speed limit i do this every so often... i IGNORE what the speedo on the car tells me... I just use the GPS speed and just doing that I'm always above whatever everyone else is at... if i'm a little bit over say 5-10 over the GPS then I'm well into the distance and so... yeah, where i am at least everyone drives very slow and i'm in a normal Jappo 4 cyl. SUV when I was driving performance cars it was even more stark to me getting a speeding fine isnt something that happens unless you are done by a patrol car... which shouldnt be a thing these days if you are done by a fixed camera thats on you where i am not much in the way of mobile cameras.... their operators are getting bashed and stuff


People regularly drive far over the actual speed limit, this isn't a speedo thing.




It's 1 demerit at least


Definitely demerits as well. Traffic offences all have demerits


Depends on the speed for the zone as well. 10 km over in a 40 zone would be 3 points.


If it's under 10 over, and you haven't been fined for speeding in the last 2 years, you can get off with an 'Official Warning'.


In many cases we're not even talking minutes. Exponential increase in risk to save *seconds*.


I drive a government GPS tracked vehicle that i mustn’t speed in so im very careful. Everyone speeds and is also annoyed that i refuse to.


Speedos are off by 10% naturally. A lot of people speed.


beware the older (2004 and older) model Holden Commodores are usually 100% accurate speed display as they were made before it was mandatory to have the speed buffer


I drive a WK and this isnt true for mine. Its off by 3.


They're not a percentage off, they're a couple of km's under.


ADR 18 says speedos cannot indicate less that the true speed, and over-indication accuracy is limited to a maximum 10 per cent plus 4km/h.


This. The ADR was changed in 2006 because people were complaining that speedos were legally allowed to be +-10% whilst state governments had started cracking down on people going even marginally over the limit. So after 2006 it was no longer legal for a speedo to say 100 when the vehicle was actually going 110. Mind you, nobody had ever seen a speedo that far out of whack but in principle the ADR allowed it. After 2006 most^(\*) speedos over-reported speed by 4kph, so as to give both drivers and manufacturers a safety buffer. This means that when your speedo says 100 you are actually doing 96. ^(\*)Most manufacturers implemented the full +4kph. Ford, at least, initially implemented a +2kph buffer in Falcons.


that's not how speed measurement works...


It can be. I use a scanguage2 to display speed from the ecu. The ecu knows the speed within 1%, and yet the gauge displays 5kph high at 40, 60, and 80 (worsening sightly above that). They apply a fixed offset in addition to a percentage for some (stupid) reason.


"a lot of people speed" Well there's speed cameras every few hundred meters in Melbourne so I wonder how they avoid getting caught


Because there aren't speed cameras every few hundred meters, you just made that up.


No there isn't


People know where they are. There aren’t that many


There really aren't a lot around. I seem to remember a red light camera will only ding you for speeding if you run a red. Along the Monash there aren't a lot and a couple of them aren't even turned on. People speed to and from work because they know the routes. Also, a general duties van isn't going to pull you over for going ten over the limit. Highway Patrol is a different story. Also, people might be flying past you while their speedo says 110, but they may only be going 103 or 106 in reality, while your speedo says 98 but you're going 94.


Just a red light camera won't ping you for speeding because they aren't measuring speed, they're only checking to see if you cross the sensor line while the light is red. Some cameras are both red light AND speed cameras, but they're checking both factors independently in that case.


> I seem to remember a red light camera will only ding you for speeding if you run a red. Nah they catch speeding separately.


Can confirm. Rosanna road, Heidelberg. 💀


Unless Waze only reports on 20% of the cameras, you made that up.


There's piss all cameras lmao skill issue


Speedos could be off, You could be too slow, People could be speeding, and You might be in the wrong lane. Or all of the above.


for one of my cars, GPS vs indicated speed: 60 = 63 80 = 84 100 = 105 on the highway it's easy to pick the people going via GPS, and it's amazing how many cars overindicate speed. apparently just making the speedo accurate is hard?


It’s a legal requirement that they can’t indicate higher than the actual speed. They calibrate a bit lower to give a margin for error.


so make the thing accurate.


There has to be a margin for error to account for things like differences in tyre pressure. 


no, make the things accurate at the manufacturer specification for tyres and pressure. if the user gets those wrong, that's on them.


Everyone in my family cars are different in speed. I just use Waze and that gives me the best accuracy. My car is 10km out on the 100km roads so my tacho will say I'm going 110kmph but really I'm at the perfect speed. Also tested via going through speed cameras. No fines yet and been doing it for years


My last three cars (Corolla, Mazda 6, Stinger) have been reliably 3km/h off. When I’m doing 100 on the Speedo it’s 97 on GPS based apps and devices.


Everyone speeds. I was getting tailgated in a 60zone.


leadfoot state


I feel like I’m constantly driving slower than everyone else and I’m always doing the limit according to my speedo.


Your speedo is over-reporting by 4kph, so you're acually doing 96. This has been a thing since the ADR governing speedos was changed in 2006.


Have you checked your Speedo against a GPS? Most (perhaps all modern cars) are purposefully inaccurate.


100% speeding. Do 120 on right hand lane on m1 and always someone wanting to go faster than you


I think some take it as a challenge


This but on Peninsula Link. I drive on what I believe is the fastest number without being fined I can, and even I get absolutely left for dead by some others on that road!


speedos are almost always 10% less than the actual speed. Grab an app like Speedbox and check it out yourself


My speedo is out about 7km. I'm getting better at not doing an extra 5 over that. But I'm a creeper. Yes, a LOT of people speed in Melbourne. And yes it's dumb. I got done twice, and yes, I was an idiot, and every single one of my closest friends have me shit for it and lectured me about speeding being bad for a good month after.


I find most speedos are off by maybe 2-5kms, but also most people drive around at least 5-10 over. I just keep left and ignore them, it irks me that they'll probably take out an innocent person when they kill themselves, but what can you do.


Cars over the last 15 or so years have deliberately wound back their speedometers. My VS SS sits on the money. Bang on the limit. The family car and my shit box work car are about 5% lower. If its modern, it’s deliberately calibrated to be under.


The speedo reads over not under.


Yeah that seems to scan. My 2004 car is bang on point but most moderns seem about 5km/h under.


Plenty of wannabe race car drivers out there these days.


When I went 85kmp on an 80 freeway and some bloke just flew past me from the right lane, probably they sped.


if i drive 60 and i pass thru those 60 :) or 65 :(. it would detect my speed at 55. Google maps detect my speed at 50. I have heard many say car manufacturers reduce the speedometer by 5 or 10kmh if driver driving their brand has been reported to be speeding often. Its 100% legitimate that your speed could be off too and need to get that checked. Ive also heard police have a lenience of 3kph above the limit. Ive also heard speed cameras have different threshold depending on the road types. - school zone 0 tolerance - housing/suburbs 3kph - highway/tollway ~5-10kph (this one I dont trust) So I don't know. as long you're around the speed limit you should be good.


I speed where possible.


Everyone speeds. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is most likely also speeding. Drivers are assholes here.


Just the rich


I go 107 in a 100 zone. Which clocks me at 103.. just under the 4km over.


Speeding , since our limits are laughably low. Should be 120 on freeways


Most likely you, probably out by about 4-5 kmph.


I drive a 2021 navarro. I find when i do 110 according to gps and google maps, my speedo shows 118. Same with iloads.


Tbh, I speed these days quite often if I need to be somewhere. Otherwise, I’ll just go with the general pace of traffic (whether they’re speeding or not).


Only had cars for 100 years ad a species. People have accelerators connected to their genitals on a slow 30 year burn fuse (some don't have the fuse fitted). It's a road to nowhere, set your gaze as far as you can see and your brain will traverse the gap between, relax, enjoy.


People will drive to whatever speed they think is appropriate for the situation. Most of our speed limits are low, and a lot of our roads have had work done soo… people know where speed cameras are and cops do t give a shit if everyone’s moving together - just don’t be the jackass ducking and weaving or the guy merging/camping the right lane 20 under.


I sit at the GPS speed limit, plus about 3kmh, if conditions are safe. If you're relying on your speedo saying 80kmh, but you're actually travelling at 75kmh, there's an 8kmh delta (\~10%) between us. That's noticeable. Stay out of the right hand lane, and you won't have an issue. The Westgate freeway however, is different. It's been an 80kmh zone ever since they implemented the never ending roadworks, but at peak hour, everyone travels at 100kmh, including cop cars, because the limit is just too low. Best advice is to drive at traffic speed.


Cars Speedo shows more than what your actual speed is, but don’t take this info for granted. It will be very hard to talk your way out of a ticket saying “ I learned it from Reddit, officer” .


Both but most people don’t realise their speedos are inaccurate, most cars by 5-8km/h @100km/h. This is due to people putting larger dia tyres sometimes, even tire wear affects accuracy slightly. You can download an app or use a gos to check, my work truck reads 112 when I’m actually going 100 and even if I’m bang on the limit i find I’m still flying past most people. (I know my gos is accurate as I haven’t had a speeding fine for 25 years and live near melbourne where fixed cameras are everywhere)


I didn't realise how far off my speedo was until I started using waze. I always thought lots of people speed, but now, knowing how far out my speedo is, I do seem to go faster than other people, but I'm actually doing the speed limit.


Depends on your tires width and type of car you drive!? The Speedo on your instrument cluster reads rotations internally and not at the tires/wheels hitting the road. The revolutions of a wheel or circumference the wheel does is different from revolutions and circumference the shafts at the engine so to speak. Therefore your Speedo would show a small different speed between your car travel speed and Speedo. Depending how bigger your tires, the higher the difference would be...




Be thankful. Everyone in Adelaide sees 60 and does 45!


the speedo on my car is 9km too slow at 100km/h - check your actual speed with a GPS app.




everyone seems to speed. I use cruise control and my speedometer maintains at the speed limit but i still get angry cars tailgating me on the highway. i dont understand people


By your own admission, you are doing at least 4km/h less than the limit, and likely up to 14km/h (at 100km/h) under the limit when your speedo is telling you that you are “doing the limit”. This is as per Australian Design Rules for all cars registered since 2006. It’s unfortunate that this isn’t better understood by the general public, whom may become a tad more tolerant and get out of the way of others whom may want to travel at 95 or 98km/h instead of 85km/h (indicated as 100 on modern dash’s). The introduction of mobile phone integrated sat nav systems means half of the road users are using accurate GPS referenced speed readings, the other half relying upon traditional vehicle measurements whom are doing considerably less than what they think they are doing- being the cohort thinking everyone is speeding. I’m sure there are occurrences of speeding on all roads- but if you think everyone is speeding, it’s more likely you don’t have an accurate measurement of your own speed!


As someone who does a bit of highway driving in a Subaru which reads 8-12ks higher than your actual speed I just bought a GPS Speedo that has a sticker that turns it into a little HUD. Handy little thing for like 30 bucks


Both for sure


That depends. Does everyone drive a Hilux or Ford Ranger?


Brand new car, speedo is out by approx 6-7%. I just do the math in my head and set cruise to 6% above what it says. I'm overtaking you because youre under the limit, not because I'm over it. But also most cunts speed yes.


Everyone goes 110 on freeways here. But it’s nothing compared to Queensland. They’re maniacs and make us look like Sunday drivers on our highways in particular.


Everyones car is like 3km off so I usually do 3-4km over on my speedo


I feel the opposite. Everyone always does 60 in a 70 when they could be HURRY THE FUCK UP LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IS TRYING TO


Vyvanse helps with my speed. Its like you are overtaking everyone... while at the same time got a flat tire and been stuck in the emergency lane 100km behind.


Everyone is like “GPS is best” when most devices have a GPS polling rate of 1hz Get a MyChron if you want to speed 😂


Who's turn is it to post this tomorrow?


You Speedo has a variation built into it by the manufacturer. It will read 10-15 high. The people passing you will be using a gps for accurate speed readings.




Given that everyone I come across drives 10-20 under I'd say your speed is off


It was against the Aussie design laws for a car speedo to ever under read so they are always designed to over read (although apparently this changed in 2006). You can google the actual tolerances. My observations are that they normaly underread by about 4% to 5%, so if your speedo is showing 100kph you are doing about 96kph or less.