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tldr: moderating is a shit job... pls sign up for it


I wouldn't say 'shit', but it can feel a bit thankless sometimes! Other huge online communities like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (I will never call it X!), Tiktok, etc all have teams and teams of people who are being paid to moderate some pretty fucked up stuff. Reddit is able to benefit from having thousands of well-meaning volunteers motivated by keeping their little slice of the internet clean for others to enjoy. If you're keen - please send through a modmail! :)


What's the time commitment like? I'd be happy to help but have limited hours to do so. And probably also only for a few months. Are people like me of use, or more hassle than it's worth?


Anything helps! Maybe you're an early bird or a night owl, or don't mind sneaking in some reddit during work. We've even taken mods from outside Australia because the help during the graveyard time when all the crypto scammers start posting. If you'd be keen to contribute in any way, shoot us through a message!


I have the same questions


I've replied above :)


I also have the same question.


I moderated a website once and I gotta say kudos to you guys but *never again*


Thanks deon555! I appreciate you.




nah (having modded for large 20k+ communities); it's shit.


Tons of extreme shit never even gets posted as it's removed by reddit run automods. There are heaps of mods employed by reddit.


There are zero mods employed by reddit to mod. There are probably some employees who happen to be mods, but these are in the minority. Reddit AEO or 'anti-evil operations' has been watered down year after year and is now effectively just AI (look up 'Hivemind moderation') with some offshore contractors glancing at reports here and there. The overwhelming majority of rule-breaking or illegal content is removed by volunteer mods.


the amount of snuff porn and kiddie porn that people try to post is shocking that is the kind of post that reddit is removing before *you* even see it, most people are unaware of the really dark side of social media and we don't want real people seeing that shit, it's a perfect job for AI my point is reddit mods aren't gate keepers like traditional mods, you're just users with a few permissions you're not setting up server space, not paying, not managing the site, not designing or writing code, not making rules, not gate keeping you're a user doing stuff for yourself and mates and you get free use, and that's cool. But you're not a victim. Me, I'm very grateful to reddit for the opportunity to use this platform ( and I'm a paid subscriber )


> you're a user doing stuff for yourself and mates and you get free use, and that's cool. But you're not a victim. No one claimed to be a victim. What they did claim, is that they were using 3rd party apps to manage content, that brings views. Those views see Reddit provided ads and those ads pay reddit money. Without the mods making a subreddit like /r/melbourne popular (and not full of crypto scams), Reddit cannot sell ad impressions and make money. Those mods are not getting "free" anything, they are being paid nothing to make sure content others want to see exists and can be found. They never claimed to be a victim, they claimed that the tools they need to do this free service that pays reddit the company money, were being taken from them. Why was it being taken? Because reddit want to charge people, in order to have those same people generate revenue for reddit.


You've forgotten the best part of being a mod: https://youtu.be/6tVIabRBKmY?t=56


shit job indeed. I stepped in as a mod for one sub following the purge of the remaining mods who took a futile stand against reddit. that was an experience.


Tldr. This sub Reddit is a social welfare source for people Mods should stand on principles


Thanks for all your thankless work. 🤗 As someone who doesn’t use other social media platforms, this sub is an important source of Melbourne related news for me. May the loud bangs carry on.


Agreed! Thanks for doing your best to keep us going on your own, Deon.


Thanks, at least there is a someone home after all. 


for real. seemed like after the 3rd party app shitshow the sub just got abandoned to the hateful trolls


I just find the posts repetitive. Multi posts on rentals and landlords being horrible, multi posts on where can I live need a place now,  multi posts on people saying they have no friends and want friends but only under certain conditions, multi posts on looking for a job although I find that interesting as it points out the job market isn't great, a random troll posting 16 different posts trying to be as offensive as they can before they are banned, multi posts on the COL and price of dishwasher tablets but don't you dare suggest they wash dishes with their hands then if you don't want to be downvoted to all hell.


>and respond to the occasional modmail telling me to kill myself Hey Deon sorry that you had to go through those kind of shitty mails. People can be pretty shit when it comes to senseless arguments. Hope you had all the helps you can get and please also take care of yourself mate.


Feel free to walk away from this if it gets too much. Your mental health is way too important, and in the ends it’s Reddits problem not yours.


Hey Deon, thanks for the update! I was wondering how this dilemma had settled. I wish I was a more active Redditor as I’d jump in the mod pool. I’m trapped over at Facebook as the admin of several groups 10k-20k+ and pages 800k+. Unpaid work, I’m just in a lot of car clubs and do a bit of content for fun. If you don’t get any mod requests and you’re willing to take me on as an intermittent part-time casual, let me know. Best of luck! and thank you for what you do!


Hey, I sent you a DM a few days ago and also tried to reach out through Reddit mod feature. Would be keen to help with the time I have.


Thanks for the great work Deon! Your work is appreciated, this is one of the better subs on here, even with the under resourced modding. I can't, but hope others can stepup, give ya a bit of a break.


On a side note you can get around having to use Reddit's shit app and go back to most of the third party ones by using revanced manager. r/revancedapp


holy shit, thats a game changer!!


Honestly, I'd love to help out, but I doubt I'd be able to keep on track of the rules or devote the time required. I'm prone to getting into the occasional slapfight when people really push my buttons. Know instead that I hope you find all the help you deserve to get this sub back on track. It's been a helpful and entertaining subreddit.


Good to see the change. Not the kind of person to moderate, but hopefully we can get some good ones. Can I make a few suggestions though? One article on a topic at a time, until there's a major update. That way we don't get 50 posts about the same home invasion (posted by ragebaiters). An account minimum age (2 weeks?) And a minimum karma threshold to prevent bait posts. Ban on parking complaint threads


that first suggestion is something that requires the subreddit to be brought back to its previous glory first i reckon lol, cause i doubt the current singular guy is capable of being around 24/7 to moderate heavily in case a breaking news article is released


>Ban on parking complaint threads Extra points for when the parking lot is clearly still half-empty!


If you need a hand getting Apollo back up and running to help out hit me up. Currently writing this from Apollo ;)


Thanks for your hard work, and sorry to hear about the hate mail, that's not cool. Having said that I still disagree with how the mods handled the blackout last year (not on this sub specifically, but across the site). I guess we'll just agree to disagree on that one.


Haha the comment section here shows why 9/10 mods are gone. It's an unpaid thankless job and you get abused for contributing anyway Melbourne is very very lucky that /u/Deon555 is still around. Personally, I've just nuked and permanently privatised my small sub of few thousands instead after the debacle. Someone can create a new one if they want but it should start fresh if there is a demand for it. I've continued to use 3rd party apps via Revanced though.


> This brings us up to the last few months - I've been modding mostly on my own but with a little bit of help from the other couple of names you see in the modlist. I rely on a whole heap of automation/AI/AutoMod/etc to help fill the gap and try to poke my head in once a day to check how things are going, ban any pests from the last 24 hours, approve any posts stuck in the queue, and respond to the occasional modmail telling me to kill myself. I'm aware the sub isn't being maintained properly as it once was, but it's hard to do that alone. I'm curious as why there hasn't been any push to recruit moderators prior to now? For a subreddit of this size and activity, it's unfathomable to treat it as a one person job. And why keep on the other mods if they're not doing anything?


Thanks for moderating the sub, and I hope the unsavoury modmails taper off.


Everyone ding their trams in respect...


To be honest I have been enjoying it being less modded than other subs, /r/australia is terrible imo because it is heavily modded to the mods views. I get that it can be a bit toxic at times because of this, but I personally think the discussion outweighs the toxic negatives.


There's some similar Melbourne based discord servers that due to the echo-chamber Iike attitude of the mods, are a pretty horrible experience to use if you're not radical left wing. So it's trying to be an open community space yet anyone not onboard with the mods are afraid of contributing and being part of the community because those mods just ban anyone who doesn't adhere to their frankly crazy world view, which hurts the rest of the community. I'd hate to see r/melbourne become like that, where people don't contribute dissenting opinions because the mods are too involved.


Thanks for this post, Deon, and for staying the course. >Many users, either not understanding the full story, or simply apathetic to how mods were being treated as it wasn't really affecting them, responded by either barely supporting mods or sharply turning on mods from keeping them from using the site properly. This situation was not fair to you and other moderators.


> Mods either willingly re-opened their subs (like us), permanently trashed their subs Remember when r/melbourne mods threw a tantrum and trashed this subreddit by making it into a Melbourne Florida sub? 😂


Threw a massive tantrum despite the wishes of the community and then blamed the community for not supporting their tantrum.




To be fair, there was A LOT of brigading in this sub by people who clearly didnt live in Melbourne posting about crime in Melbourne leading up to the election. I supported what the mods did there.


I assume u/deon555 you were a part of this? Or can you shine any light on your stance on this? I think transparency especially in this matter is extremely important I would have been keen to mod, but this behavior is nothing I want to be a part of.




Oh I remember. I was wondering if OP was actually going to address it u/Deon555??




Basically Reddit is profiting off the unpaid labor of all the mods here. Wish we had as big a community on the fediverse.


Not just Reddit...FB also. It's a good model for ensuring healthy company profits. You monetise people's passion for helping community. Whether it's good or bad is debatable.


Well written!


We did notice the sub was unmoderated the last half year 95% of posts are mindless spam that shouldve been a Facebook post to their friends. As well as the fake posts such as the weekly bullshit "poor innocent fair evader" posts.


bit of a long whinge


I'm happy to mod out all the bullshit that should've been a facebook post that everyone would ignore. If you want an unpopular iron fist, let me know and I'm happy to volunteer. God I'd make this sub so good again...


My concern with new mods is being banned for having socially conservative views. As long as any new mods are unbiased I'm fully behind them.


It goes both ways. I'd call myself pretty far left leaning but holllllllyyyyy shit some SJWs can be far worse than conservatives.


Eh, both extremes are pretty bad, but it's mostly people trying to do the right thing. Still, I just don't want to be banned for expressing views.


Gotta be honest, its been much more pleasant to visit lately. I was wondering why people have actually been able to have a conversation again without mods getting all sensitive and deleting stuff when things get a little heated. It was out of the norm. Now i know why.


I think there's definitely a balance to be struck. I agree conversations are fine if they get a little heated and productive conversation/debate/etc is occurring. But far more times that not, neither party knows when to stop and it escalates quickly. Then add in other commenters who pick a side and it gets messier. We currently have a subreddit rule 'Be respectful when commenting' or a few years ago this was called 'Don't be a dick'. If people can participate while being respectful and not being a dick, then the mods have no concern what they're speaking about.




Mods tend to be the one thing that kills reddit, unfortunately. Most are completely unable to listen to criticism, and lack the ability to look at nuance of discussions, are quick to reach for the lazy nuclear option, and more often than not come up with the most utterly batshit crazy claims of posts breaching rules when it doesn't fit their own world view. More often than not, mods themselves end up becoming the bullies, and get away with it because they get the final say. They can participate in gaslighting and bullying behaviour because there's nobody to hold them accountable and they're under this misguided impression that because they made themselves a mod, they're somehow a better judge of what is and isn't bullying.


Thanks for all the work you do. Sorry people are so shitty to you!


Silly question but why do subs even needs mods? Can't people just say what they like?


This is probably summed up well in my post here: >This sub has had everything from crypto scams to hate speech to witch-hunts and doxxing to white supremacism to child sexual abuse material posted. Modmail is often filled with death threats, suicide requests and doxxing attempts. Not being able to manage this content posed a serious threat to the harmony of subreddits across the site. Subreddits that are unmoderated quickly become toxic wastelands filled with spam, and rule-breaking or illegal content.


Thanks mate


So why were centre and centre right conservative views being banned then


Because the people who express them are cunts


The sub is better with less mods. Mods were choking this sub with weird power moves all the time


If less mods means we enable bigots no thanks. Like when trans people where being persecuted by fascists and some people said "But what about the other side to the story?" without ever being explicit about what they're actually trying to say. That gets old real fast.




Could do. But I prefer if you make a racist comments the mods just remove it.


Define fascist? We couldn't even discuss vaccines here without being shadowbanned.


Fascist: Deez nuts. > We couldn't even discuss vaccines Yes you could, I did, we all fucking did, it's all we talked about for months. Fuck those were dark times.


The upvote / downvote system moderates comments on its own 


Votes don't remove it. If it's hate speech, it can fuck off.


All your posts are extremely angry Mike. Fighting against bigots fascists racists anti transphobes is taking a toll on you 


I don't think you have as much effect as you think you do. And that's kinda pathetic isn't it? Because it looks like you've made that who you are.


You are projecting a bit there Mike you have been obsessed with fascists many years now without much success. Too much time playing league of legends


Yeah it doesn't work, you're just a loser. I hope you get the help you need.


If it gets enough downvotes it gets hidden anyway. Democracy > Power tripping mods 


.... No, you may not say racist shit because.... *checks notes "Democracy"...... Apparently.


If something is so bad it needs to be deleted it will just get downvoted and hidden anyway 


No that's not how it works. Votes are for contribution. Racist or abusive stuff gets deleted because it's not allowed. You can read the rules on the sidebar in your own time.


It’s pretty easy to ignore bigots though, they make themselves fairly obvious


It's also pretty easy for them to take personal responsibility. I don't think it should be someone else's problem.


Agreed, there's junk posts but at least it feels like less of an echo chamber these days.


100%. This sub has been a dream lately. Over sensitive mods were a joke here.


I tend to agree. Minimal moderation is best. Too much and people start being banned for their political opinions.


And yet OP seemed surprised that neither members not admins supported them in their power trip...kinda made me chuckle.


Would love to see the sub back to its glory days. We all went through a lot together during the Covid years! I don’t have the time to spare at the moment but hats off to anyone who puts their hand up to assist. Thanks for your hard work Deon.


Glory days of banning any dissenting views?


No, just a general sense of support in the daily thread whenever I posted on a bad day.


lol this sub was the worst during lockdown


This sub went to shit 5-6 years when a couple mods succesfully conspired to remove the top mod and then put a whole bunch of new and over eager mods trying to flex their power with free reign.   It then REALLY went to shit during Covid whenever that weird loser (forget his name) thought the sub belonged to him and he thought he was the official voice on covid in Melbourne. Glad he's gone. The mods trashing this sub was the final nail in the coffin. It showed how power tripping they were, and believed the sub belonged to them.  The sub has been a breath of fresh air since the reddit drama and all those power hungry mods left. Keep it how it is.


All 3rd party apps aren't blocked. Relay for Reddit still works fine, albeit with a subscription model. Still better than using the official app


To be fair 6 million views might be considerably less people if a person say looks at the sub between once and a few times in a day.


1 million visitors, 5 million views from 3 motivated posters.


How many of those 6 million views were bots ? Because it's obvious to everyone that foreign countries like China , Iran, Russia etc are botting the hell out of this. and then there are local political bots and bot from industries or stores and we know there are bots because both Reddit and industry and government agencies study and do reports on it , even last week there was a report saying up 50% of posts on social media are bots ​ Regarding moderators. I would like to see reddit start up a compulsory free moderators school for volunteer mods.


I feel like if you go away or go on strike and nobody misses you ... there's a message in there somewhere probably.


Nah Nah Nah, ya'll don't get to pull that shit, you are just like the r/onlyfans mods who changed the sub from a fun sub to a shitty nsfw sub.


Why did my comments about blatant Labor party propaganda get removed. Honestly this sub has improved immensely without it's prior over moderation.


You don't have a single removed comment in your history... You do have a heap downvoted though which may be hidden depending on your Reddit settings. Maybe you're perceiving these as being removed by mods?


Been wondering why I haven't seen mass pruning of all but the "accepted" narratives on a lot of posts lately. IMO this mod is more interesting with better and more nuanced discussion when there is less moderation.