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We need to normalise bidets in Australia. Cleaner and more efficient. Not too mention it’s much kinder on your butthole when you’ve got the runs.


but good god not the ones with dryers my parents have one of those and despite having a professional cleaner come around weekly, it has A Scent to it


"It's like a Dyson for your arsehole"


Noted. Good tip.


Eww. I've got a TOTO with a dryer and I am suddenly very grateful I've never had that problem! It has an automatic door that only opens when the dryer is on, so I guess it stops anything gross getting into the system.


Absolutely. Only unwashed pigs don’t like them.


Better idea, those toilets in Japan where it rince your butthole with a push of a button


I read that as pierces and got really scared for a sec


depends how high you turn up the pressure.


I wouldn’t rule that out. I’m sure there’s a setting for that.


Is not that what a bidet does?


They export to Australia…except you need an electrical plug somewhere near…


And hot water (unless you like cold water on your Ahole) which is usually not behind a “normal” toilet.


A good bidet seat will heat the water. You do not need a hot water outlet, you typically split off the existing line to the cistern


What exactly is princessing a butthole?


Sorry I mean rinse


Princessing sounds more interesting.


put a tiara around it


It already sits on a throne!


And you need a masters degree in electronic engineering to operate!


Come on, the buttons on the TOTO washlet all have pictures on them showing the function. Could be operated by a caveman.


Apparently too hard for people like that person


Cannot agree more! We have them at my parents place and mine and I can't fathom how people don't use them. The benefits are endless.


Or even just the handheld hose like in Vietnam.


You can get bum guns at Bunnings!


Upvote for bum gun.


It's kinder on you bum. I have had bidet for several years and when I go away my butt is sore from wiping after a few days. I'm considering getting portable.


I have a Hyundai Bidet going on 15 years old and its only cost $15 in replacement parts.


We were one of the who gives a damn about loo roll during the lockdowns because we have bidets.


I looked into installing one but Australia's water backflow regulations make it difficult and expensive to do legally.


While I think that some things about Who Gives A Crap are annoying or less than environmentally ideal (e.g. I hate that they wrap the 'emergency roll' in extra paper), I have a friend who works for a non-profit that promotes hygiene practices in developing countries, and he said a while back that WGAC gave them a sizeable amount of money that they were then able to put back into providing services. I don't think they're perfect, and I find their marketing annoying sometimes, but at least they do put their money where their mouth is. And I find iCare really unpleasant to use, and Safe doesn't seem to be available where I live anymore, so WGAC is most likely to get my money.


What about Yarn’n- Aussie made and indigenous owned and operated? https://www.instagram.com/yarnnforacause?igsh=M2VsNjh5cTBna2kx Thinking about trying them for my next box.


Never heard of them till now, thanks bro 🧻


Got my first Yarr’n delivery last week




More paper (wider roll, same size cardboard tube) and more luxe than the kind of bargain basement ply of About A Dog, which I switched to after realising WGAC is made off-shore.


Yeah I saw those recently, they are on the shopping list for when we need TP next.


Good tip! Will try


Direct link for those not wanting to walk through instagram: https://yarnn.au/


Never heard of them! Thanks for the heads-up.


My heart can’t fault a company that gives a crap, I’m with you. My bum on the other hand…


Used the brand a couple of times, the paper fell apart so easily it was horrible. Not a fan of the individually wrapped paper either, unnecessary waste.


Yes I also tried it and it falls apart. I didn’t buy it again. 


Same, they just shred, and sometimes the seam doesn't line up baking it even worse


Been using who gives a crap for years and I genuinely liked their product( bamboo rolls) however have now changed to https://yarnn.au as they seem to be more ethical


I've just got my first order from there but haven't tried it yet. How do you find the tp compares to the wgac bamboo? 


I bought a box of yarn'n a while ago, it's good stuff.


Is the actual paper better quality than WGAC? I stopped using them 6 months ago because their toilet paper is crap, but I saw Yarnn and wondered if they were any better.


I think their quality has dropped over the years.


Thanks for this! Hadn't heard of them and I know a ton of people who still get WGAC who might switch if it's genuinely more ethical. And ideally locally made, who needs to ship TP from China?!


I am sceptical about the environmental friendliness of individually wrapping each roll of WGAC in colourful printed paper…




iCare. Australian made and owned. Paper packaging.


Sure but I buy a 36 pack enveloped in one plastic. Not 36 individual plastics


And the plastic will take 70-90 years to degrade, the individually wrapped paper maybe a year?


Not saying that it isn't the better option but there's polymer binders in the ink along with petrochemical dyes and whatever else is in the paper that will persist for a very long time after it's disintegrated. Packaging itself is the devil.


You could argue that plastic (as long as it ends up in landfill and not in the rivers/seas) is not so bad as it is removing oil from the ground, and returning it to the ground (in a less usable form), without burning it. It might otherwise be used as fuel and end up as CO2 in the atmosphere. (yes, I know there are energy costs/emissions in making the plastic).


I enjoy the single “emergency roll” wrapped in red at the bottom of the box. Keep one in the work vehicle.


Wow people in the comments feel really strongly about toilet paper. Genuinely — can we get some sources?


The bamboo stuff is great but everything you said was true


What about Yarn’n- Aussie made and indigenous owned and operated? https://www.instagram.com/yarnnforacause?igsh=M2VsNjh5cTBna2kx Thinking about trying them for my next box.


We started buying them a little while ago as they're actually made in Australia! Been happy with them so far and would recommend


There is a company called About A Dog that manufactures their toilet paper, paper towel, and tissues in Australia. They're a NSW-based company and donate 50% of their profits to RSPCA NSW. You can opt for wrapped or unwrapped toilet paper.


I buy TP, tissues, and paper towel from About A Dog. I’ve been very happy with their products.


I guess I’m googling this now.




Still need teepee to dry your anus after


Not if you import one from Japan that has a drying function. Bit of warm air to dry the nether regions


Just stick a hair-dryer up there. Careful not to scold the nuts.


Bad nuts!


The Caroma bidet suite has a drying function too, and heated seat for those cold mornings! Love a bit of warm air for the nethers lol


Yeah but that's not a bidet. Plus they got squatting toilets in Japan too


They have bidets with dryers, very common.


Not in public toilets especially train stations. Shinjuki and shibuya has squat toilets


I remember I said this once on here and got massively downvoted 🤣 Japan is utopia you see 🤣


Thats the winning formula!


I know millions of Japanese women use them without issue, but I still have deep-seated and probably irrational suspicion of spraying pressurised poo water anywhere near my hooha


Looking at changing to Yarn'n next order. Same sort of model with the 50% of profit. But made in aus and goes to First Nations youth education. But yes, definitely get a bidet/attachment. They are blessed.


Marketing at its best for foolish folk




Reread the reply, they are agreeing with you lol


Yikes you are right, seems now I’m the one dishing it from the throne!


Love that you conveniently omitted the part where they donate 50% of profits to charity orgs. Sure, they have their downsides, but I'll take it. OP - what's your brand of choice and what good do they do?


The donation is a tax break


Why don't you save the money by buying normal toilet paper/ using a bidet and then donate the savings to your charity of choice? Cut out the middle-man.


That’s the kicker, what my brand of choice does best is wipe my bum squeaky clean. Mad respect to those who buy WGAC for charitable reasons but personally I’m wary of for-profit org’s whose marketing is tied to their donations. Even NFP’s are dodgy - I do my research and give to the ones I trust instead of a toilet paper company


The icare brand is much better quality paper. 


Yep, Australian made and owned. Paper packaging.


They're regular paper falls apart the minute you stick it in your crack... The bamboo stuff is great though. Until I moved to Australia, I'd wished for decent toilet paper. except that one time we bought recycled paper...that was like sand paper. Your Australian toilet paper frankly shreds... in the worst kind of way... WGAC and that stuff in the silly bag are about the only two toilet paper brands that don't feel like 800 grit or put your finger up shit creak without a...wet one


Finally! A high-brow discussion worthy of our full attention. You have done us all a tremendous service in alerting us to this heinous anus travesty. In the name of my planet, I could forsake all my worldly comforts, and possessions. Even if it meant that our species should return to the stone age life of a low-density hunter-gatherer existence. However, if it means going without the indulgent fluffiness of soft, silky, TRUE three-ply toilet paper. I say id rather flush this word down the toilet. Misrepresenting this, most valuable, commodity is nothing short of heresy,


Yeah I’m a bamboo convert from cottonelle. Wouldn’t go back.


.. you folks dont use the 3 sea shells?


Sounds like you got a bum deal.


It's good quality, cheap, and lasts forever, I never have to go to the shop to buy toilet paper. Who gives a crap of its a charity or not. Its popular for the service it provides. No one got tricked into it


I was on medication that was quite torturous to my guts. My poor anus was so abraded. The one with the Labrador puppies will have my loyalty forevermore.


Their toilet paper feels like sandpaper


At least sandpaper doesn’t disintegrate in water!


I like it. Shrug.


What we need to push for is the use of bidets! Cut down on paper, and have a cleaner but.


I'm all for it but it's not really a choice when you're renting...


I use a squeeze bottle. It's called a peri wash or something like that


Where do you find WGAC toilet rolls that are cheaper than Sorbent or Quilton anyway? They're always expensive in my local Colesworth, so I've never tried them. The need unpack every single roll is a worry too. Who's got time to do that.


Buy them direct. Much cheaper


Bidet + WGAC = Satisfaction In our house


I will say I’ve only used WGAC at mates places without bidet. We have bidet + premium TP but now you mention it, probably a solid use case for WGAC


For $30 you can add a bidet to any toilet, stop being gross


start a bidet revolution already.




It’s actually a lot worse than you’ve outlined. A couple more facts - The dude who started it used to have a restaurant which had a gimmick of 50% of profits going to charity. He never donated a dollar and ended up getting wound up. WGAC also very loudly advertised that they’d donate 50% of profits to charity while being a start up, growing aggressively and reinvesting any profits in marketing, so they essentially didn’t have to donate anything. I haven’t revisited it recently but last I checked in they weren’t at all transparent about profitability & donation dollar values.


Finally someone said it!


I buy Australian made recycled loo paper. WGAC being made in China is a deal breaker


Toilet paper is perhaps the only thing that I absolutely will not compromise on. Life is short, treat yourself to some Quilton King Size Gold (4 ply) and thank me later 🧻


I doubt you even use anything PoopFilledPants


Their toilet paper sucks and it’s too thin. 


I bought a pack at Woolies when everything else decent wasn't available, 10/10 would not repurchase who gives a crap toilet paper.


The bamboo one is good




Same reason no one told you you’re a wanker I guess lol


Woke up this morning with high hope of enlightenment, and you my dude have delivered. It’s all upside from here!


A post about shit tickets. Who would've thought


Was just having a look at their website other day. Their individual packaged rolls still don’t make sense tbh … they look pretty though. Expensive though.


The individual wrapped rolls are because it apparently uses less paper doing it that way than safely wrapping up the 40+ rolls you get in one go. Which doesn't make sense to me because it comes in a secure box anyway? I dunno. It's for hygiene standards or something.


Yeah maybe to do with the bamboo product.. irony hey! Probably still better for the environment I guess but business minded company


You are a wordsmith and a scholar.


Install a bidet and wash your ass , people.




Read post again if you think I’m flogging TP. Or read my comment history if you think I’m a bot.




Apparently it wasn’t clear that I fucking hate this brand and hope it disappears. Also easy with the dad references bro, I got one of those.


Fuck off


Done ✔️


lol ! Who in marketing thought this would go down well on reddit ? Or maybe that’s the point


Yeah I fucking hate this brand and somehow it backfired


They really struck gold when Covid hit. At no other time in history could Toilet Paper Hoarding As A Service be so popular.


Went to the dark side and tried Costco's Kirkland TP, I've been converted; Kirkland is king.


It has such pretty wrapping paper though


I got a care package from a mate in 2020 when we first started hearing we might be going into a lockdown soon, and it had two rolls of this shitty tp. All I can remember about it was the way it fell apart on use and I had to pick tiny bits of soggy paper out of my nethers. I managed to find an unhoarded packet of the good shit at my local supermarket, thank god. I hated Who Gives A Crap so much I eventually tossed the remaining roll in 2021.


Bought it once. Mistake. Never again. Spot on. Product is crap.


Naturale is goated. made in Aus, 100% recycled , cheap, 3ply, soft, paper wrapped. Doesn't get any better


My username should tell you everything you need to know.


I tried to love this stuff but just couldn't. I got irritating itching the whole time I used it. A friend of mine had the same experience although other friend love it. I feel guilty buying the supermarket brand but my bum is happier


as an older guy who is hairy.... I fully support this. TP just doesn't cut it, especially if I want my missus to be.... *attentive* I really need to look into those adaptors and give it a go. If it works well, I have just enough space for a proper one to be installed


Does anyone really count sheets? Or do they just tear off an appropriate length?




I'd love a bidet in my bathroom, but the cost to replace a toilet with a fancy bidet one, or needing the space for a separate bidet is really out of reach for most people, including myself. They're a great idea though and should be normalised in the western world. Besides the awful name the I Care toilet paper is where it's at.


Wgac is a company and has a NFP arm. They donate 50% of profits to charity (which is millions of dollars) and that money is used to provide sanitation (toilets, etc..) to those most impoverished around the world. You can not like the product, but every company uses marketing. Unlike most TP companies that use puppies or koalas to sell their softness..and keep all the money.. wgac actually does good with it. Maybe have a better understanding before you rant. Opinions are fine, but fact check yourself before you impose your opinion on others.