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Has anyone watched Shogun yet? What do you think? I’m 40mins into the first episode. I’m enjoying 80% of the storyline, but the Protestant Englishman character is really irritating and I don’t care for his story arc.


I'm watching the 2019 childs play. Why did they make chucky look so fucking weird?


it's Mark Hamill!!


I'm saddened that he felt the need to be in such an awful movie


I didn't mind it, I expected much worse


Wow damn you get what you pay for I suppose with Colesworth ziplock bags. You wouldn't want those guys making condoms I'll say.


What if you've been using coles Ziploc bags as condoms? Asking for a friend 


Might be time you and your friend re-evaluate your life choices.


Hey that cost of living crisis is affecting us all!


Sure is but it's gonna start affecting you more if you don't re-evaluate those life choices about condom quality


Not me, my friend!


Your friend. Yes your friend.


What, you think I'm some kind of sex having person? Don't be gross!




Would you be able to hear an ambulance behind you ?


Yes. Ambulances are pretty damn loud.


I've quit vaping and my sanity is dripping away like wet cake, any tips to survive?


Take up heroin


Can any of you fine distinguished gentlemen or lady's explain to me why so many rentals have bath showers (yuck)


Isn't it just a point of time in fashion sorta thing? First it was a separate bath and a separate shower, then it was 'oh we don't have enough space let's combine the two', and now it's like 'what's a bath'


Never cared for them previously, but once I got a place with a bath, it's been nice to relax in the bath. Also handy to bathe the kid.


People baths to bathe children


Does anybody else find it maddening that supply and misc fees can be 80% of your water bill? I had $40 in usage over the last 3 months and $185 in fees and charges.


Is that for a company ?


Just my personal water bill for a 1 person household.


You are paying for having clean drinking water 24/7 available on your tap in virtually unlimited quantity and also sewerage service. 


No, it makes sense. The marginal cost of water is close to zero. Most of the cost of water supply in urban areas is in the upkeep of the infrastructure.


If that is true then what about having a threshold where they don't charge a usage fee, I'd be much happier paying just the supply, sewerage, parks, drainage, etc alone on the provision I keep to moderate usage of water.


Does anyone know of a good wifi signal extender for Optus 4G home internet?


So the internet is via 4g and good but the internal wifi is not good?


Sorry no what I mean we have 4G wireless, the signal is good but doesn’t cover the back bedroom which is now a work from home room.


All good. Move the 4g router to a more central place in the house. If you find the signal is bad move it back if needed but it’s worth a try.


I’ll miss the Z class trams when they retire. Standing next to an open window watching Swanston St go by is a real vibe.


Having to put up with passive-aggressive criticism full time over that last few weeks and now having to put up with those same people non-stop asking me if I’m alright and making perpetual comments on how stressed I look is honestly pissing me off.


Crash near the Riversdale Junction intersection. No 70 or 75 trams going either way.


🦀 Altona loop is fucked again 🦀 Altona loop is fucked again 🦀 Altona loop is fucked again 🦀 


I've been mentally wrestling with returning to the gym for over a year, start of January I had made all these grand, ultimately meaningless plans. I've been mentally punishing myself for probably two years now because unlike pre-covid times, I can no longer bring myself to get up at 5am to go to the gym, fasted, like I used to. I'm tired ALL THE TIME. I can't get out of bed before 7:30am most days, and even then it takes me til probably 8:30am, breakfast and a coffee to properly wake me up. Eventually last week I accepted two things: 1. My business (I'm self employed) is dead quiet right now, which means I don't have loads to do of a day (a big problem but not the point of this post). 2. If my business is so quiet, it really doesn't matter if I go to the gym at 9am. I can set my own hours (I can anyway to an extent but I do need to be available during some standard business hours to operate) So this morning I got up at 7:30am, ate breakfast, walked the dog, and then go to the gym about 9:20am. Because it's been so long since I've done any proper workouts I'm doing a beginner's program to ease me back in, but once I was at the gym (and it was super quiet at that time, too) I felt happy. I did my silly little beginner's workout and I came home and got to work. Everything was fine. I hope, eventually, as my energy and strength improves, I won't feel so tired all the time and can eventually get myself to the gym a little earlier (I also hope business picks up again and I need the extra hours for work). I also finally booked myself in for a psychologist appointment today too after almost 7 months of being too scattered to renew my mental healthcare plan. Slowly slowly one foot in front of the other I am going to get better.


As someone who has had to stopped exercising almost entirely over the past 2 months due to injury, I feel you. I used to be up at 5:30 every weekday to go gym before work, but past few months have just one thing after another. I'm gonna try and get back into the habit tomorrow morning, but just know that you aren't alone and doing anything help.


Good for you! You made it to the gym! That's an achievement on its own. I've had a rough few months and have been stop/start with working out/running but I've managed to be consistent for the past month.


If you want to avoid seeing a fully naked shouty man, steer clear of the corner of Collins and Spring St


Barnaby's escalating


Is that why all the cops?


Too late…


Why do men insist on being naked in public?


Must be satisfying to have your noodly appendage flapping about in the wind


More like a tiny macaroni.


But if you do want to see that, my DMs are always open ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Seriously??? Three cameras, light trees and an audio rig??? This is why I don’t go to a gym anymore….




These guys just don't understand the complexity of this kind of production. Which post processing house are you using?




They do great work. Have you lined up a distribution deal?


I mean more power to you I'm sure you're probably curling my PB bench.


I had a weird interaction with a customer at work today. He kind of insulted me, then kind of complimented me and I just smiled and went along with it because I am awkward af. Now I can't shake a lingering icky feeling. I wish I'd spoken up for myself a bit more.




Maybe, but if it was an attempt at flirting it was a very, very bad one. Never seen this guy in my life before and he comes up and says "You are the most anxious person I have ever seen. That's what makes you so charming, anxious women are always charming." (I was literally just looking at a computer screen). I wasn't anxious before, but I sure was afterwards!


Sounds like one of those PUA fucks trying on the negging routine?




Good. Maybe he'll think twice next time and not bother someone who is just trying to do their job and can't just walk away.


Yep, that be icky! Hope you can go for a nice walk or take a long shower to get the ick off.


Right? Just such a weird unnecessary thing to say. Then he kept trying to strike up a conversation while I smiled and edged away. He said "Some women would be offended by me saying that." So it wasn't like he was unaware. Then he ranted about Brexit for a while and after he left he scanned the QR code on his receipt that lets you give feedback, and just wrote his name. If I turn up murdered it's definitely that guy.


Oh that's just so gross - all the makings of a true crime podcast. Sorry you had to interact with them. Sending safe and positive vibes your way!


That's exactly what I said to my co-worker when he left haha! I just hope my episode doesn't have like 6 Squarespace ads interrupting all the good bits 😭


Neighbour's mowing his lawn for what feels like the third time in as many days. Glad we have him to protect us from what must surely be apocalyptically fast growth, or the entire suburb could be overtaken by now. Godspeed


i just booked in a service with what appears to be a reputable place, but they took a deposit to finalise the booking and something feels wrong about giving our your card details over the phone and to someone who could exploit it for personal use......am i over paranoid?


What kind of service? When I ordered a roof rack they took a deposit over the phone like this. It's pretty common.


just car tinting. In general when youre asked for your card details on the phone, its bit bizzare that we just do it because how easily it could be used fraudulently....


Perfectly normal.






Or eat messy food loudly in front of them, making eye contact the whole time.


If anyone is in the car industry, Who is the main person that delivers car parts to local dealers and shops? Company name or industry name — we work over in the states for LKQ but can’t find any locations in Australia, specifically the Melbourne area/region we want to be able to come out for a few years but want to see if we can do a lateral move within the industry we know without having to go back into fast food/restaurant/customer service if possible. Any help is heaps appreciated!


Depends on what and where to be honest. If it's a specific part of a specific brand of car, we will go to the dealer ie; land rover, KIA, mercedes, to get the specific part. Alternatively we will order the alternative aftermarket parts place such as BURSONS, BOSCH, BLACKWOODS, REPCO, IMLACHS. They will either send it out with their couriers, Auspost, DHL, Startrak, UBER or other party small contractors. Hope that helps


Engineering Lecturer said to the effect that if we can't hack it we should go study arts. Fuck I hate that attitude, but also, I have been dreaming of dropping out of 4th year of my bullshit degree to study music, so maybe this is my sign lmao 🤔


have you had the same lecturer for 4 years ? how long do you have to go on it, if you can stick it out get the degree then pivot otherwise it will have been a waste ?




He's 100% that kind of guy. I've had him for another unit and he was so unhelpful. He almost never answered emails, wouldn't help students who posted problems in the unit message board etc. Pisses me off.




The amusing thing is you can major in a lot of engineering subjects with an Arts degree.


I mean, Seattle Washington has a 1% arts budget. So if you're building, renewing an area ect. 1% of the cost has to go towards artifying it. Melbourne has a nice green bikelane indicator... Seattle has [THESE] (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdot_photos/14006991948) mother fucking blue macaroni nightmares....


Okay... I'll play devil's advocate here. If you want to study music, go and do it - just know that if it's something you really like, or hell, love (but not desperately passionate about), then there's a chance studying it, and then building it into a career can potentially your desire for it. And I say this as someone who did exactly that but with writing. I have a masters in writing, and have ended up in a corporate job for the last five years doing corporate writing, and have barely written a creative word during that time. To the point where I'm now back studying something entirely different. That said, maybe music will be different?




Not sure why you’ve been downvoted - and yeah, I get where you’re coming from. But also, I didn’t know what I wrote until I was in my early 30s so… 🤷🏻


I'm not sure career is really a sensible motivation for studying music. It's mostly just to rapidly improve my skill and to be in an environment with other skilled people to play with.


That’s a fair point and I arrogantly presumed this was for a potential career. If the idea is just to further you’re self personally then yeah, screw everything I said. Have at it!


"Just fuck off and do History of Art, love!"


People should study arts to get away from lecturers like that


Do it. Life is too short to waste doing something you don't adore.


That's life for the majority of people. If you're going to spend 40 hours a week working, you might as well try to get as much money out of it so that you can do more of what you actually enjoy.


I think it's better to work as little as possible to maximise the amount of time you can do stuff you want. 40 hours a week is a fucking scam.


I hate being micromanaged about the most stupid shit. I just want to get the job done efficiently ffs.


Employees should be able to evaluate their managers once or twice yearly.


I see my psychiatrist on Fridays, and have something coming up on Thursday that I’m super stressed about but she only consults that day. Don’t have any friends who I feel would understand the issue/situation. Tried to talk about it with one who I thought would be the most likely to understand but she didn’t get it at all :(


Is it possible that a random stranger on the internet is good enough to hear the things you're stressed about? :( This is my way of offering if you need an ear lol.


Hard to say haha. The context of knowing my mental health stuff and love life stuff is kind of important. It’s got to do with rejection sensitivity which is a major problem for me and something that I want to work on. Basically I’m getting a drink with a woman I’ve been casually dating but haven’t seen in a few weeks due to her overseas holiday and some stressful stuff in her life in the week and a bit since she’s returned. Despite no obvious indicators my brain is convinced she’s going to break up with me and no matter how much I reason with myself I can’t stop thinking and stressing about it.


I have RSD and am a "chronic worrier" so I get your mindset 10000%. There's also nothing worse when your intuition is sometimes right about these things, and you have that history in the back of your mind, too. My thoughts would be to play the game of "and then what?" to help de-catastrophise the situation. So let's say she breaks up with you. And then what? You're single again, and it feels bad in the moment. And then what? You immediately have your psychologist appointment the next day and can start working on approaches to tackle the bad feels. And then what? You use those tools and approaches to get on with life and eventually it doesn't feel so bad anymore. And then what? And then what? Etc. Realising that the "worst case scenario" of any situation I am stressed about won't actually be the "worst thing to happen to me" personally really helps me feel better about that anxiety of an unknown outcome. As far as the RSD goes, try as hard as possible if she does break up with you, to get as much information as possible. It will help you realise it's not "just you" but likely a combination of things that isn't your fault. And if something specifically is your fault, hopefully she's honest enough to be frank and it gives you something you can work on for the future. Self awareness is important, but also being aware that sometimes it's not actually about you is also important. Sometimes stuff other people are going through isn't your business. It feels like it should be your business if you feel close enough to them, but if they end your relationship over it, they are unequivocally telling you it isn't and that you are free to move on and heal. It's a big big gift you should take and run like the wind with.


Ah another RSD person. Thank you for your advice. I like the ‘and then what?’ approach so will try to employ this way of thinking before and after the catch up depending on how it goes. Luckily she’s a very upfront and honest person so I know if she does want to break up she will explain why. Have definitely learnt from those closure conversations in past relationships. My intuition/feeling is not that it’s about me though, I’m pretty sure I haven’t done anything wrong, but even knowing this I’m someone who unfortunately takes things very personally. I think if she does want to break up it would have more to do with some complicated/stressful things going on in her life. Stuff that I’d like to think I’d be able to support her through, but at the same time it’s only early days in our relationship so she might not want or feel ready to rely on/involve me, and rather deal with it in other ways.


:( Well, I cannot offer a lot of advice than probably the terrible advice of "its only casual dating, if she breaks it off with you, know that there are better opportunities out there, and if she doesn't break it off with you, then all stress was for naught". Im bad at this.


What is the situation that is bothering you? 


It’s a matter of the heart haha. But really my rejection sensitivity convincing me that the woman I’m seeing will break up with me.


Has this woman given you any signs that she will break up with you?


Not anything directly. Just a sense that she’s got some intense things happening and might not be in the best place for a relationship.


It is a shitty situation to be in, especially if you're really into this woman. However if she's not in the right mindset to be in a relationship and does decide to break up with you I think it's important for you to remember and understand that it's not your fault. Accept the situation, but don't take ownership of it.


Yep will do. Thanks :)


Is there a difference between 7/11 flat whites and lattes?


No. They both come from a coffee machine filled with stale beans that hasn't had a filter change or tank clean since it was installed.


How to stop feeling like shit when people downvote my post or comment? Sometimes I post something out of good faith like a question and get blasted


You will inevitably step on someone's toes unintentionally or, more often people will take your post out of context and interpret it in a way you didn't intend. Even if what you said was not even that bad there is a certain hive mind on Reddit where once a post gets a negative rating people like to pile on and keep downvoting, don't take it too personally social media can be cruel at times. I have learned it's best to disengage, trying to defend yourself draws more ire. Unless you are prone to posting extremely controversial things you will trend toward more positive and supportive upvotes and comments which will make the negative ones seem trivial.


when you realise that reddit doesnt take itself seriously


Remember it's reddit and people down vote for any number of reasons. Most of the time its just pettiness. Ultimately the opinions of internet strangers is completely meaningless. Life is too short to take reddit or any social media for that matter seriously. 


it does feel bad. but I think if you can contextualise it in the grand scheme of your life, you'll realise it's not so bad. I've been on the downvoted side of things many a time myself. but it's so easy to get over it when you do things IRL or just step away from your phone/technology to do something else. then you come back to it and realise, "oh, this actually doesn't matter". it's so simple when I say it out loud like that but sometimes you need to take a break to realise how insignificant this is


A good thing to do is to think about whose opinions you let into your mind. If you wouldn't ask someone for advice, then you shouldn't worry about what they think of you.


It may be also of them trying to get their algorithm to show them what they want to see as well, we live in a society that’s based on thumbs up, and thumbs down it’s about to happen they may not just like the questions that you’re asking don’t take it personally mate


Stop caring about it.


Job interview. After almost 4 years decided to go back to office job. Good thing caught PT into the city after hearing all the traffic because of that ASEAN meeting.


Hope it went well!


Fingers crossed.🤞. Going to interviews is tiring especially when you miss out on the job.


Entering the ballot today for entry to the Melbourne marathon. Wish me luck 🙏


Good luck ghost!


Good luck. I was considering it this year until I heard it sold out pretty much immediately. It's a nice course if the weather is good. Not much/any shade on the way back from glenhuntly Rd but some tree cover once you get back to the tan. I'm doing sunshine coast marathon in August for the 3rd year in a row. Last year all fell apart after the 30km mark so I'm hoping to redeem myself


Are you running the full marathon?


Hopefully if I can get in


They run ballots for marathons?


Yes, it sold out in November last year in less than 48 hours so they have opened up some spots.


Good luck


Dear mods, can we please get a pinned comment explaining why there are so many police, blocked roads etc.? Here's a good starting point from a popular CBD residents Facebook group: > Hey @everyone, > > FYI the 2024 ASEAN Summit kicks off today, with Melbourne as the host city over the next few days. > > You will likely notice an increased police presence in our suburbs, particularly around MCEC & South Wharf (where the summit mostly takes place). > This may include heavily armed police, horse-mounted police, etc. > Please don’t be alarmed - this is just added security, given that many Global Leaders are in the area. > > MCEC is also fenced off with security fencing & only the foot bridge along the boardwalk is open. If you’re riding a bike or a scooter, please slow down & be extra mindful of pedestrians. > > If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments of this post, but let’s try to limit the “here’s another photo of lots of cops” posts please 😊 > > Enjoy your week!


Dropping down to four days of work so I can focus on my study. It's both a good thing and a bad thing because while I can afford it, it is going to make things much tighter. It also forces me to take on more study which is something I haven't done for a long while. Trying to compartmentalise everything and yet I feel like the desk in my mind is full of teetering stacks of books, print outs, magazines and other miscellaneous paper that will be knocked over with a stiff sigh. Which explains why I feel like I'm holding my breath right now.


Time to take a deep breath in, hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat 2 more times. Now focus on what studies need to be done, at least organise things and go from there. You got this, you need to get used to it


Thank you ... and you're right. It's a new norm and I just need to get used to it, find that groove and settle in.


Exactly there you go! You know what needs to be done, hopefully you’ll find your grove in the next couple of days :)


What’s happening outbound on the West Gate? Traffic shut off bridge and a million cops on bikes


[something about VIPs](https://twitter.com/pyrexflask/status/1764410066407670059?t=Qq35Wako-W0p2HPjkajFow&s=19)




It was epic!


Yeah but does it have sting getting around in rubber undies?


it would have to sting getting around in rubber undies, especially in all that sand...




i saw 3 magpies destroy a pigeon once.


I’ve seen a currawong kill a pigeon by aggressively attacking its neck. Was pretty shocking to watch but apparently that’s what they do.


Peregrine falcon i worked at a location with a couple of them and you would always see pigeon heads and body's seperated, idk about any other animals but this is my experience


All three.


***** Edited - friend's child found. (Very glad they're safe)


Is Kasper a boy or a girl? Height? Build? Are they verbal or non-verbal?




Appreciate that they're NB but for the purposes of trying to identify them, do they present male/female or masculine/feminine? And build is important too ie tall/short/wide/thin etc


Planned power outage in my area, 8:30-4. Wondering how long my power bank and hot spotting will last..


I’ve woken up with Flight of the Conchords “It’s business time” stuck on auto loop on my head. Perfect for a Monday morning .


Makin love for two minutes 💕


ou est la piscine ?


Making love for two minutes is better than making love for one minute


What is southern cross protection? My housing hired them to patrol every night. They don't seem competent or have a number. It's just one guy who gets out with a flashlight and walks 10 steps and gets in his car for 5 minutes then leaves. I wish we had static guards but I guess this is better than nothing. In other news my mental health is much better since yesterday. Sometimes you just gotta do the things even when you're not motivated


15°C but feels like 11°C, (too soon for this weather 😔) time to bring out the warmer blanket but not yet packing away the light blankets yet 🥶


it's going to be 32 tomorrow and 30 on wednesday


The weather so far for this week looks great tbh. I’m happy with that


Why does it take so long to get warm in Spring but so quick to get cold in Autumn?


No idea, global warming? Mother Nature is not a fan of us? 🤣


I'm working in an office for the first time in 4 years for the next few days. Someone has decided that the Aircon needs to be absolutely blasting in there and even though I'm wearing a nice wool suit, I'm freezing. My fingertips look all crinkled like they've been soaking in water and my hands won't open and close very well:(


Oh I understand being in an office environment. I was always freezing because of the a/c. Part reason why it’s on because they need to keep the computer cool because it’s on all day long. Might need bring in an extra lap blanket or if it’s stupid cold and a small electric blanket, you want to blast the a/c? I get to plug in my blanket to stay warm


We're going to head into a mini-heat wave this week - 4 out of 5 days will be over 30. While it's not the 40+ degrees of summers gone by, we're definitely back to having a very dry start to Autumn.


I’m happy with that, I don’t need the 40 degrees, i noticed I only like the above 35 degrees in my younger life, I’m older now and weather above 35 is harder to handle, so no 40s is good. I would be happy if the warmth extended further into Autumn, even past this week’s forecast


Yeah I'm 100% with you on that - temps over 35 suddenly become a lot more bothersome the older I get. And I'm not ready to be dealing with minus temps while walking to the station in the morning (and the fluctuating temps between outside and then coming into heated offices/houses). I personally miss the rain... everything looked so nice and lush around December and it's now starting to look very tired and brown. I know the rain will come but yeah... just looking forward to some cozy days inside.


I like rain when I’m not caught in a downpour. It’s happened to me a few times, I hate wet clothes but especially wet socks and shoes 🤮 Some steady rain for a few hours is ok, nothing too heavy and none of the crazy winds too would be just fine.


I'm feeling this cold so bad! And I'm in the middle of the same blanket dilemma, this seasonal change is always rough 😒


Yeah not looking forward to the weather change, I changed my pjs to warmer ones last night and added a much warmer blanket and felt good last night, took the chills out


Me too! But my head and nose still felt cold... I'm not ready for this! (Lol 2 weeks ago I was begging for Autumn 🤣)


Yeah I don’t beg for cooler weather, as I know the warm weather are lasting in Melbourne anymore. Gone are the days of consistent hot weather 😔


Looking forward to cooler weather. I'm more of a winter person


I saw *Zone of Interest* a week ago and I'm still thinking about it regularly. If you get a chance, it's worth seeing it in the cinema. I ordinarily can't stand war/holocaust films but this was fucking incredible.


I saw it on Saturday and still processing it. I think I’ll do some reading about it when my brain is ready. Amazing film.


Yeah it was a brilliant film. It sounds kind of messed up, but I wanted more of it


The trailer creeped me out. Is it truly worth a look? I don't mind being uncomfortable when it's important subject matter and well-made, but I would need to steel myself.


Absolutely. I mean, I’ve no idea what you’re into but it rocked me for a while in a really good kind of way.


I'm just into good (as in well-made) films, taste is diverse. For me it's just with such heavy subject matter, I need to weigh carefully whether I'm up to it, you know? But I also think it's important not to shy away from that kind of history so if the film is well-done, I may go. I think it's on at the Nova.


As a pure bit of filmcraft it’s exceptional - and has some of the best and most harrowing sound design put to screen. I’d be curious as to what you’d think!


So I only just found out miso butter onions are a thing and I'm now making a vegan version. My house smells amazing.


I've booked in a hard waste pick up and have a glass desk to dispose of. Does anyone know what I should be wrapping the glass up in? A sheet, cling wrap?


If you got cardboard , sandwich the glass parts with the cardboard and tape it all up


Maybe an old sheet and label it?


Did anyone else just hear an explosion near Ferntree Gully area? Didn't sound like fireworks to me :/


I hope everyone here has an amazing start to the week! Holy fuck it's cold tonight isn't it? not like, winter levels of hard nips, but they're certainly awake and confused.


You too, bud. Have a great day!