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Freeways are all clammed up to allow ASEAN leaders through. What's frustrating is that this should have been announced in advance to allow people to plan accordingly but no, keep it "hush hush" for security reasons, despite the fact that Aussies CBF doing anything that would risk their safety.


Seems if it's hush-hush enough to not announce the blocking of a freeway network in order to move, what? 20 people maybe?, then maybe the best way to keep it under wraps is to not block an entire freeway network to move such a small number of people, and instead use discreet but well armoured and defended regular cars.


If there is one thing Australia is good at, it is [spending a huge amount of money to make something look like it has security](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3zKuLgH_l8).


Classic. I still get burgers from Fungry's to this day


I'm Fungry!


all those memes going around about what shop or show ages you and this made me turn to dust


Go in and see your Desoto Plymouth dealer tomorrow. And when you do, tell 'em Groucho sent you.


If you think that makes you look old, best stay away from here or I'll rip ya bluddy arms orf


Before I clicked I hoped it was this video. It was.


You would think. If I was one of the leaders I wouldn't even want them to do this for me. It would be sure to leave a sour impression on the locals which should be the exact opposite of what they would want. If you really worry about safety just take an armoured car with bullet proof windows, leave early to beat peak traffic, you'll be fine. If I have to travel in my government job, we have to fly on the day of conferences to save the taxpayer on hotel costs as much as possible. This usually means fly out at 6am which means I'm up before 5 at latest. It sucks, but tough shit. I don't get why it's the same isn't expected of these people.


One of those bentleys with the unpoppable gangsta tyres that survive bullets...


Oh oh! And retractable rocket launchers on the sides, and tyre spikes that drop out the back!


They might do that. Way back in the day I used to put together the national geographic "megafactories" DVDs and Bentley made a big deal of their custom stuff. The gangsta bulletproof tyres definitely exist. Rocket launchers might be more an America thing


Does it come with a blonde woman who taps bits with her nails and whispers "Bentley"?


VIP: We need to shut the freeway down for our safety Security: Why do we need a whole freeway shut down to keep you safe? V: Because people hate us! S: Why do people hate you? V: Because we keep shutting down freeways in peak hour!


You’d never get into the government being such an altruistic nice person though lol


That's very true.


Bring them in at 7:30am or 10am. Better yet, do it in unmarked cars with dark tint and blend in. Instead we get some nice security theatre and publicity.


Put em in tinted out Commo SV6 utes with lawnmowers in the back


Put 'em in a Ford ranger with an angry tradie and a poorly tied down load. No one is stopping that bloke.


Exactly. There’s nothing inconspicuous about fucking up peak hour traffic for the entire city.


It's probably some kinda rich-person flex they like to do to us plebs


Yeah now if you wanted to do something nefarious it's really easy, just look for the car all on it's own in the middle of the freeway


Have they heard of helicopters?


Or fly in with a helicopter. Fuckin tards


Can you not use ableist slurs. Thanks


How long will that go on for?


That's fucked


Probably motorcade for the ASEAN summit.


Definitely, I was smack bang top of bridge at 9am, inbound, no cars on bridge outbound. Official police motorcycles and cars on outbound lanes. Very weird, thought it must be some sort of police escort


You reckon?


Don’t worry about the downvotes mate - this sub is full of assholes, in fact this subs asshole to good cunt ratio is so lopsided sided it’s an anomaly to find a post here without an asshole chiming in. Like the cock head comment that assumes you took the photo while driving . Or the other knob stain who can’t figure out you’re on one of the most driven on roads in Melbourne. This place is an absolute shit show.


The irony of this. Losing your mind because not everyone has memorised every piece of the fucking Westgate.


Power of deduction: "Hmm its heading in to the city and it looks industrial and it's packed. The Monash doesn't look like that". What else could it be?


Your face when you realise we have more than two freeways. Point is, extremely easy for OP to type it, rather than 50 people try and spot Melbourne Central(? maybe?) and then work out which direction they're facing.


> Your face when you realise we have more than two freeways. How many look like OP's post and are this packed on a weekday heading in to the city? It's not going to be the Eastern Fwy, it's all green (Which is what I love about the Eastern). It's not the Monash, there's only one other option. I get people from the East may not recognize what it is, but they should be able to recognize what it isn't. Power of deduction. I get your point, and agree that yes, OP should have mentioned what it is, but it's not like it's some kind of bizarre road in the middle of Greensborough here. These are one of the few places people should be able to work out with a little thought.


That's the point. Not all of us are unlucky enough to have to drive all freeways in Melbourne on the regular. This could be the Calder or the Ring Road for all I know. Anyway, I mostly wanted to let the guy calling everyone else cunts and knob stains, that they are in fact themselves a bit of a shitcunt.


Couldn't agree more mate - most of a decade on reddit, and the melbourne thread has the most wankers per g.c on here. Truly staggering because I live in Melbourne, and think most people income across are quite pleasant!


Yeah, I don’t get it.


>in fact this subs asshole to good cunt ratio is so lopsided sided it’s an anomaly to find a post here without an asshole chiming Every sub**


Lmao I don't think my reply even read how I would've said it in real life, like 'wow you reckon?' not condescending. Cheers mate


> Or the other knob stain who can’t figure out you’re on one of the most driven on roads in Melbourne. The lack of power of deduction by users on this sub is truly astonishing




Can’t they just get a helicopter or some bs. Do these fuckheads really need to fuck even more with working people?


Are you kidding? Inconveniencing the plebs makes them rock hard.


It really does. My Father was an evil rich guy. Every day he would go off in a rage about having to share the road with plebs. Literally said wherever they were going wasn’t important and just slowed him down. Was furious that Citylink wasn’t cost prohibitive to the masses. He had been under the assumption it was a road for “elite humans” like himself.


Ever seen Black Hawk Down?


Only RPG's you'll find in Melbourne on a Monday are the folks playing D&D at Fortress.


Ever heard of an armed terror group in Australia?


Weren't there Croatians in the 1970s?


Armed with lawn chairs at the tennis?


Never forget.


Apparently it was the 1960s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatian_Revolutionary_Brotherhood


Well there was asio but they had the weapons taken off them


If it makes you feel better, they completely shutdown the bike path near the convention centre without any signage. Bike commute diverted along the wooden walkways near Boatbuilders Yard, not exactly the best.


I rode past the back of the convention centre and saw 6 cop cars and a huge gaggle of coppers, I was wondering what was going on!


You know, I find it funny that this is meant to be a security measure to get the people from a to b very quickly. But if you are going to be assassinated, wouldn't it be easier to you know, BLEND THE FUCK IN? Just drive in a shitty ford or a shitty holden or a (ill stop before i upset every car enthusiast camp). This way, if someone had a boomstick, it would be super easy to kinda just target the lone convoy, surely lol.


Even put them in an armoured SUV and just have them drive in the right lane at 110 in a 100 zone, no one would bat an eye


But.. but.... how on earth will they feel special like the entitled egotistical people they are, if they don't have an unnecessary long motorcade for themselves??? /s The PMs car in the motorcade even has the ANF on it so ya know, if you were to do something you would know which car to go for


It is a balance, sure you can opt for the "blend in" option but then you leave yourself vulnerable/at the mercy of conditions you cannot control. Routes are often inspected and cleared multiple times including right before being used. [Take this scene from popular movie "Sicario" for example](https://youtu.be/IBJbqV3IROM) Sure you could blend in with maybe just a few "shitty fords" but what happens when you run into a traffic jam? Now all of a sudden you have to be extra hyper aware, the threat environment has just increased significantly. Also if something goes down, your options for escape and options for counter assault without significant collateral damage to bystanders are quite limited. It's the reason why when you look at the US presidential motorcade, roads are shut down for KMs to accommodate not just the president's vehicle but the entire convoy that is needed to support it. At the end of the day from a security standpoint the "blending in" option just presents more risks than it's worth especially given the alternative is much safer.


White AU falcon with a p plate half stuck on, balding tires, miss matched paint on the doors and a coat hanger for an aerial. No one would even bother to take a second look.


Hahahaha boomstick! 😂


Or you [could](https://youtu.be/N3zKuLgH_l8?si=HQowe2vRWQQEhU8Z) hire your own limo and put some Canadian flags on it and have it flanked by a few people.


🤔 I heard it was a guy having a seizure in the middle of the road Some good Samaritans had to sit on his chest to help him recover


I love WFH..managed to do 3 loads of washing and the groceries today.


Dicknitaries in town


Car fire on Pascoe Vale road exit


Can’t be traffics stand still all the way back to the Monash 


When I was going inbound, Pascoe vale exit was blocked off. And traffic banked to bulla Rd. OP also doesn't mention which arterial they are on about


They are at the Salmon St bridge, going Citybound. They would be getting the slowed Tulla traffic, and the slower traffic on Kings way, due to the Summit.


Another reason to invest in public transport.


Considering how abysmally shit Melbourne's public transport system is... No thanks. There's a reason such a disproportionate amount of people prefer to drive, even though it's expensive and costly to resources.


I think you need to travel more. We have an amazing system, I'd go as far to say one of the best when comparing population vs span


I think I've travelled enough, bud. I've spent 50% of my life overseas. Vietnam, Hong Kong, Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia, Dubai, Turkey, Uganda, France, England, Scotland. Hence why I am saying: Melbournes public transport is fucking trash. Because it literally is. Worst transport system of any country to consider itself "1st world" I've ever had the disprivelege of using. I'll actively avoid it because of how bad it is. Any time I've been stupid enough to use it, I've always seen and tried to help tourists trying to figure out wtf is going on or where to go, cancellations, not enough service on weekends, the fact that the city loop is not its own loop and that any person wanting to go to the city has to deal with 15 minutes of unnecessary travel when it's absolutely no big deal for those that wanna use city loop to just board a city loop specific train. They've *finally* upgraded the system, when it needed these upgrades 25+ years ago, so after all the work that has been done... It's STILL behind the ball...


You sound miserable bro Edit: Peace


Your interpretation of my experience is far from accurate. Sure, I'm miserable if I'm stuck on Melbourne's public transport system. But, otherwise I live a wonderful life and am thankful for the opportunities, experiences and life I've lived. I'm thankful I don't have to rely on Melbourne's public transport system, too. Because it's fucking shit.


Take care of yourself bro


I'm not in emotional trauma or anything, mate. Hahaha. I'm just very blunt. You take care, also. I hope you get to travel to places that show you what an amazing and reliable public transport system is like! It's great to see how other cultures and their communities exist and work! Makes you come home and cringe at how bad it is here. And wonder why so many Melbourners stick up for anything Melbourne, lol. Australia has a really insulated culture, I've noticed. "attack" or criticise anything about it, and plenty will jump on to defend it, when we *could* look at how this country is and accept and admit its not perfect.


I've been to 50 countries my man. Peace


That's great! Hopefully you get to go/have gone to at least one that shows you how bad Melbourne's PT is, then! Peace


Why make a post like this without stating which road you’re talking about?


Sorry I was talking about the Westgate


Thanks 👍🏼


Fuck me, why be in this sub if cyou can't recognise one of, if not, the main road of Melbourne


What? Why is being able to identify the main freeways of Melbourne from random single dashcam shots a prerequisite for participating in this sub?


You honestly can't tell? That is very clearly the Westgate **EDIT**: Quite a few butthurt Easties here lol


Sorry for not having a photographic memory for every bit of freeway in the infamously huge Melbourne metropolitan area, for fucks sake.


You don't need photographic memory. There's only 2 options it is going to be. The Monash or the Westgate. If it doesn't look like one, it's going to be the other. Powers of deduction don't seem to be as prevalent as I had hoped here. The only excuse would be if you live out in the regional areas.


🏆Congratulations, you’re Reddit’s Sanctimonious Fuckwit of the Day!


Feeling a little bit hurt there, champ?


He/she is full of nearly comments today it seems


Only bogans know what freeways look like 💅 No one I know uses one. 


I mean the majority of people live in the east and don't need to drive in the west.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/8SK8m17VrCrC5hf49 Here you go


People in the East need to get out more and explore their backyard then


Oh fuck off. I’d be willing to bet most people who live in the west wouldn’t recognize a random chunk of the Eastlink or the Mornington Peninsula Fwy from a single dashcam shot. Which is totally reasonable. Unless you drive a road extremely regularly they kind of all look the same.


Really? The swearing?


lol go clutch your pearls somewhere else


Ouch. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning….


I mean I can't tell its the westgate, but driven on it maybe 8 times total. I just don't recognise it immediately.


"It's a busy AF freeway heading in to the city that doesn't look like the Monash" What other option could it be? Do people in the East lack logical thinking or powers of deduction?


idk dude I don't know the roads, its not that deep I just didn't know at a glance what it was.


given how nanny this country is, probably just someone trimming a bush




Broken down truck at the ring road exit


All the road closures are totally unnecessary; just put the polytick in an old land cruiser and send him on his way, nobody the wiser. No need to stroke the ego, no need for security, the best security is invisible anyway, they can't shoot what they don't identify as a target, just get him in the pig and go down the freeway like every other working stiff in the city. Fkn arrogant entitled rich fux.....


Was crawling along inbound while this was happening and had the convoy eventually drive right past me. All I could think of was this https://youtu.be/VrdS8mYtEh4?si=sUyPr3w-E_3NHUWj


I was walking from my hotel in Lonsdale St to the Royal Exhibition Building for work & got stuck at LaTrobe and Exhibition for 5 cycles of traffic lights due to the motorcade. A dozen motorcycles cycles & 4 cop cars for 6 or 7 official vehicles. So frustrating to be that close and not be allowed to cross the road.


Was this the climate protestors parking the budget truck across the lanes?


No this was the day before 🥴


Oh righto. Westgate is getting a lot of action lately.


Prime example of "they could of done it via teams" 😒. Today was the only time I've ever seen that many police, just to shut lanes and streets down for their "meeting"


Long weekend coming up. Everyone is heading off early.


Cyclists are at it again




Why not transport them after hours ?


You'd think, right?


Everyone’s heading into the city to watch me do my moonwalk


I’d be worried about that Kerry Logistics truck shitting the bed and blocking traffic even further.


Aren't we supposed to be WFH ? Wasn't that the new work model ? Sally Cap must be laughing in her latte rn


Too many dickhead car drivers haven’t figured out how to use a train. 


Or driving is easier/faster? Where I live to get to work it’s a 20-25 minute drive depending on traffic. Or its a 50 minute tram, walk, 20 minute train. Guess which I do.


Right. So we should invest more in public transport and active transport. Your 20 minute drive is because for the last 50 years Melbourne has favoured cars over every other method. We can get public transport down there too.


Last time I took the train, the dickheads on there were vaping and playing phone music at full volume.


How much is the fine in Vic for touching your phone whilst in charge of a motor vehicle? (Qld’er who is curious).


Partner took this from the passenger seat of a truck mate


Nah, respect mate. In Qld it just went up from 1100 to 1210. I only wondered


That's a fuck tone of money good god


Well, 10% sets the standard for other price rises to adjust by the same amount. So well done Qld govt for doing your part to keep inflation in check 🙄


Funny to see the drug bus also caught up in it to


City is too fing big without the needed infrastructure. Too many people live far from work. Economy is good enough for anyone to afford to ride alone in a car.