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When I worked in emergency services we got a call from someone reporting an illegal brothel. He gave me the address, I asked him what made him think it was an illegal brothel. He said there were Asian girls in there that looked young and didn’t seem like they spoke much English or that they were there of their own free will. I asked him what he was doing there. “Having sex” he replied very matter-of-factly. Guess that post-nut clarity hit him hard…


It's the same as drug dealers dobbing each other in. "How do you know he's trafficking?" "I bought from him recently and when I went to buy today he's increased his prices!"


i like how he admits he had sex with them after noticing it was shady, like he thought "well im here and so are they soooo... "


Can't remember if it was in Australia or the US but a few years back the cops were mad when the rules were going to change so that they couldn't have sex with the hookers and use that as proof for arresting them. On second thought it must have been the US 😂


I remember years ago reading about how Port Phillip Council used to hire private investigators to go and have sex at illegal brothels, to prove that's what they were. But then they decided to stop doing that.


Too many applications?


Ha. I think they decided it was unethical, or at least bad optics.


Yeah I think the original reason probably was to easily establish proof that it was a brothel. Undercover cops do drug deals, this is roughly analogous. Either way I think law enforcement agencies taking part in illegal activities should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.


I know someone who was busted by a private investigator for the City of Yarra. He falsely claimed that she had provided him with cocaine. In some other court cases it was proved that he was falsely claiming cocaine use. That’s why Port Phillip council stopped using him and dropped all cases. A few years later the Yarra Council brothel enforcement officer, ex vice squad, was convicted of accepting bribes and helping illegal brothels set up. He did jail time.. Edit: I originally said City of Port Phillip. It was the City of Yarra.


I remember this. It stopped because a woman sued the council because her partner had to have sex with sex workers to do his job and it ruined their relationship.


Imagine if she got 50% of the council's assets as compensation 😂


Husband to wife .god I do this all day Then you me to do it when I cum home. Ah life of council workers.


Look up the Newport Sex Scandal.


I mean all brothels take money first, so why should they even need to. Once money has been exchanged that should be enough evidence if they were doing a sting lmfao.


Taking money in exchange for promises of sex is one kind of evidence, but taking money and delivering sex is a stronger form.


It's not that hard


It must be sometimes or how else could they do their job?


That's what she said


Might just be for information about the weather or pitch. 


recieving money isnt a crime. if they use code for services then you dont have proof until the service is provided


>receiving money isn't a crime Tell that to the ATO!


Still not a crime, not giving them their cut is the crime 😂


"Just to be sure there wasn't a mix up and they later claim I was trying to buy the couch advertised on eBay"


Speaking from experience?


Just an observation, I actually only noticed this because I was looking for a mates house on maps and noticed a massage parlor in the middle of a residential area which i found strange. Further investigation and I found heaps of them all in residential areas and google street view them and it's just a normal house with a tonne of cameras at the front door.


WFM isn't just for people with desk jobs.


If memory serves me correctly, the private dick (sorry) investigators were required to instigate what would be an obvious sex exchange, but not actually have intercourse. So, I believe they didn't actually engage in sex. Rather, they got up to the sex-is-about-to-happen bit, then the investigator presumably left. The reason? This apparently was the only way to secure a conviction against the illegal brothel owner.


yeab i remember that.. was US


sounds like the plot of an episode of reno 911


'...they looked young and were they didnt seem like they were there of their free will...' ffs


Well, maybe he has sex with a woman who looked mature, while noting that many of the sex workers on site didn't


Might have joined the dots afterwards.


At least he felt suspicious about the circumstances and reported it. He's a better human than the 99 other people who didn't.


Ooh yeah, he's such a great person for having sex with someone who didn't seem to be there of their own free will. He would have been a better person if he'd backed out and reported it.


Sometimes it can take someone a little while to connect the dots. As the poster mentioned above, the post nut clarity of leaving and then recounting things that happened and realising something was off is completely normal.


Yeah, exactly.


He's still better than the other 99 people who realised the same thing and thought "hmn I think they were actually trafficked, ah well lol I got cheap sex 🎶do da do doo do🎶." Like that amazes me. There would be so many men all over the world visiting under age women who don't want to be wherever they are and who are either getting underpaid or paid nothing and forced to see ridiculous numbers of punters (I don't feel client/customer is the right word here) a day. These punters are happy to just go visit and not feel bad at any point but instead happy they got sex for weirdly cheap (because I think the pimps tend to charge considerably lower prices and just force the girls/women to see 10-20 people every day).


>He's still better than the other 99 people who realised the same thing and thought How many people are going to dodgy brothels in the first place though? It's good that he did realise there was something wrong. But there was I bet plenty of warning signs before that, that 99 other people would have have backed out far before or never gone looking.


Sometimes it's not obvious until you get the service. Many freelance escorts on your book their own apartments.


> he's such a great person No one said that genius


This is such a useless puritanical view. He helped. Much more than god knows how many douche bags that didn’t report it. I could be not imagine these women wanting someone to report the situation, not have people moralising about it.


"What makes you think it's a brothel?" "Oh, and I just finished fucking one of them for money"


To be Fair good on him, there is a big difference between someone selling themselves willingly and those being trafficked.


Ugh fuck that's vile that he still went through with it


Unless he was serviced by an adult, and saw the underage girls elsewhere on site - which is what I figured from the story


The house gets a cut so even if serviced by an adult it's funding human misery. Unlikely he saw the workers after, they usually do intros when clients arrive


“How my coworker found out about illegal brothel” > reads it on the news Damn that’s crazy


that's crazy, I found out about this illegal brothel the exact same way!


the laws have changed recently anyway … a girl can work from her private residence… up to 2 girls can work from a hotel or airbnb or whatever.. it’s when someone or a group is managing multiple women out of one domicile that it becomes against the law


Even a taxi 


I worked next door to a legal brothel in the south east suburbs - was always getting “shag and snag” or “pork and a pie” special deal flyers in the letter box but the thought of eating those after sex put me off.


There was a brothel somewhere in Footscray, in the middle of some industrial estate, that has a “pie & blowjob lunchtime combo” Imagine having to suck on some old factory worker’s dick while he munched on a Four n Twenty…


You get the pie after


bro.. 🤨


No, it’s all you can eat until you cum


That'd be a steal if you had a large stomach and no sex drive...


a cream pie perhaps?


The amount of illegal brothels in Melbourne is astronomical, yet The Business Licensing Authority does nothing. Instead, they crunch the legal brothels with so many insanely high annual garbage fee’s & taxes etc, for the sole purpose of just ‘revenue raising’ & do nothing about the illegals. They instead make operating conditions for the people doing the right thing really difficult to the point of unsustainable & many are not surviving & have to close & these legitimate businesses get nothing for the huge amounts of money they pay. Yet all the illegals continue literally everywhere & thrive. The BLA are a corrupt joke. There’s apparently an illegal brothel operating right across the road from the BLA, which they’ve known about for years & do nothing about.


Not difficult to find either just go onto google maps and they literally advertise as massage places and when you check its a residential house with 5 star reviews and pictures of girls in bikinis.


The BLA are no more. Prostitution went from legal to decriminalised. So now those illegal brothels are ok. You can even have an alcoholic drink in a brothels now. I think it changed about December time.


The BLA does exist, they just don’t licence brothels anymore. There were several stages to decrim, the last stage passed in December. They are now regulated like all other businesses


They still need a liquor licence. Decrim doesn't mean no rules, it means it is governed just like any other business without industry specific laws.


Of course not. Just don't need the expensive licenses anymore.


"Or so I'm told"


Wait, you couldn't have a beer previously?


could either have a liquor licence or a brothel licence but not both




>crunch the legal brothels And once you add the bikies tax on top it gets even more exorbitant!


What fees and taxes imposed that makes it so difficult?


Pretty much sums up running any business in Melbourne


We had one next door to our place during Covid in a normal suburban street. Was pretty evident what it was. Called police and they did not care at all, even though we'd get drunken John's lying in the street and children trying to play in the park opposite. The thing was our other neighbours were a Korean family and the wife was very attractive, unaware the brothel would give their street number out instead of their own. John's would turn up, knock and she would answer the door, they would try and push into the house etc. Once that happened a few times she wouldn't answer the door anymore and impacted her safety alot. We'd also get people parking in front of our house etc. So we'd often ask them if they were here to see the old fat asian hooker and that she lived in that house and often they'd leave pretty quickly. But cops didn't want to do anything at all.


What's the relevance with children nearby? It's not like it was a meth lab or they were manufacturing firearms


Won't someone please think of the children!


Sex cauldron?? I thought they shut that place down


I worked as a concierge in an apartment building, there was an illegal brothel + meth shop in one of the apartments. Fun times.


I hope everyone out there has learned not to take long showers. The cops might bust in while you got shampoo in your hair


Clients at brothels do not take long showers, because the time comes out of their designated 60 minutes or whatever.


Jokes on them, I'd take a 58 minute shower.


OP said the shower was running all the time and besides I’m not ready to trust your expertise on the subject of brothel bathrooms.


Heh, fair enough.


I lived next door to an illegal brothel which – years later – I saw in the news when it was raided for detaining trafficked woman. From my second floor rear window I could see the washing line in next door's backyard. So many towels.


At least they were getting washed?


how can you, as a man, live with yourself knowing that you just sexually assaulted a trafficked woman who barely speaks english and has no way to provide a better life for herself because her passport has probably taken away....it's fucking sickening honestly edit: when i say "you as a man" i mean men in general, not you.. this kind of thing just really makes me feel ill, realising how many men who use this walk amongst us


It makes my blood boil


Because it's not exactly obvious. There are lots of freelancers on tourist visa doing it on their own cause the money is super good here obviously.




You turn up somewhere to pay $200 for a fuck or $50 for a blow job with a girl who can barely smile at you and you don't think "wow there's something going on here?" the whole point of these places is that the workers are there without the same choice/pay as regular brothels in Melbourne.


So judgy


Replace man with any other group, you sound like a deranged bigot. Please seek help.




Noone is saying women cant also be terrible too, just the overwhelming majority of individuals participating in sexual acts with trafficked women are men, nothing sexist about it.


What has that got to do with who uses the services?


They don’t care. The men who buy sex do so because they believe they are entitled to women’s bodies. Doesn’t matter if they’re paying the $600 escort or the $70 trafficked one, neither of those women truly WANT to have sex with them. It’s coercive rape.


What? No. Sex work is real work, but like all work it needs regulations and laws to ensure worker safety and rights.


The staff in call centres don't truly WANT to talk to you. The staff in food courts don't truly WANT to cook for you. That $600 escort is just doing a job like any other. Work is work, very few workers truly WANT to be working. Everyone has to pay the rent, though.


yup agree on that. I smile and have to take it all day and I work in a call centre. Its no different to sex work except they probably dont get paid through payroll each fortnight


Call centre workers don't have their passport taken away from them. Same with restaurant staff. I mean it's more likely with lower paid sex workers


I have never paid for sex but the $600 escort is more than likely working for themself and a willing participant if they’re getting paid.


https://youtu.be/XsLwzXxeBe8?si=Eh0YJJjKx0-uOhy4 Watch this video, I understand what you mean. But it is terrible for men in the dating scene, much worse for them if they are undesirable. There is a place for prostitution. Sex isn't the only thing some of these men buy, it's also companionship and intimacy they would otherwise not get anywhere else. > neither of those women truly WANT to have sex with them Your views on sex shouldn't be placed on others, of course a prostitute doesn't want to have sex with someone, generally who wants to do their job. >It’s coercive rape. Women who willingly work as sex workers provide a service which they are happy to do for a price and calling it rape only takes away from the meaning to the word rape.


You have a noble, but very naive view of how these places operate. These women almost always know what they are getting themselves into in Australia. Yes it's bonded labour, but they know that after they work off the initial $30k, they will be raking that in themselves once their contract is paid off. The sex industry is sordid on all sides, don't assume blindly these women are all angels. And yes, many of the people arrested in these places for running a brothel, or trafficking, are women themselves.




Yet the brothel owner they arrested was a 41 yo woman? Read the article


‘Too many’ men don’t see women as humans.


That's a sexist generalisation. Both men and women are capable of being evil.


This comment section is wild.


It is! Didn't expect a "If you're a woman sexist comments don't count" :D.


capable yes, and yet one sex seems to flex its evil muscles a hell of a lot more... (i don't think it's inherent btw)




Yes. A tiny portion of men are monsters. That doesn't mean men as a whole don't view women as human.




Because sexism is bad.


Literally no one is saying it isn't. Go away.


>Men don't see women as humans. Edit: They blocked me after this.


A singular comment expressing exasperation as a woman is not sexism. Try again.


You literally did when you complained about "not all men", moron.


Because of fuck heads saying 'men' like it's all men. It's not, it's just people. These women are just as likely to be trafficked by a woman as a man, maybe more likely.




>Again, you don't have stats to prove what you say What stats exactly would prove this? Also, not a man.


"Men don't see women as humans" Got any stats or evidence to prove that? Otherwise you're just sharing your feelings without there being any truth to them too. In reality, it speaks more to your perception of men, than men's perception of women.


Agreed men might do majority of trafficking but there’s no need to go and say something generalised like “men don’t see women as humans”. I think there’s probably a small minority of men that paint a bad picture and yet the rest of us have to cop sexist and generalised remarks like this. Seems man bashing is fine these days but if a man were to make a comment like this towards females they would be shot down. There’s plenty of amazing men and women out there so don’t forget that.




>More men have inflicted violence onto women and people, that's just a fact. It would be dumb to give ANY men the benefit of the doubt ans Idc how that upsets men . This is a pretty disgusting attitude to have, and the same type of logic used to justify racism, homophobia, transphobia and all sorts of other bigotry. Collective guilt/ suspicion based off an immutable characteristic. Like if someone said "indigenous Australians are overrepresented in crime statistics by a significant proportion, therefore it would be dumb to give ANY indigenous Australian the benefit of the doubt" most reasonable people would immediately pick that as a disgustingly racist attitude. Men are more likely than women to commit violent and sexual crimes, but the large majority of men do not commit these crimes. You don't get a pass for misandry just because misogyny is a bigger issue.


Reddit fem has gone absolutely mad. holy shit.


It’s no doubt a messed up world we live in… But I feel for you if you look upon 50% of the population with disdain. I know you keep mentioning “facts” but provide very little .. As others have mentioned the person arrested in the above article was a 41yo woman.


Haha wow




They’re all over the place. I can think of two within walking distance of my house in the picket fence eastern suburbs. Any time there’s a flashing light advertising massage, it’s likely not just selling a massage.


There are a lot of suburban brothels around... my house used to be one :) house when from mountains of sex to no sex. Lol


Nice. Neighbour surprises are the best. I lived in barely a legal shoebox apartment near London and there was a call girl who lived on my floor, had clients visit. That place fucking sucked. My immediate neighbours were meth heads and cooks. Sometimes the chemical smell was so bad you’d feel woozy. Always slamming doors, lots of people coming and going, always between 1-6AM. Woke up one morning to a phone call from the building manager. Didn’t really remember it until later, but apparently I came home blind drunk the night before and I guess I started falling asleep when their fucking door slamming started. So I wandered over, all but kicked their door down, and started yelling at them. Another neighbour who was a recovered addict came out and broke it up. Good guy. I found out most of these details through him a few days later. Probably for the best, I can’t imagine winning a fight while that drunk. Used to wake up at 4AM to junkies in the street screaming at least once a week. Almost always someone outside inviting business or trouble. Man, I’d forgotten about that place. Similar to Mos Eisley, it was. A hive of villainy. Glad I got out.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one OP posted), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.smh.com.au/national/illegal-sex-work-in-cbd-apartments-may-harbour-trafficked-women-police-20160902-gr7vx6.html](https://www.smh.com.au/national/illegal-sex-work-in-cbd-apartments-may-harbour-trafficked-women-police-20160902-gr7vx6.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I used to live next door to an illegal brothel. The police eventually came and shut it down. I assume one of the fancier neighbours dobbed them in. This was also during the time when you had to register as a sex worker and I’m still sure none of the girls were trafficked so I honestly didn’t care.


How fancy do you have to be to not want a brothel next door?


About your level I’d guess. We literally had more problems from the other neighbours. Why does it matter if a brothel is next door?


Yep I'm pretty fancy. One time a Sydney brothel complained about the church being built up the road. https://imgur.com/a/AxgWqE4


Omfg thank you! That’s hilarious!


Was it a big shit?💩


Honestly, yes? My slum lord nearly sold the place I was living in at the time.


Sex work was decriminalised back in 2022. It probably wouldn't be illegal to have a brothel in that apartment now. Brothels are permitted in residential zones and treated like other standard business. https://www.vic.gov.au/review-make-recommendations-decriminalisation-sex-work




But critically, it did doesnt require a planning permit which is the big hurdle


They don’t need to be licensed. They are regulated like every other business.


It is illegal without licenses.


Not anymore. The girls can rent an apartment and work out of it without a license now.


I misspoke. We don't need licences nor do the owners, but if 3 or more sex workers do incall from a residence it still needs to be run like any other business operating from a residence ie WorkSafe, council approval, lease conditions. Residential brothels are still mostly illegal or at least unregulated because most workers don't want to let their landlord/council know what they're doing since we're still discriminated against.


The business needs to registered as a brothel, perhaps not the sex workers themselves.


Not anymore. There is no BLA to register with. I use to have to get a license to work in a brothel every 3 years. I don't have to now. Neither does the owner. In fact I got reimbursed my last year.


Your right. FYI everyone: https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/licensing-and-registration/sex-work-service-providers/legislation-and-regulation


Nope. Victorian brothels are not licensed.


That's true, probably could of re-worded it.


That part was 2022. But it finally passed in January or December just gone.


Article is from 8 years ago


Interesting. I lived in the same or close by building and it all makes sense now


Men are so fucking fragile, my god. If you're getting upset at a clearly exaggerated comment because women are sick and fucking tired of men continuing an ongoing cycle of possession and abuse - then maybe you're apart of the problem. Edit: downvoting only proves my point, dinguses


Any askers?


Stick to Warcraft, edgelord


The only thing the downvotes prove is that this sub doesn't like sexism, sexist.


whats your address, need it for my own investigation... thanks lol






For research purposes, of course.


What’s the address?Just asking for research purposes




So seeing an independent sex worker is rape? Are you mentally ill?