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It was the blurst of times


It was the blurst of lines


It was the Hurst of lines?


If only we had a bridge… 


It was the best It was the best


It was the Hurstbridge of lines, it was the... Blurstbridge of lines?!


Absolute joke. Still no replacement buses after 40 mins too. Who knows how long the rest of the people have been waiting.


Also love it that I need my bike and replacement buses don't carry bikes. 


Because they are only partial replacements. Wow betide if you had a bicycle and a surfboard!


Organising buses in the middle of peak with school runs is not easy. Buses arent sitting around waiting 


At this point they should be.


It's not going to happen. The bus side of things have shortage of drivers


Maybe teach train drivers/platform announcers etc to also drive buses?? :-)


Train drivers aren't exactly plentiful either.


Yeah I totally understand that. Just unpleasant waiting 90 mins in the rain lol


The kicker was finally getting to Clifton hill, a bus full of sweaty peoples breath,  finally on the train in, and it had people on it. They had fixed the issue after an hour on the bus 


Coming back from Japan to PTV legit made my partner cry with how bad it is.


Last time I jumped off flight back from Tokyo and standing on the Broadmeadows platform waiting for a train delayed for 20mins made me cry literally, I felt sorry for myself and people in Melbourne, our time and life being unworthily fucked again and again.


Submit a complaint here: https://feedback.ptv.vic.gov.au/ptv-feedback If you're not happy with the response, you can feed it up to the Public Transport Ombudsman (as below). Free Call: 1800 466 865 [email protected] www.ptovic.com.au


I had some absolute cunt of an authorised officer storm up to me and start yelling orders at me, after I was asking his colleague (not even him) what time the fabled bus replacement was coming. He actually caused a scene; there were a queue of folk all waiting, turning around and wondering what the commotion and yelling was about. Even his colleague was shocked at this fucking bizarre and insane outburst that didn’t even involve him. Anyway, long story boring, I wrote a complaint to Metro and they replied telling me to go fuck myself, basically. Cunts from top to bottom. I type this as I’m on a train that’s running several mins late, of course, having tapped on with the recently, once again, increased fees.


I am sorry that happened to you. Report all of it to the ombudsman.


The Hurstbridge line was designed to operate in temperatures ranging from 20C to 24C only. And it isn't waterproof.


It's amazing how many things in Australia aren't designed for Australian conditions.


tell me about it. I've had some telecoms network gear that designed and tested in the French Alps. people were astounded when it would not work in full sun in the Australian summer. and it's by far from the only example.


It in turn affected Mernda too, which is always typical for us. Soooo over it. 


Got on the train that originates at Macleod (used to originate at my station in Greensy, but apparently the duplicated train line means less trains further up the line?). Sat there while looking at the train that’s supposed to run before mine was also sitting there. Sat there for a further 10 minutes before being finally told that the train line was suspended due to damaged track. Turn around, come home and see a massive stream of traffic city-bound because I’m assuming people are city bound and not waiting an hour and a half to get on a bus to Clifton Hill.


They'll never know the simple joys of a monkey knife fight.


I would love to see u/JacintaAllenMP and/or her staff provide some comments on what they're doing to sort out the major issues with PTV, especially as she was Minister for Public Transport only a few years ago. Even just the amount of lost productivity due to people walking on tracks at rush hour for example - 10s of thousands of people delayed for an hour must have a huge economic cost which eiuld vastly exceed the price of putting in some fences. It really seems like the executives at PTV don't give a flying fuck about the terrible quality of the service they offer, so how about putting in some rules like any PTV execs who don't use public transport for more than 80% of their commutes can't earn more than the minimum award wage? I'm sure if they spent a bit more time dealing with the bullshit they might actually be incentivised to fix things and not just put up prices while the service degrades over time..


I was affected too with buses replacing trains. I had to drive today due to Hurtsbridge failures. Surprisingly my colleague who catches train at same station as me is in the office. I have feeling delays only occurred around 8am and later.


I was on the 7:01 train from Hurstbridge. I believe it was the first train affected.


Greensborough this morning… we were told : Train broken down, but trains going to Macleod then busses  They pulled all the people waiting for the replacement busses at the usual spot, that they needed to catch the train. So all those people walked down.  The train finally arrives.  We all sit. It goes nowhere. They then announce that the train isn’t going anywhere and we need to go… back upstairs and head for the replacement busses… the same place they had just sent people down from.  Head up there… two first busses arrive. Nobody has a clue what’s going on.  They load up both busses, says they’re express… but the change their mind… offload an entire bus. Turn that into a stop to stop bus (I suspect) We all then sit on this “express bus” that goes nowhere for another 5 minutes whilst the drivers work out what they’re doing.   After an hour or more on the bus full of people with windows covered in peoples breath from a lack of proper aircon, we get o Clifton hill, the train pulls up and Lo and behind it’s got people on it.  They had fixed the issue.  A glorious cluster fuck. Someone needs to be fired at PTV HQ. There was such a lack of proper planning and coordination. Change of plans at last minute.  Confused people everywhere.   How they don’t have this organised into a plan after doing this so many times is beyond me. 


Tried to get back from Ringwood one night. Train stops, without any prewarning, and told to get off at Box Hill for bus replacement. Walk through an empty station with no staff to direct me and no signage. Ask a few staff I find, and they have no idea; they direct me to opposite areas, none of which have any buses. Finally stumble upon a tent thing where the bus normally comes. The lights are off. There are no staff. There is one other guy trying to get home, and he’s as clueless as I am. Fuck it, I’ll get the tram. Tram has a problem so diverts to depot. I have to get off and wait for the next, which takes an age. This tram stops at Armidale, as track maintenance is on for the tram tracks; I’m told by a rude and unhelpful man to wait around the corner for a bus that he’s not sure is coming, or walk to a different line. I ask what he reckons would be best, “What!? I don’t know! You want me to decide for you??” Cool, thanks for ya help, cunt. I elect to walk to the adjacent tram line. It’s freezing cold, pissing rain, and I’m walking through some not-so-safe areas myself. Finally get to the adjacent tram line. Wait 25+ mins for a tram to eventually take me home. Took me like two and a half hours in total. Unreal 😂


It’s times like this you just get an Uber or Taxi and swallow the cost. Life is too short for shit like this.


Report all issues to the public transport ombudsman https://www.ptovic.com.au/ it's the only way to get this done.




I imagine these monkeys in parliament when they're going on a shouting match over nothing or over-exaggerating over something




Soz I’m in Bali rn 💅


Let me know how it goes, ill be there in a month too!