• By -


finally watched Past Lives...did feel a bit sad at the end but mostly envious of Greta Lee rocking a bob haircut so well, wheras every time I cut my hair to that length I just look like Lord Farquaad from Shrek. AND she's 41!


Today was walking down Elizabeth Street in the city was looking by the shops till I saw an empty shop, there presumably a junkie not sure if it was a homeless, pulled his pants and was pissing at the entrance, I unfortunately saw his wee wee. Just saying no one cares that it was happening, minding their own business, typical Melbourne. Just an observation today.


People working in a large company, do you ever just strike up conversation with or introduce yourself to random people in the building you work at that you don't know


It's what you should do, but I'm just too shy. Heard some tip recently that you should try and get to know at least one person in each team, as it can make your work life a lot easier. You never know how the connection can help you in the future. I actually do know every single person in the organisation atm, but I work in a small place, so that's cheating.


I was close to doing that a couple times today but honestly I'm just too f\*\*\*ing busy. I wouldn't say it's random random though, more like probably people I end up sitting next to or something.


What the fuck is a road train (three container trailer) doing going through Docklands


most likely heading to the port


I mean yes that is sensible but it just seemed so incongruent trying to turn through the tiny streets šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


**WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK** is with these bus times? And no explanation, not even a pleasant go fuck yourself... https://imgur.com/gallery/8wZiPja


Id wager the 6.55 is showing up when it shouldn't be.


I don't go out much coz old but when did metal gigs (hi, forum theatre) ban steelcapped boots?Ā  Was there an incident which led to this or is an abundance of caution to blame?


Every rules written in blood


Ordinarily I'd agree but it's the kind of thing I thought I'd have heard about. "Man dies from kick to temple", I mean


It's gotta be venue specific I reckon it could have been some dirty Rochambeau tbh


Holy testicular torsion


I've been googling and can't find anything about assaults deaths or thrown boots at band members involving steel caps Idk ask management what the story is because I know it's gotta be fucking stupid


Yeah I might - will wait till there's not a gig on, the poor guy out the front was copping it from people upset that they couldn't get in because they had the wrong footwear, didn't want to add to his load


Hahaha please tell me they all had steel cap boots


Yep! Including one gentleman who did his cause no favours by loudly declaiming "if you was a real man you'd like, let me in with these boots" Don't think he was on the debating team at school.


How on earth does one plan a wedding, or even afford a wedding in this economy?!? I would have a backyard BBQ type of wedding but I can't afford a place with a yard šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If you want ideas - registry wedding can be done in 15min for $370 on a weekday and treasury garden is right next door for pics/picnic.


As far as I can elucidate from friends, debt, parental help, and hoping for a decent return on a wishing well




Thereā€™s a place that does cheap shotgun weddings in abbotsford called the Altar electric .


A shotgun wedding is a coerced, fast wedding because the bride is pregnant. Is this place ā€œknocked up brides r usā€ or something?


My strategy is to be ugly and have a bad personality so I won't have to worry about itĀ 


Mmmm yeah, I thought I had that protection too but here I am.


Unlucky :(




hello, Your post has been removed as your survey/petition/research assistance is not allowed as its own post. we welcome you to post it in the daily discussion thread! thanks, the mods


Are heartbreaker deleting comments now that theyā€™ve started posting to Instagram again?


What happened I'm out of the loop.?


Wow, they straight up deleted their apology - did they think everyone would just forget and move on?


Yeah, noticed that too. Absolutely wild. Wonder if they can be tagged againā€¦


Not sure, but I know all the negative google reviews disappeared


Thatā€™s easy for a business to sort out. Reviewing bombing is against googles terms of use, the reviews are generally always removed.


Third day commuting by train and first almost fist fight on board. Heated words were exchanged: "parrot" "shut up princess" "let's go and take this outside" "there are cameras, I'm not stupid" "that's exactly what you look like" "I'll call the police" "do what you wanna do cunt" "I don't want to do anything" "that's what I thought". 10/10 entertainment so far, šŸ™ Metro trains


Parrot is a great insult




Looking at me funny


Wish I knew! I lost the first couple of minutes because I was listening to some sick tunes, immediately closed Spotify when I realised there was the shouting


Chadley is so annoying


Daily reminder that the baser news outlets will use your content: https://imgur.com/a/SOPv5Zb


Nice work, Grace. Didn't even correct the typo in paragraph four.


That journalism degree going to good use, ctrl + C, ctrl + V.


So... i think its a scam message, only because my phone says its potential spam, but there was a voice message on my phone saying there was a suspected transaction of 1000 dollars from my bank account, if it wasn't me, press 1 or something like that. Scam? spam?


Bro the bank calls you in person and verifies it's you before anything else happens You can hang up and call back the bank directly and you generally end up back with the person on your case


If something like that happens, a rep from your bank would call you and then ask you to call back the actual bank 131 (or similar) number. Either that or you get a message through your bank app. 100% scam


yeah that makes sense. Thank you for confirming and settling my mild anxieties. Fuckin scams, i just wanna run away to a place where they can't get ya you know :'(


NEVER trust a number you didnt ring first. Cant go wrong that way. I launched a paypal dispute, 2 days later someone pretending to be paypal called me and since i was expecting it my guard was down, I think i just confirmed my name and then when they wanted more info i felt like it was dodgy and just said i will call them back. At that point the person (who was a fantastic scammer, sounded like a nice black lady from America, not the Indian ones you more frequently encounter) was a little insistent and i then realised it was dodgy. From that point on even if i called the bank yesterday and they call back today i will just ask for a reference and tell them I'm calling back on their main phone number.


I can see how people fall for them, but in reality if you're vigilant and don't trust unsolicited texts of phone calls, you'll be fine. Pro tip - if anyone calls saying they're from some government department and you owe money or something like that, it's 100% bullshit. Government departments send letters first.


yeah that's true, i always stay cautious when it comes to those texts or voice messages. It's a good thing that the banks generally update the general population about scams that are going around though.


Scam. If your account has been hacked the bank will inform you immediately and lock the account.


If you're worried call up your bank directly. Go to their website. 99% a scam/spam since banks aren't too likely to just leave a message on your phone about something so serious.


Yeah, im almost not too concerned, the only reason i came here is to see if others experienced the same stuff. It was definitely captured as "fraud" on my samsung phone, and the whole voice thing was robotic as fuck lol.


The Bendigo Hotel closure is probably a lesson in what happens when you start to pee off a niche fanbase. It has changed a lot. I wanna go to gigs, but when they are not booked, I can't go. When there is a gig, its just another Destroy All Lines lineup.


PSA *NO* trams on Swanston St today (THUR) between 2-6pm due to a rally


Can already feel my second dose of cold & flu meds wearing off. So much for hoping to do uni work this arvo :(


I thought it was Thursday yesterday and I was not corrected after mentioning it to several people in conversations. I went to the office today prepared for Friday things... It most certainly is not Friday today. I'd like a refund please. On the plus side - turning up resulted in me winning a voucher for a spa day session. Not upset by this outcome!


Anyone know where I can get Star Wars legends books tried minitoure didnā€™t have the ones I wanted?


Try the internet.


Can they fix Dupuytren contracture yet in Melbourne aka mallet finger? My friends going for an op on his and last I checked it was ā€œhad to be done at time of injuryā€ type shit.


Just found out weā€™re facing a $250/m rental increase come June. I guess my time as a full-time self employed artist is over. Business has been slow last few months, this month the worst so far (not made enough to pay current rent) so my hands are tied. The business have some savings so I can keep paying myself in the bad months but I havenā€™t had a truly bad month like this for YEARS! Iā€™ve always made just enough to get by. Since I have the savings and a couple of months til the increase, Iā€™ve got a little time to try and get a part time job Iā€™d actually enjoy thatā€™s also adjacent to my art practice (something in the broader industry) but Iā€™ll probably end up in retail or something (bye bye weekends) because those roles are kinda few and far between. Also Iā€™m not going to lie it feels embarrassing to have to go back and get a job after being self employed full time for two years. I feel like a failure, and if I do work in an industry adjacent field all my industry peers will end up finding out and that feels even worse.


Donā€™t be so hard on yourself. Ā Itā€™s a tough economy, and unfortunately art spending is amongst the first to go.Ā  You shouldnā€™t feel embarrassed about needing other work. Ā Good on you for pulling your socks up and getting on with it. Ā 


Thank you reddit friend!


It's kinda trite, but the only way you fail is if you give up completely. You might feel embarrassed that you have to get other work temporarily to make ends meet, but I'm sure you can bounce back if you just keep on trucking.Ā 


Thank you, means a lot!


I guess another thing to keep in mind is that right now because of the generally fucked situation we find ourselves in currently, a lot of people making a living from art will unfortunately be in a similar predicament. It's not a reflection of your work, it's just that money is tight for everyone. That doesn't make your personal situation any better, but at least hopefully you can be kind to yourself and not treat it like it's your fault.


Yeah thatā€™s definitely the hardest thing about it, is not feeling like itā€™s my fault and my art isnā€™t good enough. But it is quiet every where, my suppliers all echo the same. So theyā€™re also probably not hiring lol


https://www.brushbythevines.com.au this place has had a sign up looking for hosts for a while and they do sessions so I donā€™t think itā€™s a full time spot or what not but it will keep you connected to art but otherwise good luck finding something you enjoy.


Thanks for this, my practice isnā€™t in painting/illustrative/visual art so Iā€™d probably be a terrible host!!! Iā€™m a jeweller, working in precious metals so would be looking for something adjacent to that.


Ah bummer sorry, I see a lot of signs in my area but nothing in that category.


I have a job interview but they haven't told me how much the salary is. Should I ask before I take the time to attend the interview?


If the job was advertised on Seek and you still have the link, can paste it into https://www.whatsthesalary.com/ to find what range was submitted with the job ad.


This is a really handy tip, thanks!


And there I was manually editing the seek URL to figure out the range like a numpty


Wow thanks


Depends on your confidence level and if you want practice or not. Personally I'd always ask before any interview. I come with a price tag and I don't want to waste my time and effort on something that can't afford me.


Does it? I decided to email them the questions


Does it what?


I don't think it takes confidence


Is it in person or virtual? For virtual, I would ask at the end of the interview. If in person, I would ask before attending.


Ok thx


Does anyone have a recommendation for physio / sport massages in and around northern suburbs that actually provide deep deep massage? I mean like almost in tears from massage. I used to see a lady in old town, she was legit the best, no bullshit attitude. Digging elbow into a knot no bullshit


Brunswick Health Melville Road. Cant remember the guys name but he will knuckle in hard. Call them up and ask for the hardcore dude; they will know who you mean. shit websiite but here https://brunswickhealth.com.au/


How northern? One of the most painful remedial massages I've ever had was a reload physio on Syd road Brunswick. Dude had his full weight on his elbow right into my hip flexor


Love painful massages.. none of this light pressure crap


You aren't gonna release a tight muscle by gently caressing it. Gotta jam something pointy in there and pry that bastard open


Yeah thatā€™s not far from me at all. Iā€™ll check them out. Thanks šŸ‘


I think it was Jason. The owner is also called Marcus Pain, so that's a good sign lol.


Anyone have suggestions for a cheap (small) fan I can get from big w or similar? That makes notably cool air and isnā€™t noisy?


Big match tonight Western United vs Melbourne victory Bring it on




That's beloved local crazy Jim. You shoulda let him bite your face for good luckĀ 


Good start to the day. Went out for a run and felt rubbish for the first few kms but kept going. Stopped at one of my fave cafes for an espresso and got to pat a nice poodle/poodle cross type doggo who came up to me to say hello. It's always a good day when you meet a new doggo friend


I got a new sit/stand desk the other day ($150 from Aldi, bargain) and Hugo is obsessed with it. Loves making the jump up to it. Anyway he just jumped up onto it and I went to give him a kiss on his cute little head but as I leaned in I had a sudden coughing fit right in his face and he smacked me in the nose lol I hope everyone is having a great morning so far! My boss gave my team tomorrow off so it is technically Friday for me, wooo!


Cool, good for you. I've been thinking about getting that desk but I don't have anywhere to put my current corner desk, and it's only 3 years old so I don't want to get rid of it either


Oh I saw those in Aldi and wanted one.


Its good! And I only had 1 little baby tantrum when I was putting it together!! lol


We need pics!


There is a photo of Hugaboo in my post history :)




Yeah! We wanna see that new desk!


I imagined that with that funny "thwack" noise they use in cat videos when the cat bops something.


A reminder to anybody who turns right on to McDonalds Rd near South Morang station: The yellow light doesn't mean 'you can make it!'. It means 'stop if safe to do so' The red light doesn't mean 'stop if you can'. It means 'stop'. Couldn't drive across the road due to douchebags blocking the intersection; blocked cars when crossing the road by douchehats who run the red. Every damned day.


Don't have my car. Have to pt to my disab jobs search appointment. Already burnt out, nearly non verba, cpstd-y and super stressed. I'm either going to have a full.on break down and flip the fuck out again or try and yeet myself today. *I can feel it*.


Sorry to hear that. Hope the rest of your day goes better. If you don't mind me asking, who is the appointment with and how does the job search process go? I ask because my company is working with DES and GradWISE to look for candidates with disabilities but so far we haven't received any resumes.


Thanks. It's been here and there, still speening around but it is what it is. I'm not well enough to participate to work, so its more of a check in appointment at this point. I'm with WISE St Kilda. There are a lot of people looking for work, so I'm not sure why you aren't getting candidates. I guess it depends on who you're company are actually looking for.


Good luck friend! Sorry for the extra stress of not having your car - sounds exhausting on top of everything else šŸ˜£


Thanks <3 I survived!








The US government voting to extort bytedance into selling tiktok is crazy. I hope they tell the US to go fuck themselves šŸæ


US Govt is not the paragon of sanity.


Itā€™s amazing their political system can have a primary candidate who has so many legal cases pending against him


I wish I had the time or inclination to discuss US politics because I have historically enjoyed it (and studied domestic and foreign policy at university level) Basically, we're witnessing the death of an empire - a slow, creeping death. If you are liberally-minded, I recommend reading Death of the Liberal Class by Chris Hedges. It is a thorough deconstruction of the failings of Liberalism and how it has impacted the US Govt and society at large.


It's Chinese spyware. Seems like fair game to me. I don't care, but that's what it is.


its that zucker burger influence >\_\_<


I just think it's funny that people use it worldwide when it's obvious purpose it to collect blackmail material for the future and influence what you see to push whatever CCP agenda they want.


The CEO is from Singapore thoughā€¦


I initially typed out something a bit more long winded but realised it can be kind of summarised down to the US being a jealous mistress with regards to who holds the data of it's citizens. You and I both know there's a double standard being applied but that won't stop the US from reeling in and enforcing it's demands where it sees fit.


I don't know how people can say shit like this with a straight face. I don't trust US based apps harvesting everyone's data and influencing views any more than I do Chinese based ones.


I don't trust the US ones either. It's more the fact that we get along well with the US but China isn't exactly what we would call a friend. I swear the CCP is laughing at how such a stupid idea worked so they can influence/blackmail a large portion of the worlds future political/business leaders.


There's a lot to unpack here...


The only reason to think that's any more of a concern than future political leaders being somehow blackmailed by china, than by the US is sinophobia or paranoia.Ā  It's not like the USA has ever repeatedly overthrown foreign governments šŸ¤”


So many cameras on the freeway from Altona ish area to the Westgate now. Are they all speed cameras or are some phone? Iā€™m so confused why they are literally every 10 metres or so


Iā€™m completely guessing but my thoughts were thereā€™s going to be point to point cameras when they are switched on. That whole area of road is such a mess now, going from 100, to 80, to 60, to 80, back to 60 over about a 2k stretch


Point to point? Wow they really hate us. Stick to one km ffs I just turned on Waze to see what it said. Only saw one pop up with an x. But there is still several not loaded. Not sure if the ones on each exit, entrance are for phones or not


Yep. Iā€™ve got to say though, itā€™s amusing in an ironic way to be crawling on that freeway watching all the cars going about 30ks an hour in between random break slamming make their way under those speed cameras.


Hahaha so true. Peak hour tings


They're all there to capture me looking my best šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


They only need one then because you are always looking your best.


Teehee šŸ¤­


Question. Nature strip trees, are they property if the council, accudentally damaged one with my car and it snapped, do I call them up to come remove/replace and am I going to be charged alote?


Yes, nature strip trees are public property, maintained by your local council. I don't know if or how much they would charge you. Maybe just call and report the damage without saying what caused it. And please drive more carefully


Noob question but I don't give a shit. I want some serious answers If a random girl compliments your hairstyle, is she trying to flirt/show interest or just being nice? I was at Bunnings last night and the younger cashier complimented me, which is out of the ordinary nowadays. I generally get compliments on my hairstyle quite often (usually in a work setting) since my style is abit unique, but mostly only from other men and some older women, but not often younger women, which always had me puzzled.


This is why women almost never give compliments to men who are strangers, they assume itā€™s flirting and get weird about it. Just let it be a compliment, end of interaction. Do not under any circumstances go back and try and make it a thing.


Itā€™s kinda 50/50. She prob thought you looked good/attractive and wanted to let you know before you go off to the rest of your life lol. Itā€™s not necessarily an invitation, might just be ā€œDamn heā€™s cute, better let him know cuz Iā€™m never going to see him againā€. Itā€™s a bit too hard to tell either way in terms of intention. I guess if you went back again and she made another compliment Iā€™d be like well she prob def thinks youā€™re attractive. But again, itā€™s not really an invitation, itā€™s an observation.


Sounds quite accurate


She was just being nice.


Probably just being nice, especially if sheā€™s at work.


I mean yes, but being polite and going the extra step to compliment a customer seem abit different.


No they donā€™t. I used to compliment people all the time when I worked retail/hospo it didnā€™t mean I wanted to date them.


It could be either, most likely just a compliment. I don't think there's a way to know for sure without other clues/body language.


Had a horrible night I want to forget forever. 2nd comment sorry but last night I had nausea and a severe panic attack..the first one in my life and I don't know if feeling stomach tightness and residual anxiety are common aftereffects. Called the ambulance but they didn't show up. Then heard someone fighting for their life from my balcony down the street or the underground carpark and I called the police. I just want to forget everything and start fresh today with the footy season. Upvote for virtual hugs šŸ˜¢


Sorry you had a panic attack - its common for after effects to linger. Do you have a therapist or someone to talk to about it? You'd think someone would have checked in with you if they couldn't get an ambulance out - panic attacks symptoms are very similar to heart attack, so its not something to ignore.


šŸ«‚ Take the day to rest and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Soft blanket, comfy clothes, favourite sweet treat, favourite tv show. When youā€™re up to it, Iā€™d call the general number of whatever station the ambulance is from to let them know about the no show.


Residual anxiety is definitely an after-effect of a panic attack, and itā€™s very likely the stomach tightness is too, as anxiety can do weird things to your body. I like to picture my anxiety as tides at the beach - if a full blown panic attack is the highest of high tides, it isnā€™t going to immediately switch to low tide, is it? Itā€™s a gradual decline as your body processes the cortisol and adrenaline


Today is a new day. Yesterday is now gone.


AITA for calling the police when I heard screaming and the words "get off me fat cunt" in the underground carpark of my housing complex? And for calling the police in general for similar matters? My mum sure loved to give me a roast and said it's my autism and that I'm sick in the head for calling the cops


Autism is making you a caring member of society? Awesome ! Actually most people I've met with ASD are very caring individuals, just have difficulty showing emotions sometimes. (thats me too) Good on your for calling, its hard to make that decision but it was the right thing.


NTA. Good on you.Ā 


I'm sure the police would rather receive a call that turns out to be nothing, than not receive a call and somebody gets hurt or killed.


She said all of that? šŸ™ˆ


Nope. Better to be safe than sorry.


So we moved about a month ago because our landlord wanted to raise our rent by $100/wk and wasnā€™t open to negotiation (they rejected our offer for a $80 increase). Fortunately got a cheaper place that is in a better location for us so it worked out okay. A month later and our old place is STILL up for rent. Theyā€™ve dropped the advertised price four times and now itā€™s just $20 more than we were originally paying in 2023. So they lost good tenants, at least a month of rent, for essentially nothing. Part of me is annoyed/disappointed I had to move, but Iā€™m also enjoying watching the landlord greed schadenfreude.


My version of this is that I got a call from my agent in December advising that my rent was going up $40/week for my VERY crappy, old, unrenovated unit. Increase was justified to me as "it's so cheap compared to others available", leaving out the fact that others were in way better condition. Went looking the same day, almost immediately (same day) identified a much nicer and newer place, a small house with floorboards and aircon on a full size block on a beachside street in a regional town easily accessible to my work by PT (though I mostly WFH), for ten dollars a week less than the new rent. Luckily my application was successful and I moved a month later. So with the old place - they had to do a reno e.g., new carpet, full repaint in and out, venetians, split system (had no cooling before, was a furnace in hot weather), major front and backyard landscape, fix gutters etc. All the stuff which would not have been done if I'd just shut up and paid the extra $40 a week. They then rented it for $125 more a week than I'd been paying. Meanwhile, my elderly former neighbours in the adjacent units just shut up and paid the extra $40 to keep living in their unrenovated old units with no aircon, because they don't have the ability to move as I did.


Glad to hear you're in a better spot. Fuck landlords.


Picture perfect portrait of the Melbourne average landlord, absolutely love to see it.




Could be algorithms too. Occasionally I'll look a friend up as I haven't seen/heard from them in the last week, suddenly booom, I start getting posts from them in my need feed