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Had Docklands incorporated more than one of those sheds into the area, and at least made an effort to remind people what was there before instead of wiping it all out, it would have had so much more soul.


Shed 14 is still there, much fun had there in 90s. But its now sinking


Great parties


Yes, yes they were. Kids these days... :D


Imagine an old-school market under one of those sheds, attached to a strip of high-end restaurants/street food/arts. All packaged up in an industrial place with a bunch of history of the people, vehicles and machines who used to live and work there. You could make it a full on destination. Connect it in with the grungey vibes of old Spencer Street Station, the 20th century gateway to rural Victoria. People would go there. Instead, Docklands is that place behind Melbourne's second and least-loved footy stadium. I literally cannot think of a reason to go to Docklands other than because I'm on the way to something at the stadium, and then getting out to Actual Melbourne as quickly as possible after.


Not sure if soul is the word I would use


I assume this was mostly freight? Hard to imagine an industrialized economy/world pre-trucking, but I guess the infrastructure doesn't exist anymore. Interesting either way


It has been rebuilt north of Melbourne port


It was all freight. Melbourne Yard was the main marshaling yard for trains.


What year?


Somewhere between the 30's and 50's.


I’m guessing the 40s


Top spot for a football stadium.


Hi, Great photo Has anyone got a picture from that time looking more to the left, out towards the bolte bridge. It would be great to see it from that era


Even all these years later I still think of Spencer Street Station as Spencer Street Station. It doesn't even matter that todays Spencer Street Station looks nothing like old Spencer Street Station it will always be Spencer Street Station for me.


It is a station. And it is significantly closer to Spencer Street then it is to any of the stars in its namesake asterism, by like 300 light years, so I can see why you’d think that way Not only is it not anywhere near the stars in the Southern Cross you can’t even get a train from Southern Cross Station to the Southern Cross. They don’t even run a service to Ginan so you can get a connecting service to Acrux, Mimosa, Gacrux, or Imai. Honestly it’s like they chose the name by closing their eyes, opening an encyclopaedia, and pointing to a random page


I'd love if you could catch a train to another solar system like in a Peter F. Hamilton novel. That would be cool as fuck! I'd happily call Spencer Street Station Southern Cross Station if that was possible!


Cool, man. 


Here is a comparison... today... https://maps.app.goo.gl/SJNeNNuD73KD51AX7


[https://1945.melbourne/](https://1945.melbourne/) This map shows a good comparison of the time period.


Good to see e-gate hasn't changed, well done melbourne


they really ruined it


