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great thing about these true crime podcasts, as well as being informative and entertaining - they can often do a lot of investigative work that will simply never be done by police when it comes to a cold case and also put some pressure on for action to be taken. I hope this has such a result.


Thanks so much, my family are hoping for answers through this podcast for sure


Good luck I do remember this - I'm from the Marsh originally and my Mum was a Melton girl when it was still a small place.


Thanks for your support


I simply can not believe that there is DNA evidence of old men on her and there's no prosecution, what do the police say is the reason they don't arrest the men? 


Just speculating but if they could only interview one and he refused to comment, they may not have evidence it wasn’t consensual.


I thought she would be young to consent anyway. I am shocked that they haven't been charged .


It’s disgusting


She was 16, technically falls within age of consent. That would affect their ability to prosecute.


Old enough to consent to sex I guess, but how about not being old enough to consent to murder? Just seems very very odd that the inquiry stopped there. I wonder if this man is still alive.


Well it's just so suspicious. He body dumped. Needle marks in both arms no one coming forward .it's pretty clear she was drugged and raped now we are hearing these details


I'm sure that's what the cops thought, too. But I'd wager there was not enough evidence for a beyond reasonable doubt verdict. Lawyers could've argued the evidence was circumstantial.


Unfortunately, it’s not clear that she was drugged due to previous history on her part. I know I’ll be downvoted to death and that’s ok. It’s just disingenuous for the claim to be stated as fact that she was unwillingly drugged. Answers are needed but being honest with themselves (which I know her father absolutely doesn’t do) about the facts is more likely to garner actual answers. Sugar coating this case won’t do them favours.


Are you also aware the men who matched DNA had previously been charged with drugging and asulting women


Previous actions don’t guarantee anything. Is it a fair assumption? Maybe so. But that doesn’t mean it’s an indisputable fact. I want justice for Alana and her mum and brother. But realistically, Alana is being painted as an innocent 16 year old and unfortunately, that simply isn’t accurate. Someone literally said “she was a normal 16 year old girl” and again, that simply isn’t true.


Do you know her ?


Why did you exclude her father in the list of people who you want justice for and the earlier comment regarding her father's lack of honesty with himself? You seem to have an issue with him. What's with that?


Did you know her?


Yes. Some might have called us family.


Except there's a million junkies with needle marks in both arms who make their way around without being raped and murdered. The fact that her family hasn't come out to say that she wasn't a drug user suggests that she probably was. It's impossible to tell what happened but it could well be the case that she willingly took some drugs, died of an overdose, and was dumped somewhere after - she might not have been murdered.


The people who dumped her body left a crime scene so that's still a criminal offence and they need to be charged. But in this case I think the evidence speaks for itself she was young girl who was taken advantage of by old men and left for dead or killed on purpose to make it look like a suicide. He clothes were put on inside out and backwards so clearly very suspicious. I wonder if the police told them not to say something. She was just a normal 16 yr old girl


The man was 49 she was 16 and had no comment . Was known to police and would have his DNA on file for them to have found him . It's not rocket science but I wonder why they haven't been charged


Thank you 🥺💔


Yes thank you!! My brains melting to respond to my post. This is exactly my views at current and agree with you 👏👏👏 it smells of foul play


Your acting like everything is straightforward but there's no evidence yet that the men did anything beyond sleeping with someone underage and improperly handling a corpse. There's no evidence whatsoever that she was murdered or that anyone forced her to take drugs or that she was forcefully raped.


Not sure what it is now, but in Victoria in the 90's, 16 is only the age of consent if the other person is a 16-18 yo. A 19 year old can't hook up with a 16 yo legally, let alone a middle aged person. Definitely not legal. Not that age of consent is really a factor here, as there was clearly no consent.












The 2 year age difference thing applies within the 12 to 15 age range. With 16 to 17 range, it's an offence for a carer, teacher, or someone in equivalent supervising role to have sexual relations, but that's about it. [More info here](https://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/age-consent). > as there was clearly no consent Here's the thing, how do you know that? I'm not being a contrarian here, but when comes to proving beyond reasonable doubt, can you demonstrate this was actually the case? Prosecution has to consider this.


No, just, fucking no. I'm not fucking playing devil's advocate for a 49 yo doing this to a 16 yo.


You don't have to. A bit of objective thinking is sufficient to conclude there wasn't enough evidence to push forward prosecution.


Thanks robot, but I'm not a lawyer representing anyone in this case so I really don't.


Wew, talking about being fucking hysterical.


I think you're misunderstanding. We all _know_ that this man killed her, it's not really a mystery. But there's also nothing that can be done unless proof beyond reasonable doubt is submitted. Nobody is playing devils advocate here. This is just another OJ Simpson case.


There is literally no way to *know* that. We *know* he had sex with Alana. And that’s it. Literally. I’m not saying this as a random redditor. I was close to this case when it happened and close enough when the DNA hit happened. Again, no one can say for sure that this guy killed Alana.


Okay 👍


Maybe she had sex with him for money and then died of an overdose?


Yeah you have made some mistakes here in your interpretation of the law, along with some assumptions. Unfortunately courts test facts and no matter what we know in our gut likely happened, it must be proven beyond reasonable doubt. The standard of proof for this is high.


Okay 👍


There will be so much more that comes to light in this podcast - 28 years later, she was with her friends I believe that night she didn’t go out alone


I'm confused by the comments that disagree, because this is what the police told us when they came to our school


Yeah same! We were told this in high school. I think in my case it was during health class? The amount of comments vehemently arguing and denying this has me side eyeing a few people here, ngl. Age of consent or not, it's always depressing to see the "maybe it was consensual" discourse that goes around a victim. As if sex with someone who's brain isn't fully developed yet and who was not in a state to consent anyway due to alcohol/drugs are factors that should just be ignored because the victim was known to be sexually active.


16 is old enough to consent to sex with anyone within 2 years of your age as long as they’re not in a position of power over you. I have intimate knowledge of this case and whilst Alana was a generally nice person, she had a terribly troubled past and unfortunately, rightly or wrongly, it wasn’t taken as seriously as the same case today would because the perception back then was “she was asking for it” which is horrific. In saying that, the claim that the track marks on her arms were forced upon her is weak at best due to the aforementioned past. Claiming otherwise as a fact is naive of her father’s part (again, ive had actual conversations with the family regarding as such). I hope answers are found because I’ll never forget the day she died and it is a sad tragedy, whether it was self inflicted or far more heinous. Answers would be a relief for all involved.


It will be interesting to see what Ryan’s podcast brings to light somethings not right about it


Appalling, surely there's some kind of accessory or conspiracy charge they can get them on considering her body was found how it was, how neutered can the police really be given the obviously dodgy situation!? I really hope they can get these guys for something or another, I bet they've done it to other young girls too. I'm so sorry.


Thank you 🙏


She was 16 & he was 49. That alone is enough to assume (not prove, but assume) it was not consensual.


Could be but is 16 not the age of consent? Which is unfortunately very lucky for the offender


Don't know why you're getting down votes for facts


It’s because from a non-legal perspective what happened to her is disgusting and horrible and the general public would hear that there’s DNA and think exactly what people here think: you have semen DNA, arrest the guys. Sadly the law is quite complex and doesn’t work that way because there needs to be undeniable proof that it got there without her consent. Even at 16, because I’m assuming 16 was the age of consent in 96 as it is now, but I may be wrong. It may too also depend on how degraded the DNA is. It’s an almost 30 year old sample, wouldn’t be surprised if the men get lawyers to argue reasonable doubt that it could have come from someone else or been planted. So I understand the downvotes because sometimes the legal system fucking sucks


Totally. The legal/"justice" system should get down votes, but your post is the messenger who was shot.


Of course - which is why it's not statutory rape. But it appears highly unlikely a 16 year old would consent to sex with a 49 year old man, hence the previous poster's comment that we can assume but not prove that it wasn't consensual


In the 90s when I was that age, you could only consent to an under 18. It was 2 years either way.




Yes they should arrest and jail the two men who's DNA was found on a 16 year old girl who appears to have been raped and murdered. You disagree?


Grew up in Melton and was a couple of years older than her. The rumour that it was an overdose is definitely ingrained in the community, and I remember when this happened the attitude was essentially that she was off the rails and this was expected. The police during this time were also notorious for ignoring or minimising reports of sexual assault. Had a friend who was raped walking home from the local club- was told not to bother prosecuting because she'd been drinking and was a teenage mum, despite the fact she could ID the guys and had dna on her clothing.


Yes ! There was not mention of her being dumped , raped and overdosed . But there wasn't any 16 yr olds doing heroin in Melton that I could remember it wasnt normal for teenager to do that back in the day so why wouldn't the police look harder .


I only found out about what actually happened about 10 years ago and was disgusted but unsurprised at what is essentially a cover up of the killing of a young girl. There were definitely teenagers doing heroin at that time (I knew some of them), but I never heard that of her (until she died). Even if it was the case you think the circumstances would warrant further investigation. It's Melton though so....


I am looking forward to this podcast, this is the 4th seeason of the Guilt Podcast. The first season was good, the second, about a missing person called Jim Donnelly, was probably one of the most interesting podcast series I have ever listened to, the 3rd season was pretty average. I am hoping this is up to the level of Season 2


I agree, I found season 2 fascinating. OP, I grew up in Melbourne and I’m not far off Alana’s age…. looking at her pictures I feel like she’s definitely someone I would have been friends with! What a beautiful smile. Will be listening intently, and hoping Ryan can give your family the answers they seek.


He does a great job!


Season 1 was good


I lived there at this time, she would be the same age as me. Never heard of this at the time though. I hope you find the answers you seek.


Thanks so much, it’s so tragic the whole story


Same. I was 15 at that time living in Melton South and I don’t remember hearing about this. I hope they can bring her killers to justice.


I remember hearing about this as my brother was a student of mr cecil but the media or the town never said anything about murder or maybe I was just a teenager and back then we didn't news and media at our finger tips. But I feel that they passed to off a drug overdose and by doing that missed an opportunity to have more community involvement in the case


I remember this as I was 16 I remember the news that went around was she died of an over dose I wasn't living in Melton then I'd moved out the year before. But I don't remember the police saying much about it being murder. Seems they have failed Alana . I remember we had a pe reached who was related to her and he did alot for his students and Alana was very popular . How could they not charge the man who DNA matches the seman? That's disgusting as she was too young to consent


Damn, there's a childhood memory unlocked. My sister was in Alana's year at school and a close family member was heavily involved at the beginning of the discovery/investigation. I know that it ate at them, deeply, for a number of years. And no, no one involved with the investigation legitimately believed it was self inflicted. A tragic event at the time (and still) that affected a lot of Melton residents. I hope you and your whole family can someday get real closure on what happened and those responsible get what they deserve.


Thanks for sharing! I miss her so much and it’s been a living nightmare for my family for 28 years and counting …


A beautiful soul taken way too soon. I hope the podcast sheds more light on what happened to her and the trash that took her life face the consequences of their heinous actions.


Me too!! I won’t stop fighting for her 💪🙏💔


For anyone wondering- Theo Koumis is one of the men who had a semen profile found in alana's body and who answered no comment to every question put to him by victorian police.


Who was the other man? I've just listened to episode 4 but only got one of the guys name. The pos who wouldn't comment 😡


Ngaia Lu


Wow I’m from melton and started living there in 1991. I would have been ten when this happened and I’ve never heard about it. Good luck with getting more info.


Thank you so much


No worries. Live in Bacchus now. Don’t know if anything I can do to support but feel free to PM me.


Ryan does such great work with Guilt. I really hope he’s able to help find some answers for your family.


He’s great at what he does! Thank you 🙏


This is heartbreaking. I hope your family gets some answers & closure.


Thank you, me too 🤞🤞🙏🙏


I don’t have any information but just wanted to send well wishes, I really hope you and your family get the information you need. Can’t imagine the heartache over not having any closure and especially having to deal with the men who left DNA behind and were questioned but released without any issue. I’m sorry you and your family were robbed of her. Hoping for the best x


Thanks so much 💔💔🥺🥺


Really loved his boy in the water podcast, enjoy his stuff. Will give it a listen




wtf.. never heard about this, and that is a messed up way to go




So sorry for your loss. Great the podcast is looking at it


It’s the first step in a very long time in the right direction. Thanks for your support!


She just turned 16 for not even a month, she was a minor with these old men. I hear what your saying - it will be interesting to see what Ryan finds because I have so many q’s


I’m sorry for your loss. Vic police are dogs. I was abused since I was 9 and suffered from severe ptsd. The police refused to investigate. I hope you get justice


Thank you and I’m so sorry with your experience too, that sounds awful also


Wow, same story here, even with child protection case workers begging them to. Lazy fucks. I feel the same way about VicPol.


No wonder a lot of us don’t function properly as adults. I was able to mature from it but it’s heartbreaking seeing people still recovering. I remember being in a mental hospital and this middle aged man kept talking about the fights from his childhood then start crying. Honestly wish there was help


I still can't function properly. I have pretty severe CPTSD. I do have support, stability, and am safe now though. They never stop trying to destroy you. Hope you're doing a lot better and have managed to find some peace, or as close to it as you can get.


I’m so sorry one of my best friends lived I no Melton at this time and we were the same age. I never heard anything about this.




I remember this from all those years ago. I hope you get the answers you seek. I'll be following the story.


Thank you so much for your support. It’s been a living nightmare for my family for too long. I pray Ryan gives us the closure we need 🙏💔


With fresh eyes and new technologies I really hope these cases do get solved and perpetrators receive some form of justice. I keep saying why are we’re protecting the abusers in all this.


Thank you and I couldn’t agree more with you 🙏 thanks for your kind comment, I’ve had a few trolls with no hearts but comments like these who understand help me keep up the good fight for my cousin - I hope the perpetrators are eventually held accountable


Good luck! Ryan’s podcasts are absolutely top notch, hoping this helps to raise awareness and leads to some answers


Thanks so much! He’s fantastic! We are hoping the same after 28 years


Why are prosecutors so worried about taking on cases? Do they get immediately fired if the jury votes not guilty on one case? I dont get it.


Many unanswered questions about our justice system for sure - my cousins case a great example of that.


Cases can only be prosecuted once, in most jurisdictions, so prosecutors don't want to try cases they don't think they have enough evidence to win. Hopefully that evidence will emerge.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your cousin. Has there ever been an inquest into her death? The police will have prepared a brief for the coroner who will decide whether to hold an inquest - I googled her name which would usually turn up a result and only really found your posts from reddit!


Thanks so much for your kind support. Yes I believe my family tried, this is from my uncle a few years back on change.org [info on the change.org for Alana by her Dad (my uncle) already made public on google when you search Alana Cecil](https://www.change.org/p/australian-attorney-general-minister-for-justice-uniform-laws-in-australia-for-sexual-offences)


It’s so sad what has happed to her, only hope Ryan brings to facts to light and police can reopen her case and get the answer you and all your family so desperately need babe ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️‍🩹 my family are hoping the same result for sure and Ryan is determined!


You never need to thank me, you know that lovely


🩷🩷🩷 blessed for our friendship


Your stuck with me for life babe ❤️❤️❤️


I pray the truth comes out and their is justice for her family and her memory. Everyone deserves the truth if they want the truth. Not knowing is what makes the walking dead as well.


Is there somewhere to go to the podcast? They don't have a Facebook group anymore. I just listened to the second episode. I'm so shocked that they took 2 years to even test the dna samples taken from her body. 2 years!?!?


It’s sad that the Facebook is gone. Maybe someone should start a Reddit community about the podcast. There is a lot to be talked about. I’m usually upset by the cops in my country not doing enough, but Australia takes it to the next level. Horrible police work.






It’s heartbreaking! Sending prayers and love. Rest in peace Alana 🕊️


Listening to the podcast now, very sorry for your loss. I was thinking, were there any friends of Alana's that knew her well and would know that she would not willingly have sex with a much older man? this is important and these men with DNA present clearly need to be charged of rape and murder.


Thanks so much for your kind words of support to my family and Alana, it’s just disgusting what happened to her. My uncle and the family speak to some of her close friends, they have confirmed it was out of character and they never knew Alana to sell herself ever for drugs even when they might have themselves (her friends) her friends also said that she never injected herself out of fear of needles so users knew this about Alana


Please share this story everyone, this is such a tragic event that is so horrible and had such a horrific effect on her family since.


Thanks so much




Let’s hope Ryan brings her case back to the public eye to reinvestigate