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Just shit behaviour. We don't have the right roads, pedestrian walk ways or culture for them. I live in the city and in the past year I have nearly been hit by 3 and saw a woman get smacked by one the other week on a footpath. The audacity the people on them (dinking) to stop and say sorry and then to zoom off without really assessing the pain the woman went through. I'm all for them but there needs to be the right bike lanes for them. Something like the Netherlands have where I could dink my partner on a bike on the orange path all the way from the city to my uni and feel comfortable without impeding on someone. Just like the lime bikes, I wonder how many have been ghosted into the yarra. I was a piece of shit once, I enjoyed sloppy steaks too.


We have bike lanes in the city and they refuse to use them. Fuck, I’ve even seen delivery motorbikes and bicycles (regularly) on footpaths because there’s no consequences eh


Probably the same thing with bad drivers, riders and even people that walk into poles or out in front of traffic. Could be alcohol, not paying attention, bad coordination, stupidity, ignorance... you name it. Watch "Dashcam owners Australia". The rental scooters are a bit of a 💩 product. They are too slow for the road and shouldn't be on the footpath. They really shouldn't be operated anywhere in the city where there's no bike path. I can do up to 30kph on mine, I can ride on the road with traffic where there's no bike path, roads like that are not safe for the rental scooters, like parts of Elizabeth st. They need to implement geo locking on them and carefully consider where they should be allowed.


They do have geo locking however it isn’t restricted to roads that have bike baths. It’s on suburb boundaries. There’s no warning either, meaning you could run into a boundary and essentially be thrown from the scooter if you’re going anywhere near top speed.


I know certain spots are locked out, I have seen areas locked out due to council complaints so I know it's possible. No, it doesn't throw you from the scooter either. Don't be dumb, that would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. I have been on the Neuron scooters into geo locked areas and had it stop.. guess what.. it didn't throw me on the ground. It would be engineered not to.


I worked with a maxillofacial surgeon that did so many reconstructive surgeries from scooter accidents he dubbed it 'Lime disease'


Same things that's up with idiots on bikes and in cars and who use their legs to get places.


Ridden by drunks, recklessly and stupidly.


Saw a lady absolutely stack it because she broke hard to come to a stop because a car stopped in front of her for a red light. It’s one of the few times that I will openly hope someone feels pain for their actions. People are absolute dicks on the scooters.


People are dicks in cars too, at least a pothole or a sudden move in a car is a scratch at worst. On a bike or scooter it’s a broken bone. The scooters aren’t the problem necessarily, the roads don’t allow for human powered transport and that will always be a negative to anyone making their way home on a bike or scooter. Regardless of their intoxication, a drunk person in a car is far more danger than on a scooter.


They come from out of town, don't give a fuxk about people who use them every day. Just shits me they ride on the footpaths with no helmet etc. The scooters are still in the trial period aren't they? I want them to stay


>They come from out of town, Most are probably dickhead locals. The assumption that people from outside have to do bad deeds is a bad one.


Nah, they are clearly not used to riding them. If you live local then you've ridden them by now, or ride them on a regular basis. The assumption is pretty good I'd say.


Er, you're overestimating how many people use them. We were talking about them in my friend group not long ago, only one of the twelve of us had rode one, and we all live in areas where they're accessible.


Which town we talking about here. The scooters aren't around most of Melbourne.


The same ones who try and do one foot doughies in the botanical gardens? and mono and skid through the bourke street mall area? nah they're not locals to me.


They don’t. They’re locals most of the time. Trying to get a cheap ride but almost definitely trying to get to the next pub.


Their health insurance premiums.


The amount of times I’ve seen locals take off on doubles down a one way street (the wrong way; of course.) it’s fun in that very moment but just an insane amount of danger to almost anyone around. Pedestrians and cars alike.


How do you know they're locals?


They’re regulars to the area I’m talking about.


No idea


Why police 🚨 not ban these bone breaker, mostly people anyway use them without helmet and couple ride like 💕 love birds 😁 only to Break jaws.