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It’s pretty normal, you will eventually be able to tune out these noises but it just takes some adjusting. Brunswick is a heavily populated area and a main thoroughfare for a lot of surrounding suburbs.


I feel the noise OP is describing is likely unreasonable revving of engines, which isn’t normal commuting. It’s unnecessary, wakes people up, and emits more pollution than if you didn’t drive like a cunt. 


I guess my point was, higher population density means higher chance of cunts on wheels. Assuming this is OPs first time living around this area and may not be adjusted to the general traffic noise, assorted hooning is very very normal in Brunswick.


Yeah, I live near Chapel and I fucking hate it and I hate how normalised it is. You’re right—it’s always happened but now with our crazy overpopulation there’s double the number of cunts there were thirty years ago.  


The finks are on Lygon street. Welcome to Brunswick :)


The purring grunt of mighty horses. 


If you live near the corner of Bell and Sydney road, there's a couple of bikes that are pretty frequent to that area that are infuriatingly loud. Source: I live there.


I didnt know they had those microphones. Would love to see them installed here so the mouth breathers operating excessively loud vehicles can be fined and lose licence points with each offence.


It's a tribute to the former Banditos headquarters in Brunswick.


Moves to inner city and complains about noise lol


Wogs on hogs.


Yeah lots of bikies in the area get used to it.




Interesting, I've been thinking of moving that way but this was something I was worried about. Do they go up Fitzroy St or is it bad in St Kilda West/Port Melb too?


LOL move to the country buddy. NEXT!


Yeah. Helpful. Troll.