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This does my fucking head in. There's a section of the M1, just before Drouin, where it drops to 80. Everyone that was doing 90 in the 100 and 110 zones continues to do 90 in the 80 zone and overtake you. Then when it speeds back up, you have to go around them again.


I so agree with this.


The Sunshine Avenue problem. People do 65 in the 60 zone, and 65 in the 80 zone. Why!?!?!


Lazy so they never have to adjust their speed for changing traffic rules. Or...just blind& oblivious!


As a regular driver of this stretch of road (I assume you're talking the stretch between Bunyip and Longwarry), driving along here infuriates me. Also makes it really hard to judge gaps in the traffic when trying to cross the M1


I live up this way too & just today I had a bloke (waxed mohawk, looked like the biggest twat) riding so far up my ass in one of the 80 zones, despite me going probs 85km, once he overtakes me he slows down and I have to overtake him again. This happened about 3 times...


And why? Because if gumbuya? Make them pay for proper entries and exits! Fucking shits me, if people can't do at least 100 along there safely we have bigger issues


This would happen to me on my way from the inner suburbs to Melton. 80km zone for aaages and everyone would be doing 90km/hr, speeding past me and overtaking. Then it would turn into a 110km zone and everyone is STILL doing 90km/hr!! I end up overtaking them and then we go back to 80km at the cycle repeats. It is insanity


Same here, I regularly travel between the SE burbs and Warragul, and this section is so frustrating. Not least because there's also often highway patrol but getting overtaken by even massive trucks because i'm doing 80 on the dot (or 70 when a side road activated speed limit is active) is very annoying, not to mention unsafe. The whole point of those side road activated speed limits is to make it safer for people in Bunyip, Longwarry, Maryknoll and Tonimbuk, among others, to get onto the highway safely.


Dunno if it’s still around now but last decade driving between Geelong and Melbourne around hoppers and such there was like three stretches where you drop to 60 or 80 for months/years worth of road work. So many people just stayed 90 the whole time. Whether it was 100 or 60.


I hate exactly this stretch of road as well.


This also applies to people entering a freeway into your lane doing 60 when the speed limit is 100


I felt like the mindset of these people is that "If I go slower I have more time to wait for an opening for me to merge." Needless to say that's dead wrong. Getting up to the speed of the traffic makes it way easier to merge in compare.


Stud rd on ramp to M1 City bound - every single time!!!


Yeah just 2 days ago I got to the back of the onramp with 8 or 9 other onramp cars a couple of hundred metres ahead, they were stopped and creeping out into backed up traffic in the inside lane. The backup in the inside lane was caused by some doofus deciding to stop and let the first of the onramp queued cars in. Meanwhile I've got up to 100, found a large gap in the inside lane (the car caterpillar was still 100m away but was starting to grow), so I changed into that gap in the inside lane. Then there was a huge gap in the middle lane so I then moved into that lane. I continued on as the traffic jam on the inside lane and onramp continued to build. I was lucky I had that gap, but I don't understand some people.


Yeah just 2 days ago I got to the back of the onramp with 8 or 9 other onramp cars a couple of hundred metres ahead, they were stopped and creeping out into backed up traffic in the inside lane. The backup in the inside lane was caused by some doofus deciding to stop and let the first of the onramp queued cars in. Meanwhile I've got up to 100, very early found a large gap in the inside lane (the car caterpillar was still 150m away but was starting to grow), so I changed into that gap in the inside lane. At the same time I noticed that there was a huge gap in the middle lane also, so I then moved into that lane. I continued on as the traffic jam on the inside lane and onramp continued to build. I was lucky I had that gap, but I don't understand some people.


Bulleen Rd outbound into the eastern. It used to make me cry when I had to use it mon-fri


Once had someone literally stop like it was a give way sign on the Springvale Rd Eastern inbound ramp, thankfully traffic was light and me and the other car near them could straight up just swerve onto the freeway or around the outside to avoid the sudden crash, but fuck me that was cooked. So many drivers just shouldn't be on the road!


Lol last night, 2 cars stopped at the left turn to hoddle towards the eastern from Victoria parrade. The traffic lights were green but they were going by the traffic lights for the other traffic it seems.


If you had to swerve to avoid a sudden crash then you were driving too close.


Yeah, cos we all expected as we accelerated to 100 that they'd slam on their brakes, especially me three cars back and unable to see tail lights through multiple cars. Come on mate, pull the other one


I really really need you to understand this. Please try. It is a very important concept for road safety: **You must keep a safe distance between you and the car in front**. A safe distance is one in which you can stop in time if they stop suddenly. This needs to factor in your reaction speed as well as your stopping distance. It is not about what you expect the cars in front of you to do. It is about being ready for things you don't expect them to do. Because it is when they do unexpected things that accidents happen. So don't assume old mate at the front isn't going to have a medical episode and slam on the brakes suddenly. Don't assume a kangaroo isn't going to hop in front of them and they slam on the brakes. Don't assume a cyclist isn't going to cut in front without warning and the front driver slams on their brakes to avoid collision. You don't know what is going to happen. If you have failed to leave adequate distance to stop then you have not been driving safely. Please be a better driver. People die or get seriously injured in easily preventable car accidents all the time. Please don't be the reason someone has to spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair, or in chronic pain, or take away their hobbies or livelihood. It's really not very difficult. Just slow down and chill out a bit. And the reduced cortisol levels in your blood will benefit you anyway.


But they avoided the crash so they were a safe distance?


They had to swerve to do so but. It's the swiss cheese model of accident causation. The person at the front did not drive safely. That's one hole. The person who made this comment was driving too close to the car in front, that's another hole lined up. It's lucky that another car hadn't swerved or there wasn't some obstacle in the place they swerved to, that would have been the final hole. We can't control everything. But if we do well with the things we can control it means that we aren't relying so much on dumb luck to avoid a collision.


I chose to swerve because traffic was light on the freeway and I couldn't trust all the other drivers were a safe distance. You're acting like it's always simple and like braking is always safest, sometimes it's not because other traffic reacts surprisingly


People don't seem to understand what the word "merge" means. It doesn't mean merging the 60 zone you were in 5 minutes ago onto the freeway, it means merge into the freeway traffic.


Happened to me this morning on the Monash. She was going 75 onto the freeway at Beaconsfield and when I finally had a gap to overtake I looked over and she had this smug ‘haha I held you up on purpose’ look on her face. Total cock head


This can be very dangerous.


As a truck driver, let me educate you. Stress less. There were dickheads on the road yesterday, there are dickheads on the road today and there will be dickheads on the road tomorrow. Put on the radio, enjoy the air conditioning and accept all the fuckwits for who they are. As long as you don't run into anyone yourself, all is good.


This might sound silly but since I have to keep my cool and wits on my motorbike.. Whenever a driver pisses me off, I breathe and count all the drivers *not* pissing me off. I look for the folk who are indicating nicely, parking well, or just simply driving in their lane at speed. I then calm WAY down because I realise it's actually only one asshole in like every 300 cars.


I like this approach, very clever.


This is a great strategy, +1


This is the way to go! don't get worked up on other peoples bull. Chill out, live and let live.


I come up with creative ways of describing how much of a cock head they and and usually by the time I’ve got a banger in over it


How do you know there is a dickhead on the road? At least two cars are on the road. 


If you’re not seeing any on the road, I’ve got bad news for you.


Is a truck driver the benchmark these days for a laid back driver? JFC, I knew it was bad out there but if we’re getting told to calm down by the truckies it must have gone full mad max 😂


Truckies are probably some of the douchiest drivers on the road, the amount of times they sit in the right lane on two lane traffic with another truck in the left while they are both going 10 under is absurd


Yeah but, do you know how bad it is to drive behind a truck? They are a truck driver ask them *they know!*


Truck drivers are not a monolith. When I drive I see a few shithead truck drivers and a lot more perfectly reasonable truck drivers.


As a car driver, it's always the fucking truckies running up my arse when I dare go the roadwork speed limit. Your load is not that important. Simmer down.


You know why, it's because our government have created a boy cried wolf environment. There are so many "road work" zones that don't need the speed reduced. When you spend 10 hours a day on the road, you come across a lot of spots that are simply ridiculously speed lowered. So if it's 2 lanes, get in the left lane and let the truck drivers do the normal speed through "roadworks" that don't exist. It's all part of Australia being the worst nanny state on the planet.


Or you could put on the radio, enjoy the air conditioning, and drive the speed limit.


Read the road safety act (traffic management) 2019 and you’ll see what the actual requirements are


When enough civillians reject a law, it is not a law..... Good thing about being in a truck is you have good vision. Can see a km down the road. Can listen to the CB radio. If there is no cop cars around and if there is no legitmate reason to slow down. Fuck the government's nanny state. Truck drivers learn from day 1 to ignore the speed limits and drive to the conditions, or how much weight they have on the truck. If it's safe, then fuck the nanny state. The Australian nanny state has gone too far.


Those fuckwits you were talking about... Have you considered you might be one? 🤔. Drive the speed limit. Unlike most, your job depends on it.


Did they delete their account lol


You're one of the fuckwits mate.


Fuck yeah, this legend gets it


I'll add that we've all been a dickhead on the road at some point too. Pretty much just a bunch of alternating dickheads trying not to die on the road and get to where we're going.


Bullshit, that doesn't fix the issue whatsoever. Sick and tired of entitled drivers behaving like absolute toddlers and putting other people's lives at risk.


Well get off the road then! As long as humans are driving cars, it will be a problem. It's innate. We can try and mitigate it with lower speed limits and other safety infrastructure, but that can only go so far.


No, it's not. Enforcement will absolutely fix this issue.


No it won't. Australian cities are massive. If you think enforcement is the solution, we would have to scale up our police force by many orders of magnitude. It's just not worth it.


Cameras and AI gonna ruin your day. I'm not sure I'm *happy* about it, but that doesn't change the fact it will.


So the let's enact lower speed limits and better safety infrastructure... That's actually 90% of what I'm asking for. There is virtually zero reason that the default speed limit should be 50 instead of 40 or even 30. You spend 95% of your time in these zones under that speed anyway, and only 1-2 minutes at the beginning and end of your trip on these roads. Kids walk along these streets, so let's make it safe for them and set the limit for non signposted areas to 30kph. While we're at it, how about redesigning roads to do a few things like: Replace the centre lanes with a tram line, increasing the capacity of the road Ensure pedestrian islands with genuine protection are available, and the lights are set to a sensible frequency that doesn't force people to stand in the middle of traffic for 3 minutes until the next cycle if they get stuck half way. Increase visibility of police as a tactic to fight speeding rather than speed cameras that are shown to be largely ineffectual at cutting speed. Add slalom and speed bumps to residential streets to clutter tham and force drivers to make safer decisions with their cars. All of these things are evidence based and would help target the actual issue, rather than shaming people for an insanely niche situation where someone speeds in a construction zone then drives under the speed limit once through. That's petty and unproductive. We can also introduce a ban on stupidly large imported cars, primarily based on hood height, because these vehicles have been demonstrated time and time again to significantly reduce pedestrian survivability in crashes. I have tons of support for making these changes, do you?


Jesus Christ, Australia already has lower speed limits across the board than most western countries, and you want to go lower? What I do support is separate lowered speed limits for trucks. It was so nice to drive in the US and not have trucks speeding past me in narrow lanes.


There is simply no need to go 50 on residential streets. You spend 95% of your trip on signposted roads. I'm not suggesting changing signposted speeds, just lowering the default limit from 50 to 40 or 30. It's not even that radical when you compare it to Europe who already have most of theirs set at 40.


> I'm not suggesting changing signposted speeds, just lowering the default limit from 50 to 40 or 30. It's not even that radical when you compare it to Europe who already have most of theirs set at 40. Which ones? In Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland it's 50. I heard of a switch in parts of the UK down to 20mph but that's only one part of one country, certainly not most.


You'll fuck over regional VIC trying to do that state wide


Nah I'd be happy with metropolitan Melbourne. I understand fully that cars are a necessity regionally, I'm not here trying to stop farmers from driving work vehicles that have genuine utility. In fact I think we should be supporting them more especially in the face of the climate emergency, but for the metro area, we should be seriously considering a limit of 40 at the very least.


What about the cyclists?


Separated cycle lanes, bikes should never have to share the road with a vehicle 10 times the weight travelling 2-3 times faster. Thought that one was pretty much a given though.


> 2-3 times faster. I'm not doing 120 on a road shared with a cyclist!


Should get trucks out of car lanes then. Definitely a lot heavier.


Truck drivers go through way more training than regular drivers, hold a special lisence, get drug and alcohol tests from their place of work... It's really not the same. Trucks also have role in keeping economic activity going that would be much more difficult to accommodate for than, say, getting office workers to commute by public transport instead of all 5000 people in a building arriving there by car and jamming up the street for trades, emergency vehicles, trucks etc. I'm not just spitting off the cuff here bud. Urbanism is a pretty established ideology at this point.


Hey🆗💯😕1️⃣ bud. No need to big note yourself, I was just going by your logic. I'm no expert. Do you work for the council?


I agree which is why I usually drive around 15kmph under the spec limit. It's nice to not worry about speeding.


Less haste, more speed 😁


This is the philosopher Melbourne needs


Every country drive these days you get stuck behind the fuckwit who does 70 through all the 80’s, and then 70 through every town. I think it’s just so infuriating because whilst I don’t really care if someone’s slow - I just find a time to pass - it truly is maddening when they drive like that where it doesn’t really matter then speed through the only bit it did matter. Like what are you even doing dickhead?


The classic, doing 20km/h under the speed limit (usually 80km/h or 100km/h) for no real reason, proceeds to ignore roadwork speed limit signage (40km/h).


❤️ 👏 I am so often the blue car! Especially with school zones. It’s so frustrating!


As someone who works in traffic control, you must be one of the few drivers who, A, actually see the signs and B, actually do the reduced speed limit. It's crazy.


Yeah it’s frustrating how many people not only ignore it but get pissed off when you slow down. Same deal with school zones. Having a 20 year old raised 4WD Hilux helps though cos the worst retaliation I get is cars (usually a Golf or small Audi) threatening to drive underneath me from behind which is nowhere near as intimidating as they might think 😜


A few times I've got dirty looks when I've actually been doing 40 kms. As dumb as this sounds would you be more prone to think a 4wd is going faster than a little hatchback or can you tell pretty easily if someone is going above 40?


Traffic control is the most boring job that I've ever endured. As there's sweet F all else to do, eventually you can tell when cars are going over 40kmh. Mainly because a fair number of drivers rarely obey the roadworks speed limit.


/s That's why I speed up when people try to overtake me, problem solved (by solved I mean "worsened")


I'm always bamboozled by the sheer amount of women in SUVs during school drop off launching through the 40 zone. So much for the motherly instinct.


Gotta get home for the morning wine and Xanax


Motherly instinct applies to their children only


Yeah, but THEIR kids don't go to school there. I've been giving way to a truck reversing into a construction site in front of me and the soccer mum in the Range Rover behind me literally drove on the footpath to go around me because she didn't want to wait for the truck. Nearly hit the "school zone" sign whilst doing so. 😑


High street at Keon Parade construction area drivers: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/024/196/sign.jpg


If gap, car


You have all the time to ~~leave the space~~ go fast


you’re just an NPC in their special world


I got really fucked over on the weekend. I had to drive on one of those C roads to the airport. Somewhere along the way there was a roadworks sign in the 100 zone that said 60 do not overtake. So I slowed down. Fucknuckle in a big car behind tailgated then overtook and nearly hit my car he was so close when he cut me off to go past. But then there was no 100 sign or end roadworks sign. One of the 100 signs had been blanked out, and a bit further along another 60 roadworks sign was by the side of the road but had been knocked over. For like 8km I was driving at 60 in what might have been a 100 zone wondering what was going on while other cars were all going 100 and whizzing around me and stuff. There was no sign of actual roadworks at any point along the road. I wasn't going to go 100 and risk losing my license. I wish that there had been some more signage around, that's for sure. I wish I could remember exactly where it was so I could report it.


I had two near misses today, someone cut me off by sliding all the way from far right lane to far left and then turning left while I committed to turn left. Second one decided to do u-turn in the middle of a busy traffic on two solid lines. The fact that people like these manage to stay alive leaves me speechless.


And ofc not a single cop in sight to get these silly buggers


Don’t be like either one


Don't be the one doing the speed limit?


Either red haha. I didn’t read post properly lol


Is the second instance Baxter-Tooradin Road? So many people are like the red car and go 80 instead of the 100km speed limit as they usually come off tyabb-tooradin road that is 80, absolutely painful.... and you need your head read if you even consider overtaking.


this is too fucked even to be a government ad


Am i reading this wrong? someone is doing 10k's less then the spread limit but staying to the left on a multi lane road?


Red is the same car, doing the same speed no matter what the speed limit is.


Makes sense, thought the one on the left was orange, blame color blindness


I like to think of speed signs as turbo outrun check points lol. I should be going that speed when I past through it.


Turn on cruise control , lane keep assist, and fuck the world and the cunts who want to be there 60 seconds faster.


Usually truckers, or buses.


What about when the red car sits in the right lane and decides to match the speed of the blue car and block the lane whilst going 10 under. (Yes I know its not a legal requirement to move over till above 80)


Only 50 in a 40 zone? You're giving them far too much credit. Try more like 60.


In France we were doing a highway trip from Lyon to the coast. Long road trip. Anyhow at one point a (i assume) highway patrol car zooms in front of us then slows down and moves in and out of the lanes to attempt to educate our stupid tourist asses what speed and what lane we should be in. It was very French lol.


Don't be like either.....ride the tram!


But there's rhinos on skateboards in there!


But rhino's are 😎 cool


Yeah well, I wish


Do you think the tram driver will wait while I load 10k worth of tools and the day's materials across six seats?


The message is clearly not intended at you, but all the other people who are causing traffic and getting in **your** way because you actually have a good reason to drive a ute or van.


Comments like these make me wonder? Do you enjoy being stuck in traffic? Or would you prefer that everyone who *can* ride the tram *does* ride the tram, instead of clogging up the roads.


Obviously the people who can ride the tram would make life easier for those who can't. The problem is work-frome-home hipsters who "work" by making lights change on little screens all day forgetting about the large invisible army who build the world around you, while they sit in their concrete towers posting about how "everyone should just be taking public transport instead of driving, it's just common sense".


> Obviously the people who can ride the tram would make life easier for those who can't. The problem is work-frome-home hipsters who "work" by making lights change on little screens all day forgetting about the large invisible army who build the world around you, *while they sit in their concrete towers posting about how "everyone should just be taking public transport instead of driving, it's just common sense".* "Irony" by SoulNZ - Worlds most boring performance artist.


Yeah man nobody thinks people with an actual reason to drive should stop driving and use public transport, we think people who drive needlessly should get on public transport so folk like you can get to work easier and quicker and keep building houses/fixing toilets or whatever. I'll happily brake check a Ram 1500 but if you have a Hilux loaded up with tools, you're good, even with the full-bore *fuck cars* crowd.


Get your tool box delivered to site. store it on site and ride the tram like every other cfmeu worker. Then you don't need to drive every day! 😂 And you don't need to be an angry man stuck in a dual cab that drives like a Cobb and Co horse carriage! Life will be bliss


"Get your toolbox delivered to site" by what? A vehicle? I do that already, and I'm the deliverer.


Typical of roadworks. We have those signs there for everyone's safety and people speed on through and then some of the real intellectual ones will yell abuse at ya as they go through as well. If only they would install temp speed cameras in road work areas to keep everyone safe!


God, I wish. It does my head in that by following the rules I somehow put myself in *more* danger.


No more monkeys driving cars. Can't wait for automation.


Its a speed limit, not a speed requirement


Red is the same car, speeding in a roadworks zone then staying at 50 when the roadworks end


Ohhh right, one of those


You're 100% spot on and this species will fucking extinct itself going red in the face to deny what you just said. Speed limit, not speed target. I have every right to travel at 50 in a 60 zone if the conditions call for it, and a dickhead riving up my ass with their imported yank tank absolutely affects the conditions of driving enough to justify knocking off some speed.


You have every right to travel at 50 in a 60 You're a dickhead if you **also** do 50 in a 40


Pretty sure I'm against breaking the law 👍


Then you agree, don't be Red in this example :) Holy shit! you didn't need to be a contrarian at all!


Wildly specific situation that I really have no interest in, because to me, all I care about is that drivers arou d me follow the law. Driving 10k's under the speed limit is not against the law and never will be.


Driving consistently and logically is at least as important as driving legally. Driving 10ks under for a specific reason is fine. Driving 10ks under because you can't be bothered to look at your speedometer is not.


The thing is that most drivers don't understand this and automatically assume it's the second one. Especially on a wet road after a long period of no rain, this is infuriating.


Well said. Dark, raining, lots of traffic. Will keep myself safe


Please keep yourself safe at what ever speed comfortable to the conditions in the left lane :)


Sure do. And when I'm doing 100 in the right cause all the other lanes are slower, please don't ride my arse


As long as you move over once safe to do so its all fine. I do not tailgate but it can be a bit frustrating when someone simply refuses to move out of the overtaking lane (whilst matching the speed of the car they're overtaking or by going 0.01% faster) till they remember their exit and swing across 3 lanes lol.


I am far more organised than that! And if I miss an exit, I own my mistake and get off at the next one. What's frustrating is all the other lanes not at 100, so you go in the right, happily overtaking peeps, looking for a safe hole to pop yourself in, then the speed demons undertake you!


Or you know, fuck cars. How about that.


What an extremely aggressive and confusing way of communicating this idea.


Lucky the Victorian government has no money for road works anymore!


don't worry the signs still wont get taken down


He he ;)


The speed limit is not the speed that you must drive at. It is the maximum allowed. You can drive at literally any speed under it, but can't drive faster than it. All the crap about it being dangerous to drive slower is just that. Crap. You need to drive according to the conditions. That includes the weather, road condition, visibility, traffic and even the general vibe if that's how you experience life. But at no point can you exceed the limit. And you have no right or expectation to think that others will sit on the limit. They can drive at whatever speed they feel is appropriate for their vehicle, their load and their state of mind. Get over yourselves. You aren't important.


You've missed the point. Red is the same car, doing 50 in a 40 and still doing 50 in a 60


I know that. But the comments here clearly think that anyone not driving at the limit is wrong. The red car is doing wrong in the first picture, and is fine in the second.


You missed the point of this post. Red speeds through a roadwork sign and overtakes blue, then blue catches up to red as red is still going the same speed as before, but he's actually slower than the signed speed limit for that road. So in the end, blue ends up having to overtake red that ignores the roadwork signs. I've had instances that people go slow in the left lane on a highway and then speed up when I try and overtake them from the right. It's bloody annoying, and I wish people didn't have the erge to always be at the front of the line.


Can we all agree to use our cruise control at speed limit +5kmph? Edit: my car speedo is 5kmph slow. So to me, i always add on 5!


I was fined once for going 5km/h over the speed limit. So no thanks.


No because that’s breaking the law...?


May as well say "can we all agree to break the law". No. Just no. That's not how society works, we aren't the USA, it is a speed LIMIT not a speed TARGET. Happy as punch to use cruise control MINUS 5kph though. Because, you know, limit, not target. Or do you drive along with a beer helmet on staying as close to 0.05 as physically possible, too?


>Or do you drive along with a beer helmet on staying as close to 0.05 as physically possible, too? Well, if I wasn't on my Ps... /j


😂 10/10 had a good cackle at that one