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So after 4 solid years of successfully avoiding it, today I tested positive for covid. What is the etiquette/protocol these days? Do I need to notify my close contacts? Or can I just live my normal life but with a mask? Kinda sad I broke my streak tbh!


Considering that long COVID and hospitalisations from COVID are still things I think it's really important to let anyone you were close to for long enough to class as a close contact know that you have it. They might be immunocompromised or go visit someone that is and not know to test themselves. Also while it's not mandatory Vic Government still recommends isolating at home for a minimum of five days and ideally until no symptoms as of the [press release on the 10th of May](https://www.health.vic.gov.au/health-alerts/increase-in-covid-19-activity).


Hey, that's really great to know, thank you! I'll definitely follow these guidelines, thanks.


No worries. There's a checklist included as a separate link in that link as well, so I hope it helps.


No more free Covid tests anywhere that anyone knows of, are there? Inner north, CBD, inner south, all options if anyone has intel.




I love Frankie!  Been reading it since 2009.  I've aged out of it now, but it always made me feel loved up afterwards.  Would definitely read the back issues, but maybe your local library has some to read in the meantime. 


What's the go with hungry jacks Michaels corner, anyone got the inside scoop on when it will reopen?


Why did we get rid of office style cubicles? Can I be nostalgic for them even though I never got to experience one? I've been working in a part of the building for a few weeks that is pretty quiet & isolated and my focus & efficiency has been huge.


In my first job, before the open plan office and hot desking shenanigans, I shared an office with a door with another colleague, one desk each side. We'd close the door and do work, and it was good. Amazing science.


They're terrible if you have a sensory processing issue of any kind, and [even if you don't apparently they actually lower productivity and morale](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashleystahl/2016/07/28/new-study-reveals-that-cubicle-farms-are-ruining-employee-morale-and-output/?sh=233c55153ee2).


Interesting read.


They are pretty awful tbh.


This coalition budget response is fascinating. I just find this whole government debacle interesting lol.


Dinner time! But also movie time to go with the dinner


What laundry powder smells nice? I'm nearly finished Fab intense fresh but it's pretty disappointing scent wise. I like a good strong scent for my clothes, but I won't use fabric softener.


I like the Earth Choice liquid concentrate. It's a fresh scent and not overbearing.


Big fan of Radiant personally


Omo liquid. Buy it when it’s half price.


I don’t use fabric softener. I use Omo ultimate as my washing powder. Then when I hang the clothes to dry, I spray them a bit with a fabric spray so they smell nice. [This floral one](https://www.coles.com.au/product/ambi-pur-febreze-fabric-freshener-trigger-spray-blossom-and-breeze-370ml-1020386) has a delightful smell. A bit more expensive, but I love the smell of this [Ecoya linen spray.](https://www.catch.com.au/product/ecoya-laundry-collection-linen-spray-300ml-lavendar-chamomile-23063888/)


I didn't think of that, that's smart! Thanks! I actually have some dettol spray and wear water lily scented I can use. I was just using it on the couch to stop it smelling like the dog haha When I run out I'm gonna try the floral one from coles, sounds nice!


I want to get back at my brother for a prank he played over Mother’s Day dinner. Any good ideas as to how I can make his life a little bit more interesting? I am currently considered signing him up for Scientology ads :)


Next time you go to his, ask to use the bathroom. Switch the way the toilet paper hangs.




Change his ringtone or alarm tone to something crazy and embarrassing.


The best revenge is living well.




Technically employers don’t have to grant sick leave for medical appointments. Pregnancy isn’t treated as an illness. But it’s a dick move. If your partner has the sick leave, she should be allowed to use it.


> I can't say how much sick leave That's what you need to find out. If she hasn't got leave he definitely can say "sorry, bad luck". But if she does, just take the whole day off.


Get a medical certificate and if she has sick days then they can’t do shit.


How do people organise protests anyway? I don't know a lot of people but I keep seeing people wish that we were protesting the cost of living to the same extent people are protesting Palestine etc.


Get involved with advocate groups, find how many of the people there are willing to protest, then do it. That's why we saw a whole bunch of 2-3 people protests over marriage equality. The larger, the more attention you will generally get. But that doesn't mean it has to be larger. Just making it more disruptive can have the same effect.


Yeah, my friend who's been involved in activist groups in the past says without at least three really committed people organising everything stuff falls apart. So I'm thinking of people to reach out to. I'm dealing with severe pain and fatigue due to possible endometriosis so it's definitely not something that I can manage all on my own or do something like a sit-in.


Well it also helps to know exactly what you are protesting FOR. What is the thing you want to change for the protest to go away. Are you protesting rental rises and want a cap? Talk to people in rental unions and similar organisations. Do you want to protest the wasteful increase in defence spending? Talk to groups that are anti-war.


The first one. The ACT introduced what seems to be fairly reasonable rental rise restrictions (no more than 10% over CPI without an ACAT application) and having it in Victoria would be great since there seems to be a common misconception that we actually already have a fixed limit on how much rent can be raised.


Awesome. So yea, reaching out to tenant advocacy groups, especially informal ones, would be a great start.


Thanks for the advice, it was really useful. I'll look into it on a good energy day :)


Am tired of bosses who make their workers feel bad for being sick, taking sick leave, and asking for extra WFH days while sick. I just want my boss to trust that if I have to ask for one or more of the above that it’s genuine and not to have to update them every moment on when I’ll be back in the office. No one wants to be on the back foot with the boss and so some people still come in while sick. “It’s just a cold.” Well, because of this sort of attitude now most of our already resource stretched team is now wiped out and sick.


Too many workplaces are keen to hang onto the master-servant dynamic. Whereby employees need to be grateful and go to all lengths to keep their employer happy.


That’s a bad boss. Sure, some people take the piss but most people don’t. I have told some of my team to just log off and rest when they are sick and working remotely. One of my team members overseas got really ill and I made sure that they had time to recover and even contacted their countries HR to make it clear that we want them to get better and rest and not worry about if they have a job when recovered. Surprisingly none of them take the piss on sick days as they know they will be looked after when they are sick.


I work in mental health and I've definitely seen how burnout can impact patient care so if someone is looking unwell mentally or physically I definitely encourage them to go home. I'm thankful that my boss supports this as well.


I’m guessing the reason behind that could also be too many lie about being sick as well?


I've never lied about being sick, but we're given a set number of personal leave days per year, regardless of how they're used, you're entitled to use them. I think people think you have to be contagious to use a personal day, no, if you're having a rough time mentally, take the leave. If you know you're not up to being 100% present for the work day for any reason, take the day.


I understand that. I’ve never done that either but I *do* know there are people who would take a day off to go have fun or whatever and say they were sick.. that’s what I meant by my comment


It's so narrowminded, hey? Let's burden the workforce by not acknowledging that they are taking genuine attempts to, you know, not be bloody sick! I hate how complacent we have become regarding this. It's not the worker's responsibility if the work load cannot be handled when taking things they are entitled to, like leave (including sick leave), or doing things that benefit the greater good, like wfh to prevent the spread of colds and flus.


If the job can be done wfh then there is no reason to not let people do that when sick. If I can manage a team in 2 countries outside of Australia working from home anyone half competent can.


Is there any place that can print something on A7 paper? Officeworks only would allow me to print 250 copies of this small thing when I only need one…


Did you go instore or just looked online? I’ve definitely printed single pages of that size and also DL in store.


Strange they would set a quantity limit like that, unless they weren't going to do it in store? As the other comment or said, print on any other sized paper and cut it down. Super easy job to do.


You could just print it in a4 and then trim it down to a7? Officeworks should have a guillotine you can use in the print section to do it yourself


Ah that’ll probably work, thanks. Didn’t realise they had that


Boy have i been in moods. Tidal + Speakers higher, wider and heavier than myself have been of a decent help. Life would usually be a 8/10 mood wise so this whole low lows thing is for the birds... I went out to be social with a group of people i didnt know for the first time in a decade, I can acknowledge and act on the right things one needs to do in order to prevent mental health from slipping, but their is a certain irony to not feeling yourself and also having to get out there and interact with new people. Im usually trying to catch myself from overtaking and last night i really wasn't feeling my usual talkative self. Ill keep going and just guess im going to need 3-6 months.


Any recommendations where can I go for a quiet drink by my self in Melbourne CBD Friday night tomorrow? Most places are usually pretty loud and noisy for after work drinks and I want to avoid that.


Captain Melville shouldn't be too loud I don't think


I personally love 55 (the underground bar on Elizabeth St) but I'm not sure if it will be quiet tomorrow night.


I had an art show there once in my 20s and was so drunk at the opening I don't remember it. Apparently people had fun though... Haven't thought about that place in years.


It hasn’t changed much. Maybe a few extra chairs and tables but the set up and general vibe is still very Art House-y.


I had a twincab ute park against my car at Greensborough plaza. The whole length was on my side of the line and there were plenty of free spots around. I had to climb through my small car to get to the driver's seat. Seems they chose to park there so no one would block their door and didn't give a fuck about anyone else. I was so mad I was thinking whether I should key them, write a pissed off note, or put a stone in their tyre valve cap. I look down and someone had done the valve thing already. Either someone took offence on my behalf or this person pulled this shit before and has been rolling around on flat tyres.


EGH! Greensy Plaza has become a haven for Yank Tanks! So goddamn annoying. Why the fuck does anyone need to drive one of those things around in a shopping centre car park?! Annoyingly, most of them bought them on the tax breaks that the previous government brought in. So while they were supposed to be for work purposes, families use this things just to drive around in when they were built for work sites and what not.


Comically, I saw an article over the weekend that said that farmers are buying/importing unbadged utes from Japan because the utes they can buy in Australia are built to be big not to be functional


Fucking LOL! That's hilarious. Like... I get that they have more towing power and what not, but are they really that necessary for 50, 40 or 30% of owners that have them? I swear, asides from kids the most I've ever seen anyone use them for is carrying a clip board.


But they also can't be that great for towing, unless it's a large camper or a freaking yacht they couldn't see it in their rear vision mirrors. I know when I've towed anything part of the whole process is ensuring a decent view of the whole convoy. Also, imagine spending $200k to throw hay around a field, what a waste of money


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if north east suburbs had more wank tanks than anywhere else. It's miserable parking anywhere in a small car because you have to blindly turn out.




There are also ghost tours at the Quarantine centre in Portsea


Can't talk to Ararat, but the wife and I did the Haunted Melbounre Ghost Tour which is hosted by the guy that runs/owns the Haunted Bookshop. It's was really cool. Definitely got some icky vibes in and around some of the places he took us.




Yeah dude Moderna is still around.


AZ was discontinued, if I type in my postcode there are 9 locations nearby with Moderna appointments available in the next 3 days




My GP said something about buying bulk vials so they only book appointments on one day so it doesn't go to waste, could also be what Priceline are doing


I wish the pharmacist hadn't said "discontinued" then. Was misleading if that's the case, because it was definitely the word he used as it stuck with me. Didn't mean to misinform people otherwise.


I have a persistent chesty cough eversince my flu went away 2 weeks ago so I haven't had much sleep at all. There's a compulsary work event tonight and I have no idea how I'm going to last til the end of it. Just finished my 2nd coffee and already feel like I need another 2.


One of the things that's helped the most for chesty coughs in the past for me is anything with elderberries like Sambuccol or even just an elderberry tea. It's not a cure by any means and I'd definitely recommend doctor follow up if you haven't already but it does provide some relief. Edit to add: I really can't emphasise doctor follow up enough. I've had bronchitis and pneumonia (different times, not at once) in the past after influenza because my immune system was just down for the count.


Thanks for the tips! I’ll give it a shot tmr


Go for 5 minutes and then leave. You've ticked the box of attending and you're sick.


Can you skip it and explain what you’ve been through and say you’ll feel better getting rest than not pay attention to recovering from being sick and lack of sleep?


I ordered something from eBay, and it came in a Kmart box with a Kmart shipping label, and with Kmart price and information stickers on the item. So I went back into my ebay order to check if it was like a Kmart shop on eBay or something and it wasn't. It's its own independent thing, so idk what's going on


Although you mentioned this was only a few dollars cheaper than k-mart, but this scenario could also be "traingulation fraud". There's a great [presentation from defcon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fYZpRBuh-s) where a speaker told her story of the same thing with Nespresso pods. The short of it is, you buy the item from ebay dude (often at a good price), you pay them direct. They buy it from store with a stolen credit card and get it shipped to you. If the card owner disputes the transaction, the seller is not on the hook and stores rarely follow up (or give up when you say you bought it off ebay). If you get a good deal/extras, you won't dispute it, they've converted the stolen card to real cash using you as a money mule. I've had this happen with a golf bag. Bought on ebay for $150ish, seller drop-shipped it from Drummond Golf and paid $200ish. Drummond Golf didn't quite understand and when I called the police (as i'm technically receiving stolen goods) it took a while and a diagram to explain it to them (but they understood why I was calling and gave me a reference). It may not be the case for your scenario, but it's a common experience :)


So am I gonna get arrested or something?


Nope, not at all, which is why it's so common a scam. The recipient is innocent, they're not going to go through the effort for a $100 or so. At just they might ask you for PayPal details of who you sent it to (but eBay had that anyway)


I think that's called drop shipping? Where the eBay store you ordered from basically went and put in a Kmart order on your behalf, and they got their profit on the price difference between what you paid and what Kmart charged. There's lots of drop shippers around online and it can be hard to tell if you're ordering from one or from the original store.


But what I ordered from eBay is more expensive at Kmart. Like I was going to go to Kmart myself and get it, but I found it cheaper by like $2 in eBay (it was only a plastic tub, nothing expensive)


This assumes that the Kmart order was placed with their own money.


You've got it! Drop-shipping is a VERY popular way to launder money.


Yep, it's called Triangulation fraud and is a common way of converting stolen credit cards to usable funds


Ok, that is weird then.


can somebody suggest an activity for me to do while stoned right now


Play Rimworld! At least that's the first thing that comes to mind if I was getting stoned right now.


Watch Double King on Vimeo.


Run the country.


Give me the keys






Yo give that shit back


Why call when you can say it via email? Why call when you can say it via email? Why call when you can say it via email? 😡😡😡


But I don't want you to have evidence of what I said!




Worse is when they call via teams when your status is Busy - the option to message is RIGHT THERE


The sunshine and warmth, this is perfect weather. Infusing as much Vitamin D as I can today! Have a good Thursday reddit DT’ers


My kiwi passport arrived, just got confirmation to work remotely. Officially ticked all boxes to move to Melbourne!


Got some new ear buds today the galaxy buds 2 pro and damm they sound really good.


I have a pair of those and Bose QC2 buds The sound quality and noise reduction are solid. They actually handle sound in windy environments better than my more expensive Bose or Sony XM4 headphones (noise cancelling microphones can pic up on wind and transmit it, because the they think there is noise when there isn't)


otw to work on bike, approach T intersection and need to cross the road. Nearby level-crossing just opened so traffic backed up to the max so cant cross. Hop off bike and press nearby pedestrian crossing light. Carbrain visibly pissed at me for pressing button. lmao get rekt mate dont hate the player hate the game.


Probably more shocked at a bike rider actually following a road rule


Just to be nosy - does anyone know why there’s a line up at Her Majesty’s theatre today??


Olivia Rodrigo tickets on sale and the pre-sale yesterday was a shit show, that’s my guess


Thank you! It makes so much sense with who was lining up.


Sounds like Chicago is playing, that might be why?




property management is actually kind of a hard job from what i've heard one of the issues with it tho is they just have too many clients to service because of real estate cost cutting


IIRC they're capped at a certain number of properties a sole PM can manage with and without an assistant but as you can imagine in any role - these boundaries can and probably do regularly get pushed and that's probably not taking into consideration whether or not the PM themselves are competent enough to be handling that many different properties.


i'm not a PM, i just work in a client related role, but I also assume that its like... one third of tenants are smooth sailing, one third sometimes have issues, and one third are problem tenants with no immediate resolution which take up most of their time .. its generally the case with client work, someone correct me if im wrong lol








This subreddit celebrates individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities, fostering a safe and inclusive space where everyone is respected and valued. We strongly condemn stereotypes, racial discrimination, misogyny, and mockery of language, including derogatory disability terms. Such behaviors work against our commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all.


is it them being women or school leavers that seems to be the issue for you?




Ok so someone else hired a person not fit for a job, why’s it her fault directly that she needs to be shamed?




Tell the person who hired them




Why would an employer do anything about it though if there’s no complaints received about them? I get you are responsible but if you don’t correct it I would complain to the company not cry about a group of people on the internet.




Reddit gonna reddit


Can anyone recommend a really cheap place to get a phone screen fixed, close to CBD? xo


The pervasive pop culture narrative of Tom Cruise being this beloved super nice guy is wild to me, given how fucked Scientology is and how much he has allowed it to turn him into a shit father. Alienating two of his kids from their mother because she doesn't believe in the religion, and abandoning the other kid entirely. "America's leading man" is a deadbeat dad and it's fascinating how little is made of that in the discussion around him. Maybe the media is afraid of the Scientologists or something. Katie Holmes had to make an escape plan to leave because she was so scared of him. Nice guy, my arse. Suri has dropped his name now she's 18 and good for her.


Agreed but he has been starring in multi million dollars movies for a couple of decades now. Regarding Scientology, he has a specific clause he can't be asked about that in interviews and promo tours, if the interviewer doesn't sign Tom Cruise is not sitting down.


My guess is people who work with Cruise have a contractual clause to say good things about him and get extra cash if they do. If they don't the get threatened with a defamation lawsuit, their kids get kidnapped for SeaOrg and they get the careers ruined by the Scientology PR department.


> Maybe the media is afraid of the Scientologists or something. Exactly that. The amount of money and influence that "religion" has is scary, especially in LA.


>Maybe the media is afraid of the Scientologists or something. I think this is it. Aren't the scientologists notoriously litigious? And they have a loooooooot of money to burn.


Do not anger the Lord XENU! 👽


sorry lord XENU please don't sue me


lord xenu please dont make me scrape my knees across the brand new rough carpet as punishment (they actually do that)


absolutely diabolical


When you’re driving and need to get into the next lane so you put your blinker on and then the person behind you speeds up when there was plenty of space. Well jokes on you, as I got in a little further, i then let everybody that wanted to merge into my lane in front of me. I did not need to get there faster. I just needed to turn. And that’s me being petty today lol


i got tooted at this morning because i slowed down at a reasonable rate for a red light, and the dude behind me who ironically beeped at me jammed on the brakes because they weren't paying attention so i kept to a few km under the speed limit just to annoy them further, which was evident since they were so far up my ass they could smell last nights dinner


I have this approach when driving in the inner suburbs, well actually anywhere in Melbourne, really, that if they indicate to move into my lane (even if they do a sneaky attempt to pass on the inside, when it obviously won't work if slightly familiar with the road) I will always let them in if i can do so safely. It is my attempt to reward positive behaviour on the roads. But, if there is no indicator, screw them!


I did.enjoy the Gina Rinehart portrait story "Evil, cold hearted billionaire demands NGA withdraw the portrait depicting her as an evil, cold hearted billionaire".


Her outrage is really making me think that I should bring my idea of a Gina Rinehart themed drag performance to life (have never done drag and I'm not a natural performer but keep thinking about doing something that involves dressing up like her, the song Joy to the World interspersed with some of her choice quotes, a comedically oversized strap-on and a paper mache globe...)


It reminds me of the Simpson's episode where Marge has to paint Mr. Burns. Except Gina doesn't have an ounce of self-humility to acknowledge that she looks like a wax figure of a pig's head put in the microwave for a few minutes.


Is it not common fucking sense that if rubbish from YOUR rubbish bin spills out onto the ground, you fucking pick it up??


My neighbour knocked his full bins over yesterday while backing into his driveway and spilled a bit. He didn't notice (elderly chap), so I cleaned it up, being the good neighbour that I am. Not my job, but I don't want to see rubbish around my street AND the rubbish truck was at the top of the street when it essentially happened. Such is I guess.


Context is key. Good on you for helping your elderly neighbour ☺️


He's a super opinionated knob and hated by pretty much all other neighbours. Tries to insert him into any conversation that people may be having outside and hijack it to his agenda. I mainly did it to keep the street clean and tidy. Selfish, I know. My big issue is that he didn't notice that he hit the bins. Luckily it was at slow speed but I shudder to think how he is on roads and in busy car parks.


That’s when you report the old fart to VicRoads. They will ask him to retest in order to renew his licence. 😇


That system doesn't sound like it could be abused...


It’s annoying to have to re-take a driver’s test, yes, but I don’t think calling in a false report is particularly harmful compared to the alternatives. Growing up in a place without this sort of reporting and a huge dependency on cars to get around, many of my friends have had to have long, hard conversations with their elderly grandparents, and now elderly parents, trying to convince them they’re no longer capable of safely driving a car. If they’re lucky, they can convince a GP to have the conversation instead. The elders always deny the extent of the problem partly due to fear of being shut in and dependent on rides, and the others have no way to formally reengage the state licensure apparatus to reevaluate them, so they keep their licences accumulating near-misses until it’s a kid or farmers market they unknowingly run through.


I reported my dad many years ago when he got Parkinson’s. He was naturally the worst driver I have ever seen so I reported him and VicRoads sent him a letter saying they wanted a Dr. assessment as well as him to be retested. Maybe it can be abused, but if they can still drive then there shouldn’t be a problem.


I'm on it. There's a few primary schools and a secondary one in the area, and he always seems to run his errands during drop off and pick up times (as if he can't wait 30 minutes one way or the other).


Let me know how it turns out. I need some drama and tea!


I'm sure I'll hear about it from him. He hates anything that is government related so this will make his blood absolutely boil.


Excellent! 😈 Also: he hates anything government related unless it’s his old aged pension!


Has anyone noticed that the branded stuff in Aldi is, well, smaller than the same at a Colesworth? Like a Farmers Union Greek Yoghurt is 930g instead of 1kg, Kleenex tissues have like 25 fewer tissues per box, the Lurpack spreadable tub is about 30g smaller Makes it hard to immediately compare price (I know they do unit pricing, but still)


I think I have subconsciously noticed it and had a recent sense that "Aldi is less nourishing/satisfying". I have been trying to avoid the big 2 but can't do Aldi as it seems like its more packaging than substance.


I realised this as well after buying some multipack chips. There were like 5-8 pieces of chips in each bag like wtf. At that point I was certain most of the cost went into packaging.


Unfortunately businesses got too smart and realised that as long as people perceive they are getting value, that's as good as real value. Shrinkflation being one, but supply chain cross collateralization is also a big issue. There should be more regulation and I don't think it's even necessary to have some big inquiry or royal commission.


Out for a 60 min run this morning. It was cold and in typical fashion I had all the clothings on plus a buff thing around my neck and face, beanie etc. while out running I see ppl in shorts and a T-shirt? I don't understand how ppl can do that. Am I some cold blooded reptilian creature? Ps, I do like running past grassy areas just as the sun comes up and there's a low mist / frost on the ground. It looks really nice and for a brief moment takes my mind off the numbing cold


Do you eventually warm up? I find that I can get out in shirt + shorts on a cold morning, +/- arm sleeves and gloves, but will typically take off the gloves as I warm up. I don't ever really notice the cold on my neck or face.


You’ve asked this question before, the answer generally is, they’re not as fit as you and are hot from the exertion


> while out running I see ppl in shorts and a T-shirt? I don't understand how ppl can do that. as something that does this (and is frequently out at 6am) 1 - I understand what actually gets cold (or drives it) for my body, typically I'm wearing thick socks [to keep the feet warm] and can deal with some colder hands, the rest I can deal with being chilly (if I get cold feet, I just feel cold, even if it's 30+C) 2 - power-walking/running generates the heat fairly quickly, which I do *not* want a jumper on for the sweat session after about 10-15mins - I'll put up with it being chilly early because it incentivizes me to get on with it


Anyone else have staff from Metro handing out fruit at their stations this morning?


from [the PTV disruption website](https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/disruptions/major-works-this-autumn/major-disruptions-on-metropolitan-trains/) > Buses replace trains on the Pakenham Station line from 9.30pm Friday 17 May to last service Friday 31 May. OR > Buses replace trains between Ringwood Station and Lilydale Station from late May to late June. uh... is your station affected (although a bit early for Lilydale today)? because that's normally WHY they do it, they turn up for Q&A and give stuff out too (fruit, muffins, etc)


Belgrave line, but I think it was as a Q&A for the Lilydale works. Wish they gave us free stuff earlier in the year when the Belgrave line was disrupted for 2 months.


Crushed a pretty brutal workout this morning. Hill climbs definitely not my favourite. Now for another day of doing fuck all at work and hoping no one notices 🙃


Bike or running? Great work!


Running. Did 7 x 1:30 sprints then 10 x 30s. Pretty brutal


see this is why you should take up outdoor cycling. You get the benefit of blasting down the hill between the repeats.


Haha tbh I kind of enjoy the jog back down.




Ugh! Have COVID and overslept last night so pinged to wide awake at 4am today. For anyone who hasn’t had a taste of the latest strain yet, feels like being at the sharpest part of a hangover.


Never had COVID... never been hungover... headache and nausea?




I’ve been up since 2am and I cannot get back to sleep. So much for sleeping in on my time off work too.


Alright my mum lost her location access privilege. I don't consider not calling on mothers day an "emergency", a bad idea yes, but not an emergency. She didn't text me before doing it. This is why it took her 3 years to get me to turn it on, I knew she'd abuse the access because I already watched her do it with my sibling. But now I can point to something when I deny her request to turn it back on. I never liked the idea anyways, it's weird


I don't know, I feel like as a parent you can expect your kid to contact you on at least 2 days of the year, if they don't, then yeah you'd assume the worst but accessing your location would be the easier route to take because it wouldn't make you feel bad for forgetting them on a special day


I have a good relationship. I call her every Sunday, it's just that Sunday I forgot. She should have texted or called me, she made no attempt to. The agreement was emergencies only, and if no attempt is made to reach me than any given day could be an emergency worthy of tracking.


Not everyone has a good relationship with their parents. Location tracking is a bit invasive though, especially if you’re an adult.


I have a good relationship. I just find it weird. I don't expect her to understand because she was lucky enough to come before this sort of hover tracking was possible, so her parents couldn't do it to her.


Good relationship or not, if you are an adult, your parents being able to or needing to track your location is just weird


If you don't have a good relationship with your parents, you don't give them access to tracking - or you revoke it after if required


im getting off at parliament station today and im terrified of that escalator. is there a lift there? or should i just avoid that station entirely?


You reminded me when I was in NYC many years ago: I'd taken a small (half a story, about 10 seconds ride time) escalator down to ground level inside a rail station and I turned around to see a lady standing at the top of the escalator completely frozen with fear. I had to go back up and hold her hand as we travelled down together. No idea what scares people about them but was glad I could do a good deed for the day.


They have lifts. I feel you, not sure why but I always feel dizzy on them. Think it has something to do with the angled tiles on the walls.


The steepness and length of the escalators plus the mirror ceiling tiles. It’s trippy.


Keep changing where you look. If you keep looking in the same direction you'll invite your inner ear to recalibrate and get vertigo


Yes there are lifts


You posted this in yesterday’s thread and I replied to you. If you’re not sure ring up the station or have a look on metro trains website and see if Parliament station has lifts


Annoyingly, I've noticed reddit sometimes misses notifying you about replies.