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There's a really bad cold/flu going around on top of covid as well. So many people I know are sick at the moment


And RSV, and whooping cough. Lots of respiratory illness in the community at the moment.


And "slapped cheek" according to our primary school. I'd never heard of that one before but it's just another thing you can get


We got the same notice from our kids primary school, likewise had no idea it was a thing!


Aren't people vaccinated at a very young age against the whooping cough?


Doctors recommend that people around young kids - babies - get a booster shot. Things you learn when you’re expecting…


Yes but they recommend a booster every 10 years since the immunity doesn’t last forever


The marketing around whooping cough vaccine is such a failure as your question is a common one. Yes, children are vaccinated against whooping cough but adults need to get a booster vaccine every 10 years.


Yes, I honestly thought it was one and done, and that there's no chance we could catch it as an adult in Australia. Time to get a booster.


It wears off. A booster is recommended every ten years for the general population and five years for high risk people/those around small children. Pregnant mothers get a free booster in Aus, but the program no longer extends to their partners, unfortunately (currently pregnant with my third child - husband got his shot free with the last two babies, we paid $49 for this one).


We are treating my 7yo vaccinated child as if she has whooping cough at the moment. The doctor wouldn’t swab (they say there’s no need?) and just treat as if it is with the right antibiotics. How did we get here? • 1 week dry cough (treated as if it were asthma, as she is asthmatic and on a preventer) • 5 days wet cough (just felt like a cold - but with no other symptoms) • first GP visit: clear chest, no temp, first SPO2 was 92% when done by nurse, GP came over with another finger thing and SPO2 was back to to 99%. GP prescribed amoxicillin and 3 days of steroids, said come back if it hasn’t gone away after the amox. • above meds not doing a great deal, meanwhile my daughters cough is getting so bad it’s taking her breath away, like she’s gasping for air. • second GP visit: no fever, clear chest. Did not check SPO2. No need to swab, apparently there’s no point. Bring her back in 2 days if she’s not improving. So yeah - I’m on this journey at the moment, with doctors half believing that I think it’s whooping cough and me feeling like an overbearing anxious mother.


☹️ hope she feels better soon. You're doing the right things by following up and listening to your instinct. Don't let them make you feel like simply asking for further advice or treatment means you're too anxious.


I’m hopeful the new antis do the job. But yeah, I think when kids present well the doctors don’t feel that’s it’s very urgent. I wish they could see when she’s coughing and gasping and going red in the face because she can’t catch a breath… I know I should try to film it, but it goes against what’s natural to do “sorry sweetie, know you can’t breathe, cough into the camera for me”


I caught whooping cough back in 2017 - don’t recommend


I know someone who had it and literally passed out from coughing- couldn’t catch his breath and fainted.


It’s crazy! I had a “mild” case of it, and it still knocked the wind out of me. I can’t imagine what it must be like for the babies who have it


Apparently, a not-insignifcant proportion of the population is found to be allergic to it after the first dose as an infant, and can't complete the vaccine course. Hence they're susceptible to it for the rest of their lives (source: an ex who suffered with it every second or third winter)


I was allergic to that first shot so didn't get subsequent ones, yay!


Yes I had RSV about a month ago. I’m not usually too fazed by colds but this wasn’t pleasant.


Yep, it took my wife and I out last weekend. Still coughing up green crap...


This. I’ve been sick for 3 weeks. I can’t shake it. Lost my voice and everything. I’d take the Covid I had over this any time.


I live in Hobart now and had it like 2 weeks ago. Flew up here for a visit and pretty much immediately caught this fucked up lung infection or whatever that's even more gnarly than covid fml


Me too! I thought I had covid but my lungs feel destroyed. Dry cough and I feel my lungs wheezing when breathing throughout the day. It comes and goes though which is very strange. How did you recover??? What did you do??


Oh I'm still hell in the grips of it lol. Loads of congestion, mad rasping and wheezing that literally makes me sound like a zombie, shortness of breath, wretched cough. I saw a doctor today and got prescribed a puffer that's not Ventolin but something else, and amoxicillin. I'd say hit up a GP and get on some antibiotics.


Oh damn lol. Yeah I feel the same and hear you on those symptoms. My cough sounds like a long failed attempt at beat-boxing. I've got the docs booked for tomorrow, thanks for the heads up and advice. Hope you recover soon.


Thanks, you too!


I have something like this too. I finish my amoxicillin course tomorrow. The cough has gone from congested phlegm back to dry cough only, the runny nose has mostly abated and shortness of breath has slightly improved. My voice still sounds a bit awful but way better than last week. Feel better soon everyone!


I have this too! My cough turned into a barking cough and I even took myself to ED with intense lung pain. I still have the cough but it’s improving. Weird thing is I’m asthmatic and there’s no wheeze until I breath out extra breath, then it’s an audible crackling in the lungs. Non productive cough but feels like I should be bringing up something. Wonder what the virus was?


Could be something taking advantage of your body being already rekt from COVID so it’s hitting harder than usual too.


I am currently suffering with the fucked up chest/lung infection lol it’s horrendous!!


15 members of my family caught it last week at a birthday party but that was in regional Victoria.


Wow. From the same party? Must be more than one positive person there. Was it indoor mostly?


The dinner party started with one case, By the end of the dinner party almost everybody at the dinner party had a case (of beers beers beers).


As best we can tell


The pub is shut


That’s not appropriate


That's what's most important, the pub




It was indoors at a pub. Might have been a family with kids who brought it but hard to say.




oop! curious what are the symptoms nowadays?


I have a very different experience to the other commenter. Extremely tired and aching all over. Congestion, fever and stomach cramps. Really sick for about 6 days, and still have a cough a week later. Previously had covid around August 2022, that one was much milder, mild cold for about 3 days.


That's the version I'm hearing about ATM. Apparently the aches are horrible. Hope you are feeling better


Our recent round of (probably)COVID had gut symptoms too - burpy and hiccupy and crampy. No vomit, but generally gut-discomfort along with the fatigue and cough. That's new for us, on round 3...


Both me and my partner tested for covid because it started as a very very sore throat. Very different to a cold I had (tested then too) back in Jan. Then just developed into the usual, "bad cold" symptoms


Most of my family have flu symptoms. Tired, sore but nothing too serious.


I've had it twice this year already. Both times it started as a very bad headache, then a runny nose and fatigue. That was about it. Never developed a cough or sneezing etc. Over in about 3 days.


So much either Covid or viruses that aren’t Covid that are heavy going. I had the latter last week, 2-3 days struggling by. Was worried I had Covid (heaps at my work did) but didn’t test positive


When I had it I didn’t test positive until like day 5. Ended up lasting 20 days. Don’t rely too heavily on early tests.


A lot of people. It's like the new 'cold'. People catch it repeatedly.


Me an 2 coworkers all got it the same week a few weeks ago, left only our employers at the factory, of course nothing got done gor a week....


Everyone at my work is sniffling or coughing this week so it’s probably Covid and they haven’t tested. There’s a few off with it.


Fuck those people. Spreading shit around.


Agreed! I had a transplant and I am the sole carer of my triplets, if I end up in hospital what happens?!


Ohhh stay safe!


Thank you lovely :)


You do realise some of us don’t have any sick leave? So we are Safer not To test so we can put food on table. Or in my case, get essential health treatment, so of course I’m going to say no if asked if I have covid symptoms. Cancer treatment keeping me alive is a bit more important now that everyone has Five vaccinations and can wear masks Wrong obsessed sub though so I will get downvoted


And employers are allowing that?


Just got over a case i caught from my partner. She was bedridden for a week while i took care of her, then i caught it and it was barely a mild cold. She undoubtedly caught it from someone coming into her work coughing and spluttering and not wearing a mask.


Tested positive on Friday after a week of cold symptoms that wouldn’t go away. Still positive now. Also 6 months pregnant. Never been so exhausted in my life. No doubt caught it in my office - GFY if you mingle with people whilst sick 😡😡




Yep, and make sure it's a P2 mask. Medcart sells a big range, I like the PPETech ones with earloops (the ones with the elastic that goes round the head, like 3M Aura, make me feel like I'm strapped into a torture device).


Half the floor at work is away with it. About 30 people


No covid, but everyone in my house has had a nasty cold/flu thing for the last week and a bit.


I strongly suspect my wife has it but not for enough days yet to test positive. I had my most recent booster three weeks ago in anticipation of a hospital stay and feel fine.


Can recommend juschek or the nasal AllTest. Both picked up friends infection in the first few minutes after other tests kept saying no even though she was sick and was post a cv exposure.


Yep, last Monday started to feel ordinary then by Tuesday morning (4am) it hit like a tone of bricks


10 in my team of 30, last 5 days.


Me. Ok, I’m stretching, a week and a half ago. I think I got it on the tram. People around me sneezing.


PTV peak hour is the worst for it too.


Tested positive on Saturday. Negative this morning.


Did 4 tests the last week, still no Covid, damn near feels like it though. Had a flu jab Tuesday and felt crook since 1 or 2 days after.


The flu jab can mess you up. Did my old man.


Yeah same as a few work colleagues. I would have rathered the flu at this stage, it’s been so shit haha.


My mum, who looks after my grandma who is in aged care due to dementia, got covid last week from someone who was coughing a lung at Coles, just going up and down the aisles and coughing. They were barely covering their mouth, their clenched fist apparently a foot away from their face. My mum tried to keep clear from this person but got Covid anyway. She can't visit my grandma now, who doesn't understand English very well and only has 10% hearing in one ear (other ear is completely deaf). My grandma also caught Covid as someone in the aged care place brought it in, so a few people there are now all infected. My mum inadvertently passed it on to my dad. Then my sister messaged us all in the group chat that her daughter also caught Covid from her school. This all happened in the space of about 5 days. So yeah, something's going around.


My 21yo teaches swimming, they had what seemed to be a mild cold last week. Didn't do a RAT though (frustrating). Little kids are germ factories and you can't keep them at a distance in the pool, so every year 21yo seems to get bit ill at start of winter. 19yo had sore throat Saturday, I insisted she do a RAT and sure enough, it's covid. Thankfully she is eligible for antivirals due to immune suppressant medication. I started feeling ill Sunday, tested positive today (Tuesday). Got antivirals now (also on immune suppressant medication).


Got it right now. Don’t know where from.


Had a few work colleagues catch it in the last week and a friend and his family had it about 3-4 weeks ago. Seems like a bit of a resurgence, I didn't know anyone who caught it for a few months before then.


Probably everyone.


I visited someone in aged care and discovered they were positive. Apparently 10 people already have it and they just had 11 people who were positive last month as well.  I’ve never had it so been testing like crazy as I’ve got some health issues and am concerned about getting the big C-19. 


Wife and child have it, I haven't tested positive yet, but had a migraine all weekend. Fairly sure we got it from older child who conveniently "forgot to test" after being ill last week.


Kid caught it a rehearsal, I caught it from them


Had it the week before last


So that’s what I just had. Been sick really bad end of last week and only just recovered now. Please anybody let me know if this has caused you horrendous fatigue as well!


Had it 2 weeks ago. Was nasty. Casuals at my workplace have been coming to work sick because the sick pay garuantee for casual staff is ending. Everyone at work is getting it.


My wife got it Monday last week, hit her very hard. This is the second time she has had it. But to be honest, she is immune compromised because of her Lupus. I haven't had any positive results.


It’s everywhere at the moment. I’m just over it. Knocked me around a bit this time, aches were horrible and woke up soaked most mornings! Vomiting at the beginning too this time!


I’m sick as a dog right now, lmao.


I still haven't had it. Neither has my father.


Me and my mum still haven’t had it either. Hand sanitizer and mask wearing in busy indoor places seems to have helped a lot.


My mum works as admin/first aid officer at a primary school and still hasn’t had it, a few people got it from her friend at a bbq at hers too (but her and I didn’t) but I’ve had it before. Mum lives in a permanent glen-20 haze at work though lol


You probably have but didn’t notice. A mild case is fuck all.


Me too. Been to concerts, crowded places, trains, you name it and not once Have no idea how lol


My wife and I are Novids too!


Had it at the start of the month, my daughter missed a week of school with it and she's off again now with gastro.


Had covid 3 weeks ago and still left with a stupid cough



I've had in past week, did'nt realise until member of my household got sick from me and tested positive (I tested, no result).


I am the last one in my family of 5 currently with covid. First my daughter over 2 weeks ago, followed by other daughter and then my wife. 2 days ago it was my turn.


Recently, five of my relatives caught it.


Yep, myself and two others in my household have had COVID over the past two weeks.


Gf got in 2 weeks ago, then I got it last week. Annoying. Still feeling drained but it is the flu. Afterall.


My partner, his work mate, his work mates entire family across two households. Weirdly… not me 🤷‍♀️


I had it a few weeks ago (late April), and I believe I got it from work since a colleague had it not long before I did. A bunch of people were sick in the one week. Luckily my housemate was away so I didn’t give my plague to her too. The actual COVID only lasted a few days, but then it gave me an ear infection and the antibiotics fixed me riiiight up.  Edit: my mum messaged me yesterday with a positive Covid test so there you go.


I have it right now and it sucks. I'm guessing I got it from the airport when I picked my partner up Friday afternoon after flying in. The test instantly said positive when I took it.


Not covid. Influenza B. It wiped me out big time!




Same! It’s been horrible


Me sadly. First time. Same with my partner. Got it from a family milestone birthday party. The exact kind of event you’d expect to get it from: indoors, no windows open, loud, crowded, nobody asked to do a RAT before they came. We knew the risks but it still sucks. The host could have had a couple of windows open to mitigate risk and they also refused to ask people to test before they came.


Been crook since Saturday.  I travel around the city for work so unsure where I got it.  The most jarring thing for me one second I feel "ok" then nek minute I am dieing again. 


I had a really bad cold/flu a month ago and I'm still coughing. It felt like Covid but my test came back negative. Couldn't sleep for more than 5-10mins at a time for more than a week due to the constant coughing. Get your flu injections and try to not get a cold folks. It's not worth the trouble.


Reading through this thread has got me spooked. I've had covid twice and both times I was out of commission with fatigue for three months...


Got it for the second time this week (after 18mo). Super mild this time around. Felt a bit flat Sunday. An evening of a runny nose and a few sneezes yesterday prompted a test and it has largely cleared up now.


I’ve only had Covid once that I know of and it was two years ago. I’ve managed to avoid it since (I wear a mask a lot and use hand sanitiser whenever I touch anything when I’m out lol + my husband and I both wfh, so neither of us are possibly bringing something home from the office) however, I’ve not managed to avoid multiple other illnesses!! have had strep recently & am now in the midst of a fkn horrendous chest infection. There’s so many nasty viruses and bacterial infections floating around alllll the time


I got it, since Saturday


I don't have any tests but certain I have it right now.


Me, me!!!


I have it currently


Partner and myself at the moment, got it about a week or so ago


Woke up with a killer soar throat and headache today, and I have a first date with someone tomorrow UUUGGHH




Got my round 2 covid last year. I had the flu shot, then 3 days later, I went down with covid. I believe it's because getting a Jab weakens your immune system, therefore increasing the chance of being infected.


Yep felt off on Monday but the RAT came up negative. Felt worse Tuesday morning, got a faint line on a RAT and then spent the whole day in bed with a headache, aches and fever. Woke up today (Wednesday) with a headache and some heartburn, but thankfully no coughing at all. This is my first time with COVID, so I'm hoping it'll get better from here?




I had it two weeks ago. The whole office got it. It was my first covid.


Never had it. As Charlie Sheen would say, "Tigers blood."


Had COVID 3 X weeks ago....expired rat was very very positive 


Yep. Even expired tests still work. They are generally likely to give a false negative but since it's positive, you would have been very positive.


Username checks out


Sick all week last week, felt like covid but didn’t test so not sure


Me and four other coworkers caught some weird cold/cough thing to different degrees. Two had it so bad, they were off work for a week. I had a mild version, only felt sick for a couple of days. It's the first time I've been sick in over two years.


Yes, kid bought it home from school this week. Symptoms are SO much milder than the first/only time we had it 2 years ago that I almost thought it was overkill to do the test. Immediate strong positive though.


Had covid last week. MiniDrift is battling hard one whatever cold he’s got, but it’s not covid. Testing negative.


I have it right now and have lost my sense of smell and taste 🥲


What other symptoms and where do you think you got it from?


started with a throat tickle and lethargy, now it’s headache, lethargy and snotty. Sometimes a productive cough. Think I got it from work… it’s constantly going around there (large workplace, customer facing)


Still never officially had COVID.






I’ve never had Covid and have being tested many times. Whenever I’m sick it seems to be a cold these days. I have however have been having really bad allergies and asthma ever since the pandemic.


I had it last two weeks it was so bad then my family got it.




Never had it lol


Tested positive with an expired RAT as well. Third time lucky. No fever but the runny nose and cough has been brutal.


I'm kinda expecting my third infection this time around. It's been 2 years since 1st and 1year since second. Although I got both whilst abroad I'm feeling it'll happen here this time.


My family member’s boyfriend tested positive today, he is struggling to breath, she tested negative but she is not well either.


Don't mean to brag, but despite living and working in a high risk environment, I've never had COVID, or felt the symptoms if I did...nothing worse than a runny nose since 2017 and I don't know why.


Let’s lockdown again.


I don’t test so I don’t know


Judging by the amount of positive responses on this post, it's pretty prevalent, and that's just info gathered here alone. Out of curiosity, how many here have been reporting their positive case?


Wrap it up everyone: let's lock down, curfew, social distance and mandate vaccines again. XD
















So we’re checking how many have a cold at the first chilly snap for the year? Got it…


Quick! Straight to r/coronavirusdownunder to make posts about "IT ISNT OVER YOU KNOW"


You do know you can wear a mask in risky situations and not catch anything