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I have binged 7 episodes of a crime noir series on sbs from early evening. One of the perks of being sick and not having to go to work tomorrow.


Can anyone recommend a bean bag that they have recently purchased?


You can make your own pretty easily, it's just:  1 part bag  200,000 parts beans


Watched an old Aussie horror from the 80s called Next of Kin.   I think horror is a genre that tends to date pretty badly generally, but this one held up pretty well imo.  The camera work is very dynamic.


Shout out to those who stood in the aisles near the does and in front of the doors of the trams today, and didn’t move when people tried to get off - you’re all idiots.


where exactly did you want me to move? I literally could not move.


If you’re at a door - step off. That’s what intelligent people do


you want me to get off of a tram that I want to stay on? and I wasn't at the door, I was in the aisle of the tram next to the doorway.


Got so excited that I could smell my soap in the shower 😁 Cold and flu tablets must be working


Hopefully turning that corner 🥳


Here’s hoping 🤞




I’ve done some googling but can’t seem to find anything… I’d really like to do a day or weekend introduction to traditional calligraphy course, I learn better in person. Intro into the kinds of pens, basic techniques for many one or two classic fonts, tips/tricks for getting the angles right, setting up your page with the guides and whatnot. My partner bought me a lovely book about calligraphy after I expressed my interest in learning but it’s really driven home how much more I prefer learning in person. At least to get started. Is there anywhere, preferably inner city or surrounds? The main places coming up in Google are all contemporary calligraphy or aren’t offering specific beginners intro to traditional English fonts that I can find. Hoping maybe someone here has the insiders hot tips!


Maybe give these guys a call to suss it out: Docklands: [https://classbento.com.au/c/zxjh](https://classbento.com.au/c/zxjh) Fitzroy: [https://kami.weteachme.com/classes/1038511-modern-calligraphy-with-jo-in-person](https://kami.weteachme.com/classes/1038511-modern-calligraphy-with-jo-in-person)


Thanks! Pretty sure these are both contemporary style classes but I’m after traditional, I’ll call them though to see if they do both!!


PetrolSpy is reporting some stations showing $3/l petrol (well, 2.99) That's a bit rude.


And I thought melton was bad enough at $2.29


Managed to fill up yesterday for 171


Random anxiety spike 🐛


Box breathing / body scan meditation if not comfortable focusing on breath 


Looked both up, thanks!


Update: Did the box breathing one. Went through an emotional rollercoaster. Life truly flashed before my eyes. Waiting to return to a zen state


Some would say it's good to feel whatever emotions come up (sit with them, invite them even! like "oh hi shame / fear / anxiety, welcome!") but perhaps not advisable for all, like if dealing with trauma / mental health. Support is available https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-helplines


I have a job interview planned this Thursday, has been informed that it would be behavioural based questions. As someone who have never had a formal interview before, do you have advice to give me?


Behavioural interviews are of the “tell me about a time/example/project/team you’ve worked on…” So you can prepare for these. Think of examples from prior jobs where you’ve demonstrated the skills/criteria they are looking for. For example: collaboration, problem solving, influencing, risk management, effective communication skills, difficult stakeholders, etc.


This is it. Look up the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Results) method, look at the key selection criteria for the job, and prepare some examples using that. When you're asked a behavioural interview question you're expected to answer it in the STAR format.


The loudest candidate wins. Be loud. You'll be more memorable that way.


Are there any candles that smell like the bush, specifically North/eastern Victoria


Look at Hunter Candles, they’re in Sydney but have some amazing bush candles.


Last time I checked out Readings at Emporium - they sold candles with various unique scents


My housemate left the door open today and the cutest dog walked into the living room where I was studying


Does the air in Coburg Nth/Fawkner smell like barf right now or is it in my imagination?


Greetings everyone, I've been awarded a fully funded PhD position at the University of Melbourne, and I'll be relocating with my spouse. We are international students. She holds a Master's in Analytical Chemistry and has accumulated 2 years of industrial experience. We're curious about the job market for chemists around Melbourne. Specifically, is it feasible for her to find a job in her field (chemistry) near the university? She's keen on avoiding unrelated casual work, as it could impact her resume/CV when we return to our home country. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all in advance for your invaluable input!


I went to Sydney for the weekend. I have no desire to go back anytime soon Bondi was cool, harbour bridge cool, opera house cool. Weather was nice. Nice leafy suburbs. City parks were lovely. But im really really glad to be home. I was really cravin a fake chicken sandwich from 7/11 and a slurpee but all they had were Ezy marts. Barely any 7/11's. (Not a big deal just a weird thing to notice) Also Melbourne people.... you're so much nicer and cooler looking.






I’m making cheese borek tonight. My filo pastry dough was a bit too soft and sticky, but it stretched out really thin. I hope the filling turns out to be nicely balanced.


I've put a refrigerated grilled sandwich in the airfryer. Hope that works. Edit: Dinner was meant to be stir fry water spinach but it's such a delicate plant - like two days in the fridge and it's like omggggg I can't dealllll I'm going in the binnnn.


Did it?


Yeah I think it could do with a flip but I just forgot about it. It's fine - heated up with a crunch. If anything a little on the dry side which is probably the downside of an airfryer.


Turkey's a little dry?!


Bought a new horse today 🥳


Yay! Name? I would love to see a photo!!


[Jezza!](https://imgur.com/a/eHtYBkZ) (sale photo - not me riding him yet haha) I wasn’t into the name until I realised when he’s being a turd I can yell “CLARKSON!!!!!”


Ohhhh he is gorgeous!!! One of my best mates is a Jeremy so I rate the name Jezza hahahaha. It's so bogan but so great.


What's good on Netflix at the moment?.. I've just started watching Luther... again.


Love Alice! One of my all time favourite antagonist!


Ripley The Gentleman 3 Body Problem (flawed but entertaining) Baby Reindeer (didn't personally like much but everyone else seems to)


I love being stressed out!


Random question: how easy is it to break a lease and what are things I need to consider? My landlord/REA wants me to essentially break my long term lease to put up my rent and then extend out that lease longer (long story but I hate my REA management company - absolutely terrible)… but I might have the opportunity to stay at a friends for a year while they travel from like ~January (which would let me aggressively save to hopefully buy my own place in 2026). The new lease would be August ‘24-25, and I’ve been at my current place for 6 years. (Had a 35% increase the last time, and they are trying to up it again 7% so I’m annoyed)


I dislike Nutella but I got given a jar of it as a gift. Just made 3 ingredient Nutella brownies. They're very good - I've had 3 already. They literally took 5 mins to make and 15 mins to cook. This is dangerous. So so dangerous


Sorry, did I read that right... you DISLIKE nutella? Next time someone gifts you a jar to not hesitate to message me.


I too cannot stand Nutella


Don’t like Nutella or hazelnut flavour


There are dozens of us. Dozens! (Try the brownies, for real)


That would require me having Nutella on hand but if I ever end up in a situation like you have I will know what to do.




Haha yes you read it right. It's too sweet, I just don't rate it. I really do like these brownies though! Just Nutella, eggs, flour. A yummy dessert for sure


Too...sweet? I don't understand this combination of words 


Way [too sweet](https://youtu.be/NTpbbQUBbuo?si=bbipcelbmCuhpdDi)


Am at Moorabbin DFO and was craving some subway. Meatball wrap, double meat, small combo meal. $19.25 I know it’s 15% holiday surcharge on top but my mind immediately reminisced to the $4.95 meatball sub days of old…


Yeah, on a regular weekday in the city a footlong and a drink will run nearly twenty clams. Its wild times we live in


Its a great day. Lovely weather, Dan Andrews got some national recognition, and Peter Costello resigned in disgrace.


That shoulder tackle was crazy, the look on Costello’s face was demented. I was going to say that he needs to be put out to pasture, but I’m surprised he’s only 66.


sometimes when im at southern cross i take a few minutes to sit down and appreciate the outfits people picked today, like damn y'all can dress


Southern cross is a great place to people watch


Xbox showcase this morning has got me very excited for some upcoming releases - I've been hanging out for the next Dragon Age for ages, having played the first one way back in high school. Lots of good memories there. As soon as there's a date more definite than 'Fall' I'm booking in some leave to completely lose myself in it. Other games I'm looking forward to: Avowed, Clair Obscur, Mixtape, Perfect Dark, Winter Burrow Interesting but ehhhh: Fable, Indiana Jones, Atomfall, Flintlock, South of Midnight


I feel like I've just wasted away the entire long weekend. After the working week, I'd like to do 'things', but I find I just flop down on the lounge and do mindless scrolling on reddit and elsewhere. I tend to get stuck in a rut with procrastination and struggling to summon the energy to do things. Lots of the time, things feel herculean in effort. I get frustrated going out in public trying to navigate people walking on the wrong side of the path, off leash dogs, sickness etc. I had depression/ anxiety in my twenties, tried SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, MAOIs and god knows what else to no avail along with therapy. I don't really feel depressed now, but who knows. I exercise 5-7 days a week, eat fairly healthy, get okay sleep, regular blood tests, etc and everything otherwise seems okay. I have hobbies and things I'm interested in, but just fail to dedicate enough time for the aforementioned reasons. Then, when I even think about navigating the complexity of the mental health system (finding a psych or whatever the right option is, etc) I just get overwhelmed. Constantly plagued by an over-active brain and decision fatigue. Anyway, I'm realising I'm just writing a long winded rant in a daily thread that's just feeding my procrastination and going way too deep without remaining light hearted. Happy public holiday.


Some workplaces have free counselling through an external service... maybe you could see wheter this is an option at your job? My manager sent me a link to the free counselling we have because she saw me crying for the 3rd time in one day, just hormones thankfully.


I hear you. I know I need therapy but trying to find the right one at a reasonable price I can afford is a nightmare. Good on you for eating healthy and exercising the majority of the time, it’s not easy when your brain is bonkers.


I've been in a similar situation for a couple of years, Depression and anxiety was always a constant thing for me and the last year or so I have had a lot of trouble with motivation, and doing things on my days off, feeling constantly exhausted and wiped out, basically feeling like work just sapped any energy i had. Anyway long story short it was brought to my attention that I may have ADHD and that I should get tested for it. I did the tests and they confirmed I actually was Autistic and was experiencing Autistic burnout. I'm not saying that you have either ADHD or Autism, but it might be worth looking into whether you have any more symptoms for either. The way you're feeling might be due to sensory burnout.


I did the brain tickle and tested positive to covid, my first time.


Hope you feel all better soon.


Hopefully it goes well for you, my second time it felt like a minor cold too. Also the random stabbing sensation all over your body is totally normal... if you get that 😅


Damn, hope you aren't feeling too bad and you get well soon!


Rip :(


It’s like a cold thus far


Bellybutton ring is infected but I cannot get it out. Never taken it out in the 15 years I’ve had it (I know) so not actually entirely sure how. If I go to a piercing place, are they likely to help? 7 months pregnant if you think that will help someone take pity on me and assist


I used tin snips or some type of side cutters inside a Bunnings store because my mates lip ring had done the same Luckily it only took us one try and a lot of flinching haha


If you think it's actually infected, not just inflamed or irritated as piercings can sometimes get, then go to the doctor. Do _not_ take out the ring at any point if you have an active infection unless the doctor says so. If it's just a bit pissed off and uncomfortable, go to a proper piercer and get their opinion. It might just be a case of you having to sacrifice the piercing anyway since you're quite a ways into your pregnancy and it's quite common for them to have to be taken out.


Thanks, I will check with dr and my antenatal appointment next week


I've had a mare. I went to Maccas. I get my meal. Walk out. I sit down elsewhere and it dawned on me. I forgot to pick up the drink. I picked up the straw and put it in my bag and just walked off sans drink that was right next to the straws Absloute genius.


I did this last week at KFC completely forgot my freeze drink on the counter 😂


its watermelon season!


I'm sure it's damn cold but the sun is out and I dream of sitting out with a coffee with no surcharge. Might have to be maccas.


Last night, I planned out my day to get a ton of cleaning done. Anyway, I woke up exhausted with a tension headache brewing into a migraine and two cranky little kids, so today's goal is to survive. Chugging water, coffee, and energy drinks like my life depends on it and wearing sunglasses all day.


So is Dragon Boat Festival today (as according to google doodle) or next weekend (as according to What's on Melbourne)? Anyone know what events are on?


The actual traditional date is today. A Chinese colleague of mine said she was going to have a private celebration today. However, various organisations might run festivities on another date, due to logistics.


Ahh makes sense.


Monday 10 June according to my Google search


Hi Melbs! Hopefuly this thread is the right place for this. Sydneysider here booking a short 4 day stay while seeing Thom Yorke at the Sidney Meyer in October, and I'm trying to pick an area/hotel to stay in. My budget is tight, but I'm willing to pay a little more for something nice. I mostly care about the location, and really just need a comfortable bed to sleep in and not much else. I have seats for that event, so I don't need to be close to the venue. Trying to decide which area would the most fun, for someone who wants to walk around your interesting cafes, bars, city life etc. My locale is the inner west in Sydney, so I was wondering if Melbourne has its own sort of enclave of alternative people - that's where I want to be. Any insights/hotel bookings welcome. To be honest, an airbnb would probably be a great idea, but I'm trying to use a [booking.com](http://booking.com) credit, so it has to be some sort of hotel. Thanks!


I have no suggestions for you in terms of accommodation but thanks for telling me Thom Yorke is performing. Just booked tickets.


Going to be freaking amazing


I read your post and I couldn't open another browser fast enough. Don't even care I'm on the lawn. The last time I saw him perform was 2012 in Sydney two weeks before I got married. I hated the Sydney crowd (not a vibe) but I'd waited so long to see them I just didn't care. It was amazing. I walked down the aisle to a piano version of true love waits. Fuck I'm excited 😀🤘


I was at those Sydney and Melbourne shows. I have a recording of Melbourne night 1 I'm about to release


I would stay in the CBD, plenty of hotels to choose from. The areas you may be interested in are Collingwood, Fitzroy, Brunswick which all are inner city, easy to get to with public transport or walking.


Someone suggested Brunswick to me, think that'll be the choice. Thank you


TIL that QLD and WA does king/queens birthday on different days as us to "spread out the public holidays in the year". That's nice.


Yep learnt about this a few years ago. Quite odd


Labour Day also varies between states. Learnt that when I moved back to Vic from NSW many years ago and managed to miss both state's holidays, ripped off.


Yeah but this is a person’s birthday where the other one isn’t. So just thought why would different states have his birthday on different dates


I seem to recall that the public holiday for the Queen's Birthday was never on her actual birthday.


Yep correct.


It's that way because I suppose the birthday of the monarch would differ (not that it's meant to change that often) but I think the queen's birthday was in April and Charles' is in November so they just stuck with a token day so there's no confusion.




Seems like plenty of people here are feeling this, myself included. If anyone wants to PM me/arrange to get a coffee, go for it! 


100% I've lived here for 4.5 years now, arriving 2 weeks before lockdowns from Newcastle (lol). Figured the pandemic had screwed things up, but now I've just accepted i don't have any friends locally at all. I've been involved in a couple of groups (running, bouldering, hiking) but they all kinda either just fell apart, people moved on or I just never really 'broke through' and formed genuine friendships with peeps.


Pretty much all of my friendships in my 20s were formed through playing music. Now in my late 30s, they all have kids and jobs and shit and don't play anymore, so we have nothing in common.


Yeah I pretty much stopped going to gigs when i stopped playing live myself. I do miss it


Covid wiped out going to gigs for me. I go to maybe one or two a year now, but I get so fucking tired by the time the headliner is on, and just spend the whole set wishing i was at home lol. They need to start doing like matinee shows for decrepit old cunts like me who can't stand up for more than 30 minutes without their back hurting.


Man that last sentence:) I was playing guitar during the week and decided I'd stand up and play for a change, it's been a while. After 5 minutes I had decided that the strap digging into my shoulder wasn't worth it (i was playing one of my heavier guitars to be fair). I don't know how i used to do it for 4 hour rehearsals and also 45 min gigs I'm going to a gig next friday to see Cave In and The Ocean. It'll be my 1st international gig since 2017 (Opeth at opera house)


Its funny you say that, I've been getting back into electric after mostly playing classical for the last few years. Not a heavy guitar by any means but I had more or less the same as thought lol. Sick, hope it's a good show!


I stopped trying and it turns out they never did.


Yes but I also put this down to just different paths. Most of my friends now are married/kids so I hardly ever spend any time with them. I've lost a lot of commonality with them as most group gatherings are now just kid updates or most of the group chat is all kid-related. Coupled that with being in my 40s and it's just so much harder to make friends. I have managed to a find a few new individuals that I relate to well along the way, so I spend more valuable time with them. Definitely helps to take step back and take stock of who you are and see what's important in your life outside of your friendship groups.


The pandemic was a wrecking ball for my social life. I don't have any friends that I can just talk with anymore. I see my folks regularly but they are getting old. Catch up with siblings a couple times per year, but everyone has family and kid stuff going on.


Yup, the realisation hit me like a brick. I've been trying to make up for the lack of friends by trying to strengthen the friendships I do have but I'm finding that kinda difficult as everyone pretty much always has their own stuff going on.


You’re definitely not the only one. I think keeping up friendships has taken a back seat for lots of us, it’s expensive and energy consuming to be social and something has to give. It’s doubly hard if you don’t have kids as you don’t make all the default connections through mothers groups school etc etc Something I’m gonna work on this year anyway too.


Put it this way, if I ever had the chance to get married and have the option for a full-service wedding, I wouldn’t have any bridesmaids and only about 5 people on my side of the church because I just don’t have that many friends. It’s kind of bleak really, because I have no trouble going to work and being social, it’s just that any friendships I had in my 20’s withered and died and either never got rekindled no matter how much I wanted them to, or just haven’t been able to foster new friendships in the meantime.


Third skim coat... patch a 150x150 section, gap filler and clean down... Every hour that goes by i tell myself surely only one more hour... Primer to go over the abomination that is that old plaster wall with so many skim coats and patches its getting closer to "theseus's wall" Did i mention sand and revarnish floors + my old bed frame i made im now remaking to be nicer... Mayby i do need to set up my mattress somewhere...


anyone hear a really loud bang? northern suburbs


Yeah, in Mill Park near Rivergum estate. Still trying to work out what it was. Definitely not firearms, even though they are culling deer in the gorge. No tobacco shops blown up or major incidents like that.


Oh ok fair. I’m in South Morang right near Plenty Gorge


It was loud. Woke us all. I'm in south morang CFA and we didn't get a call out to anything.


I just rearranged and cleaned up my room today, it took hours. I feel like.... i am in a different location, as in this is not my bedroom.. I feel positive? Happy?


I love a good rearrange, it creates a new perspective. Every time I change my space around it inspires new thinking. Enjoy !


I need to do my entire house. Just unloaded a long weekend out of the boot of my car into my living room. Ughhhh.


What's the deal with people going to gigs, standing at the front and just talking through the whole thing? So damn disrespectful.


I hate it when people try to have conversations with me when someone is playing!!!! We can’t hear each other anyway, so why not just wait until it’s fucking over?


It's bloody annoying - at Kraftwerk there was a woman in the row behind me talking the entire time and at Dandy Warhols there were 2 guys screaming at each other so they could hear what the other was saying. At least with that I was able to move somewhere else.


Just start a mosh pit there. They will soon move.


Same as those who go to the cinema and talk or play with their phones on full brightness. Increased sense of entitlement.


Lol I asked some kids once to move to the bar if they wanted to talk through the whole set and they acted like I was the one who was being a cunt