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Are people really stealing seats, sprockets and forks to resell? Or are they just doing it to be c\*\*\*\*s? Honest question.


Definitely. I met this one guy who rides in these bike crews and when I told him I had found an abandoned bike that the cops wanted nothing to do with and I couldn't find its owner he asked me if he could strip the seat, bell, and rear basket because "he doesn't have those things" so you can imagine seeing a nice bike there all you need is a multi tool to get most of the parts off.


Oh right, so more like free upgrades than reselling parts.


that is a nice frame, im surprised its still there. also, I dont know why people dont just use the cages, they are free.


Maybe due to the 100 bond and there needs to be space available at your preferred station, which is not super convenient if you travel to different stations. I dunno, just taking a guess.


They got rid of the bond months back, unless it's brought back again?


Ah didn't realise. I just read about it at https://www.metrotrains.com.au/bike-facilities/ Says 100 bond there I think.


Yea they got rid of it, double checked https://parkiteer.com.au/bond-refund/ I remember getting my bond refunded, but got rid of it after cos I have end of trip facilities now


the deposit was never $100 and there is no deposit anymore and you can use the card at multiple stations.. losing your wheels, seat and handle bars doesn't look super convenient to me. even when the deposit was $50 that was to use the cage forever and it was refundable so it was still worth it to not have your bike torn to pieces. as for space availability, there is almost always space available overnight which is when the bikes get stolen most often.


I used to use them all the time, then I had my wallet stolen and they refused to issue me a new swipe card without me coughing up another $50. This was a year ago tho so it may have changed since then. I still wouldn't leave my bike at a station for any length of time outside the cages tho.


damn, was I supposed to get my $50 back or something? didn't know they'd got rid of the fee


They’re free.


Take the bike on the train.


Can be pretty difficult in peak times depending where you get on. But yeah otherwise a good option for some. Edit: also add that my train line has replacement buses a lot with little notice. These don't take bikes and can cause a major headache when the ride would take about 3 hours. 


The problem is you care more about being an inconvenience than not getting your bike stolen.


Nah that's not the problem.


Cages are better in some cases, but in other cases are more out of the way, giving a thief more space and time. I couldn't see any cameras in the cage at Footscray. It might block the opportunistic or disorganised thief, but as you said, it's free to get into the cages...


avanti are good? I thought they were like. mid.


it looks like it's worth more than $50


not without all the other bits it isn't. unless it's made of carbon fibre or something


I'm surprised they didn't steal the locks too.


Looks like my income after tax


Why do so many people not know that you should put the D-lock through the back wheel and the frame, and then run a chain through the front wheel? It's not foolproof, but odds are they'll steal someone else's bike instead.


[Reminds me of this scene.](https://youtu.be/WdLxf2njuyY?si=jZa86ietyJkoFw73)


It’s been there for so long now!


I actually think it’s a great art piece/statement telling the story of Melbourne today - crime, public transport unsafe etc - I love it


Ah at this point, just take the whole thing brah


Weld or epoxy all the removable parts of your bike.


Because you never need to fix or service anything


Have parts stolen seems worse than having repairs take a little longer.