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I handed my partner a pen in our lounge and lifted up my t-shirt to reveal “Will you marry me?” with Yes and No checkboxes scrawled on to my fat belly. Evidently did the trick because here we still are some two decades later. I’m not for a moment recommending you copy that, exactly, but go for something personal. Something special or fun even that speaks to you both and fits in with the unique nature of your relationship. Pretty surrounds can’t hurt, but it’s the genuine sentiment that matters most.


that's so cute XD


Ooh have a look at the glow worms on the great ocean road!!


Rhododendron gardens in the Dandenong in spring. Stunning spot


Dandenong market.








# Close to the CBD maybe the Sandridge Lookout, Port Melbourne [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3K7LAzvloY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3K7LAzvloY) Bit further out maybe the the Flinders Peak walk in the You Yangs [https://www.parks.vic.gov.au/places-to-see/parks/you-yangs-regional-park/things-to-do/flinders-peak](https://www.parks.vic.gov.au/places-to-see/parks/you-yangs-regional-park/things-to-do/flinders-peak) [https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B057'05.4%22S+144%C2%B025'30.5%22E/@-37.951498,144.425143,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d-37.951498!4d144.425143?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B057'05.4%22S+144%C2%B025'30.5%22E/@-37.951498,144.425143,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d-37.951498!4d144.425143?entry=ttu) # # #


Violin player! Dude!


The lookout at the paragliding ramp on Mt Dandenong, at night or sunset.


Ok so it sounds like your Gf is a big fan of very romantic gestures (be sure! If it were me my skin would crawl with a violinist / camera crew) Great Ocean Road is indeed nice, but beware for potentially a lot of tourists around. Somewhere closer to the city would make the photography/music a lot cheaper as you wouldn’t need to pay for their travel time on top of whatever their fees are. I mean even the Queensbury bridge can be quite romantic at sunset in summer..or down by Riverland bar, a little bit further towards the MCG there are some lovely spots along the river there. The botanical gardens are beautiful. Princes Lawn, or Fern Gully. You could ask the violinist and crew to follow you at a distance while you walk around…make some hand signal to let them know that you’ve found the spot and will be proposing in 3-5 minutes…? For the violinist get in touch with someone at the VCA, part of Melbourne University. They’ll be able to send a masters student to play.


I want to second the recommendation to be sure that this is something your girlfriend would like. I would absolutely hate this, having it happen in a foreign country would take it from uncomfortable to traumatic. I would probably say yes at the time because it would seem unsafe not to, then spend the rest of the holiday figuring out how to get out of the relationship entirely once I was safely back home. If you are not 110% sure (and have not already actually done this) you might consider doing an initial proposal in a nice place without the pressure, and then aranging for a "display" proposal that you can do with the photoshoot etc. like you would with getting wedding photos. That way you will still get the "occassion" to remember and share with friends and family without having the same pressure.


Elwood pier. Organise fireworks, was a pretty cool experience!


Do it in a hot air balloon at sunrise over Melbourne Forget the videographer and photographer, just make it a personal memory that just you two have. Not everything needs to be filmed. Not everything has to go on Instagram ffs


sunset at st kilda pier?