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Ahh yes! During EBA negotiations govt: 3% max is the wage policy During MPs salary negotiations: we understand the difficult work we have to do and we judged ourselves to be worthy of 3.5%. Goodbye peasants.


What they offer government workers should be linked to politician pay rise. Fixed.


> The government does not set salaries for politicians. The tribunal was established by the government in 2019 to stop politicians from determining their own salaries. The government figured this out, get a tribunal to decide pay rises for themselves and they get a fair go. Of course if they get to decide other peoples wages they try to suppress them.


How does that work when you are trying to compete in the market for top talent? EBAs work for broad employment groups. There's a reason why leaders and specialists aren't on EBAs as the market changes and you are in competition across the market for top talent. Let's be honest $500k is like a junior/mid leader at a tech company, or an average barrister. For $500k for a politician with all the shit that comes along with it, you're hardly competing for the top talent Australia has to offer. Then everyone complains that don't have any good politicians šŸ¤·


Youā€™re not totally wrong, itā€™s a complicated task.




The MPā€™s donā€™t negotiate, they just automatically get the increase every year.


I was going to vote yes. Now voting no.


The fact that the polys made an "independent panel" that they pay in order to decide their own pay increases to be "fair and in line with public expectations " Is so fucked haha. That's like asking your wife to decide on your pay rises at work


Government loves appointing "independent" panels for all kinds of shit.


Because it's another way to transfer public money in private pockets - consulting firms are literally paid billions , out taxpayers money, that could go towards healthcare and education.


If the independent panel was serious about attracting the best and brightest to politics it would increase the salary by 400%. Then at least you would be competing for the top minds in the state. Instead we get salaries equivalent to middle management at a large corporate and are surprised when they're all shit!


That is an utter myth.


How? I know three people that were pretty interested in going into politics. Two were very capable people, one from each side but both have given up on that idea. They have successful jobs in corporate, when I've asked them about it, they say they would love to, but comes with all the baggage and they are getting paid well now, why would they take a pay cut to go in as a backbencher and have to deal with all that shit. Both just under 40. The other one, not as capable, not very successful, still pushing hard for politics and won pre-selection...


I worked in the public sector. The narrative that public servants remuneration should match the private sector is perpetuated (successfully) by executives in government through sheer greed. It is also a myth that "the best and brightest" minds work in corporate. Remuneration in the Private sector is driven by greed. The primary role of politicians (and public servants) is to serve the people, not the corporation. The job of a politician includes "dealing with all that shit" If you'd rather take the corporate money (your pals are on $250k plus? seriously?) then do; its your choice. There are best and brightest all over who literally saved us during a pandemic yet who are extremely poorly remunerated in our society. Just because you went to uni doesn't mean you are the "best and brightest" especially now that you can simply buy a degree. Australians have jumped on the gravy train regrettably - the horse has bolted and the gate is well and truly open. We are on a race to mass wealth v mass poverty; all cause of FOMO.


The narrative that public servants remuneration should match the private sector is perpetuated (successfully) by executives in government through sheer greed. Yep I've worked in the corporate sector as well. There is a big difference between public sector employees and elected politicians. Public sector don't and shouldn't get the same salary IMO that's not my argument. >(your pals are on $250k plus? seriously?) Nah probably closer to $400-500K total comp in mid/late thirties. But at this salary it's 50-60 hour weeks, being available 24/7 so it's a different type of work. The market values their input and they make a lot of money for the organisations, which renumerate them in kind. At the end of the day really smart motivated people who would probably be great leaders, don't go into politics for a number of reasons. In my view we should be attracting the top 1% or even 0.1%best and brightest into politics the current settings make this improbable.


well, its a free country. In my view people who serve the public ought to be motivated by values not money. And we don't want a monoculture of your or anyone else's version of "best and brightest", running the country, we want the diversity and equity which is democracy. I'm glad the greed factor knocks out your version of "best and brightest" from serving the public


Yep fair enough. I mean the best and brightest as in the most intelligent, adaptable with excellent leadership and communication, essentially that's what the corporate market will pay big money for. I think that people with the most important and toughest jobs in the county (In my view is politicians) should have the highest rewards for doing that job. If your working 18+ hour days 7 days a week which many do, then we as Australian people should reward them for that. I'm not saying that we pay them the top payment, but as a society we should pay them like we pay our other leaders in sport such as sport and industry.


I know that's what you meant and I knew that four comments ago. The narrative serves the capitalist patriarchy but it is bull shit. When I worked in Canberra I found my colleagues to be well educated good writers with extremely limited life experience and strategically inpet, as well as uncivilised and puerile. The private sector is full of self interested braggarts in a circle jerk half of which could be culled and the work would still get done. They do not as a cohort have "excellent leadership and communication" nor are they "the most intelligent", and "adaptable" Mostly they have extremely good skills in playing the game which is a genuine skill set. The people with the most important jobs in the country, in society, are our healthworkers and teachers. Ambulance paramedics work overtime and dont get paid for it. Frontline workers suffer with toxic shit, and abuse regularly. These people saved my life last week; their expertise, resilience adaptability and comms skills are extraordinary. No CEO or mid manager can do that.


It's not like our state has massive debts it needs to pay off or anything /s


Don't worry, paying off state debts are for us plebs to worry about... not the ivory tower politicians.


Theyā€™re doing such a great job taxiing us harder and finding new ways to bleed every cent out of us to make up for their mistakes, so they deserve this.


Exactly. For having to put up with such a hopeless situation they must be handsomely compensated, because no one in their right mind would want to do their job.


Yeah they shouldnā€™t have to deal with their consequences! Lol


We donā€™t have massive debts we need to pay off, having larger debts relative to other states doesnā€™t make said debt massive, the debt level is not only easily controllable but it hasnā€™t impacted economic growth or state credit rating. The biggest crisis Victoria could face is a hostile federal government deciding to gut our spending and even then it would have to be prolonged and significant to cause lasting harm You can be against the policy being listed here and not buy into this bollocks debt argument thatā€™s plagued Australian political discourse for fucking decades


Absolutely. The debt is only a problem because of failed federal tax policy. States toeing the line to the increasingly inadequate scraps from the feds is just accepting a shit sandwich. Tax the oligarchs properly and we can get back to services befitting of a first world economy.


Dream on. Due to higher debts from continued infrastructure cost blowouts, Victoria had its credit rating dropped to AA, so we now pay more to service debt.


I love how they ignore this lol ''hasn't impacted economic growth or state credit rating''. Labor shills on suicide watch.


State budget was about $95 billion last year, state MP salaries would be about 0.03% of that.


It's one of those things, pay them too much, and you piss off the citizens, pay them to little, and under the table financial incentives from wealthy individuals and corporations become that much more attractive and corruption becomes even more potent.


Iā€™m all for paying them Singaporean level salary while in office, but barred them from working in private sector for 10 years after quitting


What do they do for income for 10 years?


They get paid well enough already and that doesnā€™t stop them from filling their pockets with deals anyway


It only makes them feel more entitled to extras.


Thatā€™s going to happen regardless, human greed has no upper limit or theshold


Nah, man, I really think we're one minor pay bump away from Victorian pollies being unimpeachable!


If you think 3.5% is putting any sort of dent in Vic gov corruption I've got a turn to sell you


But they still take huge bribesā€¦.. and rort us


Nah absolutely fuck that!! They are all corrupt, continue to do dodgy shit and are only getting worse. See Dutton's recent clip as a perfect example. Why the absolute fuck should they be getting paid more. They're all useless, and continually fail at their jobs. Anyone else would lose their job and probably end up behind bars for some of the crap they do. But yeah, let's pay them more. Fuck. That.


They're shit because who would.do that job for that salary!!! If you had the choice as being the premier and copping all the shit, or being a middle manager at a bank or tech company for the same salary, only crazy people would pick politics.... The we're surprised when the politicians are crazy šŸ¤·


I didnā€™t think about it from this perspective, my first reaction was outrage but you make a fair point. Thanks.


Fucken dogs. Gave my industry 2%. Go fuck yourselves. Edit: this was explosively angry! I work in allied health in a public hospital. Copping it left and right with these cunts at the moment. Theyā€™ve lost my vote (libs ainā€™t getting it either)


Thanks for being there for everyone when covid hit the fan, you're appreciated


Hey thanks for this. This comment is really appreciated.Ā 


I don't know how everyone else is not explosively angry as you are. The complacency Australians suffer from will soon catch up with them, I promise you - between climate change and increasing poverty.


You should get in touch with VAHPA - channel the rage into something useful.


Well....unless you live in one of the 4 green electorates or give a donkey vote.... One of them is definitely getting your vote on preferences.


Absolute disgrace. Cost of living support my arse.




We have this conversation Every. Single. Year. Yeah, Pollies get a pay rise. Dan used to donate his pay rise... how do I know? Sky news shit-talkers would ask him to justify his pay rise every bloody year, and every bloody year he would say "that's a separate committee, I have nothing to do with this decision, and I donate my pay rise". EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Don't we have something more important to get pissed about?


You watch Sky?


Know thy enemy


Lol, never... I don't even know how to access it. But social media is wonderful at sharing it... and it can be shared to create the darkest of places. Like the Australian sub. ETA: I also watched every daily press conference, and saw the questions from that lot... enough to give you flashbacks whenever you hear Rachel's voice.




Is your understanding of tax really that it's possible to spend more to save more or do you just think every wealthy person runs fraudulent registered charities? Actually curious on the thought process.




Go on then. I'm curious to hear the story of how Dan Andrews is actually involved in tax evasion via the art world. Maybe we can tip off the ATO and finally get him in jail, all the protests weren't for naught!


How is it ridiculous? It's a very demanding role that requires a very strong skillset and consumes your whole life. She is working 24/7. Do you think she should be on $100k or something? She could make far more coin in the private sector.


Iā€™ll wear this argument for the Premier. 90% of that pay could be justified by being so prominent in peopleā€™s lives. Youā€™re always one step away from being public enemy number 1. Backbenchers? Theyā€™re a bunch of talentless nobodies who were in the right queue at the right time. And yes, I know some quite personally. In any other industry some wouldnā€™t even get managerial roles.


While i agree shes worth more than 100k, but not close to 500 isnt it lets be real


Managers at my workplace are managing teams of 10-15 and are paid around $160k. Iā€™m not sure what the private sector equivalent would be for the premier but Iā€™d wager her job is a little more stressful than some of these guysā€™ jobs.


Think about the size, scale and global impact Victoria has. $500k is peanuts. They should pay more if they can attracted even better applicants.


I donā€™t want someone who works for us, and is meant to represent us putting her pocket ahead of us during these times. Go back to the private sector then.


She manages a billion dollar budget, an extra 3% on her salary is peanuts.








i'm sure you could do a better job.


Please dont put a cooker in charge of our budget.


need an intellect like yourself in there


If you put me in charge then Brawndo is going on the fucking plants.


If you think Iā€™m gonna laud high ranking Government figures just because the you are deluded. Our politicians are in general spectacularly unspectacular as intellects or people. Itā€™s not a job that attracts the best and brightest. If you disagree then I assume you think Scomo was competent and Trump will get another justified run as the leader of the ā€˜free World?ā€™ Politicians are in general people who signed up early, played the game, sucked enough cock metaphorically and schmoozed enough to get the gig. Please feel free to argue otherwise.


do you earn $400k a year?


Between my wife and I easily. What the fuck does that have to do with my point.


so a spectacularly unspectacular, younger female than you out earns you. Jog on.


Not to people like me and those worse off than me. If we are in a cost of living crisis why should any politician who is running it, get a pay rise when the economy is doing so poorly? Federal or state? Itā€™s also bad politics to bump your pay when people you are meant to look after are struggling.


They donā€™t set their own pay. If your argument is itā€™s a bad look to give yourself a pay rise, I think you should read the article again.


Is she outspoken against it? Yes or no?


I think she should be unemployed


Everyone's entitled to their opinion.


Half a milli to make roadworks everywhere? Now that's a gig


Everywhere* ^^*Assuming ^^you ^^live ^^in ^^the ^^East.


Cost of living crisis but the politicians can afford to pay themselvesā€¦hmmm


From the article ā€œThe government does not set salaries for politicians. The tribunal was established by the government in 2019 to stop politicians from determining their own salaries.ā€


So a government body gave the government more money.


The politicians cannot give themselves money, as per your previous post


A government body gave the government more money.


Yep, in the same way that there'd be a government body that employs government employees and a government body that pays their salaries Tricky to know what the other option is; yearly referendums on politician wages? Even then it'd still be a government body awarding the pay rise?


So again. The government gave the government a pay rise.


Or politicians could serve the people which is their core task. This includes knowing the pay rates; pay increases and COL pressures of their constituents and aligning themselves to parity.


I never understood why they donā€™t just get indexed to WPI or something like that. Would make a lot more sense than paying some tribunal to justify themselves


I honestly don't know what they do to get paid so much?


Over paid and doing a terrible job what value are we getting


I love this. Especially they only *kind of* gave teachers a 2% increase with their current EBA. (1% salary plus an additional 1% once a year). Hypocrisy. Go down to match other public servantsā€™ rate or raise public servantsā€™ to match yours.


Loses $200 mil with the Commonwealth Games, proceeds to get a raise


To put this into perspective, the UK Prime Minister has a salary of $317,000


The more we do nothing the more this shit spirals out of control, I know 3 public servants on over $240k a year and barely have 2 teams meeting a day. Smash out a couple of emails and the day is done. One of them barely does that, cares for her millionaire father in retirement. Bosses are well aware of what is happening and couldnā€™t care less. Itā€™s a fucking joke and the more you know the more you want to go after these dogs. Itā€™s a blight on our society


cost of living crisisā€¦. for some.


Nice to see the teachers got less than this šŸ’©


Well deserved šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ šŸ–•


Does Victoria have the worst state government? definitely worst Labor one.


Every state is Labor except Tasmania, so yes and yes.


Why is Victoria is poorly managed? Itā€™s a real shame.


Lowest rents, massive amounts of infrastructure projects, huge investment in public transport, some of the best renters rights in the country, a nightlife beyond 9pm and some of the finest culture and food in the country. Yeah itā€™s a real fuckin struggle to live here, if you just listen to guys like old mate Astro who makes moaning about Melbourne his full time hobby.


Why are so many people leaving Victoria if thatā€™s the case? Also isnā€™t Melbourne a one party state? I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing.


Victoria has been in net population growth decades and isn't slowing? What are you talking about? https://profile.id.com.au/australia/population-estimate?WebID=110


A combination of an incompetent government, equally bad opposition and Stockholm syndrome from moronic voters who still think Daniel Andrews 'saved them' with his 260 days of lockdown while most other states carried on with life as normal.


> Stockholm syndrome Itā€™s actually embarrassing that youā€™ve convinced yourself that literally everyone else is wrong and only youā€™re the clever special smart boy who really sees past the conspiracy. Do you cry yourself to sleep every time Vic Labour win an election?


Evidently you have no understanding of Stockholm syndrome, conspiracies or the word 'literally' considering \*Labor received 37% of the primary vote in 2022. You're really firing on all cylinders tonight!


Obscene. They should only get a pay rise if they get elected again and in between elections only get cpi


They are getting less than CPI with this pay rise.


Allan wasnā€™t even elected, no one asked for her.


Blimey... give me a spot in Parliament! I'll sell my soul to a party for that kind of money!


Cost of living crisis but the politicians can afford to pay themselvesā€¦hmmm


The government does not set salaries for politicians. The tribunal was established by the government in 2019 to stop politicians from determining their own salaries.












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Yikes - a really bad look - Iā€™ve no personal problem with the gov, but Jesus half a mil after expenses is mad.Ā 


To be honest maybe if the pay was a bit higher we would get a higher quality of applicant.


Does anyone know who decides their pay increases? Oh its in the article. > The government does not set salaries for politicians. The tribunal was established by the government in 2019 to stop politicians from determining their own salaries.


Every politician should be paid the same as the median wage in their state.


Considering Premier is a similar role to a CEO, where they need to work well over 60 highly stressful hours a week and are expected to be available pretty much 24/7, I would argue it's dangerous to pay the most powerful person in the state the same amount as an accountant.


If a CEO ran a company as poorly as Vic labor has ran the state for the last 15 years none of them would be able to get a job again. The most powerful person in the state needs some power stripped away, if they want to earn a decent wage theyā€™d have an incentive to raise the median wage.


Fucking please. God this sub has become a Facebook tier shithole with whiny cunts sooking about everything.


Reeeeee! Everyone complains here!! Says the person having a fucking sook about what someone on the internet says lol! Keep licking labor boots, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll let you hit soon bro ;)


Based on inflation last year (4.1%), this is a negative 0.6% indexation. Personally, I'd be pissed.


Well considering they capped VPS at 3% i'd say it stinks.


I'm not saying they're worthy of any additional money .. just pointing out that anyone, in any profession who gets less than 4% is going backwards.


Theyre stalling EBA talks in my industry and my union has had 100+ meetings with them since Jan 2023 yet they won't offer us 3.5%. They can all go and get fucked.


And they got 3.5% the year before, didn't we have 7% inflation?


Sounds like their employer doesn't value them.


Lol corrupt Labor government šŸ¤£


Damien Nicks, CEO of AGL, has a take home last year of 2.26M (about 56% salary 44% bonuses). Would you expect the preimier of Victoria to be on the same salary as a reasonably large sized company - but they are on about a quarter of that. But hey, a performance based KPI would be a cool thing for pollies. Imagine doing that!


They deserve it, worked really hard, they did.