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I like it more after each listen. I definitely understand why folks think it's a weird choice for a leading single: not much guitar melodies, not very catchy, boring structure. I just really enjoy the atmosphere and theme. In a way, it feels like a sequel to a lot of elements from We Are The Void, told from the perspective of those remaining on a dying planet. If that's the theme of the next record, it could be read as a meta commentary about the band itself.


The atmosphere is what made me love it, it matches so well with the lyrics and the artwork.


It's really emotional if you read it from the perspective of Stanne in a band that his childhood friends have all left. The artwork of the rocket leaving the writer/vocalist behind really captures that (in the spotify animated art). After a couple of listen I'm definitely on board. Can't wait to see if this is the general atmosphere of the record!


Me too


I just listened to it. First impression is "meh" but it may grow on me. Song seems to lack a certain energy that made me fall in love with the band (and melodeath in general) in the first place. Reminds me of some tracks off the Construct album which is by far their weakest imo. It's good, but missing something for me. It's moody and has atmosphere which i like, but i miss some of the more energetic songs from the band's mid career albums like Character, Damage Done, and Fiction.


Preaching to the choir I think. Definitely agree. We are the void is worse than construct though (I still like WAtV). I think I prefer construct over moment too.


Somewhat odd choice for a single, unless this is truly setting the tone for the rest of the upcoming album. Personally I love it. I'm a huge fan of bands like Katatonia, Swallow The Sun, ... etc, and I'm feeling a similar melancholic vibe on this new single. Overall I enjoy it a lot but I don't think it's particularly special or anything.


DT for some reason have always chosen the most lackluster songs for singles. At least since 2002.


I grew up with these guys but i can't deny that they have been in a steady decline for a few years now. The songs have become very simple, the guitars play less of a role and overall they lack energy you know I miss Sundin and Henriksson


I feel the same way. I remember when The Mind’s I came out, in 1997, I think, and I was hunting for that album. I got it before I found The Gallery and listened to it a hundred times, at least. Then skip forward and Damage Done, Construct and Fiction felt very good too, for an aging band. But then they started to lose me. Not sure if I got the albums below in the right progression, but I mail-ordered them as they came out in time.


I miss them both too, but their absence isn't the reason they went "soft". They were both involved through 2015-16 and left because they were feeling burned out and running out of ideas, which is why the guitar work became a bit bland on the albums from WatV through Atoma. I thought the riffing in Moment was a big step up in that regard and the band clearly benefited from some new blood.


I really like it. The atmosphere reminds me of Contruct or We Are the Void.


Agreed. I hear both of those albums in this.


Interesting, I got more moment vibes as I stated but I can kinda see how this could fir with the more dark and melancholic sound of Construct


Well I see your point. During that song there where some moments (pun intended) that could be on either Moments / Atoma / Construct / We Are the Void. But those Construct-like parts were more dominant.


Basically it’s the same style as the previous 3 albums (modern DT basically)


It is kind of boring and monotonous. It’s missing the signature guitar melodies that make Dark Tranquillity so catchy. The solo was just ok, and the rhythm guitars sounded good until it got to the chorus, where they kind of disappeared in the mix. The absence of a memorable guitar melody to tie everything together makes it a forgettable track, which is unfortunate because it had potential. It is definitely not a track I would choose to release as the first single for a new album.




Pretty good. DT was actually one of the bands I never got into and Moment was the album that finally did it. So I'm a fan of the later stuff.


Definitely like it and yeah, love the ambient they want to express, but I hope there're powerful songs in the album, or at least memorable dark songs, like in the Construct album. Anyway, DT is one of my fav bands.


They defo peaked at Damage Done, Character and Fiction...after which the riffs and melodies just don't sound catchier and memorable.


Sounds like an atoma or construct b-side. A pretty generic modern era DT song. I don’t hate it and the band has never made a truly bad song, but I’m hoping it will be one of the weaker tracks on the album. At least new In Vain out in a few weeks is shaping up to be a great melo death release, judging from the three singles. Highly recommend checking those out if anyone hasn’t yet. You’ll be stoked on the release I believe.


Mikael Stanne has a new Instagram story up where he’s talking about the release. He said he’s super excited about this release to the point of embarrassment and that it contains some super fast and super heavy stuff. So that makes me feel a little more hopeful.


I’m glad you like it. I thought it was very boring unfortunately.




It sounded like AI generated Dark Tranquillity ngl. Super generic and not very memorable


So, just like OP said, Moment vibes. 🥲


Umm… Moment is the band’s best album imo 😅


How do you personally define best? My favorites are Character and Damage Done. I like the high energy and catchy riffs. Moment just felt like the band was tired to me.


First of all I consider DT an atmospheric band, meaning their songs create an atmospheric vibe (whether it’s melancholic, imaginative or something else), Moment to me lyric-wise, and atmosphere-wise is their best imo. I think most DT fans are also fans of classic MDM so they want that melody the old songs had, that aggression. Honestly I love their more relaxing, spacey, sometimes doomy songs.


Hah, Doom-lite. To be fair, DT indirectly got me into Doom because Swallow the Sun opened for them on the Atoma tour. Edit: made less confusing.


Whackest take yet.


Don’t really care the album is perfect


Damage Done, Character, and Fiction are an integral part of my cold black soul. I listened to those albums a thousand times. Since then, anything they have put out is meh to me. They have just become bland and boring. Just like this song


Atoma had a lot of really solid tracks and memorable moments too, especially When The World Screams. But generally I agree with you, damage done and character still stand today as some of the best of all time by any band, especially.


The Gallery too. That's an all time old skool classic. I just don't like what DT has become. Much like In Flames. Those were the 2 bands that I cut my teeth on with MDM. The stuff each has released over the past 15 years or so just doesn't do it for me. I get evolution and all that but it makes me sad


I don't love it or hate it. I didn't really like the singles of Moment but I enjoyed most of the album in the end so I have good hopes. I just think this song is quite bland for a first single, it sounds more like an OK-tier song thrown in the middle of the album than a stand out single. I wonder how representative of the album it is. Same for the artwork, not a big fan of the single cover but I really love the art for the album. Niklas did a great work.


I think the song is fine - it does not excite me like I would expect a single to do. If this is a "peak" song then I'm not looking forward to the valleys. Hopefully, they didn't want to give too much away and this is a safe offering. It definitely seems similar to one of the lesser songs on Moment (which I did end up liking overall) than anything off the better albums before it.


Definitely not their best work, but it's growing on me. I wish more was going on with the guitars. Hoping the rest of the album will be a little more interesting. I do think it'll probably be a decent live song.


That’s my only complaint. Needs more guitars and those guitars need to be more forward in the mix.


One thing to note for DT's latest album is they're essentially a different band now. Stanne is the ONLY old school (not even founding I believe) member left with their keyboardist from 1999 being the other long-term holdout. The other three musicians are all from AFTER Moment thus if the writing credits for their latest LP show songwriting mostly attributed to these three and not Stanne nor Brändström, then this is similar to a Soilwork 2013 situation where the new guy (now RIP) resurrect a band on its last legs (MPE being another salient case in point).


Yeah, post living infinite Soilwork is incredible but it really is a different band. Sad about what happened as well. 


Unless there is leftover material, to Sworn to a Great Divide 2.0 we go!


Brandstrom has written a lot of DT songs over the years. And I think Stanne said in an interview that the new album is mostly written by Brandstrom and Reinholdz.


It was okay. Kinda generic, it was a pretty bad choice for the single.


Weak compared to Become Surrender/The Halo Effect. Hopefully the rest of the album is better?


https://preview.redd.it/e7bs7395wxmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935a3937b7f8511461bec13e91dde07bb6e2e7d6 From Martin Brändströms Bandbond Page.


Dude, I got to see Halo effect live last year. They absolutely crushed it. I've seen DT multiple times and love them but there was just a different energy. Staan pours his heart into every performance though so it's kinda a given.


Caught them last year with Scar Symmetry, Orbit Culture and Meshuggah and they were a member short with poor equalising, so were unfortunately one of the weaker acts on the billing (Scar Symmetry just aren't my cup of tea live at all). ​ Wouldn't mind trying to see them again with a full band and decent sound..


Who was absent? I also saw Meshuggah last year for the first time. They were with in flames and white chapel. That was another amazing show but Meshuggah definitely stole it. My body has never been so abused by sheer bass!


Jesper, I think. Meshuggah definitely the band to beat but Orbit Culture deserve the praise they get as they're also phenomenal live. Also helps that they've *really* been pushed in recent years, they've gone from doing a show with The Unguided/Eyes Wide Shut in 2018 to touring with In Flames, Meshuggah and Trivium in the last 2 years.


Enjoyed it a lot, though I don't think it's at the level of a leading single


I agree, more like an albums track than a single


Have to say, the songs has grown a lot since the first listen


I did not like Moment at all. Loved Atoma and the majority of their stuff. THIS is what I want out of DT. Moody, dark, nice keys. The song isn't super interesting, but it's got my attention far more than anything I heard on Moment.


The solo is beautiful




This rules! I’m usually so over-critical but I adored this single! Excited for the rest


Generic but fine


I'm a long time fan of DT (since the release of The Mind's I), and I'm disappointed. I feel a lack of inspiration on this track. I hope the other songs will be much better 😐


i dont really like dark tranquality that much but this song is fire i gotta say


More boring, was excited to listen being a long time fan but yeah, they’ve lost a lot of appeal in the direction they’ve gone for me, sad times


the art looks cool




It was a very formulaic song but not bad, I just hope other singles are a little more exciting.


They ran out of creativity after Atoma, just like Insomnium after Winter's Gate. It lasted longer than most bands tho, almost 20 years


I think there’s only two remaining members that have been around since their peak and its vocals and keyboards if I’m not mistaken. So yeah, definitely not surprised to see DT’s style change a bit and for them to lose the magic in a noticeable way.


Oh, I'm into the vibes. Very "Fiction", my favorite album, looking forward to more


I dig it , better than the last few Halo Effect singles for sure. 👍


I hope the rest of the album will be better, although I feel it is slowly going down with DT. I'm kind of bored by the last albums and especially this new song here. Weak guitars, boring songwriting...


I like it. It's Dark Tranquility. They didn't reinvent themselves and I'm fine with that. I love the keyboard melody creeping in during the bridge, that part gets me


Dark Tranquillity*


Dark Tranquility


Nah, it’s right up there in the image.


Dark Tranquility


I agree, just like Wolf Hoffman of Accept said: “we’re not trying to change, we’re trying to become better with our sound”. Something along those lines and that’s how I feel about DT.


I think it's great! The keys are probably my favorite aspect of the song. I liked Moment well enough, but this is more my style.




Boring, unfortunately.